He kept walking. His feet felt like they were going to pop off, but he had no other choice. Keep moving. Just keep on moving. No matter how … morefucking tiresome that was in his mind. He had recently shaved his red beard, and his hair was cut short. He had cleaned himself up after splitting up with Manny. It had been about nine days since he split up with Manny. He wondered if Manny had ever found the group. He regretted his behavior, after losing Beth, he lost it. He wanted to find him again and apologize. He couldn't find them. Daniel looked at his map, and pointed his finger to a town named 'Jamestown'
Creative Daniel muttered, rolling his eyes. He didn't have any more duct tape around his sleeves and jeans. He had to find a store that had duct tape. He still had the same clothing he had the night Beth died. He could still kind of see her blood on his black hoodie. He tried not to think about that. He walked down the train tracks and noticed… [view original content]
Okay so these characters will most definitely appear in Episode 5.
-Adam Stark
-Nero Zedlum
-Lee Everett
As for the rest, you'll have to find out.
Daniel zipped open his backpack, putting his hand through it looking through for medicine. He had painkillers, he grabbed them and tossed it to Kerry.
"Take me to her.." Daniel said. Kerry nodded as he took off, Daniel following him. Daniel could only hear the screams from the woman. They had reached the three other people, he had met at the cabin. Clara was laying on the ground, screaming as Mimi yelled at her to push.
"Looks like we got ourselves some meds! This guy here gave me some." Kerry smiled, as he popped open the bottle of pills.
"Here, Clara. You're gonna be fine." Kerry smiled as he gave the pills to Clara. She screamed again as Mimi yelled at her once again for her to push.
"Thank you, thank you so much." Elias sighed in relief. Suddenly, the screaming stopped. Her head had fallen back on the dirt ground. Her eyes were still open, Was she...?
"No..." Kerry gasped. Mimi gasped as they waited in silence to see if she would wake back up.
"Oh my god. No." Elias gasped.
"MOTHERFUCKER! WHAT WAS IN THOSE PILLS!?" Kerry yelled, pulling out his pistol, cocking it and pointed it at Daniel's head.
"They were painkillers! I didn't kill her!" Daniel exclaimed.
"YES YOU FUCKING DID! SHE JUST HAPPENED TO DIE AS SOON AS SHE TAKES THEM!?! YOU FUCKING MOTHERFUCKING PIECE OF...." Kerry was interrupted as raspy breathing was heard. Clara was turning. Mimi grabbed her survival knife and stuck the knife into her skull.
"NO!" Kerry sobbed as he fell down to his knees, and dropped the gun and hid his face with his hands.
"Jesus..." Daniel groaned as he saw the blood spilling from her forehead.
"It had to be done, I'm sorry, Kerry." Mimi replied, sincerely.
"Damn it." Elias sighed.
"Oh shit, walkers are coming!" Mimi announced as she saw tons of walkers heading there way.
"Holy shit! There's tons of them!" Elias said as he grabbed his shotgun. Mimi had her survival knife ready.
"You aren't coming with us! Go your own way!" Mimi pointing to Daniel. Daniel nodded and looked around to see where he would go. Mimi and Elias seemed to ignore Kerry and just ran away. Kerry still was kneeling onto the ground.
"Hey, man! C'mon, move!" Daniel yelled. Kerry didn't move. Walkers began to grab him. Daniel had just realized that Mimi had taken his survival knife. He had no weapon. Fuck The walkers grabbed his neck, pushing him down to the ground. They bit open his neck, and soon all the walkers started chomping on him.
"Goddamn it!" Daniel winced. He had only one choice. Run He ran off into the woods, trying to avoid every walker he saw. He assumed that Clara's screaming had drawn them towards them. He didn't understand how Clara had died. As soon as he gave her the pills, she had died. Did he really cause her death? Good thing he never needed to try the painkillers. He felt cruel saying that, as if he wanted someone else to test it out. He got it from a damn crazy asshole that had attacked him, so who even knew? Maybe Clara's death was his fault. He couldn't help himself but to not even care. And that made him angry at himself. He kept running until he reached a truck. It was a black truck, which Daniel had guessed was a 2003 Ford Truck. He got inside it, which was surprisingly unlocked. He entered the driver's seat, and saw the keys were on the dashboard.
"C'mon baby, work." Daniel sighed.
"What the hell are you doin' in my truck, kid?" A voice said from behind him. He looked back to see an African-American looking at him. He had a white 'Brooklyn Dodgers' baseball cap, and he had a small grey beard with a bald head, or so he thought since he didn't see any hair under the hat. He was wearing a black jacket, with a white t-shirt underneath, he also wore blue jeans.
"I - Uh, I thought it was empty." Daniel said, looking back to the man.
"Well it ain't, so get the fuck out." The black man replied, harshly.
"Alright. Fine. I just want to get to Savannah, it's where my friends were headed. Could you give me a ride?" Daniel asked.
"Savannah, huh? Tell you what. If you tell me your name, who your friends are, then I'll give you a ride. I also got to ask you a question." The black man said.
"And what's your question?" Daniel asked. The man moved his hand through the seats, he seemed to be looking for something. Daniel heard a paper crumble, assuming he had found what he needed, he turned on his car light, so he could fully see the man. He held the paper up to Daniel's face, and he couldn't believe what he saw.
"Have you seen this man? If you have, you tell me right now. He's very dangerous. He was a Serial Killer before all this happened. My name is John Duke. This man needs to be put down. If you've seen this man, tell me right now." Duke said, explaining. Daniel looked at the man in the photo. It was... Adam.
Adam Stark
He looked into her eyes, and they both leaned in for a kiss. Her lips joined against his, and they kissed for a few seconds. Adam grabbed her hair to pull her closer, but Ava pushed him back.
"Woah." Ava said, awkwardly.
"Shit. Sorry." Adam apologized.
"It's fine, uh. It happens, right?" Ava replied, scratching her head. Adam shrugged and laughed. Ava laughed as well. He had just kissed her after she dropped a fucking bottle. Really? Adam's kissed a girl before, but not over a broken beer bottle. Jesus. Maybe he had too much to drink.
"I guess? Here, let's clean this up." Adam said as he picked up a few of the glass pieces. He couldn't think of anything else but her. They had barely knew each other, but he felt so attached to her. Damn it. Why didn't it go on for a few more minutes? Adam thought desperately. They were picking up the glass pieces in complete silence, they didn't say a word to each other. Suddenly they both looked up to each other, and the two of them grabbed each other, and started to make out.
What the fuck is going on... Adam thought in his mind as the two of them were making out. They fell to the ground, Ava laughing and Adam did too.
This is too fucking soon... Adam thought. He didn't care, however. Ava started to take off his shirt, and she kissed his neck. Adam felt great with her, it was too fucking sudden, however. He didn't even care, though. This actually meant something to him. Ava moaned as Adam switched and he was now on top. The two of them felt great as they proceeded to make love.
When I first saw her I choked her, and now I'm having sex with her? What the fuck? Adam thought.
Back at the train
Nero sighed in boredom as he leaned against the train. He thought about just walking in there and telling them to hurry up.
"Yo... Can we hurry the fuck up? Jesus." Nero sighed as he started clicking his tongue. Where the hell were Adam and Ava? It's about five or six AM, and they still hadn't came back yet. That hardware store that him and Adam had found wasn't a long trip. Well, he didn't exactly know that, but he just was bored out of his mind. Lee came out of the train, and crossed his arms.
"Is that asshole done yet?" Nero questioned.
"That asshole is the only hope we have of controlling this train, and the boat once we get one." Lee replied.
"Please. It's a motherfucking lever. You don't need to go to train school to learn that. And why are you so set on that boat? There is no boats. It's been about five months since the beginning of this apocalypse. They are all gone. Y'know, I was planning to go to Savannah. Before I had ran into an almost dead Adam, and a few people shot. Then everything changed. We ran into you people. Now, Mustache Man steps up and everyone follows him? C'mon, Lee. The only good leaders here are you, Adam and me. Not that redneck asshole." Nero growled.
"We need Kenny. Like it or not, Nero." Lee replied.
"Need him? We don't NEED him. There isn't any boats, so no - we don't need Kenny, and also the train is EASY AS SHIT TO FUCKING CONTROL! Even that shitbird Ben figured that out." Nero replied, harshly,
"Look. If you don't like how things are going here, then LEAVE." Lee yelled. That was the first time Nero had heard Lee be angry at someone. He turned around to see Adam and Ava carrying a big dashboard sort of thing.
"Finally." Nero sighed in relief as he climbed down off the train.
"What the hell took you so long?" Nero asked. Adam and Ava looked to each other.
"It wasn't exactly easy - to get inside. It was surrounded by walkers." Adam said, blankly.
"Okay..." Nero raised his eyebrow, noticing a weird tone in his voice. He had a suspicion, but he figured it should wait.
"Does that mean we can get going?" Beatrice asked.
"Oh thank god. I can't stay here any longer." Carley sighed in relief.
"I think so. If Kenny can just get this goddamn thing to work." Adam said, groaning as he settled the dashboard to the ground.
"You need some help carrying that?" David Bale asked. Now he's being thoughtful.. Adam rolled his eyes. David, Ava, Clementine, Carley, Ben,walked forward to the train. Beatrice, Adam, Nero, Manny stood looking over the dashboard.
"Should take only a few minutes setting up, but other than that. Hopefully it'll work." Adam said as he saw Ava looking back to him. They looked at each other, and Nero took his attention off Ava when he spoke.
"Y'know, hey...I thought I'd apologize after last night. I drank a little bit too much, actually - fuck, I'm not sure I even remember half of that shit. I've just... given up on Sonya. As much as it hurts me to say that, I have. I don't think she made it." Nero sighed.
"You can't give up hope, Nero." Beatrice said.
"I haven't... it's just -" Nero was interrupted as Beatrice spotted a figure pointing a weapon towards her, she gasped as she looked closely to see it was an M4, a man with a mask on his face was pointing a gun towards her.
"MOVE..!" Manny yelled as he grabbed Beatrice and pushed her away, taking her place. The bandit fired, and he had shot Manny in the stomach. Beatrice shrieked as Manny fell back, clutching his gunshot wound.
"GET TO THE TRAIN!" Nero yelled as he pulled out his pistol, firing at the bandit. He had shot the bandit, but more shots were heard. Adam grabbed Manny, carrying him.
"Don't worry, Manny." Adam said as he carried Manny in his arms, putting him inside the boxcar.
"Holy shit! What happened!" Carley gasped.
"Don't worry about it, keep him away from the fucking line of fire!" Adam ordered, as a few more bandits had came out of the woods, firing at Nero and Beatrice.
"SHIT!" Nero exclaimed as he was shot in the shoulder.
"HOW MANY FUCKING TIMES DO I HAVE TO GET SHOT IN THIS GODDAMN WORLD!?" Nero yelled in pain, as he rolled over on the ground, taking cover by a log. Nero pulled Beatrice down.
"FUUCK! FUCK!" Nero groaned in pain as he noticed he had another shot but this time in his stomach. He was shot twice.
"Are you shot?" Nero winced in pain as he tried to talk over the multiple gunshots. Adam was in the boxcar, taking cover from the bandits firing at him. He noticed that the dashboard to the train was still standing in the middle of the field.
"I'm gonna go for it..." Nero said, looking to the dashboard.
"You can't. It's too dangerous! You've already been shot twice! Let me do this." Beatrice said.
"You.. - can't." Nero winced again.
"I have to." Beatrice said.
"No..." Nero groaned as Beatrice slowly got up, her hands still raised.
"LOWER YOUR GUNS!" A familiar voice called out. The man had walked out from the pathway, showing himself. It was Thomas. Thomas fucking Gray.
"Come out the rest of you! Ava! David! And we can end this PEACEFULLY." Thomas yelled out.
"I'll let you take that thing and drive away with that train, if you give me Ava and David! What's it going to be!? HUH!?" Thomas yelled.
"What is it with this guy and all his damn 'give us this and we'll let you go.'" Adam muttered. He looked over to Manny who was still gasping for breath. Adam was about to come out, once he heard a car running.
"What the..." Adam said as he looked to see where the car was. The noise was getting louder by the second. It seemed that the bandits had gathered right by Thomas. The car got louder. Thomas had turned around, as long as all of his bandits. Adam saw that truck, a blue truck drove faster than a racecar.
"WHOA!" A bandit yelled, as the truck rammed as many bandits as the trucker could, also hitting Thomas in the process.
"Holy fuck." Carley whispered. Clementine had her hands covering her ears.
"What...happened?" Manny said.
The truck had stopped, soon there was only two or three bandits who were still alive. Thomas was dead. Adam jumped out of the car, and Nero stood up, clenching his shoulder. Beatrice did too, and soon everyone took a peak to see if any bandits were still alive. One of the bandits slowly walked to the truck front door. Adam yelled out, trying to grab the trucker's attention. The trucker had slammed the door open, smacking the bandit's head in, he groaned in pain as the trucker jumped out of the car, shoving a knife in it's skull. The trucker had shut the door, and Adam knew exactly who it was.
Sonya Adam thought. He jumped out of the boxcar.
"What - the fuck..." Nero said, as he fell over, unconscious.
"Holy fucking shit." Adam muttered as he ran over to Sonya, hugging her.
"You're alive." Adam laughed.
"It's good to see you too, Adam." Sonya smiled. Sonya looked over to Nero who was unconscious on the ground. She ran over to him, kneeling to his side. She held his head. Nero's eyes fluttered as he tried to regain consciousness. Adam said the dead body of Thomas. He wasn't fully dead, however. His legs were almost gone, he saw that part of his leg was loose. Just a small cut, and it could detach.
"Ad......am.." Thomas groaned, his voice was weak. His face was pale.
"After all the things you did, I sort of understood... You did it to survive. Before all this, I killed people. I killed people who didn't belong in the world. The thing is... you aren't someone who doesn't belong in the world. So I am not going to kill you. But I won't save you." Adam said, coldly, as he walked away to Nero and Sonya.
"Y-Y-yo-You..." Nero groaned.
"Me." Sonya smiled. Sonya leaned in to kiss him on the lips.
"I.......I......I.....I wish... we - we - had...more time." Nero said, as he passed out.
"No! No!" Sonya yelled as he shuddered his unconscious body.
"Get him on the train! We have medicine!" Beatrice said as Adam grabbed Nero's body, picking him up and running towards the train. He laid his body down on the ground. Adam felt his pulse. He was still breathing. He looked over to Manny who Carley held in his arms. His face was pale, Adam couldn't even look at his face.
"Adam.." Manny said, weakly.
"Hey, I'm here, bud. Stay with me, man." Adam said, holding his head. He pulled up his shirt to see the gunshot wound, blood was all around him.
"Adam...I don't think he's.." Carley sighed, a tear falling down her eye.
"Sonya..." Manny smiled, weakly. Blood was dripping from his mouth.
"Manny...it's good to see you.. I - Stay alive, okay?" Sonya said, holding on to his hand.
"We need someone else to help with Manny. I'll help with Nero, okay!?" Beatrice said, but Sonya rested her hand on his shoulder.
"A-A-..Adam.. You realize - that - I'm not going...to make it?" Manny said.
"Don't think like that, man. C'mon! Just...fucking stay with me!" Adam yelled. He noticed Clementine was there.
"Clem, go talk to Lee, okay?" Carley said. Clem nodded and she ran off. Manny was in bad shape. Adam couldn't say goodbye to his best friend. He couldn't.
"You can't leave me, alright? You're - my brother." Adam said, remembering that Manny had thought of him as his brother, the feeling was mutual. He couldn't die..he couldn't.
"Y'know, I...I said I wanted a - peaceful death. Not to be.. ripped apart by those flesh eating monsters. I...I got - my wish." Manny winced, his voice was getting weaker by the second.
"You are gonna be fine, alright? We got medicine. We will do everything we can.." Adam paced as Manny grabbed his arm.
"It's...over." Manny groaned, as he laid his head back, his eyes were still open. All Adam heard was his raspy breathing.
"No..." Adam felt a tear running down his eye. He was holding Manny in his arms, as the life inside him slowly flew away.
"Oh....no..." Beatrice gasped, she hid her face with her hands.
"Goddamn it." Sonya sighed. Adam remembered how his sister died when this had happened.
Two Years Ago
"You're gonna be fine. First day of school is always gonna be nervous to you, but you'll get through it." Adam smiled, as he patted her shoulder. His sister smiled at him.
"Alright, lets -" Adam heard a bullet fly into his sister's stomach, he looked over and saw a man in a car holding a gun out the window.
"NOOOO!" Adam yelled as the car drove off, he saw his sister gagging on her own blood. He saw people in the neighborhood gasping at what they saw.
"Stay...STAY WITH ME! Please! Please! No, goddamn it! No!" Adam cried. Mallorie had finally stop choking. She was in her arms, and Adam had watched her die.
"Somebody call 911!" A man yelled.
"Stay with me, baby. Don't - don't do this to me..." Adam cried as he rested his head on her chest.
"Don't - leave me." Adam sobbed.
Present Day
Manny didn't make it. His breathing had stopped. His body was nothing but a corpse. His life was drained from his body.
"We have to...put him out of his misery." Sonya said, resting her hand on his shoulder. Lee, Kenny, Ava, and David walked into the boxcar, seeing the dead body of Manny. Adam pulled out his pistol, and stood up.
"Go ahead. I got this covered.." Adam said, blankly. His voice was so empty and weak. He had no thoughts but Why did this happen? Everyone in the room had cleared out. Beatrice and Sonya carried Nero. Sonya looked back to Adam, and looked into his eyes. He looked empty. He had never seen Adam like that before. Why didn't she feel anything? She didn't feel much of anything. She knew the man for a long time, and didn't have any tears. Adam looked down at his dead body, cocking the gun. He pointed the gun at Manny's head. It only made sense that he was the one who did it.
*"If I was to die, maybe I could die peacefully... I don't wanna be ripped apart by walkers. A peaceful death, that's all I want. Y'know? Gunshot to the head, gunshot to the stomach. Just I can't be ripped apart." Manny said. Adam was getting worried. Did Manny wanna give up?
"You can't give up." Adam said.
"I'm not giving up. I'm just preparing." Manny replied.*
Adam fired the gun. He kneeled down, shutting Manny's eyes.
"You got your wish." Adam said, weakly. He reached into his pocket and saw the picture of him and his National Guard friends. He grabbed the photo and stuffed it in his jacket pocket.
Thomas. Adam thought. He jumped out of the boxcar, walking towards Thomas' body. He was still alive.
"You killed Manny... you fucking....FUCKER!" Adam yelled as he kicked Thomas's body. He then grabbed his knife and started stabbing him in the stomach, repeatedly. He screamed each time he stabbed Thomas. He then finished stabbing him with a stab to the head. Adam couldn't believe how everything got so fucked. How did they know where they were. He looked back to face the train. All he saw was Sonya and Ava staring at him. Adam ignored them and walked towards the train.
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 6
Day 165
[Give some meds and stay.]
Daniel zipped open … morehis backpack, putting his hand through it looking through for medicine. He had painkillers, he grabbed them and tossed it to Kerry.
"Take me to her.." Daniel said. Kerry nodded as he took off, Daniel following him. Daniel could only hear the screams from the woman. They had reached the three other people, he had met at the cabin. Clara was laying on the ground, screaming as Mimi yelled at her to push.
"Looks like we got ourselves some meds! This guy here gave me some." Kerry smiled, as he popped open the bottle of pills.
"Here, Clara. You're gonna be fine." Kerry smiled as he gave the pills to Clara. She screamed again as Mimi yelled at her once again for her to push.
"Thank you, thank you so much." Elias sighed in relief. Suddenly, the screaming stopped. Her head had fallen back on the dirt g… [view original content]
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 6
Day 165
[Give some meds and stay.]
Daniel zipped open … morehis backpack, putting his hand through it looking through for medicine. He had painkillers, he grabbed them and tossed it to Kerry.
"Take me to her.." Daniel said. Kerry nodded as he took off, Daniel following him. Daniel could only hear the screams from the woman. They had reached the three other people, he had met at the cabin. Clara was laying on the ground, screaming as Mimi yelled at her to push.
"Looks like we got ourselves some meds! This guy here gave me some." Kerry smiled, as he popped open the bottle of pills.
"Here, Clara. You're gonna be fine." Kerry smiled as he gave the pills to Clara. She screamed again as Mimi yelled at her once again for her to push.
"Thank you, thank you so much." Elias sighed in relief. Suddenly, the screaming stopped. Her head had fallen back on the dirt g… [view original content]
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 6
Day 165
[Give some meds and stay.]
Daniel zipped open … morehis backpack, putting his hand through it looking through for medicine. He had painkillers, he grabbed them and tossed it to Kerry.
"Take me to her.." Daniel said. Kerry nodded as he took off, Daniel following him. Daniel could only hear the screams from the woman. They had reached the three other people, he had met at the cabin. Clara was laying on the ground, screaming as Mimi yelled at her to push.
"Looks like we got ourselves some meds! This guy here gave me some." Kerry smiled, as he popped open the bottle of pills.
"Here, Clara. You're gonna be fine." Kerry smiled as he gave the pills to Clara. She screamed again as Mimi yelled at her once again for her to push.
"Thank you, thank you so much." Elias sighed in relief. Suddenly, the screaming stopped. Her head had fallen back on the dirt g… [view original content]
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 6
Day 165
[Give some meds and stay.]
Daniel zipped open … morehis backpack, putting his hand through it looking through for medicine. He had painkillers, he grabbed them and tossed it to Kerry.
"Take me to her.." Daniel said. Kerry nodded as he took off, Daniel following him. Daniel could only hear the screams from the woman. They had reached the three other people, he had met at the cabin. Clara was laying on the ground, screaming as Mimi yelled at her to push.
"Looks like we got ourselves some meds! This guy here gave me some." Kerry smiled, as he popped open the bottle of pills.
"Here, Clara. You're gonna be fine." Kerry smiled as he gave the pills to Clara. She screamed again as Mimi yelled at her once again for her to push.
"Thank you, thank you so much." Elias sighed in relief. Suddenly, the screaming stopped. Her head had fallen back on the dirt g… [view original content]
I was half expecting Nero to scream "same goddamn shoulder!" When he got shot. As for Manny, I was expecting him to die all the way back at the St. John's, so I was pleasantly surprised that he made it this far. He died heroically, though I wouldn't exactly describe a .223 in the guts as quick and easy.
Also, Daniel...shit never goes right for that cat, huh?
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 6
Day 165
[Give some meds and stay.]
Daniel zipped open … morehis backpack, putting his hand through it looking through for medicine. He had painkillers, he grabbed them and tossed it to Kerry.
"Take me to her.." Daniel said. Kerry nodded as he took off, Daniel following him. Daniel could only hear the screams from the woman. They had reached the three other people, he had met at the cabin. Clara was laying on the ground, screaming as Mimi yelled at her to push.
"Looks like we got ourselves some meds! This guy here gave me some." Kerry smiled, as he popped open the bottle of pills.
"Here, Clara. You're gonna be fine." Kerry smiled as he gave the pills to Clara. She screamed again as Mimi yelled at her once again for her to push.
"Thank you, thank you so much." Elias sighed in relief. Suddenly, the screaming stopped. Her head had fallen back on the dirt g… [view original content]
"This damn thing should take a few more hours at the least." Kenny said, grabbing his box of tools which had a few wrenches, hammers, and screwdrivers. He was installing the new dashboard into the controls.
"Okay. I think we all need to sit and think about what just happened." Lee sighed. Manny was killed. Nero was shot.
"Whatever. Be ready to go when I'm finished." Kenny said. Lee nodded. He had no idea where Adam had gone. Ava and Sonya were standing out on the rails of the train.
"I'm sorry about your friend." Ava said, sincerely.
"I didn't know him that much, but he was a good guy." Sonya sighed. She felt good to be back, but she felt horrible about Manny's death. If only she had gotten there sooner.
"Do you have an idea how they found us?" Lee questioned.
"Yeah, something seems off. I don't think they just stumbled upon us." David gave his opinion.
"Well, it would make sense that they would look for us, I mean, c'mon! We just escaped their camp!" Ava argued.
"Where's Adam?" Lee asked. The last anyone saw him was when he was stabbing Thomas' corpse repeatedly, they were all sure he didn't mean anything by it, he was just furious. He disappeared.
"No idea. He took off. I think we should go looking for him." Ava said.
"That guy's a whackjob, did you see how he mutilated Thomas' body?" David rolled his eyes.
"Fuck you. You don't know shit about how much Manny meant to him, to all of us. We'll see how you react when your friends die." Sonya said, coldly, walking away.
"Nice going, asshole." Ava sighed.
"I didn't -"
Sonya walked into the boxcar to see Beatrice tending to Nero's body. He was awake.
"Could you be more gentle?" Nero groaned. Beatrice's hands were bloody. Nero apparently had an exit wound, so they could treat it. Sonya knelt down to the two of them.
"Hey." Sonya greeted him. He was groaning, he couldn't keep his eyes open or towards her for a minute or more.
"Shit. The way you came back. That was pretty - fucking badass." Nero chuckled. "How did you know where we were?" Nero asked.
"I've been tracking Thomas ever since you guys escaped. I had to take him down first, I knew where you were, I just couldn't - not without taking him down first." Sonya explained.
"Did he ever - uh, you know... touch you? I mean - hurt you?" Nero said, awkwardly.
"No. He's a fucking bastard though. I would have done the same thing Adam did." Sonya replied.
"I coulda swore I killed him back at the motor inn." Nero said.
"Last I saw was Thomas and Adam fighting each other. Then... Kenny drove off." Sonya said, feeling guilty. If Kenny didn't take off without everyone else, maybe Daniel, Beth, and everyone else that didn't make it would be with them.
"He nearly killed me... but I shot him in the stomach. He fucking lived. Why didn't I shoot him in the head, that way - Manny would be alive." Nero said.
"Don't blame yourself. You couldn't have known." Sonya said. She put his hand over his face, wiping the sweat off of his cheek.
"Manny saved me." Beatrice said, her voice breaking a bit.
"He was a good guy. Damn good guy." Sonya replied.
Adam had reached the brown oak tree, grabbing his knife and started carving in the letter 'M' for Manny. He looked to the muddy ground to see where they all were. He saw a bunch of feet marks, presumably where all the bandits had come. He then heard groaning, heavy panting, he looked around to see what it was, and it was an injured bandit, he was crawling through the mud. Adam clenched his knife and walked over to the bandit.
"No...please - please - please.." The bandit choked. Adam stared at him with no emotions. He didn't give a shit about this bandit, especially after what they did. He knelt down about to penetrate the knife into his skull.
"Who told you where we were?" Adam said, coldly.
"L-L-Lawrence! Pryde! He's - he's comin' here! He's - gonna say ... that he tried to escape - it's all a part of the plan! He followed you guys - he just wants the brown curly haired chick! That's it - please!" The bandit begged.
"Okay." Adam nodded. He then didn't hesitate putting the knife into his head.
"Hello, Adam Stark. Or should I say 'The Disformer'." A familiar voice said as Adam turned his head around slowly. It was Daniel Crelourn, and John Duke. John Fucking Duke.
Okay, I'm going to give some criticisms, but with this in mind, I've been following this story form the beginning, and whatever it's flaws, I enjoy more than a lot of fan-fictions, or stories in general.
Characters popping in and out of existence is a little annoying. I remember that there was a part in episode 2 or 3 where they were in Macon and came across a group of survivors. That survivors asked for the group to leave, they did. As of yet, they've not been mentioned in even the smallest way. Introducing characters just to get them out of the way like that could be done a lot better. Same with what happened with the group Daniel found only a few chapters ago. I doubt we'll see the ones who escaped again, if we do, I'll be surprised. But even if we do find them, doesn't change the fact that it was very random, kind of breaking the flow a bit. I understand that you've got a huge waiting list, and I'm not sure Id be able to do it better, this is just something I've noticed.
Some characters move in and out of the spotlight a lot. Manny and Daniel are two examples. Manny has big parts, like in this episode, a lot of the time, but other times, he just totally disappears. As it is, a lot of the time in Episode 2, I wasn't really sure what was going on with Manny. Daniel sometimes gets big chapters with his POV, such as it was more recently, and then other times, just goes away, completely forgotten. I manage to keep track of him since he's my character, but I imagine some readers have the same problem I had with Manny concerning Daniel.
This generally goes along the train of thought that a lot of parts with action are very confusing, and maybe could be cleaned up a bit more.
And although I'm really enjoying the parts of Adam's past, so far one of my favorite parts with the story. Just... recently, with this guy hunting him down or whatever, it seems a little unbelievable. Too early to judge on that right now I'd say though, so I'll hold back.
Again, for as much criticism that I have for this story, I really enjoy it. I like a lot of the characters(my favorites being David, Daniel, Adam, Ava, and Nero), and how the interact with characters from the actual game, how events are changed based on how these new characters come into play, and a lot of other things.
I mostly agree, I think the biggest problem is huge amount of 'waiting to be introduced' but I think random disappearing and reappearing characters is better because I'd rather not have three groups in one part, because then it would feel rushed because there is so much stuff going on.
Okay, I'm going to give some criticisms, but with this in mind, I've been following this story form the beginning, and whatever it's flaws, … moreI enjoy more than a lot of fan-fictions, or stories in general.
Characters popping in and out of existence is a little annoying. I remember that there was a part in episode 2 or 3 where they were in Macon and came across a group of survivors. That survivors asked for the group to leave, they did. As of yet, they've not been mentioned in even the smallest way. Introducing characters just to get them out of the way like that could be done a lot better. Same with what happened with the group Daniel found only a few chapters ago. I doubt we'll see the ones who escaped again, if we do, I'll be surprised. But even if we do find them, doesn't change the fact that it was very random, kind of breaking the flow a bit. I understand that you've got a huge waiting list, and I'm not sure Id be able to do it better, … [view original content]
Idk about Daniel, but Manny's exit from the spotlight in Episode 3 is kinda justified, since I wrote the mission to find his family into his bio. Still kinda felt like he was borderline comic relief for me until the end of episode 2. Poor guy was shot in the guts almost as much as Nero was shot in the shoulder!
I always saw Daniel as a more 'serious' character, so his disappearances were a bit more jarring. Hopefully he gets some good character development down the road.
I agree that action scenes are difficult to follow, sometimes. It's no surprise given the number of characters and enemies.
Okay, I'm going to give some criticisms, but with this in mind, I've been following this story form the beginning, and whatever it's flaws, … moreI enjoy more than a lot of fan-fictions, or stories in general.
Characters popping in and out of existence is a little annoying. I remember that there was a part in episode 2 or 3 where they were in Macon and came across a group of survivors. That survivors asked for the group to leave, they did. As of yet, they've not been mentioned in even the smallest way. Introducing characters just to get them out of the way like that could be done a lot better. Same with what happened with the group Daniel found only a few chapters ago. I doubt we'll see the ones who escaped again, if we do, I'll be surprised. But even if we do find them, doesn't change the fact that it was very random, kind of breaking the flow a bit. I understand that you've got a huge waiting list, and I'm not sure Id be able to do it better, … [view original content]
Yeah, I guess he was supposed to be comic relief, but a lot of the time, whenever he showed up, I had to stop and try to place who he was. This was also maybe because of the huge number of characters in the group.
Another thing with the huge number of characters, I had no idea who Beth was up until Daniel and her were in a relationship. I actually had to go back and try to pinpoint when she showed up. I really didn't care too much when she died, because I had only a vague idea of who she was.
This has gotten a lot better more recently, and that's just TinyCarlos improving in general, but I think the root of the problem was that huge surge of popularity when this started, and now it's just dropped down to the REAL number of people actually following the story. Now, those characters are still on the waiting list, even when a lot of the people who submitted them are gone.
Idk about Daniel, but Manny's exit from the spotlight in Episode 3 is kinda justified, since I wrote the mission to find his family into his… more bio. Still kinda felt like he was borderline comic relief for me until the end of episode 2. Poor guy was shot in the guts almost as much as Nero was shot in the shoulder!
I always saw Daniel as a more 'serious' character, so his disappearances were a bit more jarring. Hopefully he gets some good character development down the road.
I agree that action scenes are difficult to follow, sometimes. It's no surprise given the number of characters and enemies.
Yeah, I guess he was supposed to be comic relief, but a lot of the time, whenever he showed up, I had to stop and try to place who he was. T… morehis was also maybe because of the huge number of characters in the group.
Another thing with the huge number of characters, I had no idea who Beth was up until Daniel and her were in a relationship. I actually had to go back and try to pinpoint when she showed up. I really didn't care too much when she died, because I had only a vague idea of who she was.
This has gotten a lot better more recently, and that's just TinyCarlos improving in general, but I think the root of the problem was that huge surge of popularity when this started, and now it's just dropped down to the REAL number of people actually following the story. Now, those characters are still on the waiting list, even when a lot of the people who submitted them are gone.
How the hell did they find me? Is all Adam could think.
One day before the apocalypse
"Get me a copy of the surveillance photos, alright?" Duke asked the tech guy. The tech expert nodded as he typed in his keyboard, and the printer next to him made a buzzing noise. The tech expert grabbed the photos and handed them to Duke. Duke squinted to look at the photos and saw Adam Stark. At the scene of the killing, he saw his face slashing the victim 'Inda Jones', convicted felon and murderer. That was the Disformer's M.O. Adam Stark was the Disformer. Duke couldn't believe it. He grabbed his pistol off from his desk, putting it in his holster as he ran out of the police station, entering his black sedan. He was about to start the engine, but instead he got out of the car, pulling out a screwdriver from his butt pocket, unscrewing the license plates. He tossed the license plates in the back seats. He grabbed a piece of cloth that had cut out eye holes and a mouth hole, and he put it over his head. He started driving to Adam's house. Once he arrived, he spotted Adam kneeling down to his sister, placing his hand on her shoulder. That's when he grabbed his weapon, and kept the car running, he aimed towards the daughter.
Present Day
Adam stood up, looking to see Daniel raising a pistol to Adam's head. John Duke had a blue hat which didn't really fit him considering he liked to wear black. Daniel cocked the gun.
"Oh, look at that. You found me." Adam might as well admit it.
"Danny boy here tells me that you've been survivin' together for a while now, huh?" Duke chuckled. Danny popped into Adam's mind, that wasn't Danny though; it was Daniel. He was with Manny, and Manny had told him that he lost it and was alone.
"So all of it's true!? You're a fucking serial killer?" Daniel questioned. Adam dropped the knife to the ground, raising his bloody hands.
"I guess it is." Adam admitted. Duke walked forward to him while he had his hands raised, Adam thought about quickly grabbing the knife and stabbing Duke right in the heart, but he didn't wanna get shot by Daniel. He knew how much of a good shot he was. Duke grabbed Adam by the jacket, and held him.
"Remember Jeff? My partner? That you fucking killed!?" Duke yelled.
"I do. He was a scumbag." Adam said, coldly. Duke punched Adam in the nose, making him bleed.
"That's enough. Get back." Daniel ordered, Duke turned around to Daniel, giving him a harsh look. He then treaded towards Daniel, attempting to grab the gun from his hands. He failed when Daniel quickly moved back.
"You wanna know why I killed your partner? Because he was a dirty cop. A murdering piece of shit. That's who I kill. Murderers." Adam explained.
"What are you, Darkly Dreaming Dexter?" Daniel questioned, referencing to the book that was written by Jeff Lindsay. Adam didn't understand the reference, so he didn't bother responding.
"Now, I'm going to go over to your group and tell everyone who you are. If you wanna stop me, you'll have to kill me in front of EVERYONE." Duke said, crossing his arms.
"Why don't I just kill you out here? Cops don't mean shit to this world anymore. You can't arrest me." Adam questioned.
"I know who murdered your sister. You won't find out if you kill me." Duke said.
"Tell me. Who did it?" Adam growled. His face start to light up.
"Really? You seem to have lost a bit of your intelligence. Why would I just simply tell you, and then you could kill me?" Duke chuckled as he turned around to look at the trees. Adam looked to Daniel who was still pointing the gun towards him. He motioned to hand the gun to him.
Trust me Adam mouthed. Daniel sighed and tossed the gun over to Adam. Adam caught it as Duke turned around.
"Who. Killed. My. Sister?" Adam growled. Duke raised his hands up in the air, rolling his eyes.
"Go fuck yourself, Adam. You just ruined your-" Duke said as his voice was interrupted by a scream.
"WALKERS!" A voice yelled, presumably David's voice. Daniel ran off.
"You're lucky I'm not killing you today." Adam said as he lowered the gun and ran off. He saw everyone getting on the train.
"Who the hell..?" Adam questioned as he saw an older man with a grey beard and an orange jacket with dark green and fingerless gloves. He held a guitar in his hand.
"ADAM, GET IN THE FUCKING TRAIN! RIGHT NOW!" David yelled. He looked behind him and saw a ton of walkers coming towards the train. All that motherfucking shooting brought them towards the train. He ran, diving into the train. He saw almost everyone.
"Daniel, hell of a time to come back." Nero muttered as Beatrice was still tending to him.
"ALL Y'ALL ON THE TRAIN!?" Kenny yelled. Adam did a head count.
Me, Nero, Sonya, Daniel, Lee is probably in the front with Kenny, David was on top of the train, so was Ava, Clementine is with Carley, Ben was sitting in the train, and the new guy.
"GO!" Adam yelled. That was everyone. He then spotted John Duke running towards the train.
"Who the hell is that!?" Carley questioned. John Duke tried to dive into the train, but Adam just kicked him as soon as he tried to jump in. He fell back to the ground as the train started to take off. Adam looked back to him as a walked grabbed him, pulling him down. He then turned around to Carley.
"Just some nut." Adam replied, looking to Daniel.
"I can't believe this thing actually works." Beatrice smiled.
"Hey, just a thought - could you maybe pay attention to my fucking wound?" Nero growled. Beatrice apologized, and continued on. Clementine was sitting right next to Carley.
"Can I talk to you in private, Adam?" Ben asked. Adam shrugged and followed him as the two of them walked out of the boxcar. He placed his hands on the rails, looking at the trees as the train moves. Adam crosses his arms as Ben turned around, frowning.
"I was the one giving the bandits supplies." Ben confessed. As soon as he said that, Adam wanted to rip his neck open. He wanted to murder the kid.
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 8
How the hell did they find me? Is all Adam could think.
O… morene day before the apocalypse
"Get me a copy of the surveillance photos, alright?" Duke asked the tech guy. The tech expert nodded as he typed in his keyboard, and the printer next to him made a buzzing noise. The tech expert grabbed the photos and handed them to Duke. Duke squinted to look at the photos and saw Adam Stark. At the scene of the killing, he saw his face slashing the victim 'Inda Jones', convicted felon and murderer. That was the Disformer's M.O. Adam Stark was the Disformer. Duke couldn't believe it. He grabbed his pistol off from his desk, putting it in his holster as he ran out of the police station, entering his black sedan. He was about to start the engine, but instead he got out of the car, pulling out a screwdriver from his butt pocket, unscrewing the license plates. He tossed the l… [view original content]
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 8
How the hell did they find me? Is all Adam could think.
O… morene day before the apocalypse
"Get me a copy of the surveillance photos, alright?" Duke asked the tech guy. The tech expert nodded as he typed in his keyboard, and the printer next to him made a buzzing noise. The tech expert grabbed the photos and handed them to Duke. Duke squinted to look at the photos and saw Adam Stark. At the scene of the killing, he saw his face slashing the victim 'Inda Jones', convicted felon and murderer. That was the Disformer's M.O. Adam Stark was the Disformer. Duke couldn't believe it. He grabbed his pistol off from his desk, putting it in his holster as he ran out of the police station, entering his black sedan. He was about to start the engine, but instead he got out of the car, pulling out a screwdriver from his butt pocket, unscrewing the license plates. He tossed the l… [view original content]
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 8
How the hell did they find me? Is all Adam could think.
O… morene day before the apocalypse
"Get me a copy of the surveillance photos, alright?" Duke asked the tech guy. The tech expert nodded as he typed in his keyboard, and the printer next to him made a buzzing noise. The tech expert grabbed the photos and handed them to Duke. Duke squinted to look at the photos and saw Adam Stark. At the scene of the killing, he saw his face slashing the victim 'Inda Jones', convicted felon and murderer. That was the Disformer's M.O. Adam Stark was the Disformer. Duke couldn't believe it. He grabbed his pistol off from his desk, putting it in his holster as he ran out of the police station, entering his black sedan. He was about to start the engine, but instead he got out of the car, pulling out a screwdriver from his butt pocket, unscrewing the license plates. He tossed the l… [view original content]
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 8
How the hell did they find me? Is all Adam could think.
O… morene day before the apocalypse
"Get me a copy of the surveillance photos, alright?" Duke asked the tech guy. The tech expert nodded as he typed in his keyboard, and the printer next to him made a buzzing noise. The tech expert grabbed the photos and handed them to Duke. Duke squinted to look at the photos and saw Adam Stark. At the scene of the killing, he saw his face slashing the victim 'Inda Jones', convicted felon and murderer. That was the Disformer's M.O. Adam Stark was the Disformer. Duke couldn't believe it. He grabbed his pistol off from his desk, putting it in his holster as he ran out of the police station, entering his black sedan. He was about to start the engine, but instead he got out of the car, pulling out a screwdriver from his butt pocket, unscrewing the license plates. He tossed the l… [view original content]
[Give them some medicine and stay.] and, maybe it's too soon but [Kiss her]
Okay so these characters will most definitely appear in Episode 5.
-Adam Stark
-Nero Zedlum
-Lee Everett
As for the rest, you'll have to find out.
And Sonya is still unknown. Fuck, I'm so nervous.
Let it develop naturally, be patient.
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 6
Day 165
[Give some meds and stay.]
Daniel zipped open his backpack, putting his hand through it looking through for medicine. He had painkillers, he grabbed them and tossed it to Kerry.
"Take me to her.." Daniel said. Kerry nodded as he took off, Daniel following him. Daniel could only hear the screams from the woman. They had reached the three other people, he had met at the cabin. Clara was laying on the ground, screaming as Mimi yelled at her to push.
"Looks like we got ourselves some meds! This guy here gave me some." Kerry smiled, as he popped open the bottle of pills.
"Here, Clara. You're gonna be fine." Kerry smiled as he gave the pills to Clara. She screamed again as Mimi yelled at her once again for her to push.
"Thank you, thank you so much." Elias sighed in relief. Suddenly, the screaming stopped. Her head had fallen back on the dirt ground. Her eyes were still open, Was she...?
"No..." Kerry gasped. Mimi gasped as they waited in silence to see if she would wake back up.
"Oh my god. No." Elias gasped.
"MOTHERFUCKER! WHAT WAS IN THOSE PILLS!?" Kerry yelled, pulling out his pistol, cocking it and pointed it at Daniel's head.
"They were painkillers! I didn't kill her!" Daniel exclaimed.
"YES YOU FUCKING DID! SHE JUST HAPPENED TO DIE AS SOON AS SHE TAKES THEM!?! YOU FUCKING MOTHERFUCKING PIECE OF...." Kerry was interrupted as raspy breathing was heard. Clara was turning. Mimi grabbed her survival knife and stuck the knife into her skull.
"NO!" Kerry sobbed as he fell down to his knees, and dropped the gun and hid his face with his hands.
"Jesus..." Daniel groaned as he saw the blood spilling from her forehead.
"It had to be done, I'm sorry, Kerry." Mimi replied, sincerely.
"Damn it." Elias sighed.
"Oh shit, walkers are coming!" Mimi announced as she saw tons of walkers heading there way.
"Holy shit! There's tons of them!" Elias said as he grabbed his shotgun. Mimi had her survival knife ready.
"You aren't coming with us! Go your own way!" Mimi pointing to Daniel. Daniel nodded and looked around to see where he would go. Mimi and Elias seemed to ignore Kerry and just ran away. Kerry still was kneeling onto the ground.
"Hey, man! C'mon, move!" Daniel yelled. Kerry didn't move. Walkers began to grab him. Daniel had just realized that Mimi had taken his survival knife. He had no weapon. Fuck The walkers grabbed his neck, pushing him down to the ground. They bit open his neck, and soon all the walkers started chomping on him.
"Goddamn it!" Daniel winced. He had only one choice. Run He ran off into the woods, trying to avoid every walker he saw. He assumed that Clara's screaming had drawn them towards them. He didn't understand how Clara had died. As soon as he gave her the pills, she had died. Did he really cause her death? Good thing he never needed to try the painkillers. He felt cruel saying that, as if he wanted someone else to test it out. He got it from a damn crazy asshole that had attacked him, so who even knew? Maybe Clara's death was his fault. He couldn't help himself but to not even care. And that made him angry at himself. He kept running until he reached a truck. It was a black truck, which Daniel had guessed was a 2003 Ford Truck. He got inside it, which was surprisingly unlocked. He entered the driver's seat, and saw the keys were on the dashboard.
"C'mon baby, work." Daniel sighed.
"What the hell are you doin' in my truck, kid?" A voice said from behind him. He looked back to see an African-American looking at him. He had a white 'Brooklyn Dodgers' baseball cap, and he had a small grey beard with a bald head, or so he thought since he didn't see any hair under the hat. He was wearing a black jacket, with a white t-shirt underneath, he also wore blue jeans.
"I - Uh, I thought it was empty." Daniel said, looking back to the man.
"Well it ain't, so get the fuck out." The black man replied, harshly.
"Alright. Fine. I just want to get to Savannah, it's where my friends were headed. Could you give me a ride?" Daniel asked.
"Savannah, huh? Tell you what. If you tell me your name, who your friends are, then I'll give you a ride. I also got to ask you a question." The black man said.
"And what's your question?" Daniel asked. The man moved his hand through the seats, he seemed to be looking for something. Daniel heard a paper crumble, assuming he had found what he needed, he turned on his car light, so he could fully see the man. He held the paper up to Daniel's face, and he couldn't believe what he saw.
"Have you seen this man? If you have, you tell me right now. He's very dangerous. He was a Serial Killer before all this happened. My name is John Duke. This man needs to be put down. If you've seen this man, tell me right now." Duke said, explaining. Daniel looked at the man in the photo. It was... Adam.
Adam Stark
He looked into her eyes, and they both leaned in for a kiss. Her lips joined against his, and they kissed for a few seconds. Adam grabbed her hair to pull her closer, but Ava pushed him back.
"Woah." Ava said, awkwardly.
"Shit. Sorry." Adam apologized.
"It's fine, uh. It happens, right?" Ava replied, scratching her head. Adam shrugged and laughed. Ava laughed as well. He had just kissed her after she dropped a fucking bottle. Really? Adam's kissed a girl before, but not over a broken beer bottle. Jesus. Maybe he had too much to drink.
"I guess? Here, let's clean this up." Adam said as he picked up a few of the glass pieces. He couldn't think of anything else but her. They had barely knew each other, but he felt so attached to her. Damn it. Why didn't it go on for a few more minutes? Adam thought desperately. They were picking up the glass pieces in complete silence, they didn't say a word to each other. Suddenly they both looked up to each other, and the two of them grabbed each other, and started to make out.
What the fuck is going on... Adam thought in his mind as the two of them were making out. They fell to the ground, Ava laughing and Adam did too.
This is too fucking soon... Adam thought. He didn't care, however. Ava started to take off his shirt, and she kissed his neck. Adam felt great with her, it was too fucking sudden, however. He didn't even care, though. This actually meant something to him. Ava moaned as Adam switched and he was now on top. The two of them felt great as they proceeded to make love.
When I first saw her I choked her, and now I'm having sex with her? What the fuck? Adam thought.
Back at the train
Nero sighed in boredom as he leaned against the train. He thought about just walking in there and telling them to hurry up.
"Yo... Can we hurry the fuck up? Jesus." Nero sighed as he started clicking his tongue. Where the hell were Adam and Ava? It's about five or six AM, and they still hadn't came back yet. That hardware store that him and Adam had found wasn't a long trip. Well, he didn't exactly know that, but he just was bored out of his mind. Lee came out of the train, and crossed his arms.
"Is that asshole done yet?" Nero questioned.
"That asshole is the only hope we have of controlling this train, and the boat once we get one." Lee replied.
"Please. It's a motherfucking lever. You don't need to go to train school to learn that. And why are you so set on that boat? There is no boats. It's been about five months since the beginning of this apocalypse. They are all gone. Y'know, I was planning to go to Savannah. Before I had ran into an almost dead Adam, and a few people shot. Then everything changed. We ran into you people. Now, Mustache Man steps up and everyone follows him? C'mon, Lee. The only good leaders here are you, Adam and me. Not that redneck asshole." Nero growled.
"We need Kenny. Like it or not, Nero." Lee replied.
"Need him? We don't NEED him. There isn't any boats, so no - we don't need Kenny, and also the train is EASY AS SHIT TO FUCKING CONTROL! Even that shitbird Ben figured that out." Nero replied, harshly,
"Look. If you don't like how things are going here, then LEAVE." Lee yelled. That was the first time Nero had heard Lee be angry at someone. He turned around to see Adam and Ava carrying a big dashboard sort of thing.
"Finally." Nero sighed in relief as he climbed down off the train.
"What the hell took you so long?" Nero asked. Adam and Ava looked to each other.
"It wasn't exactly easy - to get inside. It was surrounded by walkers." Adam said, blankly.
"Okay..." Nero raised his eyebrow, noticing a weird tone in his voice. He had a suspicion, but he figured it should wait.
"Does that mean we can get going?" Beatrice asked.
"Oh thank god. I can't stay here any longer." Carley sighed in relief.
"I think so. If Kenny can just get this goddamn thing to work." Adam said, groaning as he settled the dashboard to the ground.
"You need some help carrying that?" David Bale asked. Now he's being thoughtful.. Adam rolled his eyes. David, Ava, Clementine, Carley, Ben,walked forward to the train. Beatrice, Adam, Nero, Manny stood looking over the dashboard.
"Should take only a few minutes setting up, but other than that. Hopefully it'll work." Adam said as he saw Ava looking back to him. They looked at each other, and Nero took his attention off Ava when he spoke.
"Y'know, hey...I thought I'd apologize after last night. I drank a little bit too much, actually - fuck, I'm not sure I even remember half of that shit. I've just... given up on Sonya. As much as it hurts me to say that, I have. I don't think she made it." Nero sighed.
"You can't give up hope, Nero." Beatrice said.
"I haven't... it's just -" Nero was interrupted as Beatrice spotted a figure pointing a weapon towards her, she gasped as she looked closely to see it was an M4, a man with a mask on his face was pointing a gun towards her.
"MOVE..!" Manny yelled as he grabbed Beatrice and pushed her away, taking her place. The bandit fired, and he had shot Manny in the stomach. Beatrice shrieked as Manny fell back, clutching his gunshot wound.
"GET TO THE TRAIN!" Nero yelled as he pulled out his pistol, firing at the bandit. He had shot the bandit, but more shots were heard. Adam grabbed Manny, carrying him.
"Don't worry, Manny." Adam said as he carried Manny in his arms, putting him inside the boxcar.
"Holy shit! What happened!" Carley gasped.
"Don't worry about it, keep him away from the fucking line of fire!" Adam ordered, as a few more bandits had came out of the woods, firing at Nero and Beatrice.
"SHIT!" Nero exclaimed as he was shot in the shoulder.
"HOW MANY FUCKING TIMES DO I HAVE TO GET SHOT IN THIS GODDAMN WORLD!?" Nero yelled in pain, as he rolled over on the ground, taking cover by a log. Nero pulled Beatrice down.
"FUUCK! FUCK!" Nero groaned in pain as he noticed he had another shot but this time in his stomach. He was shot twice.
"Are you shot?" Nero winced in pain as he tried to talk over the multiple gunshots. Adam was in the boxcar, taking cover from the bandits firing at him. He noticed that the dashboard to the train was still standing in the middle of the field.
"I'm gonna go for it..." Nero said, looking to the dashboard.
"You can't. It's too dangerous! You've already been shot twice! Let me do this." Beatrice said.
"You.. - can't." Nero winced again.
"I have to." Beatrice said.
"No..." Nero groaned as Beatrice slowly got up, her hands still raised.
"LOWER YOUR GUNS!" A familiar voice called out. The man had walked out from the pathway, showing himself. It was Thomas. Thomas fucking Gray.
"Come out the rest of you! Ava! David! And we can end this PEACEFULLY." Thomas yelled out.
"I'll let you take that thing and drive away with that train, if you give me Ava and David! What's it going to be!? HUH!?" Thomas yelled.
"What is it with this guy and all his damn 'give us this and we'll let you go.'" Adam muttered. He looked over to Manny who was still gasping for breath. Adam was about to come out, once he heard a car running.
"What the..." Adam said as he looked to see where the car was. The noise was getting louder by the second. It seemed that the bandits had gathered right by Thomas. The car got louder. Thomas had turned around, as long as all of his bandits. Adam saw that truck, a blue truck drove faster than a racecar.
"WHOA!" A bandit yelled, as the truck rammed as many bandits as the trucker could, also hitting Thomas in the process.
"Holy fuck." Carley whispered. Clementine had her hands covering her ears.
"What...happened?" Manny said.
The truck had stopped, soon there was only two or three bandits who were still alive. Thomas was dead. Adam jumped out of the car, and Nero stood up, clenching his shoulder. Beatrice did too, and soon everyone took a peak to see if any bandits were still alive. One of the bandits slowly walked to the truck front door. Adam yelled out, trying to grab the trucker's attention. The trucker had slammed the door open, smacking the bandit's head in, he groaned in pain as the trucker jumped out of the car, shoving a knife in it's skull. The trucker had shut the door, and Adam knew exactly who it was.
Sonya Adam thought. He jumped out of the boxcar.
"What - the fuck..." Nero said, as he fell over, unconscious.
"Holy fucking shit." Adam muttered as he ran over to Sonya, hugging her.
"You're alive." Adam laughed.
"It's good to see you too, Adam." Sonya smiled. Sonya looked over to Nero who was unconscious on the ground. She ran over to him, kneeling to his side. She held his head. Nero's eyes fluttered as he tried to regain consciousness. Adam said the dead body of Thomas. He wasn't fully dead, however. His legs were almost gone, he saw that part of his leg was loose. Just a small cut, and it could detach.
"Ad......am.." Thomas groaned, his voice was weak. His face was pale.
"After all the things you did, I sort of understood... You did it to survive. Before all this, I killed people. I killed people who didn't belong in the world. The thing is... you aren't someone who doesn't belong in the world. So I am not going to kill you. But I won't save you." Adam said, coldly, as he walked away to Nero and Sonya.
"Y-Y-yo-You..." Nero groaned.
"Me." Sonya smiled. Sonya leaned in to kiss him on the lips.
"I.......I......I.....I wish... we - we - had...more time." Nero said, as he passed out.
"No! No!" Sonya yelled as he shuddered his unconscious body.
"Get him on the train! We have medicine!" Beatrice said as Adam grabbed Nero's body, picking him up and running towards the train. He laid his body down on the ground. Adam felt his pulse. He was still breathing. He looked over to Manny who Carley held in his arms. His face was pale, Adam couldn't even look at his face.
"Adam.." Manny said, weakly.
"Hey, I'm here, bud. Stay with me, man." Adam said, holding his head. He pulled up his shirt to see the gunshot wound, blood was all around him.
"Adam...I don't think he's.." Carley sighed, a tear falling down her eye.
"Sonya..." Manny smiled, weakly. Blood was dripping from his mouth.
"Manny...it's good to see you.. I - Stay alive, okay?" Sonya said, holding on to his hand.
"We need someone else to help with Manny. I'll help with Nero, okay!?" Beatrice said, but Sonya rested her hand on his shoulder.
"A-A-..Adam.. You realize - that - I'm not going...to make it?" Manny said.
"Don't think like that, man. C'mon! Just...fucking stay with me!" Adam yelled. He noticed Clementine was there.
"Clem, go talk to Lee, okay?" Carley said. Clem nodded and she ran off. Manny was in bad shape. Adam couldn't say goodbye to his best friend. He couldn't.
"You can't leave me, alright? You're - my brother." Adam said, remembering that Manny had thought of him as his brother, the feeling was mutual. He couldn't die..he couldn't.
"Y'know, I...I said I wanted a - peaceful death. Not to be.. ripped apart by those flesh eating monsters. I...I got - my wish." Manny winced, his voice was getting weaker by the second.
"You are gonna be fine, alright? We got medicine. We will do everything we can.." Adam paced as Manny grabbed his arm.
"It's...over." Manny groaned, as he laid his head back, his eyes were still open. All Adam heard was his raspy breathing.
"No..." Adam felt a tear running down his eye. He was holding Manny in his arms, as the life inside him slowly flew away.
"Oh....no..." Beatrice gasped, she hid her face with her hands.
"Goddamn it." Sonya sighed. Adam remembered how his sister died when this had happened.
Two Years Ago
"You're gonna be fine. First day of school is always gonna be nervous to you, but you'll get through it." Adam smiled, as he patted her shoulder. His sister smiled at him.
"Alright, lets -" Adam heard a bullet fly into his sister's stomach, he looked over and saw a man in a car holding a gun out the window.
"NOOOO!" Adam yelled as the car drove off, he saw his sister gagging on her own blood. He saw people in the neighborhood gasping at what they saw.
"Stay...STAY WITH ME! Please! Please! No, goddamn it! No!" Adam cried. Mallorie had finally stop choking. She was in her arms, and Adam had watched her die.
"Somebody call 911!" A man yelled.
"Stay with me, baby. Don't - don't do this to me..." Adam cried as he rested his head on her chest.
"Don't - leave me." Adam sobbed.
Present Day
Manny didn't make it. His breathing had stopped. His body was nothing but a corpse. His life was drained from his body.
"We have to...put him out of his misery." Sonya said, resting her hand on his shoulder. Lee, Kenny, Ava, and David walked into the boxcar, seeing the dead body of Manny. Adam pulled out his pistol, and stood up.
"Go ahead. I got this covered.." Adam said, blankly. His voice was so empty and weak. He had no thoughts but Why did this happen? Everyone in the room had cleared out. Beatrice and Sonya carried Nero. Sonya looked back to Adam, and looked into his eyes. He looked empty. He had never seen Adam like that before. Why didn't she feel anything? She didn't feel much of anything. She knew the man for a long time, and didn't have any tears. Adam looked down at his dead body, cocking the gun. He pointed the gun at Manny's head. It only made sense that he was the one who did it.
*"If I was to die, maybe I could die peacefully... I don't wanna be ripped apart by walkers. A peaceful death, that's all I want. Y'know? Gunshot to the head, gunshot to the stomach. Just I can't be ripped apart." Manny said. Adam was getting worried. Did Manny wanna give up?
"You can't give up." Adam said.
"I'm not giving up. I'm just preparing." Manny replied.*
Adam fired the gun. He kneeled down, shutting Manny's eyes.
"You got your wish." Adam said, weakly. He reached into his pocket and saw the picture of him and his National Guard friends. He grabbed the photo and stuffed it in his jacket pocket.
Thomas. Adam thought. He jumped out of the boxcar, walking towards Thomas' body. He was still alive.
"You killed Manny... you fucking....FUCKER!" Adam yelled as he kicked Thomas's body. He then grabbed his knife and started stabbing him in the stomach, repeatedly. He screamed each time he stabbed Thomas. He then finished stabbing him with a stab to the head. Adam couldn't believe how everything got so fucked. How did they know where they were. He looked back to face the train. All he saw was Sonya and Ava staring at him. Adam ignored them and walked towards the train.
To be continued
Wow. Just wow. I can't believe it.
RIP Manny.
I'm worried for Nero now. Good to see Sonya is back! Best chapter yet!
Good to see that evil bastard Thomas dead! Finally!
Bye Elias
You had a short but sweet appearance
R.I.P. Manny
R.I.P. Manny
glad to see Sonya's back anyway 
R.I.P. Clara too, that makes two characters of mine dead (but how can someone die with painkillers?)
Both of your names are Elias.
Well i guess the painKILLERS didnt just kill the pain, Am i right? Am i right? :P
well. Sh($. Adam is so gonna kill David.
All shall be explained shortly...
Things aren't going to go quite well for Adam next chapter... all I'm saying.
Oh... Uh-oh. or could that be good for my character? hmmmmmmmm.... we'll see.
No seriously. Fuck you, Thomas. XD.
I was half expecting Nero to scream "same goddamn shoulder!" When he got shot. As for Manny, I was expecting him to die all the way back at the St. John's, so I was pleasantly surprised that he made it this far. He died heroically, though I wouldn't exactly describe a .223 in the guts as quick and easy.
Also, Daniel...shit never goes right for that cat, huh?
Oh...almost forgot.
I'ma put a new character in the queue.
Of course
I'm not gonna submit another character anyway because we are near the end and there are enough characters (and I don't have any character idea left)
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 7
Day 165
"This damn thing should take a few more hours at the least." Kenny said, grabbing his box of tools which had a few wrenches, hammers, and screwdrivers. He was installing the new dashboard into the controls.
"Okay. I think we all need to sit and think about what just happened." Lee sighed. Manny was killed. Nero was shot.
"Whatever. Be ready to go when I'm finished." Kenny said. Lee nodded. He had no idea where Adam had gone. Ava and Sonya were standing out on the rails of the train.
"I'm sorry about your friend." Ava said, sincerely.
"I didn't know him that much, but he was a good guy." Sonya sighed. She felt good to be back, but she felt horrible about Manny's death. If only she had gotten there sooner.
"Do you have an idea how they found us?" Lee questioned.
"Yeah, something seems off. I don't think they just stumbled upon us." David gave his opinion.
"Well, it would make sense that they would look for us, I mean, c'mon! We just escaped their camp!" Ava argued.
"Where's Adam?" Lee asked. The last anyone saw him was when he was stabbing Thomas' corpse repeatedly, they were all sure he didn't mean anything by it, he was just furious. He disappeared.
"No idea. He took off. I think we should go looking for him." Ava said.
"That guy's a whackjob, did you see how he mutilated Thomas' body?" David rolled his eyes.
"Fuck you. You don't know shit about how much Manny meant to him, to all of us. We'll see how you react when your friends die." Sonya said, coldly, walking away.
"Nice going, asshole." Ava sighed.
"I didn't -"
Sonya walked into the boxcar to see Beatrice tending to Nero's body. He was awake.
"Could you be more gentle?" Nero groaned. Beatrice's hands were bloody. Nero apparently had an exit wound, so they could treat it. Sonya knelt down to the two of them.
"Hey." Sonya greeted him. He was groaning, he couldn't keep his eyes open or towards her for a minute or more.
"Shit. The way you came back. That was pretty - fucking badass." Nero chuckled. "How did you know where we were?" Nero asked.
"I've been tracking Thomas ever since you guys escaped. I had to take him down first, I knew where you were, I just couldn't - not without taking him down first." Sonya explained.
"Did he ever - uh, you know... touch you? I mean - hurt you?" Nero said, awkwardly.
"No. He's a fucking bastard though. I would have done the same thing Adam did." Sonya replied.
"I coulda swore I killed him back at the motor inn." Nero said.
"Last I saw was Thomas and Adam fighting each other. Then... Kenny drove off." Sonya said, feeling guilty. If Kenny didn't take off without everyone else, maybe Daniel, Beth, and everyone else that didn't make it would be with them.
"He nearly killed me... but I shot him in the stomach. He fucking lived. Why didn't I shoot him in the head, that way - Manny would be alive." Nero said.
"Don't blame yourself. You couldn't have known." Sonya said. She put his hand over his face, wiping the sweat off of his cheek.
"Manny saved me." Beatrice said, her voice breaking a bit.
"He was a good guy. Damn good guy." Sonya replied.
Adam had reached the brown oak tree, grabbing his knife and started carving in the letter 'M' for Manny. He looked to the muddy ground to see where they all were. He saw a bunch of feet marks, presumably where all the bandits had come. He then heard groaning, heavy panting, he looked around to see what it was, and it was an injured bandit, he was crawling through the mud. Adam clenched his knife and walked over to the bandit.
"No...please - please - please.." The bandit choked. Adam stared at him with no emotions. He didn't give a shit about this bandit, especially after what they did. He knelt down about to penetrate the knife into his skull.
"Who told you where we were?" Adam said, coldly.
"L-L-Lawrence! Pryde! He's - he's comin' here! He's - gonna say ... that he tried to escape - it's all a part of the plan! He followed you guys - he just wants the brown curly haired chick! That's it - please!" The bandit begged.
"Okay." Adam nodded. He then didn't hesitate putting the knife into his head.
"Hello, Adam Stark. Or should I say 'The Disformer'." A familiar voice said as Adam turned his head around slowly. It was Daniel Crelourn, and John Duke. John Fucking Duke.
Oh shit
What a shitty day for Adam. Best friend dead, cops after him...
Eh, whatever, still got laid.
dont matter had sex
Ground was dirty in covered in broken glass. Doesn't matter, had sex.
Watched Manny die and went insane with grief/rage. Doesn't matter, had sex
Got tracked down by the FBI. Yup, you guessed it.
Has several people who want him dead? doesn't matter had sex.
Yay, my character is back!
R.I.P Manny.
waiting for the next part..... cmon.....
Part 8 will be a little later than usual, but it will be today.
hmmmmmmmmm this was posted yesterday. and I thought we were waiting for part 7.
No wait I figured it out
Okay, I'm going to give some criticisms, but with this in mind, I've been following this story form the beginning, and whatever it's flaws, I enjoy more than a lot of fan-fictions, or stories in general.
Characters popping in and out of existence is a little annoying. I remember that there was a part in episode 2 or 3 where they were in Macon and came across a group of survivors. That survivors asked for the group to leave, they did. As of yet, they've not been mentioned in even the smallest way. Introducing characters just to get them out of the way like that could be done a lot better. Same with what happened with the group Daniel found only a few chapters ago. I doubt we'll see the ones who escaped again, if we do, I'll be surprised. But even if we do find them, doesn't change the fact that it was very random, kind of breaking the flow a bit. I understand that you've got a huge waiting list, and I'm not sure Id be able to do it better, this is just something I've noticed.
Some characters move in and out of the spotlight a lot. Manny and Daniel are two examples. Manny has big parts, like in this episode, a lot of the time, but other times, he just totally disappears. As it is, a lot of the time in Episode 2, I wasn't really sure what was going on with Manny. Daniel sometimes gets big chapters with his POV, such as it was more recently, and then other times, just goes away, completely forgotten. I manage to keep track of him since he's my character, but I imagine some readers have the same problem I had with Manny concerning Daniel.
This generally goes along the train of thought that a lot of parts with action are very confusing, and maybe could be cleaned up a bit more.
And although I'm really enjoying the parts of Adam's past, so far one of my favorite parts with the story. Just... recently, with this guy hunting him down or whatever, it seems a little unbelievable. Too early to judge on that right now I'd say though, so I'll hold back.
Again, for as much criticism that I have for this story, I really enjoy it. I like a lot of the characters(my favorites being David, Daniel, Adam, Ava, and Nero), and how the interact with characters from the actual game, how events are changed based on how these new characters come into play, and a lot of other things.
Submitted a new character.
I mostly agree, I think the biggest problem is huge amount of 'waiting to be introduced' but I think random disappearing and reappearing characters is better because I'd rather not have three groups in one part, because then it would feel rushed because there is so much stuff going on.
I mostly agree with you, though.
Idk about Daniel, but Manny's exit from the spotlight in Episode 3 is kinda justified, since I wrote the mission to find his family into his bio. Still kinda felt like he was borderline comic relief for me until the end of episode 2. Poor guy was shot in the guts almost as much as Nero was shot in the shoulder!
I always saw Daniel as a more 'serious' character, so his disappearances were a bit more jarring. Hopefully he gets some good character development down the road.
I agree that action scenes are difficult to follow, sometimes. It's no surprise given the number of characters and enemies.
Yeah, I guess he was supposed to be comic relief, but a lot of the time, whenever he showed up, I had to stop and try to place who he was. This was also maybe because of the huge number of characters in the group.
Another thing with the huge number of characters, I had no idea who Beth was up until Daniel and her were in a relationship. I actually had to go back and try to pinpoint when she showed up. I really didn't care too much when she died, because I had only a vague idea of who she was.
This has gotten a lot better more recently, and that's just TinyCarlos improving in general, but I think the root of the problem was that huge surge of popularity when this started, and now it's just dropped down to the REAL number of people actually following the story. Now, those characters are still on the waiting list, even when a lot of the people who submitted them are gone.
Yeah, true. might be work taking a role call of who's actually here and get rid of the rest.
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 8
How the hell did they find me? Is all Adam could think.
One day before the apocalypse
"Get me a copy of the surveillance photos, alright?" Duke asked the tech guy. The tech expert nodded as he typed in his keyboard, and the printer next to him made a buzzing noise. The tech expert grabbed the photos and handed them to Duke. Duke squinted to look at the photos and saw Adam Stark. At the scene of the killing, he saw his face slashing the victim 'Inda Jones', convicted felon and murderer. That was the Disformer's M.O. Adam Stark was the Disformer. Duke couldn't believe it. He grabbed his pistol off from his desk, putting it in his holster as he ran out of the police station, entering his black sedan. He was about to start the engine, but instead he got out of the car, pulling out a screwdriver from his butt pocket, unscrewing the license plates. He tossed the license plates in the back seats. He grabbed a piece of cloth that had cut out eye holes and a mouth hole, and he put it over his head. He started driving to Adam's house. Once he arrived, he spotted Adam kneeling down to his sister, placing his hand on her shoulder. That's when he grabbed his weapon, and kept the car running, he aimed towards the daughter.
Present Day
Adam stood up, looking to see Daniel raising a pistol to Adam's head. John Duke had a blue hat which didn't really fit him considering he liked to wear black. Daniel cocked the gun.
"Oh, look at that. You found me." Adam might as well admit it.
"Danny boy here tells me that you've been survivin' together for a while now, huh?" Duke chuckled. Danny popped into Adam's mind, that wasn't Danny though; it was Daniel. He was with Manny, and Manny had told him that he lost it and was alone.
"So all of it's true!? You're a fucking serial killer?" Daniel questioned. Adam dropped the knife to the ground, raising his bloody hands.
"I guess it is." Adam admitted. Duke walked forward to him while he had his hands raised, Adam thought about quickly grabbing the knife and stabbing Duke right in the heart, but he didn't wanna get shot by Daniel. He knew how much of a good shot he was. Duke grabbed Adam by the jacket, and held him.
"Remember Jeff? My partner? That you fucking killed!?" Duke yelled.
"I do. He was a scumbag." Adam said, coldly. Duke punched Adam in the nose, making him bleed.
"That's enough. Get back." Daniel ordered, Duke turned around to Daniel, giving him a harsh look. He then treaded towards Daniel, attempting to grab the gun from his hands. He failed when Daniel quickly moved back.
"You wanna know why I killed your partner? Because he was a dirty cop. A murdering piece of shit. That's who I kill. Murderers." Adam explained.
"What are you, Darkly Dreaming Dexter?" Daniel questioned, referencing to the book that was written by Jeff Lindsay. Adam didn't understand the reference, so he didn't bother responding.
"Now, I'm going to go over to your group and tell everyone who you are. If you wanna stop me, you'll have to kill me in front of EVERYONE." Duke said, crossing his arms.
"Why don't I just kill you out here? Cops don't mean shit to this world anymore. You can't arrest me." Adam questioned.
"I know who murdered your sister. You won't find out if you kill me." Duke said.
"Tell me. Who did it?" Adam growled. His face start to light up.
"Really? You seem to have lost a bit of your intelligence. Why would I just simply tell you, and then you could kill me?" Duke chuckled as he turned around to look at the trees. Adam looked to Daniel who was still pointing the gun towards him. He motioned to hand the gun to him.
Trust me Adam mouthed. Daniel sighed and tossed the gun over to Adam. Adam caught it as Duke turned around.
"Who. Killed. My. Sister?" Adam growled. Duke raised his hands up in the air, rolling his eyes.
"Go fuck yourself, Adam. You just ruined your-" Duke said as his voice was interrupted by a scream.
"WALKERS!" A voice yelled, presumably David's voice. Daniel ran off.
"You're lucky I'm not killing you today." Adam said as he lowered the gun and ran off. He saw everyone getting on the train.
"Who the hell..?" Adam questioned as he saw an older man with a grey beard and an orange jacket with dark green and fingerless gloves. He held a guitar in his hand.
"ADAM, GET IN THE FUCKING TRAIN! RIGHT NOW!" David yelled. He looked behind him and saw a ton of walkers coming towards the train. All that motherfucking shooting brought them towards the train. He ran, diving into the train. He saw almost everyone.
"Daniel, hell of a time to come back." Nero muttered as Beatrice was still tending to him.
"ALL Y'ALL ON THE TRAIN!?" Kenny yelled. Adam did a head count.
Me, Nero, Sonya, Daniel, Lee is probably in the front with Kenny, David was on top of the train, so was Ava, Clementine is with Carley, Ben was sitting in the train, and the new guy.
"GO!" Adam yelled. That was everyone. He then spotted John Duke running towards the train.
"Who the hell is that!?" Carley questioned. John Duke tried to dive into the train, but Adam just kicked him as soon as he tried to jump in. He fell back to the ground as the train started to take off. Adam looked back to him as a walked grabbed him, pulling him down. He then turned around to Carley.
"Just some nut." Adam replied, looking to Daniel.
"I can't believe this thing actually works." Beatrice smiled.
"Hey, just a thought - could you maybe pay attention to my fucking wound?" Nero growled. Beatrice apologized, and continued on. Clementine was sitting right next to Carley.
"Can I talk to you in private, Adam?" Ben asked. Adam shrugged and followed him as the two of them walked out of the boxcar. He placed his hands on the rails, looking at the trees as the train moves. Adam crosses his arms as Ben turned around, frowning.
"I was the one giving the bandits supplies." Ben confessed. As soon as he said that, Adam wanted to rip his neck open. He wanted to murder the kid.
[Throw him off the train.]
[Ask why.]
Fucking hell, Ben.
Go on, [ask him why]
That fucking shitbird!
But whatever, just [ask him why.]
[Ask why.]
[Ask why]
[Ask why.]