The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 12
[In case, he turns, I'll be right here.]
"In case, he tu… morerns. I'll be right here." Adam said, like he didn't even care about Nero. He cocked the gun and Sonya gave him an angry glare. She then turned to face to see Nero passing out.
"I stopped the bleeding. I say we just let him rest." Beatrice said, walking over to the table to grab a dry dish rag, and then she rubbed her hands with it, rubbing off all the blood.
"They need to get back with medicine. They have to." Sonya sighed.
"They will. Don't worry." Ava assured her.
"Where's Clem?" Adam asked. He hadn't seen her anywhere in the house, where could she be?
"I think she went outside." David shrugged. Adam nodded, and went down the stairs and went out to the backyard. She didn't see anyone.
"Clementine, CLEMENTINE?" Adam called out. There was nothing. All he could hear was the breeze. Adam l… [view original content]
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 12
[In case, he turns, I'll be right here.]
"In case, he tu… morerns. I'll be right here." Adam said, like he didn't even care about Nero. He cocked the gun and Sonya gave him an angry glare. She then turned to face to see Nero passing out.
"I stopped the bleeding. I say we just let him rest." Beatrice said, walking over to the table to grab a dry dish rag, and then she rubbed her hands with it, rubbing off all the blood.
"They need to get back with medicine. They have to." Sonya sighed.
"They will. Don't worry." Ava assured her.
"Where's Clem?" Adam asked. He hadn't seen her anywhere in the house, where could she be?
"I think she went outside." David shrugged. Adam nodded, and went down the stairs and went out to the backyard. She didn't see anyone.
"Clementine, CLEMENTINE?" Adam called out. There was nothing. All he could hear was the breeze. Adam l… [view original content]
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 12
[In case, he turns, I'll be right here.]
"In case, he tu… morerns. I'll be right here." Adam said, like he didn't even care about Nero. He cocked the gun and Sonya gave him an angry glare. She then turned to face to see Nero passing out.
"I stopped the bleeding. I say we just let him rest." Beatrice said, walking over to the table to grab a dry dish rag, and then she rubbed her hands with it, rubbing off all the blood.
"They need to get back with medicine. They have to." Sonya sighed.
"They will. Don't worry." Ava assured her.
"Where's Clem?" Adam asked. He hadn't seen her anywhere in the house, where could she be?
"I think she went outside." David shrugged. Adam nodded, and went down the stairs and went out to the backyard. She didn't see anyone.
"Clementine, CLEMENTINE?" Adam called out. There was nothing. All he could hear was the breeze. Adam l… [view original content]
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 12
[In case, he turns, I'll be right here.]
"In case, he tu… morerns. I'll be right here." Adam said, like he didn't even care about Nero. He cocked the gun and Sonya gave him an angry glare. She then turned to face to see Nero passing out.
"I stopped the bleeding. I say we just let him rest." Beatrice said, walking over to the table to grab a dry dish rag, and then she rubbed her hands with it, rubbing off all the blood.
"They need to get back with medicine. They have to." Sonya sighed.
"They will. Don't worry." Ava assured her.
"Where's Clem?" Adam asked. He hadn't seen her anywhere in the house, where could she be?
"I think she went outside." David shrugged. Adam nodded, and went down the stairs and went out to the backyard. She didn't see anyone.
"Clementine, CLEMENTINE?" Adam called out. There was nothing. All he could hear was the breeze. Adam l… [view original content]
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 12
[In case, he turns, I'll be right here.]
"In case, he tu… morerns. I'll be right here." Adam said, like he didn't even care about Nero. He cocked the gun and Sonya gave him an angry glare. She then turned to face to see Nero passing out.
"I stopped the bleeding. I say we just let him rest." Beatrice said, walking over to the table to grab a dry dish rag, and then she rubbed her hands with it, rubbing off all the blood.
"They need to get back with medicine. They have to." Sonya sighed.
"They will. Don't worry." Ava assured her.
"Where's Clem?" Adam asked. He hadn't seen her anywhere in the house, where could she be?
"I think she went outside." David shrugged. Adam nodded, and went down the stairs and went out to the backyard. She didn't see anyone.
"Clementine, CLEMENTINE?" Adam called out. There was nothing. All he could hear was the breeze. Adam l… [view original content]
"You try and hurt someone, I'll kill you. You understand me?" Sonya threatened Adam, as she lowered her gun.
"That's not who I am anymore." Adam said.
"Whatever." Sonya sat down on the chair again. She still was hoping it was some sort of dream. David grabbed Adam by the shoulder, pulling him out of the room. He then threw him down the stairs. Adam groaned as he hit the back of his head on the ground.
"DAVID, NO!" Ava yelled. David ran down the stairs, punching him.
"I KNEW SOMETHING WAS OFF ABOUT YOU!" David growled, throwing a few punches. Adam was dizzy from hitting his head, he then saw a fist flying towards him, and he quickly grabbed it and twisted it. He then grabbed David by the shirt, and tossed him off. David hit himself against the wall, Adam could hear the crack of his bones. He had hit him hard.
"Stop it!" Sonya fired a few shots.
"What the hell are you fuckers doing?" Nero walked out, holding his wound.
"This asshole started it." Adam growled. Nero woke up quite fast.
"Nero, you should be resting." Sonya said.
"There was a fight and I missed it? Fuck. Well, back to bed." Nero said, sarcastically. He then walked back into the room.
"The both of you - KNOCK IT OFF. Or I'll shoot you both." Sonya growled. David walked off, and Adam did as well. Everyone in this house knew who he was now, except maybe not Clementine. She most likely heard it. Why did he tell everyone?
"Adam, are you really a..." Clem began to say.
Dammit, Adam. You fucking idiot.
"I'm not anymore. I promise. You still trust me, right?" Adam asked.
"I-I guess so..." Clem replied. Adam smiled.
"Keep an eye on David for me, okay?" Adam said to her.
"Okay..." Clem said, her voice was unsure why he wanted her to do such a thing.
"Anyways, good night, Clem. Better get some rest." Adam told her. Adam walked back up the stairs, into one of the bedrooms. He entered it, and laid down on the bed. Everything got so fucked so fast, and it was his own fault. Sonya, Ava, David, Clementine, maybe Nero knew that he was a serial killer before the apocalypse. Then David randomly attacked him. David was going to be a problem. He remembered how he dealt with problems. But that wasn't who he was anymore, or was it? Adam shut his eyes, hoping to get some sleep that was needed. It was probably around 11:30 PM at the time, and he hadn't slept in about two days. Tomorrow was gonna be bad. David or Sonya are probably going to tell the rest of the group that he was a serial killer. He felt he had to be honest with these people, maybe that's why he told them.
Day 169
Adam woke up from the bed, he had slept more than he thought he would. It was two whole fucking days. He really hadn't gotten that much sleep, so he slept through two days. He got up, walking out the door and saw the rest of the group walking through the door. Adam rushed downstairs and saw everyone else sitting in the living room.
"Adam!" Daniel smiled. He was leaning against the wall. Adam greeted him, and everyone else. Lee was with Carley and Clementine on the first couch. Adam assumed Nero and Sonya were still in that one room. Kenny was out in the yard, working on the boat. Ava and David were sitting on the second couch. David gave him a glare that basically said, 'I'm watching you, asshole.' Ben, was sitting on a small chair. Omid and Christa were talking privately away from the living room.
"Good to see you, man." Lee smiled.
"And you." Adam replied.
"Did you guys JUST get here?" Adam asked.
"Yeah. We had to rest up for a few minutes, then we'll give some of the medicine to Nero." Lee said.
"Alright." Adam nodded. Adam decided to head upstairs immediately. He walked in and saw Nero looking out the blinds, but Sonya wasn't in the room.
"You're up.." Adam questioned.
"No shit, sherlock. So I heard something about you being a... Some sort of killer. Before all this..." Nero began.
"She told you, huh?" Adam crossed his arms.
"Ding ding, motherfucker. You wanna know something? I don't give two buckets of shit. It's the apocalypse now, who even cares? All I'm saying is, you hurt one of us, your dead to me, Adam." Nero explained.
"Really? Never thought you'd be the most understanding. David beat the shit out of me." Adam chuckled.
"David's an asshole, I'm a charming, totally calm guy. But seriously, though. The people you killed... why'd you do it?" Nero asked.
"I kill other killers." Adam replied.
"Vigilante, huh? The Disformer, right? Heard about you ALL over the news. You're like Dexter Morgan, the Bay Harbor Butcher." Nero chuckled.
"I'm not exactly proud of it y'know." Adam said.
"Why the fuck did you even tell them? They wouldn't hate you like they do now." Nero questioned.
"I wanted to be honest." Adam shrugged.
"Honest? Fuck that. This is the goddamn apocalypse, Adam. What if I told you I was a retired WWE Fighter? Doesn't mean shit now because the apocalypse is HERE." Nero said, raising his hands in the air a little bit. It seemed only Ava and Nero only understood that it didn't mean anything. Clementine sort of did, but she IS an eight year old girl. Sonya walked into the room. Sonya didn't even make eye contact with Adam. Nero rolled his eyes, noticing her lack of eye contact.
"Okay, babe. I know you probably hate Adam at this point, like I did back when I first met him. But you can't give a shit about his past no more. This is the end of the world, okay? So forgive Adam." Nero crossed his arms.
"I just want to know one thing." Sonya said.
"What is it?" Adam asked.
"Did you give the bandits the supplies?" Sonya asked.
"No. Ben did." Adam said, no hesitation. He had promised he wouldn't say anything about it, but he didn't care anymore.
"That fucking prick. I'm going to..." Nero groaned, as he winced in pain.
"Stop it. Why the hell would you keep that from us?" Sonya growled.
"I'm sorry, alright? I'm sorry about everything." Adam apologized.
"Sorry doesn't really cut, okay, Adam?" Sonya replied. Sonya then helped Nero lay back down on the bed. That's when Lee, Christa, Omid, Daniel, Ava and David Bale came in.
"We got medicine for you." Daniel said, holding a jar of medicine, he popped open the jar, and gave him a few pills. Nero nodded and took them.
"Thanks Jack Daniels." Nero coughed as he drank a little water. Daniel didn't care about the nickname, because it wasn't the time to question it. Nero swallowed the pills with the water, and then coughed a bit afterwards.
"I'll be fine, why don't you just - let me rest?" Nero said to everyone. Sonya decided to stay by him, and everyone else left the room.
"Hey, man. It's - uh, good to see you. I didn't think we were going to get out of there alive." Daniel scratched the back of his head. The two of them were standing outside of the room, away from everyone else.
"Why's that? How bad was it?" Adam asked.
"Honestly, better than everyone thought it would be. It was overrun by walkers. We barely got out of there alive, though. We lost Vernon and Brie." Daniel told him, remembering how Brie and Vernon were chewed apart by the walkers.
"I'm sorry, man. I - I didn't really know them." Adam said.
"I know. They were good people, I guess." Daniel replied. Adam nodded.
"Why don't I get back to you, alright?" Adam patted him on the back, and walked off.
"Adam.." Daniel said, Adam stopped walking and turned around.
"Did you ever find Rose?" Daniel asked, gulping - he figured that she was dead by now.
"She left. She was with Thomas, and she left. I'm sorry." Adam told him, and he walked off. Daniel sighed, and then walked into an empty room, Adam figured he was going to go to sleep. Adam saw Clementine sitting in the office type room, by the window. Lee was about to walk inside that room to talk to Clementine. He walked down the stairs to see David.
"You even try to hurt anyone, I'll kill you." David threatened, grabbing his shirt.
"I think we already established that, right?" Adam rolled his eyes.
"Watch yourself, Stark." David growled, walking away.
"Last names, huh? We'll play that game." Adam chuckled lightly and walked away. He walked out to the yard and saw Kenny working on the boat. He looked over to the blood that was on the gate. He remembered that he had killed Frankie there, so that was probably his blood.
Sorry, buddy.
Day 63
"C'mon, we gotta do this! If we don't, we'll die!" George said, there was five strangers that they had disarmed.
"We're not bandits! Alright? We can't just do something like this!" Manny said.
"George, where's your humanity?" Callie elbowed him. They had two choices, rob them and take their stuff, they were starving. Or leave them be, and risk dying at the motor inn.
"Jesus. I - I'm sorry, you guys." Adam sighed, grabbing one of the strangers, searching through him.
"You can't do this to us!" One man growled. Adam took his backpack, tossing it to George to search through. George discovered there was alot of food in that bag. Manny grabbed another bag that was on the man who spoke. He searched through it and found a large amount of medicine. There was one more bag, and Adam grabbed the third one, searching through it. There was a load of handguns and ammunition.
"They've got so much stuff. We need it. Sorry, guys." George said. Adam put the three bags over by the tree, and told them to leave. The five strangers ran off into the woods.
"Let's get out of here before they come back." George said. Manny, Callie and Adam agreed.
"I can't believe this. Why did we do something like that?" Callie said, feeling guilty.
"We had to." George put her hand on her shoulder. The four of them ran off.
Day 170
About 2:38 AM
Adam kept dreaming about knives, for some reason; just knives. Bloody knives, kitchen knives, pocket knives, just KNIVES. Is all he dreamed about at this very moment. Then he woke up, the room was dark. He heard some moaning, probably from the walkers that were out on the street. The windows weren't very thick, so it was kind of easy to hear what was going on outside. He then heard creaking, like someone was walking on the floorboard. He figured it was Nero, and he disregarded it. He turned over to his side, and pulled the blanket over him again, starting to go to sleep. He heard the door open, and as soon as he looked over to see who it was, he felt a dart stuck into his neck. He went to pull it out, but he felt dizzy and then he passed out.
11:20 AM
"Clementine?" Lee woke up, and yawned. He remembered that Molly had left, Clementine was upset at how Lee said they weren't going to find her parents. He didn't want to say that, but there was no time. He noticed that the radio was gone. He walked out of the office door, and went down the stairs. The house was very quiet, it was scary, actually. It felt like an empty house. He went to the yard, yelling out Clementine's name, he gasped when he saw Clementine's hat laying on the grass.
"My God..." Lee gasped as he walked over to the hat, picking it up from the grass and brushing the dust off the hat. He looked through the gate to see the walkie talkie near the garbage. He climbed over the fence, walking towards the walkie talkie, he reached for it and then he was attacked by a walker. He pushed it off of him, pushing it against the fence, he then stomped on it. He picked up Clem's hat, which had some blood on it. He looked over to his wrist, to see a bite mark. He had been bitten. Lee Everett, had been bitten.
"No....Nooo, Fuck. No. Fuck. God no! Fuuck!" Lee cried, clenching his wrist. How could he be so stupid, is all he thought?
"Lee, you out here? Lee?" Christa called out.
"Are you crazy, what the hell are you doing out here, it ain't safe!" Kenny said, he looked behind him and saw Kenny, Ben, Christa, Omid approaching him. He held his wrist, and turned around.
"Cut the arm off, NOW!" Lee ordered.
2:30 PM
Adam woke up, he couldn't see anything, but his eyes were open. He guessed there was a blindfold over his face. All he heard was muffled yells, presumably Nero.
"Shut up, shut up, shut the fuck up." A voice said, surprisingly familiar. Adam's blindfold was removed, and he saw three strangers, he recognized them. He had robbed them MONTHS ago. Himself, Manny, George and Callie had robbed these strangers. Except there was five at the time. He didn't know why he didn't have a gag on his mouth, when Nero and David did. The room was an isolated room, no windows, just poles and chains, which they were attached to. He looked around the small room, which had a heavily padlocked door. Daniel was still unconscious, as was Ava. David was standing up, with a gag in his mouth, trying to break free from the chains. Nero was also yelling, but it was muffled. He also tried to break free from the chains, and much harder than David was. Beatrice was sitting there, not saying a word. Adam figured he was still unconscious. Sonya had blood over her face, and she was leaned against a wall.
"What the fuck is this?" Adam demanded.
"Ah, he's awake. The only person who apparently is still alive who robbed us!" The man said, he was pale, and he had shaggy black hair and brown eyes, he had a small beard, sort of like Adam's, he had a lumberjack axe in his hand, which letters were carved in to it, C.M.
"The reason you are all here, everyone! Is because of this man! Himself, a man and woman named George and Callie, and an hispanic man had robbed us! You are going to pay the price! We lost two people because you took everything. And now I'm going to take two of yours. Anyone want to volunteer?
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 13: Finale
Day 167
"You try and hurt someone, I'll kill you… more. You understand me?" Sonya threatened Adam, as she lowered her gun.
"That's not who I am anymore." Adam said.
"Whatever." Sonya sat down on the chair again. She still was hoping it was some sort of dream. David grabbed Adam by the shoulder, pulling him out of the room. He then threw him down the stairs. Adam groaned as he hit the back of his head on the ground.
"DAVID, NO!" Ava yelled. David ran down the stairs, punching him.
"I KNEW SOMETHING WAS OFF ABOUT YOU!" David growled, throwing a few punches. Adam was dizzy from hitting his head, he then saw a fist flying towards him, and he quickly grabbed it and twisted it. He then grabbed David by the shirt, and tossed him off. David hit himself against the wall, Adam could hear the crack of his bones. He had hit him hard.
"Stop it!" Sonya fire… [view original content]
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 13: Finale
Day 167
"You try and hurt someone, I'll kill you… more. You understand me?" Sonya threatened Adam, as she lowered her gun.
"That's not who I am anymore." Adam said.
"Whatever." Sonya sat down on the chair again. She still was hoping it was some sort of dream. David grabbed Adam by the shoulder, pulling him out of the room. He then threw him down the stairs. Adam groaned as he hit the back of his head on the ground.
"DAVID, NO!" Ava yelled. David ran down the stairs, punching him.
"I KNEW SOMETHING WAS OFF ABOUT YOU!" David growled, throwing a few punches. Adam was dizzy from hitting his head, he then saw a fist flying towards him, and he quickly grabbed it and twisted it. He then grabbed David by the shirt, and tossed him off. David hit himself against the wall, Adam could hear the crack of his bones. He had hit him hard.
"Stop it!" Sonya fire… [view original content]
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 13: Finale
Day 167
"You try and hurt someone, I'll kill you… more. You understand me?" Sonya threatened Adam, as she lowered her gun.
"That's not who I am anymore." Adam said.
"Whatever." Sonya sat down on the chair again. She still was hoping it was some sort of dream. David grabbed Adam by the shoulder, pulling him out of the room. He then threw him down the stairs. Adam groaned as he hit the back of his head on the ground.
"DAVID, NO!" Ava yelled. David ran down the stairs, punching him.
"I KNEW SOMETHING WAS OFF ABOUT YOU!" David growled, throwing a few punches. Adam was dizzy from hitting his head, he then saw a fist flying towards him, and he quickly grabbed it and twisted it. He then grabbed David by the shirt, and tossed him off. David hit himself against the wall, Adam could hear the crack of his bones. He had hit him hard.
"Stop it!" Sonya fire… [view original content]
Chapter today. Forgot to post it yesterday but since I have two parts done, might as well post them both. Since I'm not at home currently, I'll have the chapter later tonight.
It's gonna be a VERY eventful chapter. Some of you may hate me for this one. This is one of the craziest chapters thus far, just so you're aware.
Chapter today. Forgot to post it yesterday but since I have two parts done, might as well post them both. Since I'm not at home currently, I… more'll have the chapter later tonight.
It's gonna be a VERY eventful chapter. Some of you may hate me for this one. This is one of the craziest chapters thus far, just so you're aware.
The handcuffs were tight on his wrists, he felt like as soon as he got them off, his wrist would have one hell of a mark.
"Aaaah, motherfuckers." Nero growled, clenching his fists together. The three men weren't in the room anymore, they said that they were going to decide who was going to be the two 'volunteers'.
"So, you robbed this guy?" Daniel questioned. Adam sighed.
"We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for this ASSHOLE!" David yelled.
"Yeah, because I totally knew they would FOLLOW US ALL THE WAY TO SAVANNAH." Adam replied, his tone rising.
"Jesus, fuck. It's not his fault!" Ava argued.
"It's not HIS fault!? Those guys just said that Manny, Adam and the two other people had ROBBED THEM. Whoever dies today - because, HE SAID EXACTLY THAT HE WOULD KILL TWO OF US. I don't see us getting an easy way out of here. Whoever dies today - that blood is gonna be on your hands, Adam. Well, he's had plenty of blood on his hands, but not another drop of blood, unless it's his own." David threatened.
"What are you talking about?" Beatrice questioned. As David was about to say something, the door opened - and the three men rushed inside.
"Okay, Edward Cullen, first things first." Nero pointed to the supposed leader, Lucas. Lucas raised his eyebrow at the reference.
"I just took a bullet to the stomach, and honestly - I don't think you want me puking out blood all over this nice place, so why don't you be a peach and let me go?" Nero asked. Lucas walked over to him, and smacked him across the face. Nero scoffed.
"Hit me like a man, you sourpuss." Nero spat. Lucas nodded and chuckled a bit, and clenched his fist and punched Nero, making him fall to the ground. He was pretty well built, you could see his muscles through his black jacket.
"That's more... like it." Nero chuckled, blood trickled down his lip. Lucas was handed his lumberjack axe from one of his buddies, and then he held it above his shoulders.
"You want to know what this is?" Lucas asked.
"Unless you plan on penetrating us, I don't wanna know." Nero let out a cackle.
"Nero, shut up." Daniel whispered. Lucas chuckled, lowering the axe from his shoulders, and resting the tip of the blade on the concrete floor.
"I'm going to disform one of your heads, and let you stare at it tonight. When you wake up, I'll disform another head tomorrow." Lucas said, now holding the axe with his two hands.
"Guys. It's merely a scare tactic. Just a fuckin.." Nero began saying, but when Lucas walked up to Nero, Nero's eyes widened as Lucas held the axe up, ready to slice Nero's head open.
Part 2
"No! Stop!" Adam yelled. Lucas stopped, turning around. Adam looked to him and saw nothing but bags under his eyes. He obviously wasn't sleeping, and the man was a crazed lunatic. His eyes were green.
"Don't kill any of them. They weren't involved. It was me, Manny, Callie and George. The only living person who was involved. Is me. So kill me. And ME ONLY. And let the rest of them go." Adam stated. Lucas walked over to Adam, and he kneeled down, laying the axe on the ground.
"I'm not going to kill you. I want you to watch two of your friends die. Then you can rot and die in here." Lucas replied, coldly. Lucas picked up his axe again, walking over to Nero. Lucas then raised his axe once more. He was stopped when Daniel got loose from his cuffs. He held a small nail file, and he ran up against Lucas, digging the nail file into his shoulder. Lucas yelled in pain as he dropped the axe, and it clattered against the ground. His two friends, did nothing. Just stood there. Lucas yelled as he tried hard to shake Daniel off. Nero reached for the axe. He finally grabbed it, bringing it up with one hand. He pulled himself back, so he could have space to cut off the chain. Nero then did that, but it didn't budge. Daniel was thrown off by Lucas' back.
"Useless bunch of fucking assholes!? YOU WANT URSULA AND ERIC TO DIE IN VAIN!?" Lucas yelled, he then pulled out the nail file from his shoulder. Daniel got back up, ready to attack Lucas. Lucas had the nail file, and Daniel was unarmed. Lucas turned to Daniel, holding his shoulder for a second. He felt the blood trickling down his back. Adam could see blood dripping from his jacket.
"You're going to be number one." Lucas growled, and he lunged towards Daniel. He didn't try to stab him with the nail file, the two of them just hit each other a few times, they ran against the wall. Daniel tried to push him towards Adam to maybe kick him off. Adam forgot he had a small knife in his pocket.
Why didn't these idiots search our pockets? Adam thought. Lucas and Daniel kept fighting each other,
"Get him, Jack Daniels!" Nero exclaimed. The two other men were still just standing there.
"You don't want them doing this, right? Then help Daniel! We can see you aren't like him!" Beatrice yelled, trying to get the other two men's attention.
The two other men faced each other, and then decided to open the door and run off.
"Fucking useless." David sighed. Lucas and Daniel then tackled against the ground, Lucas was on top now. Daniel groaned as Lucas tried to thrust the nail file into his chest. Daniel winced and tried to push it forward, so if it was going to hit him, he would rather it would hit him in the shoulder maybe. Adam kept hacking at the chain.
Come on, you FUCK. Adam thought. Adam yelled in anger as he couldn't get the chain off.
"I have an idea, Adam. But it's gonna suck balls for me." Nero said over, as Daniel and Lucas were still fighting.
"What is it?!" Adam yelled.
"I need to chop off my own hand. If I don't - we aren't getting out of here." Nero replied.
"How fucking stupid are you?! Daniel can just kill this guy and get the key!" Ava responded. Nero looked over to Sonya. She was still unconscious, she still had the wound above her head. Lucas then bit Daniel's finger hard, and then Daniel groaned in pain as he tried to push him off. But Lucas had the upper hand now. Lucas finally thrusted the nail file into Daniel's chest, while he was bitting off his thumb. Daniel gurgled out blood.
"NO!!" Adam yelled. Lucas got up, spitting out Daniel's thumb in Adam's direction. Adam looked over to the thumb, the bloody thumb. This guy was a monster.
"That's one. One to go." Lucas chuckled, as Adam saw Daniel reaching for the nail file that was stuck in his chest. Daniel choked out blood as he gripped the nail file, attempting to pull it out.
Oh my God. Adam thought. Lucas was too busy talking, he didn't pay attention to Daniel's pain. He was pulling the damn thing out of his chest. Daniel looked over to Adam who kept trying to get loose from the chains. Daniel nodded, still spitting out blood onto the ground. Adam nodded back, figuring this was goodbye. Daniel had finally pulled out the nail file, and as Lucas turned around to face Daniel, Lucas had now held his axe. Daniel threw the nail file in Lucas' direction. Lucas gasped as the nail file was about to hit him in the eye. It did, and Lucas was killed instantly. Lucas fell to the ground, landing face first. Daniel puked out blood, and Adam had finally gotten loose. Adam quickly went to his side, holding his head so it wouldn't lay on the concrete floor.
"C'mon man, we're almost out of here. Just hang on. These guys consficated Beatrice's bag, I'm sure they still have some medicine." Adam said to him.
"Jesus." David couldn't look at Daniel's dying body.
"I - I... I never did drink any beer....I don't understand - the... nickname...." Daniel said, coughing out blood. All Adam could hear after that was mumbles.
Adam knew this was it for Daniel.
"Goodbye...My friend." Adam sighed heavily, he then closed his eyes with his hand.
"Fuck. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK." Nero clenched his fists, he then punched the wall. A few times.
"Damn it, Adam. DO SOMETHING." David ordered. Adam didn't even hear anybody. He heard white noise. That was it. He had lost yet another friend. Another. He didn't know if he could take anymore. Adam noticed that the door that was padlocked was open. He saw something, that caught his eye. Dynamite. He then saw a shadow lurking inside. It was one of Lucas' men. He put up his hand, and waved. He held something else in his hand. A lighter. He flicked it and then dropped it.
"OH SHIT!" Adam exclaimed. The room outside of the prisoner room began to flame up.
"GET THE KEYS!" Beatrice yelled. Adam quickly ran to Lucas' dead body, and searched through his pocket. He found the key line. There was only five keys. All the keys were labeled to the handcuffs.
"LOOK AT YOUR HANDCUFFS, TELL ME WHAT YOU HAVE." Adam ordered. Nero looked to his handcuffs.
"A-36!" Nero yelled.
"D-32!" Beatrice yelled.
"A-18!" Ava yelled.
"M-92!" David yelled. He looked at the keys, and all of those were on there. Adam looked to his handcuffs.
'S-16' he looked at the keys, there was his. He detached the keys from the key line and tossed them to everyone. He then uncuffed himself, and soon everyone did.
"Where's Sonya's key?" Nero asked.
"There's only five keys! Not one for Daniel or Sonya!" That was Lucas' targets. Daniel and Sonya.
"Wake up, baby. Wake up." Nero shook Sonya's body. She then woke up finally, mumbling.
"We gotta...we gotta get out of here." Nero said, grabbing the chains and pulling them.
"NERO, we gotta go man!" David yelled.
"No, fuck you. This isn't happening. I'm getting her out of here." Nero retorted.
"Go....I'm not going to make it." Sonya's voice was quiet. She was still knocked out cold from the punch from Lucas.
"Go." Nero stood up, looking to Adam, Beatrice, Ava and David.
"Don't be dramatic, Nero!" Adam growled.
'GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" Nero yelled.
"I'M NOT LEAVING, DAMMIT!" Adam looked behind him to see the flames starting to rise.
"I'm sorry, Nero." Beatrice said as she ran out of the building. Ava and David also did, also saying apologies. Nero looked back to Sonya, who was barely awake. He then faced Adam again, and pushed him out of the prisoner room, then Nero quickly closed the door, locking it tight.
"What the fuck, Nero!?!" Adam pounded his fists against the door.
"It's okay, Adam. It's okay. I haven't done much good in my life. Hopefully all the times I've been with you and the group, hopefully that counted for something." Nero said, backing up a bit. Adam looked to his left, and saw the fire beginning to burn through the walls.
"I'm sorry." Adam said, running out of the small shelter they were inside. Once he got out, thankfully, they were still in Savannah. Once he was out of the building, he saw Ava, David and Sonya.
"God damn it." Adam sighed, walking away. He didn't want anyone to see him when he let all his emotions out. He couldn't help but cry. He bursted out tears, and fell to his knees. Nero, Sonya, and Daniel had died in a matter of ten minutes. And he had just left Nero and Sonya.
"I'm sorry." Ava rested her hand on Adam's shoulder. Beatrice came up.
"I can't believe I left that..." Beatrice said, with tears falling down her cheek. After a few seconds of silence, Adam got back up, looking around the area.
"Let's go find the sons of bitches who killed Nero, Sonya and Daniel."
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode Five: NO TIME LEFT
Part 1: Beginning of the End
The handcuffs were tight on his wrists, he… more felt like as soon as he got them off, his wrist would have one hell of a mark.
"Aaaah, motherfuckers." Nero growled, clenching his fists together. The three men weren't in the room anymore, they said that they were going to decide who was going to be the two 'volunteers'.
"So, you robbed this guy?" Daniel questioned. Adam sighed.
"We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for this ASSHOLE!" David yelled.
"Yeah, because I totally knew they would FOLLOW US ALL THE WAY TO SAVANNAH." Adam replied, his tone rising.
"Jesus, fuck. It's not his fault!" Ava argued.
"It's not HIS fault!? Those guys just said that Manny, Adam and the two other people had ROBBED THEM. Whoever dies today - because, HE SAID EXACTLY THAT HE WOULD KILL TWO OF US. I don't see us getting an easy way out of here. Whoever dies toda… [view original content]
Well, at l… moreeast Daniel's final line was possibly the greatest thing ever. Also killed that guy on his own. That's pretty badass.
And Nero died too, one of my favorite characters.
[Save him.]
But I think it was better to throw him off the train, just to make the story different form the original one. Alright, what's done is done.
[Save him.]
Ben needs to live long enough to meet Leroy Paul Cufferman.
Woohoo! Yay!
[Save him.]
[Save him.]
Save Him. Can't let he die
Anyway, about the waiting list. Are you goin to do a sesaon 2 or planning to introdduce them ALL at Episode 5?
Maybe he's going to do the 400 Days DLC too
So... The finale is today?
Can't wait.
You said it.
[Save him]
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 13: Finale
Day 167
"You try and hurt someone, I'll kill you. You understand me?" Sonya threatened Adam, as she lowered her gun.
"That's not who I am anymore." Adam said.
"Whatever." Sonya sat down on the chair again. She still was hoping it was some sort of dream. David grabbed Adam by the shoulder, pulling him out of the room. He then threw him down the stairs. Adam groaned as he hit the back of his head on the ground.
"DAVID, NO!" Ava yelled. David ran down the stairs, punching him.
"I KNEW SOMETHING WAS OFF ABOUT YOU!" David growled, throwing a few punches. Adam was dizzy from hitting his head, he then saw a fist flying towards him, and he quickly grabbed it and twisted it. He then grabbed David by the shirt, and tossed him off. David hit himself against the wall, Adam could hear the crack of his bones. He had hit him hard.
"Stop it!" Sonya fired a few shots.
"What the hell are you fuckers doing?" Nero walked out, holding his wound.
"This asshole started it." Adam growled. Nero woke up quite fast.
"Nero, you should be resting." Sonya said.
"There was a fight and I missed it? Fuck. Well, back to bed." Nero said, sarcastically. He then walked back into the room.
"The both of you - KNOCK IT OFF. Or I'll shoot you both." Sonya growled. David walked off, and Adam did as well. Everyone in this house knew who he was now, except maybe not Clementine. She most likely heard it. Why did he tell everyone?
"Adam, are you really a..." Clem began to say.
Dammit, Adam. You fucking idiot.
"I'm not anymore. I promise. You still trust me, right?" Adam asked.
"I-I guess so..." Clem replied. Adam smiled.
"Keep an eye on David for me, okay?" Adam said to her.
"Okay..." Clem said, her voice was unsure why he wanted her to do such a thing.
"Anyways, good night, Clem. Better get some rest." Adam told her. Adam walked back up the stairs, into one of the bedrooms. He entered it, and laid down on the bed. Everything got so fucked so fast, and it was his own fault. Sonya, Ava, David, Clementine, maybe Nero knew that he was a serial killer before the apocalypse. Then David randomly attacked him. David was going to be a problem. He remembered how he dealt with problems. But that wasn't who he was anymore, or was it? Adam shut his eyes, hoping to get some sleep that was needed. It was probably around 11:30 PM at the time, and he hadn't slept in about two days. Tomorrow was gonna be bad. David or Sonya are probably going to tell the rest of the group that he was a serial killer. He felt he had to be honest with these people, maybe that's why he told them.
Day 169
Adam woke up from the bed, he had slept more than he thought he would. It was two whole fucking days. He really hadn't gotten that much sleep, so he slept through two days. He got up, walking out the door and saw the rest of the group walking through the door. Adam rushed downstairs and saw everyone else sitting in the living room.
"Adam!" Daniel smiled. He was leaning against the wall. Adam greeted him, and everyone else. Lee was with Carley and Clementine on the first couch. Adam assumed Nero and Sonya were still in that one room. Kenny was out in the yard, working on the boat. Ava and David were sitting on the second couch. David gave him a glare that basically said, 'I'm watching you, asshole.' Ben, was sitting on a small chair. Omid and Christa were talking privately away from the living room.
"Good to see you, man." Lee smiled.
"And you." Adam replied.
"Did you guys JUST get here?" Adam asked.
"Yeah. We had to rest up for a few minutes, then we'll give some of the medicine to Nero." Lee said.
"Alright." Adam nodded. Adam decided to head upstairs immediately. He walked in and saw Nero looking out the blinds, but Sonya wasn't in the room.
"You're up.." Adam questioned.
"No shit, sherlock. So I heard something about you being a... Some sort of killer. Before all this..." Nero began.
"She told you, huh?" Adam crossed his arms.
"Ding ding, motherfucker. You wanna know something? I don't give two buckets of shit. It's the apocalypse now, who even cares? All I'm saying is, you hurt one of us, your dead to me, Adam." Nero explained.
"Really? Never thought you'd be the most understanding. David beat the shit out of me." Adam chuckled.
"David's an asshole, I'm a charming, totally calm guy. But seriously, though. The people you killed... why'd you do it?" Nero asked.
"I kill other killers." Adam replied.
"Vigilante, huh? The Disformer, right? Heard about you ALL over the news. You're like Dexter Morgan, the Bay Harbor Butcher." Nero chuckled.
"I'm not exactly proud of it y'know." Adam said.
"Why the fuck did you even tell them? They wouldn't hate you like they do now." Nero questioned.
"I wanted to be honest." Adam shrugged.
"Honest? Fuck that. This is the goddamn apocalypse, Adam. What if I told you I was a retired WWE Fighter? Doesn't mean shit now because the apocalypse is HERE." Nero said, raising his hands in the air a little bit. It seemed only Ava and Nero only understood that it didn't mean anything. Clementine sort of did, but she IS an eight year old girl. Sonya walked into the room. Sonya didn't even make eye contact with Adam. Nero rolled his eyes, noticing her lack of eye contact.
"Okay, babe. I know you probably hate Adam at this point, like I did back when I first met him. But you can't give a shit about his past no more. This is the end of the world, okay? So forgive Adam." Nero crossed his arms.
"I just want to know one thing." Sonya said.
"What is it?" Adam asked.
"Did you give the bandits the supplies?" Sonya asked.
"No. Ben did." Adam said, no hesitation. He had promised he wouldn't say anything about it, but he didn't care anymore.
"That fucking prick. I'm going to..." Nero groaned, as he winced in pain.
"Stop it. Why the hell would you keep that from us?" Sonya growled.
"I'm sorry, alright? I'm sorry about everything." Adam apologized.
"Sorry doesn't really cut, okay, Adam?" Sonya replied. Sonya then helped Nero lay back down on the bed. That's when Lee, Christa, Omid, Daniel, Ava and David Bale came in.
"We got medicine for you." Daniel said, holding a jar of medicine, he popped open the jar, and gave him a few pills. Nero nodded and took them.
"Thanks Jack Daniels." Nero coughed as he drank a little water. Daniel didn't care about the nickname, because it wasn't the time to question it. Nero swallowed the pills with the water, and then coughed a bit afterwards.
"I'll be fine, why don't you just - let me rest?" Nero said to everyone. Sonya decided to stay by him, and everyone else left the room.
"Hey, man. It's - uh, good to see you. I didn't think we were going to get out of there alive." Daniel scratched the back of his head. The two of them were standing outside of the room, away from everyone else.
"Why's that? How bad was it?" Adam asked.
"Honestly, better than everyone thought it would be. It was overrun by walkers. We barely got out of there alive, though. We lost Vernon and Brie." Daniel told him, remembering how Brie and Vernon were chewed apart by the walkers.
"I'm sorry, man. I - I didn't really know them." Adam said.
"I know. They were good people, I guess." Daniel replied. Adam nodded.
"Why don't I get back to you, alright?" Adam patted him on the back, and walked off.
"Adam.." Daniel said, Adam stopped walking and turned around.
"Did you ever find Rose?" Daniel asked, gulping - he figured that she was dead by now.
"She left. She was with Thomas, and she left. I'm sorry." Adam told him, and he walked off. Daniel sighed, and then walked into an empty room, Adam figured he was going to go to sleep. Adam saw Clementine sitting in the office type room, by the window. Lee was about to walk inside that room to talk to Clementine. He walked down the stairs to see David.
"You even try to hurt anyone, I'll kill you." David threatened, grabbing his shirt.
"I think we already established that, right?" Adam rolled his eyes.
"Watch yourself, Stark." David growled, walking away.
"Last names, huh? We'll play that game." Adam chuckled lightly and walked away. He walked out to the yard and saw Kenny working on the boat. He looked over to the blood that was on the gate. He remembered that he had killed Frankie there, so that was probably his blood.
Sorry, buddy.
Day 63
"C'mon, we gotta do this! If we don't, we'll die!" George said, there was five strangers that they had disarmed.
"We're not bandits! Alright? We can't just do something like this!" Manny said.
"George, where's your humanity?" Callie elbowed him. They had two choices, rob them and take their stuff, they were starving. Or leave them be, and risk dying at the motor inn.
"Jesus. I - I'm sorry, you guys." Adam sighed, grabbing one of the strangers, searching through him.
"You can't do this to us!" One man growled. Adam took his backpack, tossing it to George to search through. George discovered there was alot of food in that bag. Manny grabbed another bag that was on the man who spoke. He searched through it and found a large amount of medicine. There was one more bag, and Adam grabbed the third one, searching through it. There was a load of handguns and ammunition.
"They've got so much stuff. We need it. Sorry, guys." George said. Adam put the three bags over by the tree, and told them to leave. The five strangers ran off into the woods.
"Let's get out of here before they come back." George said. Manny, Callie and Adam agreed.
"I can't believe this. Why did we do something like that?" Callie said, feeling guilty.
"We had to." George put her hand on her shoulder. The four of them ran off.
Day 170
About 2:38 AM
Adam kept dreaming about knives, for some reason; just knives. Bloody knives, kitchen knives, pocket knives, just KNIVES. Is all he dreamed about at this very moment. Then he woke up, the room was dark. He heard some moaning, probably from the walkers that were out on the street. The windows weren't very thick, so it was kind of easy to hear what was going on outside. He then heard creaking, like someone was walking on the floorboard. He figured it was Nero, and he disregarded it. He turned over to his side, and pulled the blanket over him again, starting to go to sleep. He heard the door open, and as soon as he looked over to see who it was, he felt a dart stuck into his neck. He went to pull it out, but he felt dizzy and then he passed out.
11:20 AM
"Clementine?" Lee woke up, and yawned. He remembered that Molly had left, Clementine was upset at how Lee said they weren't going to find her parents. He didn't want to say that, but there was no time. He noticed that the radio was gone. He walked out of the office door, and went down the stairs. The house was very quiet, it was scary, actually. It felt like an empty house. He went to the yard, yelling out Clementine's name, he gasped when he saw Clementine's hat laying on the grass.
"My God..." Lee gasped as he walked over to the hat, picking it up from the grass and brushing the dust off the hat. He looked through the gate to see the walkie talkie near the garbage. He climbed over the fence, walking towards the walkie talkie, he reached for it and then he was attacked by a walker. He pushed it off of him, pushing it against the fence, he then stomped on it. He picked up Clem's hat, which had some blood on it. He looked over to his wrist, to see a bite mark. He had been bitten. Lee Everett, had been bitten.
"No....Nooo, Fuck. No. Fuck. God no! Fuuck!" Lee cried, clenching his wrist. How could he be so stupid, is all he thought?
"Lee, you out here? Lee?" Christa called out.
"Are you crazy, what the hell are you doing out here, it ain't safe!" Kenny said, he looked behind him and saw Kenny, Ben, Christa, Omid approaching him. He held his wrist, and turned around.
"Cut the arm off, NOW!" Lee ordered.
2:30 PM
Adam woke up, he couldn't see anything, but his eyes were open. He guessed there was a blindfold over his face. All he heard was muffled yells, presumably Nero.
"Shut up, shut up, shut the fuck up." A voice said, surprisingly familiar. Adam's blindfold was removed, and he saw three strangers, he recognized them. He had robbed them MONTHS ago. Himself, Manny, George and Callie had robbed these strangers. Except there was five at the time. He didn't know why he didn't have a gag on his mouth, when Nero and David did. The room was an isolated room, no windows, just poles and chains, which they were attached to. He looked around the small room, which had a heavily padlocked door. Daniel was still unconscious, as was Ava. David was standing up, with a gag in his mouth, trying to break free from the chains. Nero was also yelling, but it was muffled. He also tried to break free from the chains, and much harder than David was. Beatrice was sitting there, not saying a word. Adam figured he was still unconscious. Sonya had blood over her face, and she was leaned against a wall.
"What the fuck is this?" Adam demanded.
"Ah, he's awake. The only person who apparently is still alive who robbed us!" The man said, he was pale, and he had shaggy black hair and brown eyes, he had a small beard, sort of like Adam's, he had a lumberjack axe in his hand, which letters were carved in to it, C.M.
"The reason you are all here, everyone! Is because of this man! Himself, a man and woman named George and Callie, and an hispanic man had robbed us! You are going to pay the price! We lost two people because you took everything. And now I'm going to take two of yours. Anyone want to volunteer?
Scary :<
(And i'm readin this at 4:46 Am. Mostly likely because i want my character c-c)
PS = You have eneugh characters for a new season, or two lol
Huh, a new stranger? Interesting...
Also, Jack Daniels is still an awesome nickname.
Episode Five is going to be insane. Just finished writing the second part of ep5
Te second part of Episode 5?
Oh oh, I know who's the guy with the axe, that's my character!
Sorry but I'm on vacation and I don't have much internet, plus I've only my phone.
...Oh, goodie.
Chapter today. Forgot to post it yesterday but since I have two parts done, might as well post them both. Since I'm not at home currently, I'll have the chapter later tonight.
It's gonna be a VERY eventful chapter. Some of you may hate me for this one. This is one of the craziest chapters thus far, just so you're aware.
I am so afraid.
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode Five: NO TIME LEFT
Part 1: Beginning of the End
The handcuffs were tight on his wrists, he felt like as soon as he got them off, his wrist would have one hell of a mark.
"Aaaah, motherfuckers." Nero growled, clenching his fists together. The three men weren't in the room anymore, they said that they were going to decide who was going to be the two 'volunteers'.
"So, you robbed this guy?" Daniel questioned. Adam sighed.
"We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for this ASSHOLE!" David yelled.
"Yeah, because I totally knew they would FOLLOW US ALL THE WAY TO SAVANNAH." Adam replied, his tone rising.
"Jesus, fuck. It's not his fault!" Ava argued.
"It's not HIS fault!? Those guys just said that Manny, Adam and the two other people had ROBBED THEM. Whoever dies today - because, HE SAID EXACTLY THAT HE WOULD KILL TWO OF US. I don't see us getting an easy way out of here. Whoever dies today - that blood is gonna be on your hands, Adam. Well, he's had plenty of blood on his hands, but not another drop of blood, unless it's his own." David threatened.
"What are you talking about?" Beatrice questioned. As David was about to say something, the door opened - and the three men rushed inside.
"Okay, Edward Cullen, first things first." Nero pointed to the supposed leader, Lucas. Lucas raised his eyebrow at the reference.
"I just took a bullet to the stomach, and honestly - I don't think you want me puking out blood all over this nice place, so why don't you be a peach and let me go?" Nero asked. Lucas walked over to him, and smacked him across the face. Nero scoffed.
"Hit me like a man, you sourpuss." Nero spat. Lucas nodded and chuckled a bit, and clenched his fist and punched Nero, making him fall to the ground. He was pretty well built, you could see his muscles through his black jacket.
"That's more... like it." Nero chuckled, blood trickled down his lip. Lucas was handed his lumberjack axe from one of his buddies, and then he held it above his shoulders.
"You want to know what this is?" Lucas asked.
"Unless you plan on penetrating us, I don't wanna know." Nero let out a cackle.
"Nero, shut up." Daniel whispered. Lucas chuckled, lowering the axe from his shoulders, and resting the tip of the blade on the concrete floor.
"I'm going to disform one of your heads, and let you stare at it tonight. When you wake up, I'll disform another head tomorrow." Lucas said, now holding the axe with his two hands.
"Guys. It's merely a scare tactic. Just a fuckin.." Nero began saying, but when Lucas walked up to Nero, Nero's eyes widened as Lucas held the axe up, ready to slice Nero's head open.
Part 2
"No! Stop!" Adam yelled. Lucas stopped, turning around. Adam looked to him and saw nothing but bags under his eyes. He obviously wasn't sleeping, and the man was a crazed lunatic. His eyes were green.
"Don't kill any of them. They weren't involved. It was me, Manny, Callie and George. The only living person who was involved. Is me. So kill me. And ME ONLY. And let the rest of them go." Adam stated. Lucas walked over to Adam, and he kneeled down, laying the axe on the ground.
"I'm not going to kill you. I want you to watch two of your friends die. Then you can rot and die in here." Lucas replied, coldly. Lucas picked up his axe again, walking over to Nero. Lucas then raised his axe once more. He was stopped when Daniel got loose from his cuffs. He held a small nail file, and he ran up against Lucas, digging the nail file into his shoulder. Lucas yelled in pain as he dropped the axe, and it clattered against the ground. His two friends, did nothing. Just stood there. Lucas yelled as he tried hard to shake Daniel off. Nero reached for the axe. He finally grabbed it, bringing it up with one hand. He pulled himself back, so he could have space to cut off the chain. Nero then did that, but it didn't budge. Daniel was thrown off by Lucas' back.
"Useless bunch of fucking assholes!? YOU WANT URSULA AND ERIC TO DIE IN VAIN!?" Lucas yelled, he then pulled out the nail file from his shoulder. Daniel got back up, ready to attack Lucas. Lucas had the nail file, and Daniel was unarmed. Lucas turned to Daniel, holding his shoulder for a second. He felt the blood trickling down his back. Adam could see blood dripping from his jacket.
"You're going to be number one." Lucas growled, and he lunged towards Daniel. He didn't try to stab him with the nail file, the two of them just hit each other a few times, they ran against the wall. Daniel tried to push him towards Adam to maybe kick him off. Adam forgot he had a small knife in his pocket.
Why didn't these idiots search our pockets? Adam thought. Lucas and Daniel kept fighting each other,
"Get him, Jack Daniels!" Nero exclaimed. The two other men were still just standing there.
"You don't want them doing this, right? Then help Daniel! We can see you aren't like him!" Beatrice yelled, trying to get the other two men's attention.
The two other men faced each other, and then decided to open the door and run off.
"Fucking useless." David sighed. Lucas and Daniel then tackled against the ground, Lucas was on top now. Daniel groaned as Lucas tried to thrust the nail file into his chest. Daniel winced and tried to push it forward, so if it was going to hit him, he would rather it would hit him in the shoulder maybe. Adam kept hacking at the chain.
Come on, you FUCK. Adam thought. Adam yelled in anger as he couldn't get the chain off.
"I have an idea, Adam. But it's gonna suck balls for me." Nero said over, as Daniel and Lucas were still fighting.
"What is it?!" Adam yelled.
"I need to chop off my own hand. If I don't - we aren't getting out of here." Nero replied.
"How fucking stupid are you?! Daniel can just kill this guy and get the key!" Ava responded. Nero looked over to Sonya. She was still unconscious, she still had the wound above her head. Lucas then bit Daniel's finger hard, and then Daniel groaned in pain as he tried to push him off. But Lucas had the upper hand now. Lucas finally thrusted the nail file into Daniel's chest, while he was bitting off his thumb. Daniel gurgled out blood.
"NO!!" Adam yelled. Lucas got up, spitting out Daniel's thumb in Adam's direction. Adam looked over to the thumb, the bloody thumb. This guy was a monster.
"That's one. One to go." Lucas chuckled, as Adam saw Daniel reaching for the nail file that was stuck in his chest. Daniel choked out blood as he gripped the nail file, attempting to pull it out.
Oh my God. Adam thought. Lucas was too busy talking, he didn't pay attention to Daniel's pain. He was pulling the damn thing out of his chest. Daniel looked over to Adam who kept trying to get loose from the chains. Daniel nodded, still spitting out blood onto the ground. Adam nodded back, figuring this was goodbye. Daniel had finally pulled out the nail file, and as Lucas turned around to face Daniel, Lucas had now held his axe. Daniel threw the nail file in Lucas' direction. Lucas gasped as the nail file was about to hit him in the eye. It did, and Lucas was killed instantly. Lucas fell to the ground, landing face first. Daniel puked out blood, and Adam had finally gotten loose. Adam quickly went to his side, holding his head so it wouldn't lay on the concrete floor.
"C'mon man, we're almost out of here. Just hang on. These guys consficated Beatrice's bag, I'm sure they still have some medicine." Adam said to him.
"Jesus." David couldn't look at Daniel's dying body.
"I - I... I never did drink any beer....I don't understand - the... nickname...." Daniel said, coughing out blood. All Adam could hear after that was mumbles.
Adam knew this was it for Daniel.
"Goodbye...My friend." Adam sighed heavily, he then closed his eyes with his hand.
"Fuck. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK." Nero clenched his fists, he then punched the wall. A few times.
"Damn it, Adam. DO SOMETHING." David ordered. Adam didn't even hear anybody. He heard white noise. That was it. He had lost yet another friend. Another. He didn't know if he could take anymore. Adam noticed that the door that was padlocked was open. He saw something, that caught his eye. Dynamite. He then saw a shadow lurking inside. It was one of Lucas' men. He put up his hand, and waved. He held something else in his hand. A lighter. He flicked it and then dropped it.
"OH SHIT!" Adam exclaimed. The room outside of the prisoner room began to flame up.
"GET THE KEYS!" Beatrice yelled. Adam quickly ran to Lucas' dead body, and searched through his pocket. He found the key line. There was only five keys. All the keys were labeled to the handcuffs.
"LOOK AT YOUR HANDCUFFS, TELL ME WHAT YOU HAVE." Adam ordered. Nero looked to his handcuffs.
"A-36!" Nero yelled.
"D-32!" Beatrice yelled.
"A-18!" Ava yelled.
"M-92!" David yelled. He looked at the keys, and all of those were on there. Adam looked to his handcuffs.
'S-16' he looked at the keys, there was his. He detached the keys from the key line and tossed them to everyone. He then uncuffed himself, and soon everyone did.
"Where's Sonya's key?" Nero asked.
"There's only five keys! Not one for Daniel or Sonya!" That was Lucas' targets. Daniel and Sonya.
"Wake up, baby. Wake up." Nero shook Sonya's body. She then woke up finally, mumbling.
"We gotta...we gotta get out of here." Nero said, grabbing the chains and pulling them.
"NERO, we gotta go man!" David yelled.
"No, fuck you. This isn't happening. I'm getting her out of here." Nero retorted.
"Go....I'm not going to make it." Sonya's voice was quiet. She was still knocked out cold from the punch from Lucas.
"Go." Nero stood up, looking to Adam, Beatrice, Ava and David.
"Don't be dramatic, Nero!" Adam growled.
'GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" Nero yelled.
"I'M NOT LEAVING, DAMMIT!" Adam looked behind him to see the flames starting to rise.
"I'm sorry, Nero." Beatrice said as she ran out of the building. Ava and David also did, also saying apologies. Nero looked back to Sonya, who was barely awake. He then faced Adam again, and pushed him out of the prisoner room, then Nero quickly closed the door, locking it tight.
"What the fuck, Nero!?!" Adam pounded his fists against the door.
"It's okay, Adam. It's okay. I haven't done much good in my life. Hopefully all the times I've been with you and the group, hopefully that counted for something." Nero said, backing up a bit. Adam looked to his left, and saw the fire beginning to burn through the walls.
"I'm sorry." Adam said, running out of the small shelter they were inside. Once he got out, thankfully, they were still in Savannah. Once he was out of the building, he saw Ava, David and Sonya.
"God damn it." Adam sighed, walking away. He didn't want anyone to see him when he let all his emotions out. He couldn't help but cry. He bursted out tears, and fell to his knees. Nero, Sonya, and Daniel had died in a matter of ten minutes. And he had just left Nero and Sonya.
"I'm sorry." Ava rested her hand on Adam's shoulder. Beatrice came up.
"I can't believe I left that..." Beatrice said, with tears falling down her cheek. After a few seconds of silence, Adam got back up, looking around the area.
"Let's go find the sons of bitches who killed Nero, Sonya and Daniel."
To be continued
Ursula and Eric? The little mermaid? WHERE IS ARIEL
Give your thoughts on this chapter. Lot of shit happened.
Oh shit. RIP Daniel, Nero, and Sonya
So Sonya and Nero blew up, and Daniel was stabbed to death? Well.... Screw me..... At least my character is still alive and antagonizing.
Shit is hitting the fan, woah!
R.I.P. Daniel and Sombrero
Noooo, the best pair ever died
R.I.P Sombrero
Noooooo!!! Daniel, Nero, and Sonya died ='(. Also, I have a question. Is the group from Carver's place gonna come back?
I think TinyCarlos said it was coming back on episode 5
Ah ok. Must have missed it I guess. Thank you
Not Carver's group, Ian's group will be back in Ep5
Well, at least Daniel's final line was possibly the greatest thing ever. Also killed that guy on his own. That's pretty badass.
And Nero died too, one of my favorite characters.
I'm sorry, man.
Well damn, so many deaths.
P.S: My other character isn't on the waiting list yet.
And my character is dead.......
Wait a minute, he's banned!? Why!?
IDK I was thinking the same thing.