Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • What do you mean "Look more stressed out?"

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    -In Season 1 if you help hold back Lilly and let Kenny kill Larry, but you don't kill the first brother Danny, Lilly will call you out on it

  • Jane accuses Arvo of being a junkie

  • How do you know this? Hacked into the game files?

    Not sure if its been known but here is some information/facts about the changes made in the first season i uncovered in game files. Enjoy!

  • Why everybody here hate Pewds?

  • Where did you get this

    Not sure if its been known but here is some information/facts about the changes made in the first season i uncovered in game files. Enjoy!

  • When she said, "Junkie" I thought of Eddie. I was thinking that those meds we're for Eddie, but it wasn't .-.

    Kennysucks posted: »

    Jane accuses Arvo of being a junkie

  • Then Clem nods her head and Carver goes, "Ah...Okay..." haha

    fallandir posted: »

    If you stay silent when Carver enters the cabin, you'll discover Worried Uncle Bill.

  • I think they just don't like Luke being compared with him.

    BuDDy100 posted: »

    Why everybody here hate Pewds?

  • Lines under the eyes maybe?

    What do you mean "Look more stressed out?"

  • About Nick Stokes: he's a character in the CSI games so I'm guessing TTG kind of accidentally put him with the files?

    Not sure if its been known but here is some information/facts about the changes made in the first season i uncovered in game files. Enjoy!

  • edited August 2014

    Yes. I was the first to find out all about Episode 4 before it was released and spoiled through hacking game files. Episode 5 doesn't surprise me now, but I can't risk spoiling it until another few weeks :/

    How do you know this? Hacked into the game files?

  • Here is Nick Stokes character data I found. Enjoy!

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    That1Guy posted: »

    About Nick Stokes: he's a character in the CSI games so I'm guessing TTG kind of accidentally put him with the files?

  • Season 1 game files.

    Dyeingbrad posted: »

    Where did you get this

  • Kenny forshadows losing his eye in episode 3: "Damn I was hoping you could catch somethin' this old eyes missed... they're gettin' more and more useless.."

  • You are correct ;)

    remorse667 posted: »

    And there was two recent walkers... which means.. LILY CONFIRMED FOR EPISODE 5!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Its a surprise. Otherwise Clem would have reconized the RV when its right in front of her ;)

    Pride posted: »

    I believe the color differences are just because of the lighting It's dusk on the first screen, and morning in the other

  • You guys are in for a big surprise.

    fallandir posted: »

    Hope we gonna find out soon.

  • you're so cool

    Yes. I was the first to find out all about Episode 4 before it was released and spoiled through hacking game files. Episode 5 doesn't surprise me now, but I can't risk spoiling it until another few weeks

  • Every detail does matter. You will be happy with Episode 5 ;)

    Pride posted: »

    Well, they're usually attentive to vehicles. Like how we see the stranger's car when Lee's being taken to prison, and how we see it again be

  • Because he's gross and makes rape jokes? He's even made a rape joke about Clementine. He's disgusting.

    BuDDy100 posted: »

    Why everybody here hate Pewds?

  • It makes more sense for Buricko to say that since he looks like more like the insane type guy.

    TWD_25 posted: »

    I thought Vitali was saying that to Burricko? Says that on the Wiki page. But he says he can take out any three of them with his bare hands.

  • edited August 2014

    I can copy paste wiki info too!


    Yes. I was the first to find out all about Episode 4 before it was released and spoiled through hacking game files. Episode 5 doesn't surprise me now, but I can't risk spoiling it until another few weeks

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    Screw that walker!

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    -I think this got mentioned, but in Episode 4 characters like Luke, Jane and Bonnie have finally adopted Clem's group name for the undead by

  • You must be familiar with my post then, friend.

    BenUseful posted: »

    I can copy paste wiki info too! Lol

  • Would you like to see the Episode 5 game files? :D

    you're so cool

  • Send me pls

    Would you like to see the Episode 5 game files?

  • 2 villain from twau and twd had the same subtitle color: Crooked man and Carver

    and moral compass for the group:Luke and Troy(lol)

  • I doubt you wrote that post, I doubt you've done any real digging around in the game files, and I doubt you have anything about Episode 5.

    You must be familiar with my post then, friend.

  • More specifically, his "WTF" reaction to that implies he doesn't even know what that would mean.

    Kennysucks posted: »

    Jane accuses Arvo of being a junkie

  • Watch. I doubt he'll ever send anything or post anything in "a few weeks".

    child123 posted: »

    Send me pls

  • edited August 2014


    Carley123 posted: »

    Amid The Ruins is the only episode so far were NO new characters die.

  • I'm not sure if it's due to the sunken-in eyes, but most of the generic walker models don't have eyebrows.

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  • i remember when this thread first started,now look at it

  • Can you show me too?

    Would you like to see the Episode 5 game files?

  • Because it's mainstream to like pewdiepie since he has so much subscribers.I watch him sometimes,only to see what he did on certain choices.


    BuDDy100 posted: »

    Why everybody here hate Pewds?

  • "Gaming Journalists" for the most part have somehow failed to detect the noticeable drop in quality between Season 1 of TWD and Season 2. Episodes seem to be graded on a scale of 8-10 with the majority of PR spokesman...err "gaming journalists" showering unending praise on Telltale.

    Is this another example of paid reviews or are gaming journalists (as a whole) really that incompetent?


  • In S1 episode 4 when you are shooting walkers to protect Clementine you can't shoot the walker that is on the right of her.

  • When?

    RybatGrimes posted: »

    Because he's gross and makes rape jokes? He's even made a rape joke about Clementine. He's disgusting.

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