Yep, its the Quesarito. I would try the Cantina POwer menu, but they dont even have the Cantina menu, atleast at the nearest taco bell from me, which is a 20 minute drive and the rest are out of my area (1 hour + of driving) so its just not worth it trying to see if they have that stuff. Hopefully they have the Quesarito since I saw the commercial play.
We need to get the party started!
That's the Quesarito, right? I've been wanting to try it. They've also added the Cantina power menu.
Now that I have to try, haha.
Damn, bro. And I saw that they don't have the breakfast menu either. Canadian Taco Bell is slacking, haha.
So I tried finding that video, but I couldn't even get close to finding it. People would have to share it again for me to see it, I can't remember the name, lol.
Yep, its the Quesarito. I would try the Cantina POwer menu, but they dont even have the Cantina menu, atleast at the nearest taco bell from … moreme, which is a 20 minute drive and the rest are out of my area (1 hour + of driving) so its just not worth it trying to see if they have that stuff. Hopefully they have the Quesarito since I saw the commercial play.
Damn, bro. And I saw that they don't have the breakfast menu either. Canadian Taco Bell is slacking, haha.
So I tried finding that video,… more but I couldn't even get close to finding it. People would have to share it again for me to see it, I can't remember the name, lol.
We have it here, but I haven't even tried it, haha. Some of the menu items look good, though. Haven't had taco hell in so long.
Lol, not even worth it, though.
Whenever someone says the work "gif" but pronounces it like "jif" I'm just like...
It's "gif" with a "G" not freaking peanut butter. How do you guys pronounce it?
@Markd4547 You wanted some quotes, here are some of my favorites:
-"I want to see and understand the world outside. I don’t want to die inside these walls without knowing what’s out there!"
-"People, who can’t throw something important away, can never hope to change anything."
-"If you think it’s natural for people to sacrifice their own lives to save others, surely you understand that sometimes a single death can save many lives."
-"Start looking around you...and all you see are people the world would be better off without."
-"Laws aren't perfect, because humans who created laws aren't perfect. It's impossible to be perfect. However, the laws are evidence of the human's struggle to be righteous."
Yep, its the Quesarito. I would try the Cantina POwer menu, but they dont even have the Cantina menu, atleast at the nearest taco bell from me, which is a 20 minute drive and the rest are out of my area (1 hour + of driving) so its just not worth it trying to see if they have that stuff. Hopefully they have the Quesarito since I saw the commercial play.
Damn, bro. And I saw that they don't have the breakfast menu either. Canadian Taco Bell is slacking, haha.
So I tried finding that video, but I couldn't even get close to finding it. People would have to share it again for me to see it, I can't remember the name, lol.
Cheap ass taco bell can't make a new commercial instead keep that corny ass shit.
Really? We should team up and terrorize these kids my niece and cousins fear me muahahaha. By the way the original comment xD wtf Hold hoods?
I wouldnt mind waking up early to get that Waffle Taco, but they dont have it
Lol, its alright, dont sweat it.
We have it here, but I haven't even tried it, haha. Some of the menu items look good, though. Haven't had taco hell in so long.
Lol, not even worth it, though.
Yeah, that breakfast menu does look good. If they had that stuff at my local tacobell, I would probably go more often.
lol, true.
Well that was a crazy night O_O
I say it like G-i-f instead of making it a word.... am I the only one that does that?
Lol, maybe one day, man. Maybe one day...
Yeah some of the women got a little crazy O_o
Lol, where were you? Party or something?
@Markd4547 You wanted some quotes, here are some of my favorites:
-"I want to see and understand the world outside. I don’t want to die inside these walls without knowing what’s out there!"
-"People, who can’t throw something important away, can never hope to change anything."
-"If you think it’s natural for people to sacrifice their own lives to save others, surely you understand that sometimes a single death can save many lives."
-"Start looking around you...and all you see are people the world would be better off without."
-"Laws aren't perfect, because humans who created laws aren't perfect. It's impossible to be perfect. However, the laws are evidence of the human's struggle to be righteous."
Jif Gif what's the dif? Yes i know I'm a motherfucking poetic genius.
Nice to see a mod post something fun in the lounge
In a car...
LOLZ! I freaking died when my friend showed me this.
In a car...? Lol, what?
Lmfao, dafuq, CiD meister?! So random, haha.
Were you on drugs bro?
Shakespeare is in the lounge! Look out!
Brent, you're scaring me.
NO. IM A VIRGIN. NOTHING LIKE THAT. The girls wanted to play a stupid game and that's all I'm saying XD
God, CiD.... wtf....
Good thing I already took a nap, so I won't have to see this face in my dreams tonight.
Lmao hold hoods xD stupid typo on a phone.
Does 2 large DQ blizzards count as drugs? XD. I'm so amazed about how skinny I am. I eat like a fat ass xD
Bro bro BRO man I'm just like you guys you don't need to treat me differently only because im a fucking poetic genius.
Love you too Rachelle
someone took a SnapChat at the perfect moment XD believe me I've never done that pose before
"Its okay to be scarred"
So you was in a car with girls and nothing happened... Whether the girls where you live are saints or the stench of bullshit is in the air tonight.
That picture scared me so much I think I need to go see a psychiatrist...
Damn i thought you was on Crack but you was on something even more hardcore geezus dude.
You look like you just strangled someone.
Game (N) - Something fun to do
I will x__x
Lmao, hey, you said it, not me. I never said anything about that. B]
Hmm, a "game" I see...
"Something fun"
Brent, slow it doesn't you're only 12.
You had to put it as your profile pic, too, huh? xD