25 things wrong with Season 2 in a nutshell.

I'm still angry. Episode 4 actually disappointed me SO much, that I feel the need to do this again. Here's everything wrong with season 2 when looked at as a whole. Episode 5 is the final (probably 1 hour long) episode of the season, so I feel we can judge season 2 in it's completion now. I won't compare season 2 to season 1 in here, as I think, most of us agree S1 is better. I'll write it as short and to the point as possible. Everything I say here has been said a million times, but I wanna say it again.

Here we go:

  1. Choices amount to nothing: Episode one...how many of you GOT the JUICE BOX? I took A LOT of sips . Did you save Nick...doesn't matter, he didn't contribute much. Did you teach Sarah how to shoot? No biggie. I made Kenny mad...oh Good, he forgot everything 1 minute later. We're friends again. Did you steal the watch? Did you give it to Nick? So what? He forgot about it. Almost like the writer for ep1 and 2 KNEW what he was doing, leading us...throwing curve balls then BAM, ep3 and ep 4 throw it all out the window.

  2. Length. YES...new episode came out...wait what....thats IT? I waited 2 months for THIS? But...but...

  3. Too fast paced: Scene! Next Scene! Next Scene! Next Scene (episode 2 had a good pace.)

  4. Boring locales: K so...TTG takes away our hubs...gives em back later only for us to realize...gee...not much to observe or do. Can I touch this...can I ....can I touch this...no.

  5. Incoherent characters: Again...going back to my "too fast paced," criticism. Characters show change WAY...TOO,,,FAST. Jane-episode 3. "i'M STONE COLD. DONT TOUCH ME." Jane, episode 4 "Clem, I wanna tell you ALL about my dead sister cuz you remind me of her or something and have sex with Luke cuz hes attractive even tho I didnt show the slightest interest. The Spanish doctor guy doesn't like me oh nooooooooooo...oh good he likes me now, yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. Rebecca...u know what I'm gunna do? Im gunna blackmail you...yeeeehhhhh. That's right. yaaaaaaay...we're friends not even an hour later.

  6. Poor use of villain. Carver-episode 2 AWESOME. Carver episode 3...typical. Oh wait...he died...this episode? Oh wow....maybe if the episode had BEEN LONGER you could have killed him off in a satisfying way. The writer presents us with this smart, no nonsense type o guy in episode 2 n its like..."yeh...i respect him. I fear him. I kind of like him. I kind of see his point." Then in episode 3 turn him into stereotypically cartoony,

  7. TTG blatantly lied to us. Buy 400 days....your story in season 2 wont be complete unless you buy 400 days. K, I played 400 days. K...here's all your fav 400 days characters in here for a 2 second CAMEO that was handled half-assed and actually seemed like it shouldnt have even been in episode 3 in the first place (kind of just...shoved in.). Thanks for the money....bitch.

  8. Kenny: "Kenny, I thought you were dead." "Nope, Im alive." "Really? How?" "I got lucky." "Ok, good enough for me."

  9. Plot threads/themes that went nowhere or didn't resolve/present itself in a satisfying way: Christa, Sarah, Jane, Luke/Kenny rivalry, trust

  10. Too many plot "conveniences,". We need to escape the camp. NOOO problem. Herd just happens to be on its way and Luke somehow (exhausted) breached this heavily secure fortress cuz hes solid snake.

  11. Clem: Clem....now I know your only a little girl but do everything for us and....I need your advice on freakin everything. Even tho we are all grown adults...everything you say GOES. Ok?

  12. Stupidity: Rebecca's face has changed colour. Uh oh...her eyes are yellow...shes turning shes turning...check her for a fever...c mon...Whoops shes dead. They need a xmas star..where is it? Where is it? THERE IT iS! 20 seconds away from where Sarita, who has been living here, was standing....Mike looking in the box for God knows how long. Doesn't consider, oh idunno...moving the box?

  13. Knowing that everything you do doesn't matter: Ohhh,,,,I have a choice to make. Well, who CARES...doesn't mean diddly squat.

  14. Too MANY characters who are killed off to quick: I hated this guy but now im starting to like him...WHOOPS, he's dead. Ok, so who'se this guy? WHOOPS hes dead. I don't like this guy...oh good hes dead. Ohhhh...he seems mean. OH GOOD, hes actually really funny. I dunno much about him but hes funny I guess. Actually....I dont know much about anyone. I just...dont feel bonded as much AS I wanted to.

  15. Plot seems to lack direction and an ultimate goal: I dunno....but everything just seems REALLY random to me. A series of random events just kind of happening....maybe it's just me.

16.Poor use of Clem's character: Don't get me wrong, I love Clem, but she's been turned into a damn GI JOE. I will NEVER....forget the scene when she was sewing herself up in between sips of juice. It was....freaking stupid. There I said it. It was. At first, I thought it was intense and I cringed, but after I thought about it..no. Like what you say to a puppy who has been bad. NO! That was NOT ok. I don't like the idea that Clem is tougher/as tough and more/as capable/intelligent/calm/in control than the leader of KGB. NO! I will not suspend my disbelief for this.

  1. Poor guidance as to what your choice actually means: "wanna hold the baby, Clem?" Mmmmm...let's see..."hold baby." "Don't hold baby." "I dunno how." "...." I don't wanna hold the baby cuz I dont know how. I'll chose I dunno how. Wait...why r u giving me the baby? No, I dont wanna hold your stupid baby. NO!

  2. Not enough variety on replays in episode 3/4: 4 choices...all of which get the same reply. "where's Jane?" " she's gone." "oh." "shes dead." "oh." "Shes right behind you." "oh." "Go to Hell." "oh."

  3. Some of the actors sucked=Reggie.

  4. This is not a game anymore: No no...pressing q then down arrow does not a game make.

  5. Different writers handling different episodes: See Carver example. See incoherent example. See choices example, etc etc.

  6. New playing dead sucks. I dunno the host's of Ign's Playing dead name. I don't care. He.needs.to.be.replaced. NOW! I cant watch it anymore. It's not even informative...its just him whining and making annoying childish jokes. I watch these kinds of shows to be informed. Not to hear some douche whose trying to appear edgy talk about his choices. I can do that on this forum, thank you. He's not a game reporter. He's some guy doing as little as possible to make a show. He's very bad.

  7. (Not a comparison.) Not enough references to season 1. Choices made in season 1 amounted to 2 or 3 little dialogue alterations. Not one person mentioned Lilly or the others? You know what would have been nice...and REALLY easy? Just a two minute convo between Kenny and Clem summing up season 1 and referencing a few of the characters and choices you made along the way. I'd have loved that.

  8. Disenchantment: I am no longer immersed in the illusion of choice.

  9. No payoff to the player/disatisfying outcomes: See-choices amount to nothing.

Anymore you'd like to add? Why not throw em all here? Can we make it to 100?

I have little faith that episode 5 can resolve all this but Nick is a much better writer than most from what i gather...so good luck. If anyone can end this less than stellar episode on a high note-it's you!



  • ElliasEllias Banned
    edited August 2014


  • I miss season 1.

    1. Looking at the narrative as a whole-it makes no sense.
  • "Does this shit ever end?!"- Luke.

    Jesus Christ is that hard to just say this shit in the "Shame on you, TTG" thread? Do you have to make a whole entire thread just to repeat what has been said over a billion times?

  • Yes

    "Does this shit ever end?!"- Luke. Jesus Christ is that hard to just say this shit in the "Shame on you, TTG" thread? Do you have to make a whole entire thread just to repeat what has been said over a billion times?

  • I think Reggie's voice actor did a pretty good job.

  • couldn't agree more.
    Season 2 seems like a rushed mess, just to cash in on the franchise.
    I can only dread what season 3 will be like..

    plus choices seem very weak.
    Season 1 was like:
    Did your words have an impact on [person]
    Did you save [Person]
    Who did you feed?

    Season 2 is bassicly:
    Did you hug a teddy bear?
    did you say "hi" to Luke?

  • edited August 2014

    Yeah this season is a bag of shit.

    Don't let the apologists tell you otherwise OP.

    PS - How the hell do I add GIF's/Meme's anymore? I tried copy/paste and the image link and still nothing.

  • I miss Lee

    I miss season 1.

  • These type of threads are being made daily. We don't anymore of them.

    kobe24 posted: »


  • The issues need to be addressed

    These type of threads are being made daily. We don't anymore of them.

  • Hugs We all do, man.

    kobe24 posted: »

    I miss Lee

  • Well, TTG is hiring. Go work there and address the issues.

    kobe24 posted: »

    The issues need to be addressed

  • Yes

    Well, TTG is hiring. Go work there and address the issues.

  • I genuinely laughed at Reggie and not because I thought his jokes were so witty or his character was so great. It was because his voice sounded incredibly whiny and his performance was simply cringe-worthy.

    fallandir posted: »

    I think Reggie's voice actor did a pretty good job.

  • edited August 2014

    This is what I find wrong with this post in a nutshell:

    It's too long and misuses the idiom "In a nutshell."

    Just kidding. I didn't read it. I'm sure you have some good points, though. Perhaps even 25 of them.

  • And that was the point of his character, right? Wobbly, careless, kinda "whiny". He acted how he was written to be and he did it good enough to convince me.

    That_1_Guy posted: »

    I genuinely laughed at Reggie and not because I thought his jokes were so witty or his character was so great. It was because his voice sounded incredibly whiny and his performance was simply cringe-worthy.

  • The good thing about opinions is that everyone has a different one. And I take umbrage to a couple of your points:

    1: Clementine sewing up her arm is 'unbelievable'? I'm sorry, but have you actually seen what kids in war-zones, impoverished situations or any other situation that's not just middle-class America can go through? If anything, an 11 year old being able to perform first aid on herself should be expected after spending over two years living in misery.

    2: This might be an unpopular viewpoint, but I didn't actually see anything likable in Carver in Episode 2. He was a sleazy scumbag even then.

  • Yup...there's a million threads just like this one, and heres another one. This franchise is beloved to me, and I wanna make sure season 3 (there WILL be a season 3,) doesn't drop the ball the way season 2 did. All we can do is voice our anger. We were lied to and were given a product that, when looked at under scrutiny, doesn't even come close to the quality of season 1. I guess because some were banking on our blind acceptance of "good enough.“ Well no....not good enough. TTG made some very evident faults that shouldn't even come to be. Mixed bag of new writers. Shorter game time to focus on WAY to many products etc etc...all they could make bank. I bought the season pass for S2, I wont be doing it for S3. TTG lost alot of faith with me. We WERE cheated in some small ways. A million "disappointment," threads STILL wont be enough,.

  • gotta say I agree with most of your list, but still looking forward to S3.


  • edited August 2014

    I don't have a problem with Breckon's writing, I think he is one of the best guys to substitute Vanaman. Though I have a few things to that. The main thing is that he let episode 3 and 4 writers to literally do anything they want (except maybe finishing his list who's supposed to die till episode 5) and fuck up the story.

    And 2 things in episode 1, first of all - Christa shows Clem how to treat injuries, sewing and shit, but she doesn't show her how to tend a fire in 2 years? And the second, Clem is a smart badass, she knew that waiting till morning is retarded, she could bleed out or the infection could spread too fast, BUT... Why the hell didn't she take off her shirt or something and tie the wound right after the dog bit her to prevent bleeding if she knows about this stuff? And why exactly did she sew herself (which was kinda over the top though her hand was fucked like this for quite some time so it had to be a bit numb to pain), she could just clean the wound and tie it up with the shirt again, that'd be enough till the morning.

    Overall I'm satisfied with episode 1 and 2 except I'd like more hubs there with optional conversation to get to know the characters better. 8+/10

    With episodes 3 and 4 I have unfortunately more issues, though I'd still probly give them 7-/10

  • No, I LIKE Breckon...that wasn't sarcasm. episode two was gold.

    I don't have a problem with Breckon's writing, I think he is one of the best guys to substitute Vanaman. Though I have a few things to that.

  • edited August 2014

    B-but... the graphics are pretty cool though... ;-;

  • l concur with this entire list. Pretty much all of these have annoyed me at one point or another.

  • Yeah my second most favourite episode actually, it had amazing atmosphere.

    Godwalker posted: »

    No, I LIKE Breckon...that wasn't sarcasm. episode two was gold.

  • Yeah pretty much everything improved except the gameplay and the story, which are kinda most important.

    That1Guy posted: »

    B-but... the graphics are pretty cool though... ;-;

  • Oh, but now we have "great" dragging prompts. (I still can't do them correctly most of the time -.-)

    Yeah pretty much everything improved except the gameplay and the story, which are kinda most important.

  • I cringed whe clem says im not going anywere, i know! Like the way she said it just made her sound way to tough for her age also i dont think she really had much of a reason to stay like rebecca or kenny!


    I cringed whe clem says im not going anywere, i know! Like the way she said it just made her sound way to tough for her age also i dont think she really had much of a reason to stay like rebecca or kenny!

  • Lee wouldve been disappointed...

    Bokor posted: »


  • I am asking Telltale for a fucking season reboot. This season though..

  • Yes, a season where Lee survives would be preferable...

    Web Head posted: »

    I am asking Telltale for a fucking season reboot. This season though..

  • I agree with the OP. The writing is just lazy and rushed.

    The biggest mistake was making Clementine the main character, totally negated what Lee did in Season 1. And there is just some instances were it just gets ridiculous. Would have loved to see Clementine react differently to things in season 2 depending on the actions Lee took in season 1. But I guess that was just too much hard work for telltale.

  • edited August 2014



    Hugs We all do, man.

  • It seems like Ep4 was a hasty rewrite to accommodate for Season 3. The change may have affected the ending of Ep3. It seems like there was supposed to be something else going on and at the last minute there was a rewrite that changed the whole direction of the season. That's why some deaths seemed cheap, why there are inconsistencies, why the episode seemed so disconnected, because the rewrite was so sudden. They had to narrow down the characters in preparation for season 3. It's pretty obvious the Carver arc was ended sooner than it should have. Characters like Nick and Sarah seemed like they were being built up for something, but then they changed their minds and got rid of them rather unceremoniously .

    I'm just speculating, but I think their decision to make a Season 3 forced them to make major changes to the latter half of Season 2. Episode 5 will be all about setting up your story choices and characters leading in to season 3. Episode 4 ended up being a bastard episode that originally was supposed to be the end of the Carver story-arc, and Ep4 suffered because of that.

  • Don't forget to note that the original slides for ep 3 &4 had nothing to do with the episodes at all.

    Rayder posted: »

    It seems like Ep4 was a hasty rewrite to accommodate for Season 3. The change may have affected the ending of Ep3. It seems like there wa

  • Its supposed to be

    Ellias posted: »


  • I would suck the writers of Season 1's dicks if it would make them come back and rewrite season 2.

  • edited August 2014

    If A House Divided was your second favorite, Was All That Remains your first favorite episode? Or one of the Season One episodes?

    Yeah my second most favourite episode actually, it had amazing atmosphere.

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