I'm in College and I didn't even take a summer break. I also work and put a lot of effort into staying healthy. Nice try, kid.
In all seriousness, good luck. School is fucking annoying sometimes, I know.
SOOOOOO hi again
sry i went to the countryside since thursday and could not talk here (i only had mi coussin's mini pad witch was terribl… moree)
So i wanted to say that i learned to accept my character death and actually like it
but i still could not get over how nooS it was );
BUT (sry for the many Buts) i found a solution i must............ join another one of these interactive stories on the telltale forum's (o i'm sorry i meant "COMMUNITIE'S")
So i'm asking you guys if you know any of them that need characters preferably any that include you guys and gals ( i really like you people) and have good character treatment (like pro has)
Lol, look, I honestly thought she had seen that part already, and I didn't think she was going to look it up. I even told her to keep watching until she got to that part, but... oh well. No more spoilers then. B]
I'm not spoiling myself that much! I accidentally ran into the Joffrey one. But I'm kinda glad because it made my whole year.
OI haven't been spoiled for anything else besides what you just spoiled for me, renlys death and the scene with drago holding the baby. Other then that, nothing else. But you just spoiled like 3 huge things with that "red wedding" thing. -____-
Lol, I thought you were past that part, but when you asked what it was, I was like oh shit, just keep watching until you see it, lol. I didn't think you were going to look it up, but from now on, no more spoilers.
I'm not spoiling myself that much! I accidentally ran into the Joffrey one. But I'm kinda glad because it made my whole year.
OI haven't… more been spoiled for anything else besides what you just spoiled for me, renlys death and the scene with drago holding the baby. Other then that, nothing else. But you just spoiled like 3 huge things with that "red wedding" thing. -____-
Lol, look, I honestly thought she had seen that part already, and I didn't think she was going to look it up. I even told her to keep watching until she got to that part, but... oh well. No more spoilers then. B]
I can't beat up my brother, he starts crying if I go even a little too far, but I let him beat me up so he could feel good about himself, and it's good training xD
When I get sick of him I just slam him into a closet with my elbow in a way that it doesn't hurt, but it intimidates him enough to shit his pants and leave me alone XD
Yeah, he's so freaking annoying!
Lol, I thought you were past that part, but when you asked what it was, I was like oh shit, just keep watching until you see it, lol. I didn't think you were going to look it up, but from now on, no more spoilers.
XD ME NO!!! check the thread it was just me spamming the place earlier I did about 5 or 6 comments in a row alone
If you mean an actual serious fist fight, then no, never. Never needed to.
I'm glad my younger brother is following my steps and becoming a legend. I'm proud, kid.
Wall Street: Fuck me? Hah! Fuck you motherfucker!
Lmao, I saw that, I thought you were starting to lose it, haha. Blame it on the timezones, then. B]
Sounds awesome buy anything cool?
I feel bad for your sister. :c
Well, you're in college, that's normal.
And thanks, I fucking hate school, and there's only 3 weeks of summer left.
The seats are comfy though
I think he meant a fist fight, one where you actually want to kill the other person xD
But ...... she wanted to know.
Buts, the more - the better.
I dunno, I guess. I see it as cool whenever I have a good day. Eating and spending money on myself make me really happy, so there you go. :P
See? Pro agrees with me.
Lol, look, I honestly thought she had seen that part already, and I didn't think she was going to look it up. I even told her to keep watching until she got to that part, but... oh well. No more spoilers then. B]
I'm not spoiling myself that much! I accidentally ran into the Joffrey one. But I'm kinda glad because it made my whole year.
OI haven't been spoiled for anything else besides what you just spoiled for me, renlys death and the scene with drago holding the baby. Other then that, nothing else. But you just spoiled like 3 huge things with that "red wedding" thing. -____-
I have to start school Tuesday.
I knew about and saw his death way before I asked her to tell me.
Yeah, he's so freaking annoying!
Lol, I thought you were past that part, but when you asked what it was, I was like oh shit, just keep watching until you see it, lol. I didn't think you were going to look it up, but from now on, no more spoilers.
When me and my sister fight, its pretty brutal.
She's got the long nails but I have the biceps.
hehe you should. xD
Why is yours so bright?
Pssh... okay. NO MORE.
This was the feel
I can't beat up my brother, he starts crying if I go even a little too far, but I let him beat me up so he could feel good about himself, and it's good training xD
When I get sick of him I just slam him into a closet with my elbow in a way that it doesn't hurt, but it intimidates him enough to shit his pants and leave me alone XD
None of the notifications for the lounge were showing up in my feed XD I thought this place was a fucking ghost town!
lol if they're aren't that many people here tomorrow, I'll just watch a crap load and try to catch up.
I just wanna get to that twerps death already.
Damn..... I dunno. Thanks, I guess.
Is the remastered version any different? Or is it just the same with the graphics looking a bit better?
Damn, that sucks.
There needs to be a 69
I had to.