If she could successfully teach our puppy how to stand up like a person in three days I had to buy her chips for a week and take these types of pictures. If she couldn't, her Ipad was mine.
If she could successfully teach our puppy how to stand up like a person in three days I had to buy her chips for a week and take these types of pictures. If she couldn't, her Ipad was mine.
I think only one is suppose to know xD
Wait wat
If she could successfully teach our puppy how to stand up like a person in three days I had to buy her chips for a week and take these types of pictures. If she couldn't, her Ipad was mine.
I guess I missed it then
Thank you all for your concern
Post the pictures fgt.
What did you do
He was all like:
Lol nah he just took off his sock. What a nub.
Yeah, I'd do it. Problem is that the goose head is at an angle, and that I don't know how much of the head he'd want covered by the hat.
Post it fgt.
What did you do?
Better freaking tell me m8.
I look like a...Ya know. ;-;
My lips are sealed.
Goddamn it, Ben!
My lips are sealed.
I'm not sure I want the ENTIRE Forum to see such thing.
I'll quote Kenneth:
-_- I don't care what your lips are; TELL MEEE.
It's alright. I'm fine with my current avatar. But your willingness is appreciated.
The entire forum isn't here, just us.
I wanna see!
You done goofed!
Nope C:
Take the ribbon off!
Fine. I'm only gonna leave it there a while, though. Deal?
That moment when you log on to Town of Salem and see that @AllThatRemains and @NoncyFlippledorp didn't accept your friend request :c
Vivian's dead so you can't say that.
@AWESOMEO @AllThatRemains
Pls don't laugh. Lmao. Only because of you guys.
COME OOOON. You dont say that you did something horrible and then NOT tell us what it is.
Ok if it's personal then you don't have to say it....
Y'know it's actually a good look...
I've got a new profile picture
Looks good on you! ^-^
You look kind of regal
I have this flower thingy back home, it's in my room actually.