Worst case scenarios: Choice 1
You, ATR and Jewf are trapped in a small room. They have their hands cuffed behind their backs and they're… more blindfolded. Spikes are on the ceiling and it's starting to slowly come down. The door is locked and the only way to escape is by killing one of them. The man who trapped you guys told you that in order to escape, you MUST choose to kill one and let the other live. Here's the catch, though. Jewf said that he knows how to fire a gun and that could possibly come in handy later on. ATR said that she could crawl through the air ducts and possibly get some help or get to another room to help you escape. Who do you choose?
1) Save Jewf, kill ATR.
2) Save ATR, kll Jewf
Another choice!
The group is running away from a herd of walkers that appeared out of nowhere from the woods. During the madness of ever… moreyone fleeing, a walker bites a chunk off of SweetPea's shoulder. She manages to free herself from it's grasp and keep running. The constant running is too strenuous for most of the group, and they start to lose speed, causing the walkers to catch up to them. SweetPea is falling behind. It is obvious at this point that not everyone will make it out alive.
1. [ Push SweetPea into the herd of walkers.]
Effect: She begins to scream and cries at the betrayal as she is devoured by the walkers. This is enough of a distraction for the rest of the group members to escape.]
2.] [Try to save SweetPea from being eaten]
Effect: DLB, Puncake, Valky, Sardines, and Angel fall back to save her. DLB gets lost in the herd and is stranded from the group. Puncake and Valky manage to carry her back to the group. Sardines and Angel are devoured by the herd.
They're they're you have nothing to be ashamed of?
In all seriousness, it's amazing how badly the American education system fails people. Honestly, I would recommend you get tutoring, in grammar because it's only going to become harder to correct as time wears on.
Something else random, I am American and I'm 18 yet I never learned proper grammar. I never know when to use commas and when to stop sentences and also have trouble with their, there, and they're.
Yes I'm ashamed and pretty dumb
They're they're you have nothing to be ashamed of?
In all seriousness, it's amazing how badly the American education system fails people.… more Honestly, I would recommend you get tutoring, in grammar because it's only going to become harder to correct as time wears on.
My little lungs will be filled with smoke quickly, hopefully it won't take too long for me to die ;~;
Definitely 4) Sheep since he is a f… moreirefighter. He'll have saved people from fires before, maybe he can do it again. 6) Jon because he could come up with an idea to get people to safety, 1) Lee because his survival will be needed since he makes the best leader (or does he...?)
I predicted it bro remember I called it the minute I go to sleep PARTY TIME I wake up everyone is gone. We waited the whole day with hardly any comments then BOOM I sleep PARTY TIME AH sheet
I predicted it bro remember I called it the minute I go to sleep PARTY TIME I wake up everyone is gone. We waited the whole day with hardly any comments then BOOM I sleep PARTY TIME AH sheet
Alrighty, your dinner is in the freezer, and I drank all the soda. We also watched the all the Star Wars, Lord Of The Rings, and the first two Hobbit movies without you. Took you long enough to get here!
I only watched one episode. Too much sex! Be awkward when my older siblings are behind me as they watch TV when I'm on this thing. Plus, I have enough dirty images in my head as it is! xD
When you were supposed to finish the next part of the story, and then continue watching the third and fourth season of GoT, but the people in the lounge were just too awesome...
Alright, I will be hosting once again tonight at 7pm eastern time on my GTAO sessions, so join us in numbers and experience the torture that… more are Rig Races with us !!
You could say its Rig Races week and we hope that a lot of people will show up to feel the pain with us, although it will be my third time now and his races do have a certain charm...they WILL test your mental strength, patience and skills...so be prepared for a challenge...
Rig and Jon had a lot of fun running from the cops and wrecked havoc in my absence last night. As you can see...
So join us once again and this time test your skills on the hardest races ever created, made by Rigtail to torture us all and test us.
See ya in Los Santos !!
Shout out to : @sardines , @TWDFan86 , @JonGon , @Rigtail , @TDMShadowCP , @Tobi_Is_A_Good , @Twistee , @Its_That_Guy , @ps3gamer , @Clubremix_Guetta , @Dont_Look_Back , @WhatTheDuck , @Papai46 .
PS : sorry once agai… [view original content]
Never drink? Meh, I don't drink a lot either, people just tell me I'm drunk because I act like it... I've only like... Drank a glass of wine, beer and whiskey in the last two years...
So I had another dream last night. Another crazy one. Here goes.
I was walking out of my house when suddenly I became a 14 year old and I was outside the mall. I was hanging out with a group of kids. For some reason I was wearing only one roller blade yet I still moved perfectly. Anyway we were all doing this heist to sabotage the plumbing system of the mall. We climbed onto the roof where I went through the skylight where I entered my own bathroom! I then dropped a condom in the bathtubs pipe which caused a flood of sewage coming out. It started leaking out of the walls, the bed, EVERYTHING! I was travelling through the mall which for some reason was my house? It was leaking and flooding and when security came I killed them with roller blade. I managed to escape and me and the crew had a big celebration.
2) Save ATR, kll Jewf
Because stuff and thangs
XD the hero
Cool and dat hair :DD
I hope your alright bro
XD I aint touching that question DAYUM
XD Your a sexy beast Saltbro
Who's Scarlet
XD both
Alright bro I'm alone to
They're they're you have nothing to be ashamed of?
In all seriousness, it's amazing how badly the American education system fails people. Honestly, I would recommend you get tutoring, in grammar because it's only going to become harder to correct as time wears on.
Huh? What? I do know one thing that's not the right their.
damn clem needs to stay off them drugs
its so quiet here
Pretty much 400 new comments...
The hell happens in here at night? O_o
Some crazy shit.
I always miss the crazy shiet -____-
Hey, we all miss it at some point.
I predicted it bro remember I called it the minute I go to sleep PARTY TIME I wake up everyone is gone. We waited the whole day with hardly any comments then BOOM I sleep PARTY TIME AH sheet
We're not loved :,(
Erm sure. I'm addicted to random songs.
2:16 #Monnie4Life
Damn, this song is depressing!
I have arrived!
Good song.
Alrighty, your dinner is in the freezer, and I drank all the soda. We also watched the all the Star Wars, Lord Of The Rings, and the first two Hobbit movies without you. Took you long enough to get here!
Even if it means you're character dying? lol
I only watched one episode. Too much sex! Be awkward when my older siblings are behind me as they watch TV when I'm on this thing. Plus, I have enough dirty images in my head as it is! xD
Never drink? Meh, I don't drink a lot either, people just tell me I'm drunk because I act like it... I've only like... Drank a glass of wine, beer and whiskey in the last two years...
I need to get on top of my alcohol...
Well I need to keep my shape...
[Get Drunk.] [Get Sixpack.]
I have a confession to make...
I don't drink...
A lot...
I've only drank like a glass of Wine, Beer and Whiskey in the last two years...
I need to get on top of my game again, damnit!
[Go get drunk.]
[Keep going for a sixpack.]
Looks at my own hair....
Jealousy consumes me.
I hate my hair. It never gets swaggy.
When I'm here it's always empty. When I'm gone it's always full! I can just here them... the voices... laughing at me. Mocking me.
So I had another dream last night. Another crazy one. Here goes.
I was walking out of my house when suddenly I became a 14 year old and I was outside the mall. I was hanging out with a group of kids. For some reason I was wearing only one roller blade yet I still moved perfectly. Anyway we were all doing this heist to sabotage the plumbing system of the mall. We climbed onto the roof where I went through the skylight where I entered my own bathroom! I then dropped a condom in the bathtubs pipe which caused a flood of sewage coming out. It started leaking out of the walls, the bed, EVERYTHING! I was travelling through the mall which for some reason was my house? It was leaking and flooding and when security came I killed them with roller blade. I managed to escape and me and the crew had a big celebration.
Yep. That's exactly what happened. xD