Favorite video game?
So what are some of your guy's favorite video games? For Telltale, mine would be Walking Dead s1 and Wolf. Outside of Telltale I really enjoyed Tomb Raider (2013), Last of Us, Borderlands 2, and the occasional Madden NFL :P
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Fallout 1 2 3 and NV! Star Wars Jedi Knight Dark Forces II! Call of Duty! Rainbow Six Vegas!
BioShock's ending was awful. Too fucking confusing. No real point.
And what the hell is Corpse Party? I hear about it all the time.
GTA IV and V (for different reasons) -- IV is a darkly-satirical character drama, V is a fun, exciting story with great heists and multiplayer. Any other sandbox game by rockstar, really.
Papers, Please!
The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion and Skyrim
Medieval II: Total War
Team Fortress 2
Fallout: New Vegas
X-COM Enemy Within
Morrowind FTW! And how good is X-Com? Is it worth the money?
Corpse Party is a game where a class is transported into a haunted elementary school. A lot of the characters die and I don't want to spoil too much.
Isn't it a Japanese game?
Yes, but they converted it to English.
I figured that much, considering how popular those games are
I personally don't give a damn about Japanese games anymore, but to each their own.
I've never really played that many Japanese games, but this one was really good, the plot twists caught me off guard. It's very story heavy, with the first 20 minutes being one of those text cut scenes. Here's an image of the game:
Yes! Especially if you like strategy games. I'd advise that you get Enemy Within since It comes with all of the extras and DLC. My favorite part of the game is creating characters based off friends, fictional characters, celebrities, etc and seeing how long they last.
Last time I played, my lineup consisted of Nick (Sniper), Clementine (Support), Ronald Reagan (Shotgunner) and Ol' Dirty Bastard (Heavy). I had another Sniper named Ben Paul, but he panicked after a rookie got killed and shot poor ODB in the face for no reason.
Clementine managed to revive Ol' Dirty, but I turned Ben into a Mech as punishment.
Good times.
Mine are :
- The Last of Us
- Canis Canem Edit (also known as Bully)
- Heavy Rain
- Uncharted 2
- Silent Hill 2 & 3
- Tomb Raider (2013)
- LA Noire
- Red Dead Redemption
- Ico
Nick: That crazy guy had a gun on you! I thought he was going to shoot!
Clem: Dirty wasn't going to hurt anyone!
Nick: Bullshit, I know what I saw! Reagan's in front, he takes that shot! / I bet they're talkin' about me right now "Commander, he is becoming a danger to the X-COM project."
2. Batman Arkham City
3. Heavy Rain
4. The Walking Dead
5. Assassins Creed Brotherhood
7. Mafia 2
8. Batman Arkham Asylum
9. L.A. Noire
10. Just Cause 2
-Mass effect 2
-Batman arkham city
-assassins creed 4
-dragon age origins
-witcher 2
And that's just off the top of my head. :3
By the way, Tomb Raider was also on Xbox 360 and PC.
Dragon Age: Origins, Red Dead Redemption, and Baldur's Gate 2.
For all the complaining I do about BioWare these days, they've made 2 out of 3 of my favourite games of all time. Hmm.
Saint's Row 2 was a masterpiece; it really doesn't get the respect it deserves.
And now Rise of the Tomb Raider is exclusive to Xbox One! (manical laughter)
Resident Evil 4, Inventory management FTW!
Ya got that right.
Yeah and it fucking sucks
I know, but don't worry. I watch playthroughs of anything that isn't on my platform.
Yeah but it ain't the same as playing it and experiencing it. But, hey, its better than nothing.
Well my all-time favorite is the Walking Dead. The others are in no particular order.
1: Alan Wake
2: The Last of Us
3: Infamous
4: Uncharted 2
5: Journey
6: Dishonored
7: Bioshock Infinite
8: Batman: Arkham City
9: Ultimate Spider-Man
10: Far Cry 3
Aww yiss.
Aww yiss.