anybody else notice Bigby wastes alot of cigarettes?

I know this sounds dumb, but has anyone else noticed this? Now I'm not a smoker, but it seems like you would take more than one or two puffs of it, but no Bigby takes one puff off of it, then he just throws it on the ground like it's nobody's business. And thats another thing Wtf Bigby stop the littering!!


  • Yeah, I notices that too. I am no smoker either, but I wouldn't be so quick to throw them away.

    Also, Bigby throws them away at rather inappropriate places such at the Tweedles Offices right in front of Flycatcher (Who is cleaning the place) and right in front of Johann in the Butcher Shop (Where there is a no-smoking sign)

  • Yeah that's another thing he just goes around smoking in peoples faces and where he's not allowed to smoke.

    Yeah, I notices that too. I am no smoker either, but I wouldn't be so quick to throw them away. Also, Bigby throws them away at rather in

  • Well, why would someone as badass as Bigby use trash cans?

    Yeah, I notices that too. I am no smoker either, but I wouldn't be so quick to throw them away. Also, Bigby throws them away at rather in

  • Flycatcher's face was like "Are you shitting me Bigby?"

    Yeah, I notices that too. I am no smoker either, but I wouldn't be so quick to throw them away. Also, Bigby throws them away at rather in

  • Bigby doesn't smoke to just smoke, I'm going to copy and paste this from the wiki.

    His smell is so acute that to avoid sensory overload in the middle of bustling New York City, he is forced to smoke constantly and heavily to deaden his senses. Even then, he must exert considerable willpower to mentally filter all of the millions of scents and smells. He is particularly attuned to the scent of Snow White, which he can never block out no matter how hard he tries. He is aware of her location every hour of every day, and can even recognize her mood from changes in her musk.

  • The Snow White part, I guess he knew how she felt when he had his shirt off in episode 3....

    Mrbman9001 posted: »

    Bigby doesn't smoke to just smoke, I'm going to copy and paste this from the wiki. His smell is so acute that to avoid sensory overload i

  • edited August 2014

    Yeah I know I've read that from the comics, but still you'd think he would smoke the whole cigarette. Just seems like a waste lol.

    Mrbman9001 posted: »

    Bigby doesn't smoke to just smoke, I'm going to copy and paste this from the wiki. His smell is so acute that to avoid sensory overload i

  • I know Bigby has to constant smoke to deaden his senses. But I think it wouldn't as much of a waste if he just finishes his cigarettes more often.

    I mean, it is a poor habit for Bigby's economy.

    Mrbman9001 posted: »

    Bigby doesn't smoke to just smoke, I'm going to copy and paste this from the wiki. His smell is so acute that to avoid sensory overload i

  • edited August 2014

    That's what you got for being a reverse werewolf..too badass to discuss.

  • They're just huff and puffs, doesn't seem like anyone cares about those cigarettes, and Bigby doesn't seem to give a shid about littering.

  • Yeah, I noticed that each time I played. I'm a smoker, so my teeth would grind and I could feel my hand slowly reach for the screen, wanting to grab one and finish it for him, even if they were Huff n' Puffs. (They can't be THAT bad! XD)

  • Nobody else smokes that brand. He's singlehandedly keeping them in business.

  • Nope, guess not...YOU smoked em', Georgie Porgie! XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Yeah, I noticed that each time I played. I'm a smoker, so my teeth would grind and I could feel my hand slowly reach for the screen, wanting to grab one and finish it for him, even if they were Huff n' Puffs. (They can't be THAT bad! XD)

  • All smokers do that lol I have no idea why. Guess its not like weed to just re-light where you left off

  • Former smoker here. I used to throw ashes at the street, but never indoors, and NEVER EVER threw the finished cigarette, even those I had to throw away after just two puffs on the floor, inside or outside doors. And dude, NO ONE I knew threw a lit cigarette in the places Bigby does. At the carpet in P&P? WTF? FIRE HAZARD, SHERIFF!!!!!!

  • We need to make a fable fire department now, thx bigby

    OptimusJ posted: »

    Former smoker here. I used to throw ashes at the street, but never indoors, and NEVER EVER threw the finished cigarette, even those I had to

  • edited August 2014

    At least four, I want to say five though and there are more that I've missed where he just drops it and grinds them into the floor of a building or home with the heel of his shoe. And that's the ticket, that blows my mind that no one says anything to him about that because it's gotta be the biggest f' you to whoever at that moment in time and if I'm thinking about it, Bigby is a pretty polite and agreeable guy unless he's hungry or getting pissed off

  • i read somewhere that he must block his senses with cigarettes, so maybe that's why he doesnt smoke them to the end

  • Spoiler

    Yeah Bigby use a lot of cigarettes and he doesn't even finish them, I get why he smokes but at least finish them, nope just take two pulls then throws them on the ground.

    You want to know something weird? we know who puts Faith's head near Bigby's apartment, when you look in the bins you see a pack Huff n' Puffs. Dose that mean Georgie went to Bigby's apartment and saw Faith? was the smoke pack Bigby's ????? :/

  • Bigby got too much swag to care!

    Yeah that's another thing he just goes around smoking in peoples faces and where he's not allowed to smoke.

  • what face haha

    bloop posted: »

    Flycatcher's face was like "Are you shitting me Bigby?"

  • No it was Bigby's. If Georgie saw the head he would have taken it away for sure.

  • yeah you have a point I wasn't thinking. thanks take a like

    No it was Bigby's. If Georgie saw the head he would have taken it away for sure.

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