Regarding Everything That's Happened. (final edit)



  • Jennifer is a really sweet, friendly, caring and helpful woman. I really hope that she comes back and i am so very sorry for the unacceptable behaviour that was thrown at her. Jennifer you probably aren't reading this, but if you are... please come back :(

  • I think you sliding down the slippery slope by relating recent behavior with suicide, cyberbullies, etc, but the point is still valid.

    This place is far more toxic that it was when I joined back in March. Believe me, it wasn't some perfect paradise, but the community felt like and inviting and positive environment. People could post their theories, fics, etc and people would show respect, so long as your ideas were well fleshed-out and interesting. Now, the TWD forums more closely resemble a middle-school lunchroom than a community. Everything is factional; especially with the seemingly endless Season 2 and some polarizing changes to the forums themselves.

    Having said that; there's no reason we should act like a bunch of bitter, vindictive asshole.

    For example, I've seen a lot of condescending a flat-out offensive comments about the whole Sarah debate. People are actually insulting and disrespecting others based on whether or not they like a fictional character. There are so many things in this world that we should be angry about and a stranger's opinion about a fictional character is not one of them! Those are the kind of fights you get into when your twelve and that trivial crap your defending/attacking seems like the MOST IMPORTANT THING EVAR because you're too young and ignorant to know any better. In the grand scheme of things, it just doesn't matter that much. This is a video game forum people, grow the fuck up.

    Don't get me wrong; analyzing and debating the characters is half the fun of The Walking Dead series (and why I joined this community in the first place). But the debate should be fun and respectful. I've seen very little of either lately and it's a damn shame.

    Well, that's it for my long-winded preaching. I leave you with the wise words of Issac Hayes (or Chef from South Park, if you're a millennial) :)

    "The power is in your hands, quit all this crying and be a man."

  • edited August 2014

    Chaos, my friend, sweet, chaos.

    whAT DID I LoG ON TO

  • Chaos has a great way of happening while I'm sleeping.

    Chaos, my friend, sweet, chaos.

  • Oh, I know. I'm not trying to blame all of them. Just the ones who were rude or mean to Jennifer. I understand them being frustrated or bummed out for a little while, but then you get over it because there's nothing to be done about it. What I don't get is the ones who were acting like it was some great crime or that they had a right to tell Telltale how to run their forums. That's my main point. If you want to make your own rules, then start up your own community or even a blog where you're allowed to make an exclusive group and rules or whatever. The internet allows a lot of freedom and creativity. There's no need to get "depressed" (like one of them said). There are many options out there if they're unsatisfied with the options Telltale has provided.

    papai46 posted: »

    Yeah, but some people there weren't very bright so i guess they didn't get that but keep in mind it's a small percentage of them.

  • Eh, you're probably right, but this whole thing is just... ugh

    I wont give you their names(I would rather you go check yourself, if you are that intent on learning them) , but I assure you that a few of them were trying to keep trying to keep the peace, and that not all of them are COMPLETE assholes.

  • I'm sorry to hear that Jennifer left.

    I've seen people on both sides of the argument devolve into insulting each other when they disagree. Really that's just the way of internet forums but I hope that this whole issue here makes people stop and think before they hit the reply button.

  • Lets just hope that this chaos doesn't elevate into war....

    Chaos has a great way of happening while I'm sleeping.

  • edited August 2014

    I would just like to take the time to say that Blind Sniper OWNED everyone with that last post in the "offtopic" thread. Props to the best moderator on the forums.

    The way some posters were behaving is just disturbing. They should be absolutely ashamed. It's quite sad that certain banned members are still trying to take shots at the mods by posting inside of their personal profile descriptions. Some people just can't recognize when they're wrong.

  • Guess I'm glad I was asleep so I didn't have to see this all happen...

    Belan posted: »

    I would just like to take the time to say that Blind Sniper OWNED everyone with that last post in the "offtopic" thread. Props to the best m

  • I can see how some argue, and one I can see is that they have to say something 'even before' listening or considering to what others would say.

    I just hope this thread becomes at peace, as well as the concerned members.

  • AGentlman posted: »

    I had enjoyed going to this thread, but I don't even know the full story.... The people over at FOTD are Very nice people. It makes me mad

  • Ugh... this whole thing is so fucked...

  • Agreed, that is no excuse for the way they responded.

    And to be honest, there is nothing from preventing them from carrying out what they were doing in the "Forum of the Dead" thread inside of the new merged thread. They simply did not want to share.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Its because some users kind of 'live' on there. I dont mean that as a bad thing but its kind of like there home for some of them, but that is no excuse.

  • Having been in this forum quite a long time, I can confirm that these past couple of months have been Telltale's darkest days ever in the forum.

  • Really? We're talking about this like immature little kids? Can we just calm down and think rationally about this? Sure, what the person who was banned said may have been a bit out of line, but are you all any better for giving him even worse treatment? Said person can read what you're saying ya' know...

  • This.

    Personally, I prefer keeping the dislike button. I understand the frustration with stupid, baseless downvotes, because I've been at the rece

  • I don't think its really about insulting the posters at fault (or at least in my case its not), but more about addressing the situation. We want them to realize what they did was wrong, and we want to offer our support to the certain moderator that left the forums directly because of their bullying.

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Really? We're talking about this like immature little kids? Can we just calm down and think rationally about this? Sure, what the person who

  • edited August 2014

    Sigh You have to be there before to understand anyone's reason. But some may have acted out more than they should have. Sure seems nice

  • But do we really have to give reason on why we would hate these threads? It's pretty obvious. And trolls are going to look for new ways to attack this forum. They're like walkers, you're never safe from them.

    AGentlman posted: »

    No, go and give your reason why you hate it. Instead of just giving the downvote.

  • Wtf? A mod has gone? When did this happen? Shit.

  • edited August 2014

    Yes they have been mean to Jennifer but I guess its justifiable

    No, it's not.

    I understand that they are going through hard times, but this is still an open forum which is led by mods!

    No need for name-calling and aggressive behavior.

    AGentlman posted: »

    I had enjoyed going to this thread, but I don't even know the full story.... The people over at FOTD are Very nice people. It makes me mad

  • Yeah no **** who do you think I'm talking about?

    AGentlman posted: »

    Sigh You have to be there before to understand anyone's reason. But some may have acted out more than they should have.

  • He had no intention of bullying. I know that guy personally, and he wouldn't hurt a fly, or not intentionally. I'm not going to pretend one of his statements wasn't a bit out of line, but that was not bullying and frankly, if someone can't take a few comments like that, then they shouldn't be on the internet, for their own good.

    Belan posted: »

    I don't think its really about insulting the posters at fault (or at least in my case its not), but more about addressing the situation. We

  • Yeah fine let them see it that's the point

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Really? We're talking about this like immature little kids? Can we just calm down and think rationally about this? Sure, what the person who

  • Posts like this are why I'm beginning to miss the downvotes already.

  • It's not necessarily the way of the internet forums. Take a look at the Bethesda forums, people are much better behaved over there.

    The mods over there don't take shit from anybody, and they're on top of it when someone breaks the rules. And strangely enough, they're the most respected mods I've seen on the internet.

    So, maybe it's time to tighten the rules a bit over here?

    TT247 posted: »

    I'm sorry to hear that Jennifer left. I've seen people on both sides of the argument devolve into insulting each other when they disagree

  • edited August 2014

    Agreed. but I really don't have much experience in this type of thing, i've only ever been a lurker on internet forums so I've never really seen it get personal or been personally affected by it until now. :/

    Onmens posted: »

    It's not necessarily the way of the internet forums. Take a look at the Bethesda forums, people are much better behaved over there. The m

  • The lounge got what it deserved, and I'm an active member of the lounge too. Sure I was upset about the merge but I didn't start bullying Jennifer. I'm gonna try to avoid some of the loungers and keep in touch with only a few :/ I'm very dissapointed about what's happened in the last 24 hours

  • edited August 2014

    O.o Not even going to try and discuss what happened. Wasn't there to voice a good opinion about what happened. Though something caught my attention. As a member who isn't really on regularly these days, may someone please fill me in on what the "Lounge" is?

    Heh, makes me think of the Iceberg Lounge from Batman. I'm such a nerd. XD

  • edited August 2014

    Your right, It's just it was a place for these certain people to talk, they all knew one another and didn't appreciate being "forced" to talk to people that were annoying or just plain rude at the start. I just think there was no need to merge it in the first place. Not everyone gets along. EDIT: And by Justifiable I mean they all had reasons. Mods should be respected yes, I think Jennifer just misunderstood FOTDL ( as in why they would be angry or not) But it's over now, and we shouldn't be arguing about it.

    Yes they have been mean to Jennifer but I guess its justifiable No, it's not. I understand that they are going through hard times, but this is still an open forum which is led by mods! No need for name-calling and aggressive behavior.

  • Please...

    CathalOHara posted: »

    Posts like this are why I'm beginning to miss the downvotes already.

  • Yeah I'm gonna do the same, I checked in right when the Lounge was being closed, and the things that the Loungers said there were just absolutely rude.

    The lounge got what it deserved, and I'm an active member of the lounge too. Sure I was upset about the merge but I didn't start bullying Je

  • edited August 2014

    It was basically just an OOC Thread for a fanfiction called Forum of the Dead. I personally feel it was idiotic to bully Jennifer like they did for something as trivial as that.

    Joker93 posted: »

    O.o Not even going to try and discuss what happened. Wasn't there to voice a good opinion about what happened. Though something caught my at

  • I think I went into the lounge a couple of times. Wasn't really my thing. Glad I didn't stick around and get caught up in all the mess.

    The lounge got what it deserved, and I'm an active member of the lounge too. Sure I was upset about the merge but I didn't start bullying Je

  • edited August 2014

    Cyberbullying is the use of information technology to harm or harass other people in a deliberate, repeated, and hostile manner.[1] Cyberbullying is the act of harassing someone online by sending or posting mean messages, usually anonymously.[2]

    Just thought that I should leave this here...

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    He had no intention of bullying. I know that guy personally, and he wouldn't hurt a fly, or not intentionally. I'm not going to pretend one

  • Bullying may not be right word for it, I don't know. It really doesn't matter. They were intentionally being jerks about it. People aren't upset about their actions for no reason. Jennifer did what she thought was prudent and the right thing to do, and she got absolutely torn apart for it. Even while remaining completely civil and professional, they continued to condescend and belittle. If they were not intending to be rude and disrespectful, then they really need to work on their posting etiquette. I don't want to call anyone out in particular, but there were a few people over the line.

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    He had no intention of bullying. I know that guy personally, and he wouldn't hurt a fly, or not intentionally. I'm not going to pretend one

  • Speaking of experience. Wasn't Nick Breckon community manager over at the Bethesda forums before?

    Maybe Telltale should have him take a look at this place and see what he can come up with. :P

    TT247 posted: »

    Agreed. but I really don't have much experience in this type of thing, i've only ever been a lurker on internet forums so I've never really seen it get personal or been personally affected by it until now.

This discussion has been closed.