Yes I also hoped that they would do something similar to his investigation in comics, but they didn't. As a player I felt embarrassed for my Bigby when Crooked Man called for evidence against him and Bigby had none.
I cant see why they couldn't have gone to Greenleaf and get the glamours. Just because Greenleaf doesn't mention it, doesn't mean that it didn't happen.
Their intentions was to run away, so they probably saved up what they could. Using that money for the glamours seems likely.
This is definitely the theory im sticking with. It explains how Nerissa (Faith) acts in the end, and clarifies alot of things for me.
Does people seriously want every fucking thing explained and 'riding into the sunset' ending? It's more fun to wonder about the things by yo… moreurself and maybe solve everything in your mind but to never get a confirmation that your theory is correct or wrong. It's fun, it keeps you wondering even longer.
If I'm playing a detective character cunning and with super powers I expect him to use his brain and instincts instead of his brawn in every situation. And also it would be nice to get a conclusive answer to the main plot point.
I called since the very first episode that there would be no serial killer; that the murders weren't the point and in the later episodes I grew more and more unsure if there have been any murders at all. After episode 2 I knew for sure that the prostitutes were behind the whole mess, that Crane was being framed by them (or one of them), and after episode 3 I knew that the Crooked man was the new decoy. And Bigby did the girl's dirty work from beginning to end. The girl pointed and there went the dog.
Bigby proved he's "not as bad as everyone says" alright. He proved he's a good dog.
Does people seriously want every fucking thing explained and 'riding into the sunset' ending? It's more fun to wonder about the things by yo… moreurself and maybe solve everything in your mind but to never get a confirmation that your theory is correct or wrong. It's fun, it keeps you wondering even longer.
I agree that I may have misinterpreted it as a cliffhanger. I just got mad with the idea that we may be having "the answers we (were) looking for" in a future DLC. Still I would like some answers, lol. The irony!
I don't think that was meant to be a cliffhanger at all. Just something to think about. Ultimately, it doesn't matter what the answer is, as… more it doesn't change anything, and it's not even necessarily worth following up upon, which is why you have the option to just let her walk away. I'd be willing to go out on a limb and say with near certainty that even if there is a second season of TWAU, Nerissa will not factor into it at all.
I'm sorry OP, but you sound so butthurt about this. I personally found the ending and the entirety of episode 5 to be phenomenal.
I enjoyed the Bloody Mary fight. It started out very tense and gradually built to this epic brawl. Sure, it would have been nice to have a moment with her post-fight where you had a choice of sparing her or tearing her into bloody pieces, but overall, I enjoyed it.
Can't say anything about The Crooked Man's trial since I straight up choked the sumbitch to death, but I thought the aftermath of all the citizens of Fable Town more or less getting all their thoughts out about Bigby and Snow was also very compelling.
**'We know for a fact that the head we found was that Faith unless a glamour could mimic the marks of her being slapped around by the Woodsman.' **
Wrong. We do not 'know' that it was actually Faith. That is merely an assumption. Also, I'm pretty sure if they can glamour a person nearly flawlessly, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to believe that a glamour could create false injuries.
I will agree that episode 5 seems more rushed than the previous episodes, but since it is the friggin' climax, it makes sense that you would have a feeling of urgency. I still felt that they were able to handle it quite well.
**In the end, to me it felt like Nerissa(Faith) just tricked/played us from the beginning (I had a theory on that being the case, and I even nailed on Georgie being the killer if there was one, but I never thought the girl would turn out to be that "evil"). If that was really the case, and not just Bigby making a huge mistake, I think we deserved to have had a final confrontation with the girl instead of a cut to black. Either way, Bigby ended up looking like a moron. :-**
I have a LOT of issues with this part of your 'analysis'. Faith/Nerissa wasn't playing anyone. She was doing what she had to in order to get out of a shit situation. Calling her evil because some people unfortunately died due to her actions just reeks of not understanding the story at all. Georgie killed those girls on The Crooked Man's orders so that TCM could maintain his tidy little iron fisted rule over the whores. There is no need for a final confrontation with Faith/Nerissa because Bigby isn't 100% sure about who she is and I don't, in any way, think Bigby looked like a moron.
Like I've said a couple times, the episode and ending were awesome and you just sound butthurt because you didn't like the path the game took. I would suggest you go through the game again and actually pay attention this time.
Bigby is a bad detective, it is fortunate that he is pitted against some equally poor criminals. Nerissa is the only one who appears competent in this series.
If Nerissa’s account is to be believed she is the one who notifies Georgie about the incriminating photo.
The Tweedle’s are leading an investigation to retrieve incriminating photos after Faiths death. This leads me to believe that Faith was killed before they knew the location of the photo.
Nerissa somehow makes off with Faith’s head, ribbon, and ring off her finger then deposits them on the steps of the Woodlands.
The fact that the head was deposited on the steps of the Woodlands should have set off all sorts of alarms with the Crooked-man’s cronies; with the lead suspect being Nerissa. Instead they seem to act as though they are oblivious to this fact.
Lily goes to the hotel room disguised as Snow and is killed with the photos apparently in her possession. This is done in a room with its own unique lock. The incriminating photos that are part of this extensive search are left on the floor of the hotel room next to a crime scene.
Lily her body was disposed of without disposing her head. Nerissa is once again able to steal the 2nd victims head and deposit it on the steps without being scene or eliciting suspicion (impressive).
Throughout Bigby’s incarceration and investigation the crime scene goes unattended. The crime scene is in pristine condition (minus the victim) when Bigby arrives many hours later.
You make the DLC where we play as Faith/Nerissa and I will buy it, because I want to know how pulls off many of these amazing feats.
Faith wasn't Nerissa...Nerissa was glamoured as Faith so she could make Bigby interesed into the case.And finally so comitted to the case.And the ending wasn't a cliffhanger!If you chose to go after Nerissa then it's kinda a cliffhanger.
Faith wasn't Nerissa...Nerissa was glamoured as Faith so she could make Bigby interesed into the case.And finally so comitted to the case.And the ending wasn't a cliffhanger!If you chose to go after Nerissa then it's kinda a cliffhanger.
It's not insulting. They're just saying that they found it boring. I disagree, but I still don't think they were being "insulting" for sharing their opinion.
Episode was awsome and when you think about it there are many clues that nerissa was glamoured as faith in the firt ep:
1- Faith(nerissa … moreglamoured as faith) says she will swing by his apartment and it is nerissa that goes to his apartment
2- While they meet for the first time nerissa or bigby( cant remember) says : have we met before ? and nerissa says : youre trying to place to me. AS in youre trying to remember where you saw me before.
3- The way they talk is very similar .
What i get from the ending of episode 5 is that Faith was actually dead before Bigby talked to "her" in the first episode. The "her" that Bigby talked to was actually Nerissa glamoured to look like Faith so that she could get Bigby to somewhat care about Faith.
Then, later that night, Nerissa broke her glamour and dropped Faith's (already dead) head off at Bigby's doorstep. And then, since Bigby now somewhat cared about Faith, he wanted to find out who did it. Thus, eventually helping the girls at the Pudding n' Pie (what Nerissa planned all along)
Wait, you are right! Nerissa doesn't take the cigarrete the first time, when Bigby talks to her in his office because she doesn't like Huffs… more and Puffs but in the end she just accepts it, and the game even tells that she appreciates it. Faith did smoke Huffs and Puffs in the first episodes.. that's intriguing!
" However, in general, The Wolf Among Us is one of the best interactive stories I have ever played (we can't really call it a game, can we?) and I am really glad TellTale made this game."
Just thought I'd bring it up, it's funny to me.
One more thing. I suspect that cigs are the key to some questions. Faith smoked cigarettes. Nerissa at the end takes one from Bigby. It does… moren't, unlike other characters, comment on the fact that Huff'n'Puff are foul quality smokes. Now, I vaguely remember that the same cigs were left in one of the key locations during the season. I just don't remember where. This could answer some questions.
Also, Nerissa mentions a photo at the end that one of the girls wanted to use to blackmail Crane. The very photo was, as I suspect, found under the bed in the hotel room, where Lily died. Were they planted? If yes, by whom? The same person who took Snow Whites head to leave at the Bigby's place? If only I had time to replay the whole season. But I hope some of you remember
Number 4 is a very valid point. That scene reminded me of the latest Underworld movie (Evolution, I believe). The werewolves run through the… more streets chasing a car, jumping on cars, etc. It looked just like that scene. I find it odd that Toad doesn't get to stay, even if you give him the money, but Bigby ran through the streets causing chaos and Snow doesn't care. She's a bit hypocritical about that, in my opinion.
What Telltale meant for this game is to make us feel like Bigby. It is not up to the Bigby in the game to figure everything out. That is our job. When i hear people talk about how bad a detective Bigby is, and at the same time how so much doesn't make sense i cringe my toes. We have to be the detective to decipher the events and actions of everyone involved. Telltale didn't want us to finish the game with a false sense of pride that we simply defeated the game. The ending was made for us to ask questions and really get into it. Like Nerissa/Faith did with the head at the doorstep to draw Bigby into this whole mess. If this game was a stroll in the park, it wouldn't leave such a big impact on us. Think of how many went the distance to try and figure out the ending, and who Nerissa/Faith was, by going onto this forum, creating a user and leaving comments and questions for others to answer. Thats the beauty of this game fellas.
I completely agree with you. No matter how good of a detective Bigby might be, how could he know that Faith was Nerissa/Nerissa is Faith? Because they said a couple of identical lines? No one figured that out either. And it was a good ending, because is still makes us wonder who is who, and got people making theories for a long time.
What Telltale meant for this game is to make us feel like Bigby. It is not up to the Bigby in the game to figure everything out. That is our… more job. When i hear people talk about how bad a detective Bigby is, and at the same time how so much doesn't make sense i cringe my toes. We have to be the detective to decipher the events and actions of everyone involved. Telltale didn't want us to finish the game with a false sense of pride that we simply defeated the game. The ending was made for us to ask questions and really get into it. Like Nerissa/Faith did with the head at the doorstep to draw Bigby into this whole mess. If this game was a stroll in the park, it wouldn't leave such a big impact on us. Think of how many went the distance to try and figure out the ending, and who Nerissa/Faith was, by going onto this forum, creating a user and leaving comments and questions for others to answer. Thats the beauty of this game fellas.
Who do you think is alive at the end? Faith or Nerissa. Personally i think it is Faith. When going through the game and seeing what i believe is enough evidence to support my theory, I simply can't agree with the theories that support that Faith has been dead from the start. It would also seem so weird to have us, the player, have that little bonding moment with Faith in episode 1, if she was dead all along.
I completely agree with you. No matter how good of a detective Bigby might be, how could he know that Faith was Nerissa/Nerissa is Faith? Be… morecause they said a couple of identical lines? No one figured that out either. And it was a good ending, because is still makes us wonder who is who, and got people making theories for a long time.
Wow talk about a discussion from the past :P. Either way, I'll put my two cents in.
Bloody Mary fight in my opinion was not boring. It was exciting and we finally got to see Bigby's full form. The most action packed part was the car chase scene though. I can see why you would hate the trial, but I actually enjoyed it because it made you reflect on every single decision you made in the game. I was worried that Telltale wouldn't do that, but they showed me wrong.
As for the whole "Faith-Nerissa" thing, I thought it was a nice plot twist. It left me thinking, and I certainly wasn't thinking Bigby was dumb for not realizing it. It would be nice for a DLC where we answer all the questions left in "Cry Wolf." The Nerissa/Faith one isn't the only one - where is Jersey, Tweedledee, and Tweedledum (determined). Are we ever going to have our talk with Snow?
This episode was great and certainly not boring or dumb. Telltale did a great job and I hope to see more Wolf in the future.
Maybe a DLC could give us the answers we are looking/waiting for, but I have no idea how the could pull it off...
It could be something where we hunt down Jersey, Tweedledee, and Tweedledum (determined) and get the answers from Nerissa. Like you said, it will be hard for Telltale to make it, but I think they should. It would give us a great conclusion and satisfy the demand for more Wolf.
I hope they don't plan on making a second season to follow on this same mystery, even though it wasn't properly answered, just left to our i… morenterpretation and feels full of holes. Maybe a DLC could give us the answers we are looking/waiting for, but I have no idea how the could pull it off...
We knew that there will be season two of the walking dead in the beginning of the series or something like that, I don't remember correctly.
Walking Dead is a very special occasion. If you look at all of Telltale's other multiple season works (Sam and Max), they don't tend to announce it till a couple of months the current season is finished.
Thank you, hey895, I also think that there is not going to be another season. They would say so and not just say that it will continue throu… moregh comics at the end of the game and also, as I remember, we knew that there will be season two of the walking dead in the beginning of the series or something like that, I don't remember correctly.
I think it's Nerissa who is alive, but I guess that's just because I want her to be. And that moment in Episode 1 could be to show that Bigby and Nerissa already had a connection right from the start of the game.
Who do you think is alive at the end? Faith or Nerissa. Personally i think it is Faith. When going through the game and seeing what i believ… moree is enough evidence to support my theory, I simply can't agree with the theories that support that Faith has been dead from the start. It would also seem so weird to have us, the player, have that little bonding moment with Faith in episode 1, if she was dead all along.
well, that's your opinion...a lot of us loved the finale and the overall serious together....a great job by telltale (minus the glitches of course)
Yes I also hoped that they would do something similar to his investigation in comics, but they didn't. As a player I felt embarrassed for my Bigby when Crooked Man called for evidence against him and Bigby had none.
This is definitely the theory im sticking with. It explains how Nerissa (Faith) acts in the end, and clarifies alot of things for me.
I agree.
If I'm playing a detective character cunning and with super powers I expect him to use his brain and instincts instead of his brawn in every situation. And also it would be nice to get a conclusive answer to the main plot point.
I called since the very first episode that there would be no serial killer; that the murders weren't the point and in the later episodes I grew more and more unsure if there have been any murders at all. After episode 2 I knew for sure that the prostitutes were behind the whole mess, that Crane was being framed by them (or one of them), and after episode 3 I knew that the Crooked man was the new decoy. And Bigby did the girl's dirty work from beginning to end. The girl pointed and there went the dog.
Bigby proved he's "not as bad as everyone says" alright. He proved he's a good dog.
I agree that I may have misinterpreted it as a cliffhanger. I just got mad with the idea that we may be having "the answers we (were) looking for" in a future DLC. Still I would like some answers, lol. The irony!
I'm sorry OP, but you sound so butthurt about this. I personally found the ending and the entirety of episode 5 to be phenomenal.
I enjoyed the Bloody Mary fight. It started out very tense and gradually built to this epic brawl. Sure, it would have been nice to have a moment with her post-fight where you had a choice of sparing her or tearing her into bloody pieces, but overall, I enjoyed it.
Can't say anything about The Crooked Man's trial since I straight up choked the sumbitch to death, but I thought the aftermath of all the citizens of Fable Town more or less getting all their thoughts out about Bigby and Snow was also very compelling.
**'We know for a fact that the head we found was that Faith unless a glamour could mimic the marks of her being slapped around by the Woodsman.' **
Wrong. We do not 'know' that it was actually Faith. That is merely an assumption. Also, I'm pretty sure if they can glamour a person nearly flawlessly, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to believe that a glamour could create false injuries.
I will agree that episode 5 seems more rushed than the previous episodes, but since it is the friggin' climax, it makes sense that you would have a feeling of urgency. I still felt that they were able to handle it quite well.
**In the end, to me it felt like Nerissa(Faith) just tricked/played us from the beginning (I had a theory on that being the case, and I even nailed on Georgie being the killer if there was one, but I never thought the girl would turn out to be that "evil"). If that was really the case, and not just Bigby making a huge mistake, I think we deserved to have had a final confrontation with the girl instead of a cut to black. Either way, Bigby ended up looking like a moron. :-**
I have a LOT of issues with this part of your 'analysis'. Faith/Nerissa wasn't playing anyone. She was doing what she had to in order to get out of a shit situation. Calling her evil because some people unfortunately died due to her actions just reeks of not understanding the story at all. Georgie killed those girls on The Crooked Man's orders so that TCM could maintain his tidy little iron fisted rule over the whores. There is no need for a final confrontation with Faith/Nerissa because Bigby isn't 100% sure about who she is and I don't, in any way, think Bigby looked like a moron.
Like I've said a couple times, the episode and ending were awesome and you just sound butthurt because you didn't like the path the game took. I would suggest you go through the game again and actually pay attention this time.
Bigby is a bad detective, it is fortunate that he is pitted against some equally poor criminals. Nerissa is the only one who appears competent in this series.
If Nerissa’s account is to be believed she is the one who notifies Georgie about the incriminating photo.
The Tweedle’s are leading an investigation to retrieve incriminating photos after Faiths death. This leads me to believe that Faith was killed before they knew the location of the photo.
Nerissa somehow makes off with Faith’s head, ribbon, and ring off her finger then deposits them on the steps of the Woodlands.
The fact that the head was deposited on the steps of the Woodlands should have set off all sorts of alarms with the Crooked-man’s cronies; with the lead suspect being Nerissa. Instead they seem to act as though they are oblivious to this fact.
Lily goes to the hotel room disguised as Snow and is killed with the photos apparently in her possession. This is done in a room with its own unique lock. The incriminating photos that are part of this extensive search are left on the floor of the hotel room next to a crime scene.
Lily her body was disposed of without disposing her head. Nerissa is once again able to steal the 2nd victims head and deposit it on the steps without being scene or eliciting suspicion (impressive).
Throughout Bigby’s incarceration and investigation the crime scene goes unattended. The crime scene is in pristine condition (minus the victim) when Bigby arrives many hours later.
You make the DLC where we play as Faith/Nerissa and I will buy it, because I want to know how pulls off many of these amazing feats.
Correct. While there are other theories this one makes the most sense.
Faith wasn't Nerissa...Nerissa was glamoured as Faith so she could make Bigby interesed into the case.And finally so comitted to the case.And the ending wasn't a cliffhanger!If you chose to go after Nerissa then it's kinda a cliffhanger.
No offense but you're boring . . .not to be insulting. Just my opinion.
I'm just not so clear on what you meant as ''swing by his apartment''. Whose apartment? Bigby's? Lawrence's?
What i get from the ending of episode 5 is that Faith was actually dead before Bigby talked to "her" in the first episode. The "her" that Bigby talked to was actually Nerissa glamoured to look like Faith so that she could get Bigby to somewhat care about Faith.
Then, later that night, Nerissa broke her glamour and dropped Faith's (already dead) head off at Bigby's doorstep. And then, since Bigby now somewhat cared about Faith, he wanted to find out who did it. Thus, eventually helping the girls at the Pudding n' Pie (what Nerissa planned all along)
This is the only thing that makes sense to me of all the things I've read.
Damn, that would speak against the theory Faith being dead before episode 1 and Nerissa was glamoured as Faith.
Haha, well, one has to tread carefully, while writing on forums
But I guess you got my point nevertheless 
To sum it up, in general they made it confusing for us to decypher
Yup, I think they overlooked it.
What Telltale meant for this game is to make us feel like Bigby. It is not up to the Bigby in the game to figure everything out. That is our job. When i hear people talk about how bad a detective Bigby is, and at the same time how so much doesn't make sense i cringe my toes. We have to be the detective to decipher the events and actions of everyone involved. Telltale didn't want us to finish the game with a false sense of pride that we simply defeated the game. The ending was made for us to ask questions and really get into it. Like Nerissa/Faith did with the head at the doorstep to draw Bigby into this whole mess. If this game was a stroll in the park, it wouldn't leave such a big impact on us. Think of how many went the distance to try and figure out the ending, and who Nerissa/Faith was, by going onto this forum, creating a user and leaving comments and questions for others to answer. Thats the beauty of this game fellas.
I completely agree with you. No matter how good of a detective Bigby might be, how could he know that Faith was Nerissa/Nerissa is Faith? Because they said a couple of identical lines? No one figured that out either. And it was a good ending, because is still makes us wonder who is who, and got people making theories for a long time.
Who do you think is alive at the end? Faith or Nerissa. Personally i think it is Faith. When going through the game and seeing what i believe is enough evidence to support my theory, I simply can't agree with the theories that support that Faith has been dead from the start. It would also seem so weird to have us, the player, have that little bonding moment with Faith in episode 1, if she was dead all along.
Wow talk about a discussion from the past :P. Either way, I'll put my two cents in.
Bloody Mary fight in my opinion was not boring. It was exciting and we finally got to see Bigby's full form. The most action packed part was the car chase scene though. I can see why you would hate the trial, but I actually enjoyed it because it made you reflect on every single decision you made in the game. I was worried that Telltale wouldn't do that, but they showed me wrong.
As for the whole "Faith-Nerissa" thing, I thought it was a nice plot twist. It left me thinking, and I certainly wasn't thinking Bigby was dumb for not realizing it. It would be nice for a DLC where we answer all the questions left in "Cry Wolf." The Nerissa/Faith one isn't the only one - where is Jersey, Tweedledee, and Tweedledum (determined). Are we ever going to have our talk with Snow?
This episode was great and certainly not boring or dumb. Telltale did a great job and I hope to see more Wolf in the future.
It could be something where we hunt down Jersey, Tweedledee, and Tweedledum (determined) and get the answers from Nerissa. Like you said, it will be hard for Telltale to make it, but I think they should. It would give us a great conclusion and satisfy the demand for more Wolf.
Walking Dead is a very special occasion. If you look at all of Telltale's other multiple season works (Sam and Max), they don't tend to announce it till a couple of months the current season is finished.
"To Be Continued"
what a dick move :P
I think it's Nerissa who is alive, but I guess that's just because I want her to be. And that moment in Episode 1 could be to show that Bigby and Nerissa already had a connection right from the start of the game.