In Germany, you "sweeten" names by making them sound cuter. For example, my sister "Lena" is often called "Leni" by her friends.
My last name is Altmann. My ex-girlfriend tried to sweeten it by saying "Alti", but that sounded stupid, so they replaced the t with a d, becoming "Aldi".
Since I like digimon, I thought, what the heck. Aldimon it is.
In Germany, you "sweeten" names by making them sound cuter. For example, my sister "Lena" is often called "Leni" by her friends.
My last na… moreme is Altmann. My ex-girlfriend tried to sweeten it by saying "Alti", but that sounded stupid, so they replaced the t with a d, becoming "Aldi".
Since I like digimon, I thought, what the heck. Aldimon it is.
When I was younger I use to play Spyro the Dragon a lot, Gnasty Gnorc was the final boss of the first Spyro game. When I went to make my PSN account that name was already taken so I reversed the letters in Gnorc to make Crong and used GnastyCrong instead, now I use it for everything.
When I was younger I use to play Spyro the Dragon a lot, Gnasty Gnorc was the final boss of the first Spyro game. When I went to make my PSN… more account that name was already taken so I reversed the letters in Gnorc to make Crong and used GnastyCrong instead, now I use it for everything.
Been my gamertag for years. I think only two people got the reference over that time. It comes from a movie called Pootytang as a quote from Dirty Dee. I'm sure no one can guess what my avatar is from You mainstream minors you.
Been my gamertag for years. I think only two people got the reference over that time. It comes from a movie called Pootytang as a quote from Dirty Dee. I'm sure no one can guess what my avatar is from You mainstream minors you.
Hi, first time venturing into the General Chat area of the forums. I thought this would be a good first topic to post in. I'm usually in the TWD section.
My username is made up of the first 2 letters of my first name(Li), the middle 2 letters of my middle name (ay), and the last 2 letters of my last name (so). Li+ay+so=Liayso
I thought that was pretty neat so I more or less use that as my username for everything. So if you see a Liayso around anywhere else, then that's me.
That type of combination for a username does sound very cool, just tried it with mine
Welcome to the General Chat area! Lots of fun places here, lol Feel free to hop on in to the Whatever's on you Mind Megathread and talk about whatever!
Hi, first time venturing into the General Chat area of the forums. I thought this would be a good first topic to post in. I'm usually in the… more TWD section.
My username is made up of the first 2 letters of my first name(Li), the middle 2 letters of my middle name (ay), and the last 2 letters of my last name (so). Li+ay+so=Liayso
I thought that was pretty neat so I more or less use that as my username for everything. So if you see a Liayso around anywhere else, then that's me.
A girl I used to be close to long ago used to call me ZachyKinz all the time online, so I sorta took it and used it over the years. I always thought it was creative.
A girl I used to be close to long ago used to call me ZachyKinz all the time online, so I sorta took it and used it over the years. I always thought it was creative.
It comes from a character (simply called "a bogling") I made in Ultima Online to interact with the roleplayers who lived down the road from my in game house. I later made another character and joined their guild, but they still called me Bogling on their forums. Rabid was the name I used elsewhere at the time (from my randomly generated Xbox live account name RabidMule), so I just smushed the two together and it stuck.
It comes from a character (simply called "a bogling") I made in Ultima Online to interact with the roleplayers who lived down the road from … moremy in game house. I later made another character and joined their guild, but they still called me Bogling on their forums. Rabid was the name I used elsewhere at the time (from my randomly generated Xbox live account name RabidMule), so I just smushed the two together and it stuck.
umm, well yeah i don't think i have to explain it.
EDIT: Oh yeah 95 is my favorite number and i add the 0 for some reason, apart from that it's very self explanatory
In Germany, you "sweeten" names by making them sound cuter. For example, my sister "Lena" is often called "Leni" by her friends.
My last name is Altmann. My ex-girlfriend tried to sweeten it by saying "Alti", but that sounded stupid, so they replaced the t with a d, becoming "Aldi".
Since I like digimon, I thought, what the heck. Aldimon it is.
Huh, that's cool about German names. You learn something new every day.
Well, that's cool. But I first thought of Lemongrab from Adventure Time XD
I'm happy I caught your interest!
Yum yum. Luckily I've got a whole box next to me.
Well Kenny ate too many peaches and beans and got a hemorrhoid!
When I was younger I use to play Spyro the Dragon a lot, Gnasty Gnorc was the final boss of the first Spyro game. When I went to make my PSN account that name was already taken so I reversed the letters in Gnorc to make Crong and used GnastyCrong instead, now I use it for everything.
Huh, so like a childhood username. Nice
Been my gamertag for years. I think only two people got the reference over that time. It comes from a movie called Pootytang as a quote from Dirty Dee. I'm sure no one can guess what my avatar is from
You mainstream minors you.
Especially when you accidently put a space in 'Therapist'.
My mum suggested it when I made an account for something when I was around 7-8. I use it for most things now if it isn't taken.
I lol'd
Huh, cool. Guess I'm a mainstream minor XD
Well hayd is a pretty catchy name.
Hi, first time venturing into the General Chat area of the forums. I thought this would be a good first topic to post in. I'm usually in the TWD section.
My username is made up of the first 2 letters of my first name(Li), the middle 2 letters of my middle name (ay), and the last 2 letters of my last name (so). Li+ay+so=Liayso
I thought that was pretty neat so I more or less use that as my username for everything. So if you see a Liayso around anywhere else, then that's me.
That type of combination for a username does sound very cool, just tried it with mine
Welcome to the General Chat area! Lots of fun places here, lol
Feel free to hop on in to the Whatever's on you Mind Megathread and talk about whatever!
A girl I used to be close to long ago used to call me ZachyKinz all the time online, so I sorta took it and used it over the years. I always thought it was creative.
Ahahah....Did you...Did you got it??
Think so.
It is!
Sounds like a nickname someone would give you 
It comes from a character (simply called "a bogling") I made in Ultima Online to interact with the roleplayers who lived down the road from my in game house. I later made another character and joined their guild, but they still called me Bogling on their forums. Rabid was the name I used elsewhere at the time (from my randomly generated Xbox live account name RabidMule), so I just smushed the two together and it stuck.
Pretty cool, it's a cool combination
I wanted to talk to other MI fans with ToMI was released, and I just went with the first idea that came to mind.
That seems like a fairly common trend. Picking a username related to the game you most discuss, that is. Regardless, nice username
Clementine told me I had to have this name.
Hem. TMI. TMI. ♣
Guess why I chose mine ..
If you say so...
You love Lee Everett 333%.
Well, I love Walking Dead and I'm a Kiwi (person from New Zealand). There ya go, simple.
So that's what a Kiwi is...
Awesome username
Simple is almost always good.
Yep, And, its also a fruit. (But you probably already knew that).
I would hope I knew that XD I just thought it wouldn't make sense for that to be the reason it's in your username, unless you really like kiwis lol
umm, well yeah i don't think i have to explain it.
EDIT: Oh yeah 95 is my favorite number and i add the 0 for some reason, apart from that it's very self explanatory
the 0
I had already posted here? weird i don't remember
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