I saw the episode about stealing thee manure. It was OK but I'll be checking it out. I still remember some of those webisodes on YouTube were hilarious. Hope 22 minutes don't make it stale.
I've also been trying to get into Game of Thrones for obvious reasons, but I'm only halfway through Season 1.
I feel I should give y… moreou a fair warning that the show does start pretty slow, especially in the first season. But starting from the half of the second season things get really, really interesting. Stick with it, it's worth it:). In my opinion is one of the best, if not the best show that is currently airing right now....the forth season was a blast from start to finish.
I've also been trying to get into Game of Thrones for obvious reasons, but I'm only halfway through Season 1.
I feel I should give you a fair warning that the show does start pretty slow, especially in the first season. But starting from the half of the second season things get really, really interesting. Stick with it, it's worth it:). In my opinion is one of the best, if not the best show that is currently airing right now....the forth season was a blast from start to finish.
* Breaking Bad
* Always Sunny in Philidelphia
* Futurama
* The Eric Andre Show
I've also been trying to get into Game of Thrones for obvious reasons, but I'm only halfway through Season 1. :P
I saw the episode about stealing thee manure. It was OK but I'll be checking it out. I still remember some of those webisodes on YouTube were hilarious. Hope 22 minutes don't make it stale.
The shows that I really enjoyed watching are these ones in no particular order. Supernatural, Robin Hood BBC, The Walking Dead, Vampire Diaries, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Once Upon a Time, Once Upon a Time in Wonderland, Lost, Downtown Abbey, Being Human, and Vikings. The latest show I watched and loved is this series.
Alright, let's see...
* Game of Thrones
* House
* Dexter
* Community (got renewed, yay )
* IT Crowd
* How I Met Your Mother
* The… more Simpsons
* Futurama
* Sherlock
* Orange is the New Black
* Suits
* Misfits (only first 3 seasons)
* American Horror Story (but 3rd season was kinda meh)
* Doctor Who
* Almost Human (shame it got cancelled )
Supernatural. Arrow Breaking Bad. Firefly. True Blood. Drawn Together. Family Guy. Futurama. Game of Thrones. Sleepy Hollow. Terra Nova. The Walking Dead. Warehouse 13. Eureka. That show set in future Saint Luis that's post apocalyptic and has the aliens in it but I can't remember it's name.
There are a lot of others I can't remember off the top of my head.
* Breaking bad - Greatest show of all time, nothing comes close (need to watch the wire though)
now without any order
* Walking Dead … more- I have my criticism but still I like the show and love zombies so I get my fix.
* Dexter - ohhh Dexter such a conflict with this one. seasons 1-4 just fantastic (4, 1=2,3 for those seasons) and then it kinda went to shit. they started strong with their first couple episodes of the rest of the seasons but they missed almost everytime. season 7 was one of my faves though. still it was better than most shit on tv so it was ok, but still. AND THAT ENDING!!! goddamn it. IMO this could've been up there with breaking bad but fell short.
* Bones - great show and has always been consistent always keeping me entrained love that bones and booth relationship.
* HIMYM- awesome, lenged.... wait for it..... DARY!!
* Louie - man that show its hilarious
* Wilfred - man what a trip
* Malcom in the middle - one… [view original content]
As a vampire/werewolf freak I watch a lot of these kinda genres. However I would be most interested in a game series of The Vampire Diaries, and The Originals game series. I'm thinking it would be awesome if in the vampire diaries game series you can play as either Elena, Stefan or Damon (preferably Stefan and Damon) and there would be a lot of obstacles and love triangle based themes in the game as well as a lot of fighting, neck biting, heart ripping and dagger stabbing scenes. But this game should follow a particular story that ties to when all three characters were vampires and should follow a very interesting plot. With The Originals you could play as either Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah or Marcel, and this again follows a specific plot, where let's say the story follows the war with Mikael, Davina or some other supernatural figure in the series. This can also have a lot of twists to it, betrayal, alliances formed, it can also add werewolves, witches, even hybrids! With these added to the game I'm sure it would be a successful game series. Also I think generally telltale, with these kinda series it would be much appreciated to add more than 6 episodes... Preferably about 10? But those are my two suggestions, and I personally would be very grateful to see these become reality. Keep up the good work!
Breaking Bad, Doctor Who and Game of Thrones are my main ones at the moment. I am also thinking of getting membership on Amazon Prime to watch the Man in the High Castle when it comes out, having read the book already.
Some of the shows I've watched past and present and would recommend:
HBO/AMC - Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, True Detective, Better Call Saul, The Wire, Treme, Carnivale, In Treatment, The Killing
Other Drama - Lost, Hannibal, Dexter, House MD, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Broadchurch (season 1), Pushing Daisies, Firefly, Dollhouse,
Comedy - Peep Show, Green Wing, Garth Marenghi's Darkplace, Mighty Boosh, Noel Fielding's Luxury Comedy, IT Crowd, Coupling, Community, Arrested Development, 30 Rock, Scrubs, Adventure Time, Spongebob, Rick and Morty, Futurama
Satirical News and Panel - Last Week Tonight, Shaun Micallef's Mad as Hell (Australian), The Day Today (British), QI
I'm watching True Detective, In Treatment (HBO), Last Week Tonight w. John Oliver, Teen Titans Go!
I still watch Orphan Black & Hannibal at times but the quality has diminished.
Luther is where it's at, best detective drama that has ever existed, beautifully written some good mysteries, amazing themes, amazing characters and just plain amazing acting, seriously it's so good, oh yeah and the intro is Massive Attack's Paradise Circus which is a huge plus! Click here
I think that if you liked Wolf Among Us you'll love this, it's obviously more grounded since there's no magic or anything supernatural but it has that same grittiness and neo-noire thing going on, plus a lot of cool themes of whether it's right or wrong to bend the law to catch the bad guys or not seriously amazing stuff, shame it's over though, both Idris Elba and Neil Cross (Director, Writer) are interested in making a movie as a final story though but there's still no word on whether it's happening or not, an Alice Morgan Spin-off might be happening though and an American remake is definitely happen and why it'll also be written by Neil cross I'm not really sold since I really liked London as a setting and the limitations it brought with it (In London detectives don't carry guns).
The Simpsons, The Walking Dead, The Big Bang Theory, NCIS, The X Factor, The Voice
I saw the episode about stealing thee manure. It was OK but I'll be checking it out. I still remember some of those webisodes on YouTube were hilarious. Hope 22 minutes don't make it stale.
I've recently been watching Harvey Birdman: Attorney at LAAAAAAAAAAW
I've also been trying to get into Game of Thrones for obvious reasons, but I'm only halfway through Season 1. :P
I'll take your word for it.
I feel I should give you a fair warning that the show does start pretty slow, especially in the first season. But starting from the half of the second season things get really, really interesting. Stick with it, it's worth it:). In my opinion is one of the best, if not the best show that is currently airing right now....the forth season was a blast from start to finish.
I can never keep up with shows as they actually come out, so I usually just wait to watch entire seasons.
Working on Game of Thrones at the moment, on season 4.
Ever hear of a fun little show called Destination Truth, its soon going to be transferred into Expedition Unknown.
I didn't even know there were YouTube clips. Definitely gonna check those out.
supernatural,utopia,russell howard's good news,its always sunny in philadelphia and the walking dead
The only ones I watch are Game of Thrones, Parks and Recreation, and Defiance.
If you're a Sci-Fi fan, you should really give Defiance a go. It's great.
Impractical Jokers, Metalocalypse, Family Guy and The Strain.
The Big C and South Park.
My Little Pony and Gravity Falls.
Home Improvement.
Two and a half Men. (Though only with Charlie Sheen.)
Breaking Bad.
The Walking Dead.
The shows that I really enjoyed watching are these ones in no particular order. Supernatural, Robin Hood BBC, The Walking Dead, Vampire Diaries, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Once Upon a Time, Once Upon a Time in Wonderland, Lost, Downtown Abbey, Being Human, and Vikings. The latest show I watched and loved is this series.
Yes, Sherlock is amazing.
The Walking Dead, Game Of Thrones, (already watched) Breaking Bad
Supernatural. Arrow Breaking Bad. Firefly. True Blood. Drawn Together. Family Guy. Futurama. Game of Thrones. Sleepy Hollow. Terra Nova. The Walking Dead. Warehouse 13. Eureka. That show set in future Saint Luis that's post apocalyptic and has the aliens in it but I can't remember it's name.
There are a lot of others I can't remember off the top of my head.
24 Is like the best show ever IMO. I can't get enough of Jack Bauer.

Also Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Angel are also huge favorites of mine. Firefly, Supernatural...
I been getting big into Breaking Bad.... I just realize how little TV I watch. There's so many shows I mean to watch but never get around to lol.
Breaking bad, the walking dead, trailer park boys
Game of thrones, white collar, criminal minds and Neiboughs
best list, just needs game of thrones
Walking dead, Inbetweeners and Gavin and Stacey.
Charmed, Game of thrones, scrubs, Criminal minds, white collar, friends
basically I love fantasy, crime shows (NCIS, criminal minds those sort of shows), and some comedy
I just finished up Breaking Bad literally this morning, at 6:00 AM. Really great show.
Hank was my favorite character. Rest in Peace, ASAC Schrader.
nope sorry I don't like it.
ugh yes currently watching orange is the new black.
The only shows I watch now are The Walking Dead and a lot of Anime
When I was younger I watched South Park, Family Guy, American Dad, Robot Chicken, and The Boondocks
As a vampire/werewolf freak I watch a lot of these kinda genres. However I would be most interested in a game series of The Vampire Diaries, and The Originals game series. I'm thinking it would be awesome if in the vampire diaries game series you can play as either Elena, Stefan or Damon (preferably Stefan and Damon) and there would be a lot of obstacles and love triangle based themes in the game as well as a lot of fighting, neck biting, heart ripping and dagger stabbing scenes. But this game should follow a particular story that ties to when all three characters were vampires and should follow a very interesting plot. With The Originals you could play as either Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah or Marcel, and this again follows a specific plot, where let's say the story follows the war with Mikael, Davina or some other supernatural figure in the series. This can also have a lot of twists to it, betrayal, alliances formed, it can also add werewolves, witches, even hybrids! With these added to the game I'm sure it would be a successful game series. Also I think generally telltale, with these kinda series it would be much appreciated to add more than 6 episodes... Preferably about 10? But those are my two suggestions, and I personally would be very grateful to see these become reality. Keep up the good work!
Breaking Bad, Doctor Who and Game of Thrones are my main ones at the moment. I am also thinking of getting membership on Amazon Prime to watch the Man in the High Castle when it comes out, having read the book already.
Two shows that ended after only 1 season this year that I liked were Stalker and Backstrom
Other shows I like include the Walking Dead, South Park, American Dad, Famiy Guy, Castle, Big Brother, and I used to like NCIS.
Some of the shows I've watched past and present and would recommend:
HBO/AMC - Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, True Detective, Better Call Saul, The Wire, Treme, Carnivale, In Treatment, The Killing
Other Drama - Lost, Hannibal, Dexter, House MD, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Broadchurch (season 1), Pushing Daisies, Firefly, Dollhouse,
Comedy - Peep Show, Green Wing, Garth Marenghi's Darkplace, Mighty Boosh, Noel Fielding's Luxury Comedy, IT Crowd, Coupling, Community, Arrested Development, 30 Rock, Scrubs, Adventure Time, Spongebob, Rick and Morty, Futurama
Satirical News and Panel - Last Week Tonight, Shaun Micallef's Mad as Hell (Australian), The Day Today (British), QI
I'm watching True Detective, In Treatment (HBO), Last Week Tonight w. John Oliver, Teen Titans Go!
I still watch Orphan Black & Hannibal at times but the quality has diminished.
Mine, in no particular order.
No love for my favourite show ever?
Luther is where it's at, best detective drama that has ever existed, beautifully written some good mysteries, amazing themes, amazing characters and just plain amazing acting, seriously it's so good, oh yeah and the intro is Massive Attack's Paradise Circus which is a huge plus!
Click here
I think that if you liked Wolf Among Us you'll love this, it's obviously more grounded since there's no magic or anything supernatural but it has that same grittiness and neo-noire thing going on, plus a lot of cool themes of whether it's right or wrong to bend the law to catch the bad guys or not seriously amazing stuff, shame it's over though, both Idris Elba and Neil Cross (Director, Writer) are interested in making a movie as a final story though but there's still no word on whether it's happening or not, an Alice Morgan Spin-off might be happening though and an American remake is definitely happen and why it'll also be written by Neil cross I'm not really sold since I really liked London as a setting and the limitations it brought with it (In London detectives don't carry guns).
Another show that I'm really interested in is The Sopranos.