A question to any Dad's on here?
I was just curious, how do you feel about spanking your kids, when they either act out; or talk disrespectfully or abusive to you?
I personally feel children need to respect and obey their parents.
And if talking to them doesn't work, then it's time to grab the belt.
And even when they become young adults, as long as they live under their parent's roof, they are still obligated to show them respect, and follow the rules their parents set for their house.
Disclaimer: I know this is not about TWD, but since everything about the game has seemingly been talked to death, I just thought I'd give us something different to discuss.
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Good God.
Mine are too young to talk back
Good god indeed that is taking it to far
I'm not a dad here, but I can't imagine a reason why would any sane human would want to hurt their child, when words are ALWAYS more effective. For me, using your force over someone weaker than you is just being in despair, being a silly coward who wants to ego-trip.
Not a parent but I think a light smack is acceptable as a last resort if they have really crossed a line and nothing else will get through to them
I agree, people have their own methods, but is it worth your kids fearing you? Might just be me, I'm really patient with children.
Actually my oldest child is seven,so I don't hit them.Yet.But I was hit alot when I was young,even when I was five..
With all due respect, if you're not a parent, then you don't how stressful being a parent is.
Most parents, pour every once of their being into raising their children, cause they love them and want the very best for them.
I say most parents, cause sadly there are those who either neglect or outright run off and abandon their kids.
I will be very strict like my father was. Especially to my daughter. He taught me respect and discipline, a typical Red Forman.
I know they will rebel and despise me for it, but one day they might be as thankful as i am to my dad. Raised me right. Kids don't become shitheads by themselves, Just gotta set rules and make them crystal clear. My father never hit me, but his dominant presence surely made me scared shitless to even attempt to do anything wrong.
When parents just let their kids roam around free, you get attention craving entitled shitbirds :P My daughter will probably hate me, but ill make damn sure she won't be pregnant at 12. And they will know the value of money. They won't get an IPad because i can afford it. They will have to work for it. But hey, im not there yet, still a new inexperienced father so who am i to say anything. But thats the plan, they can love my wife and fear me.
Oh and i wont force a religion onto them. I won't be a part of any indoctrination. Let them decide for themselves.
"I couldn't just be nice uncle pete". I agree so much, I just don't believe there is any reason to hit a child.
Indeed there isnt.
I don't think that the being under the stress can justify beating your child. I don't think anything can.
Well I'm going to be a dad next year and good god this thread terrifies me
What the hell is wrong with you
Prepare for some changes. All the clichés are true.
I wouldnt want my kids scared shitless of me, I'd want them to play and have fun with me, not running to their bedrooms when I get home because I'm going to beat them. I had a mum who did mental punishments, and a dad who did physical. Let me tell you, the silent treatment from your own mum really fucks you up as a kid, much worse than your dad backhanding you.
Well you sound like you have some great plans.
And when you talked about your dad, you made me remember mine.
My dad, was a gentle kind of man, although he'd still get after me with his belt if I misbehaved as a little boy.
I remember when I was 13, I stole his beer, drank 6 of them, and got sick afterwards.
When I sobered up the next day, he didn't wack me, but he did ground me for a good spell.
As an adult, I respect my dad, and looking back on how hard he worked to raise me, makes me really appreciate him.
He was a good dad.
And we get along great!
My uncle, was a tough, but fair man.
He was exactly what an uncle should be!
I mention him, cause he was able to do and teach me some things about life my dad couldn't.
And I agree, boundaries need to be set, and they need to be clear, and they need to be non-debatable.
And I wholeheartedly agree that if kids want something expensive, like an I-pad or their first car, they should get a job and work for it. And wait until they've earned enough money to buy it themselves.
I've learned from personal experience, when you give people really nice things, they often don't appreciate it, and therefore don't take good care of it, cause they didn't put the work in to get it.
That's why, in general, I don't like loaning people things!
I was so happy when i first bought my own sega 8 bit... Paperroute for like a year, worth it!
Just wanted to say, congratulations!
I would never hurt my kids, since that's what my parents did, and everything went well.
If someone hit you with a belt what would you do? Just because they're small means you'll hit them if they don't listen? Once they're big enough to take the belt spankings stop. If you need to hit your kid to make them listen that's a failure on the parents part. And if the hitting does make the kid listen and not act out even more, it's from fear not love and respect. Respect is something earned by both children and parents.
I've never been disciplined, maybe a smack on the ass a few times but never anything serious. I've grown to be a polite boy, I respect my parents (Most of the time).
The idea behind a spanking, is not to intimidate.
But rather as a teaching method.
It helps to teach the child right from wrong.
Hah, thanks!
We've had a couple of ultrasounds now and we know it's twin girls, so we're thinking up names at the moment!
Haha what kind of cliches?
So can sending him to fucking bed early dude...
Physical violence against kids is NEVER okay. NEVER.
Its harder than it looks. They just look at you with that innocent evil face, and you know you can't discipline them because even if you beat them they will call Social Services on you and you'll end up getting shot on Cops.
Not wanting to discipline your children because you might end up 'getting shot on Cops' is an oddly specific fear
Cops camera man was killed two days ago in a robbery. Suspect was also killed, the guy was armed with a pellet gun.
I'm a 15 year-old boy that did in fact get spanked as a kid. A lot. When I say "spanked," I really mean I got whipped. A belt got took to me. I don't know how other feel about it, but I'm glad they did it to me. I was a real bastard when I was little, and if they didn't, I really do feel like I would've kept doing the same things with a "Their just gonna yell at me" type attitude.
Whenever I got whipped for something, I never did it again. I honestly think that sometimes it is completely necessary. My brother was drinking some Vodka, and dad could smell it in his breath. He came in and asked me over it, and I can tell you this, I was Hell bent on not telling him anything. It wasn't until he threatened to bring out the belt that I told him where it came from.
My dad is nice, and he lets me buy things with his money (Not too much, but maybe like a video game or two a month AKA maybe like 50 dollars, usually less because once I get hooked to a game it takes a while to switch over), and he even lets us talk back (jokingly, not like "dad you are a stupid piece of crap" bad.). He won't hit my sister and I, but his tone of voice sure switches over if we cross that line. He is very strict about my future, and if I ask his opinion about making money off of LoL to get money, he loses it. Every time he sees me on my computer, he asks if I'm doing anything creative or if I'm making anything, because "Its a waste to use other people's things".
Thats how I want to be, I want to be a good father, who only spanks when they are young, but I wouldn't dare to hit my kid. Both of our hearts would snap.
Wait, so that means the camera man was killed by a pellet gun by the suspect?
You're a real mess, Carver.
Seriously, though, corporal punishment only breeds resentment and hate. It teaches people that it's not worth explaining why things are wrong when you can just use your strength to hurt those weaker than you. Take it from someone who's lived through it. People become strong in spite of it, not BECAUSE of the needless trauma.
I find a grim irony in wanting to hurt the adults who take glee in hurting children.
This is how you do it , make your kid love you not fear you.
That sounds horrific to me
No, the cops killed both the camera man , and the suspect.
Remember a bullet has no name, so be careful when your pulling the trigger. I think lee says that.
I was a little shit, man. I used to go over to my neighbors, go into their shed, and throw all of their stuff down this hole in ground. I'm not saying all kids should be whipped, but if their like I was, I'd say they need it.
I'm a father, and I would never so much as raise my hand to my child. Sometimes kids can be very unruly and can really push my patience, but I don't feel that it's ever okay for a grown man to violently strike a child. There are other ways of teaching your kid what's right.
Part of my decision to never use spankings or whippings as a punishment is because I've had that done to me as a child, and while I have vivid memories of it, I don't even remember what those punishments were for. If I can remember the punishment over 25 years later, but not even remember the 'crime', then the punishment probably far exceeds the crime.
Go to telltale talk not here.
And don't expect a lot of people here to agree with you because most people here are between the ages of 13-20.
"Most people" here also aren't authoritarian men who believe violence and fear are the only answer to everything. I know that my father, despite having traces of rage and violent urges, won my love by being a supportive and emotionally open guy who was nonetheless strong enough to set firm moral boundaries. He's a model for who I hope to be, how I played Lee, and how I aimed to treat Clementine.
People aren't perfect enough to have never hurt their loved ones in times of stress, but it takes strength to apologize for it and then ensure that both parties learned from the experience. Making a habit out of hurting them, however, is a different story because it makes violence something to be expected and accepted by everyone.