Sounds like you just bought into it. I know a lot of men my age and their fathers were horrible people, but that's probably because their parents were too shitty to teach them proper manners in the first place.
I was a little shit, man. I used to go over to my neighbors, go into their shed, and throw all of their stuff down this hole in ground. I'm not saying all kids should be whipped, but if their like I was, I'd say they need it.
With all due respect, if you're not a parent, then you don't how stressful being a parent is.
Most parents, pour every once of their being … moreinto raising their children, cause they love them and want the very best for them.
I say most parents, cause sadly there are those who either neglect or outright run off and abandon their kids.
My dad never touched me and says he'll never do it, he get's my respect by talking to me and sometimes by screaming at me but never by beating and i like it that way and i'm confident that i'll grow a great person who will remember him with love.
My dad in no way shape or form is a bad person. When I say "whipped" I mean he pretty much spanked me with a belt. He hasn't had to do it in a long time, because I behave now, and it's not like he didn't have a reason. He didn't bust my butt over little things, he did it rather after I did something really bad, or kept doing something after he had told me not to repeatedly. It's not like he was just in general a big asshole to me, either. He does all the things a dad is supposed to do, the only difference I suppose is that he whipped me when I deserved it.
Sounds like you just bought into it. I know a lot of men my age and their fathers were horrible people, but that's probably because their parents were too shitty to teach them proper manners in the first place.
your dad seems like a good dad. I wished my dad would give a shit about me, I mean, I don't talk to him since July, he gave me nothing on my birthday, when he comes to the country I live, he always gets drunk in one of those days, obviously I am the target when he is drunk... but ya know, just normal stuff, It's not like I care about his opinion now, I can't give a fuck about what he says since the only thing he does is disappoint me. The only thing I get to see everyday is pictures of his new happy family posted on facebook or whatever, but I don't care, just let him live his life.
My dad never touched me and says he'll never do it, he get's my respect by talking to me and sometimes by screaming at me but never by beating and i like it that way and i'm confident that i'll grow a great person who will remember him with love.
Well, as a kid I was often spanked when I was being a little asshole.
I should probably say I hate my parents (=my father, mostly) for it, but I'm thankful. I learned to have a little respect. When I see some kids nowadays, I swear...even my 8 year old sister could learn a lesson or two about respect.
When I say spanked, I don't mean that he hit me btw. Just a slap. I'd say it depends. If your kids are like some on TV, then a good spank now and then would surely not do too much damage.
But if they just talk back, then no. That's a part of growing up which everyone must go through.
your dad seems like a good dad. I wished my dad would give a shit about me, I mean, I don't talk to him since July, he gave me nothing on my… more birthday, when he comes to the country I live, he always gets drunk in one of those days, obviously I am the target when he is drunk... but ya know, just normal stuff, It's not like I care about his opinion now, I can't give a fuck about what he says since the only thing he does is disappoint me. The only thing I get to see everyday is pictures of his new happy family posted on facebook or whatever, but I don't care, just let him live his life.
your dad seems like a good dad. I wished my dad would give a shit about me, I mean, I don't talk to him since July, he gave me nothing on my… more birthday, when he comes to the country I live, he always gets drunk in one of those days, obviously I am the target when he is drunk... but ya know, just normal stuff, It's not like I care about his opinion now, I can't give a fuck about what he says since the only thing he does is disappoint me. The only thing I get to see everyday is pictures of his new happy family posted on facebook or whatever, but I don't care, just let him live his life.
Hitting never works as a corrective measure. My Dad's parents used to beat him all the time (for generally being a maniac). It never instilled any respect in him, just a tolerance to pain and resentment for his parents. One day, they finally stopped after his death broke a paddle over his ass and my Dad just laughed at him.
In my opinion, it's only right to smack a kid if they're being a danger to themselves or others (I.e: a violent temper tantrum).
Sorry to be like this but: "respect in him, just a tolerance to pain and resentment for his parents. One day, they finally stopped after his *dad broke a paddle over his ass"
Hitting never works as a corrective measure. My Dad's parents used to beat him all the time (for generally being a maniac). It never insti… morelled any respect in him, just a tolerance to pain and resentment for his parents. One day, they finally stopped after his death broke a paddle over his ass and my Dad just laughed at him.
In my opinion, it's only right to smack a kid if they're being a danger to themselves or others (I.e: a violent temper tantrum).
Haha, we don't want to name either of them after anything in case they hate the thing they're named after
We were thinking Faith, Cassandra (Cassie), Hope or Katherine
your dad seems like a good dad. I wished my dad would give a shit about me, I mean, I don't talk to him since July, he gave me nothing on my… more birthday, when he comes to the country I live, he always gets drunk in one of those days, obviously I am the target when he is drunk... but ya know, just normal stuff, It's not like I care about his opinion now, I can't give a fuck about what he says since the only thing he does is disappoint me. The only thing I get to see everyday is pictures of his new happy family posted on facebook or whatever, but I don't care, just let him live his life.
My dad used to hit me with a belt buckle. I'm 13 and sometimes he still threatens me with it. My sister is almost 3 and she's never been threatened with it. I suppose I really am a test child, because everything they tried on me fucked me up and made me depressed. I think my parents just want a different little girl that they can play dolls with and not have to hit with a belt buckle because she wouldn't eat her vegetables.
I will never lay a hand on a child. Ever. No matter what my future child(ren) do(es), I will never lay a hand on them.
oh, i'm sorry for him I guess he told you the truth, since he also had issues with his dad, it's probably more hard to feel sad, since his dad was drunk when all happened... idk
No, I mean he wasn't sad when his dad overlooked the truck coming from the crossroad while driving drunk.
He told me he felt empty, but he couldn't cry, because he was too mad at his dad.
I think he took it worse then he let on, but just didn't want to show 'weakness'. Nobody deserves this, really. The man was an asshole when he was drunk, so almost all the time, but he wasn't a bad guy at hearts.
I cherish my relatively good relationship with my dad.
oh, i'm sorry for him I guess he told you the truth, since he also had issues with his dad, it's probably more hard to feel sad, since his dad was drunk when all happened... idk
I think he took it worse then he let on, but just didn't want to show 'weakness'. Nobody deserves this, really. The man was an asshole when … morehe was drunk, so almost all the time, but he wasn't a bad guy at hearts.
I cherish my relatively good relationship with my dad.
When I was about 6-8 I use to throw these really bad temper tantrums. My mom would fill the sink with water and place my head underwater until I stopped crying. It only happened like 3 or 4 times though. Kinda ironic I'm a swimmer now.
My dad in no way shape or form is a bad person. When I say "whipped" I mean he pretty much spanked me with a belt. He hasn't had to do it in… more a long time, because I behave now, and it's not like he didn't have a reason. He didn't bust my butt over little things, he did it rather after I did something really bad, or kept doing something after he had told me not to repeatedly. It's not like he was just in general a big asshole to me, either. He does all the things a dad is supposed to do, the only difference I suppose is that he whipped me when I deserved it.
When I was about 6-8 I use to throw these really bad temper tantrums. My mom would fill the sink with water and place my head underwater until I stopped crying. It only happened like 3 or 4 times though. Kinda ironic I'm a swimmer now.
It's one thing to spank a child on the ass with a belt when they deliberately misbehave.
But to dunk a child's head in underwater, borders on abuse, really.
When I was about 6-8 I use to throw these really bad temper tantrums. My mom would fill the sink with water and place my head underwater until I stopped crying. It only happened like 3 or 4 times though. Kinda ironic I'm a swimmer now.
The idea behind a spanking, is not to severely hurt a child, when they deliberately act out.
The idea is to teach them that they cannot talk and act however they want.
What it says about the parent: "I love my child enough, that I'm not going to let them grow up to be the kind of person who thinks they can talk to people however they want."
Because life doesn't work that way.
You're a real mess, Carver.
Seriously, though, corporal punishment only breeds resentment and hate. It teaches people that it's not wort… moreh explaining why things are wrong when you can just use your strength to hurt those weaker than you. Take it from someone who's lived through it. People become strong in spite of it, not BECAUSE of the needless trauma.
I find a grim irony in wanting to hurt the adults who take glee in hurting children.
Haha, we don't want to name either of them after anything in case they hate the thing they're named after
We were thinking Faith, Cassandra (Cassie), Hope or Katherine
So instead you're just going to let them grow up to be the kind of person who thinks they should hit other people for talking in a way they don't like...
Number 1, I'm not a Carver-like man.
The idea behind a spanking, is not to severely hurt a child, when they deliberately act out.
The id… moreea is to teach them that they cannot talk and act however they want.
What it says about the parent: "I love my child enough, that I'm not going to let them grow up to be the kind of person who thinks they can talk to people however they want."
Because life doesn't work that way.
I'm not talking about beating a kid black and blue!
I'm not like that, nor do I agree with it.
Just giving him a few licks with a belt, when he willfully acts out.
There nothing abusive in that!
Not every situation deserves a spanking.
Sometimes a good talking to is all that's needed.
However, when a child continually disrespects his parents, by either talking back to them or doing something they've repeatedly told him not to do, then a spanking would be well-appropriate.
It sends the message loud and clear that he's not going to be allowed to get away with whatever he wants.
I'm not talking about beating a kid black and blue!
I'm not like that, nor do I agree with it.
Just giving him a few licks with a belt, … morewhen he willfully acts out.
There nothing abusive in that!
Not every situation deserves a spanking.
Sometimes a good talking to is all that's needed.
However, when a child continually disrespects his parents, by either talking back to them or doing something they've repeatedly told him not to do, then a spanking would be well-appropriate.
It sends the message loud and clear that he's not going to be allowed to get away with whatever he wants.
That's amazing! Congratulations!
Sounds like you just bought into it. I know a lot of men my age and their fathers were horrible people, but that's probably because their parents were too shitty to teach them proper manners in the first place.
Reaction to reading the first line:
I think beating isn't the right word but I'm compelled to agree.
I'd call it another attempt to be edgy, only I've seen too many comments from grown men who were totally serious.
Would you physically discipline your wife because marriage is stressful?
edit: Not meant to accuse you of anything. It's just the question I would ask myself.
Thanks very much!
We're very excited
My dad never touched me and says he'll never do it, he get's my respect by talking to me and sometimes by screaming at me but never by beating and i like it that way and i'm confident that i'll grow a great person who will remember him with love.
My dad in no way shape or form is a bad person. When I say "whipped" I mean he pretty much spanked me with a belt. He hasn't had to do it in a long time, because I behave now, and it's not like he didn't have a reason. He didn't bust my butt over little things, he did it rather after I did something really bad, or kept doing something after he had told me not to repeatedly. It's not like he was just in general a big asshole to me, either. He does all the things a dad is supposed to do, the only difference I suppose is that he whipped me when I deserved it.
your dad seems like a good dad. I wished my dad would give a shit about me, I mean, I don't talk to him since July, he gave me nothing on my birthday, when he comes to the country I live, he always gets drunk in one of those days, obviously I am the target when he is drunk... but ya know, just normal stuff, It's not like I care about his opinion now, I can't give a fuck about what he says since the only thing he does is disappoint me. The only thing I get to see everyday is pictures of his new happy family posted on facebook or whatever, but I don't care, just let him live his life.
Well, as a kid I was often spanked when I was being a little asshole.
I should probably say I hate my parents (=my father, mostly) for it, but I'm thankful. I learned to have a little respect. When I see some kids nowadays, I swear...even my 8 year old sister could learn a lesson or two about respect.
When I say spanked, I don't mean that he hit me btw. Just a slap. I'd say it depends. If your kids are like some on TV, then a good spank now and then would surely not do too much damage.
But if they just talk back, then no. That's a part of growing up which everyone must go through.
What about Clementine
I know I want to give my daughter that name once when my wife agrees
Haha, we don't want to name either of them after anything in case they hate the thing they're named after
We were thinking Faith, Cassandra (Cassie), Hope or Katherine
Wow... just wow.
Sounds like he's an ass
Hitting never works as a corrective measure. My Dad's parents used to beat him all the time (for generally being a maniac). It never instilled any respect in him, just a tolerance to pain and resentment for his parents. One day, they finally stopped after his death broke a paddle over his ass and my Dad just laughed at him.
In my opinion, it's only right to smack a kid if they're being a danger to themselves or others (I.e: a violent temper tantrum).
Sorry to be like this but: "respect in him, just a tolerance to pain and resentment for his parents. One day, they finally stopped after his *dad broke a paddle over his ass"
Those are also cute names
Congratulations btw
Tell me about it...
Because he act's like that
What a prick. My friend's dad was the same way, at least he's gone now. My friend wasn't sad. At least that's what he told me.
Sorry man , to cheer you up.

hahaha that worked, but it's not like I'm really sad about this, but thanks anyway.
After some time, you get used to it, so it's not really sad I think, more disappointed.
My dad used to hit me with a belt buckle. I'm 13 and sometimes he still threatens me with it. My sister is almost 3 and she's never been threatened with it. I suppose I really am a test child, because everything they tried on me fucked me up and made me depressed. I think my parents just want a different little girl that they can play dolls with and not have to hit with a belt buckle because she wouldn't eat her vegetables.
I will never lay a hand on a child. Ever. No matter what my future child(ren) do(es), I will never lay a hand on them.
No, I mean he wasn't sad when his dad overlooked the truck coming from the crossroad while driving drunk.
He told me he felt empty, but he couldn't cry, because he was too mad at his dad.
oh, i'm sorry for him
I guess he told you the truth, since he also had issues with his dad, it's probably more hard to feel sad, since his dad was drunk when all happened... idk 
I think he took it worse then he let on, but just didn't want to show 'weakness'. Nobody deserves this, really. The man was an asshole when he was drunk, so almost all the time, but he wasn't a bad guy at hearts.
I cherish my relatively good relationship with my dad.
Yeah... I mean, dad is still dad, no matter what.
When I was about 6-8 I use to throw these really bad temper tantrums. My mom would fill the sink with water and place my head underwater until I stopped crying. It only happened like 3 or 4 times though. Kinda ironic I'm a swimmer now.
Sorry, english is not my first language
You know, this is extremely sick of her part right?
It wasn't bad anyways it was just to slow down my breathing and get me to cool down. I don't care anymore.
It's one thing to spank a child on the ass with a belt when they deliberately misbehave.
But to dunk a child's head in underwater, borders on abuse, really.
Number 1, I'm not a Carver-like man.
The idea behind a spanking, is not to severely hurt a child, when they deliberately act out.
The idea is to teach them that they cannot talk and act however they want.
What it says about the parent: "I love my child enough, that I'm not going to let them grow up to be the kind of person who thinks they can talk to people however they want."
Because life doesn't work that way.
Amy and Kate.
So instead you're just going to let them grow up to be the kind of person who thinks they should hit other people for talking in a way they don't like...
I'm not talking about beating a kid black and blue!
I'm not like that, nor do I agree with it.
Just giving him a few licks with a belt, when he willfully acts out.
There nothing abusive in that!
Not every situation deserves a spanking.
Sometimes a good talking to is all that's needed.
However, when a child continually disrespects his parents, by either talking back to them or doing something they've repeatedly told him not to do, then a spanking would be well-appropriate.
It sends the message loud and clear that he's not going to be allowed to get away with whatever he wants.
I would argue any violence against people who cannot defend themselves is abuse.
You must be so excited.