-Minecraft: It's fun and all, but I don't really understand the fanatic praise the it tends to receive.
-Resident Evil (especially 4): Why is this series so popular? The controls are awful and the story is definitely nothing to write home about, in my opinion.
-Forza Motorsport series: A beautiful, complex driving sim that's also boring enough to put someone into a coma.
-Final Fantasy series: I don't get it, somebody please explain why this series is the masterpiece people claim it is. I just don't get it. Tactics was pretty good though.
COD of course. Out of all the mediocre FPS games in the market, I don't understand why this one sells a zillion copies every year. They all seem the same to me.
Uncharted. It's just a bland shooter with the plot of a b Hollywood movie and the most anticlimactic boss fight that I have ever taken part in. I don't know why people love it so much
COD of course. Out of all the mediocre FPS games in the market, I don't understand why this one sells a zillion copies every year. They all seem the same to me.
Borderlands games: A bunch of cheesy jokes don't really make up for lackluster gameplay, a weak story, thousands upon thousands of useless items and all-around boring gameplay. Mind you, I play games traditionally on my own, and yes, I know, you're supposed to play it with friends. However, if a game can't entertain me on my own, well, that's saying a lot. After all, even a dentist appointment can be fun with friends.
Call of Duty, ever since the third entry: No innovation, no ambition, no anything. They can't even be bothered to create a new graphics engine that doesn't look like ass. Which is not suprising since they STILL use the old quake-3-engine. Just a yearly cash-in financed by a bunch of morons who are probably also fans of those deprecated Michael Bay movies.
There are other candidates like WoW, Mincecraft and of course Sims, but those two series really don't deserve even half the money they're generating.
I kind of found it odd that whenever Ellie suggested she carry a gun, Joel was against it. Almost everyone I knew was all like, "GIVE HER A FUCKING GUN DAMMIT!!!!!"
Any Metal Gear game. I don't even like the good ones. Sorry, but they're not competent stealth games even when they qualify as games. I'm looking at you, number 4.
even though i love the game i think GTA V is overrated. the online is boring and buggy the story of the game compared to gta iv is dull. I liked playing as three characters but they were pretty much the same apart from the special moves that they do (michael's bullet time trevor's crazy gun shoot shoot bullet time...don't know the name for that one and franklins ability to slow down time when he is driving) i liked to explore the city of los santos but there isn't much to do (apart from little minigames like tennis) but if you love the game like the critics that's your opinion
Uncharted. It's just a bland shooter with the plot of a b Hollywood movie and the most anticlimactic boss fight that I have ever taken part in. I don't know why people love it so much
Resi's controls are fine. The games are designed so that the enemies are even less mobile than you are. Chances are you didn't use any techniques to help you gain the upper hand, like quickturning. I'll admit that the stories are ridiculous though.
-Minecraft: It's fun and all, but I don't really understand the fanatic praise the it tends to receive.
-Resident Evil (especially 4): Wh… morey is this series so popular? The controls are awful and the story is definitely nothing to write home about, in my opinion.
-Forza Motorsport series: A beautiful, complex driving sim that's also boring enough to put someone into a coma.
-Final Fantasy series: I don't get it, somebody please explain why this series is the masterpiece people claim it is. I just don't get it. Tactics was pretty good though.
That makes sense - I played 2 and 3 before Drake's Fortune and in comparison the first game is pretty tedious. Endless waves of generic enemies + the things you said make for a boring game in retrospect.
The sequel is far more entertaining because it eliminates most of the original game's flaws - if you give it a go you might enjoy it.
That makes sense - I played 2 and 3 before Drake's Fortune and in comparison the first game is pretty tedious. Endless waves of generic enem… moreies + the things you said make for a boring game in retrospect.
The sequel is far more entertaining because it eliminates most of the original game's flaws - if you give it a go you might enjoy it.
Call of Duty. Every year it's : same graphics , weapon stats changed , we added a few perks , added a new grenade , 2-3 more maps , BAM ! Here's the game we worked on for 2 years.
And guess what ! The shittier it is , the better it sells. Mervelous !!
Call of Duty is a great game, guys. It's not a likeable game, it's a money grabber, but it does what it wants to do in a great way. Personally, I hate COD, but I at least admit that it's a fantastically produced game. I'd never play it though.
WoW isn't really over rated. If you get to play it for a while you'll actually find out it's really cool and there's a ton of stuff to do. Of course , they fucked up a lot of expansions in the past , like Cataclysm or Mists of Pandaria , but Wrath of the Lich King was amazing , and the next expansions seems to be really good too. I'm not saying it's a 10/10 masterpiece game , but it's really fun once you actually get to the cool stuff.
That's easy.
Borderlands games: A bunch of cheesy jokes don't really make up for lackluster gameplay, a weak story, thousands upon thousa… morends of useless items and all-around boring gameplay. Mind you, I play games traditionally on my own, and yes, I know, you're supposed to play it with friends. However, if a game can't entertain me on my own, well, that's saying a lot. After all, even a dentist appointment can be fun with friends.
Call of Duty, ever since the third entry: No innovation, no ambition, no anything. They can't even be bothered to create a new graphics engine that doesn't look like ass. Which is not suprising since they STILL use the old quake-3-engine. Just a yearly cash-in financed by a bunch of morons who are probably also fans of those deprecated Michael Bay movies.
There are other candidates like WoW, Mincecraft and of course Sims, but those two series really don't deserve even half the money they're generating.
Call of Duty is a great game, guys. It's not a likeable game, it's a money grabber, but it does what it wants to do in a great way. Personal… morely, I hate COD, but I at least admit that it's a fantastically produced game. I'd never play it though.
Overrated game: GTA San Andreas.
There's too much to do. Every time I play the game, I feel overwhelmed with how much it offers me to do, every time you fail a mission, you have to start it from the beginning, which is kinda getting on my nerves.
Best to play on a harder mode if its to easy. You'll freaking or have an orgasm when you get enough supplies to make a Shiv. You use them so much on the hardest mode that their so scarce and the only thing that can save you from life and death.
IMO (even though it isn't a bad game by any means) The last of us, I feel this game is definitely wayyyyy too overrated especially considering a lot of the gameplay is combat which gets boring pretty fast.
The Last of Us is honestly one of the most over-hyped games of the generation. It was not a bad game, it was average, only slightly better through the DLC. 6/10. 7/10 with DLC.
Characters were pretty generic and uninteresting (Save Ellie). The story was predictable (Facepalm to anyone who didn't see the giant "I AM A VILLAIN" sign above Marlene's head). Story took absolutely no risks and there wasn't any sense of danger to the characters throughout the entire story (Another facepalm to people who thought Ellie was in any danger), just to make sure everyone got their Joel and Ellie walk into the sunset together ending. Escort mission. Strangle simulator. Retarded AI (Even on the highest difficulty. Do people even make video games hard anymore?). Joel has more one-liners than facial expressions.
I played the game twice. Once on the easiest, and the second on the hardest. I had no desire to play the game again until the story DLC came out, which really fleshed out Ellie's character, thus bringing my score up. This a game about the interaction about the relationship between the main characters, and it's just too bad they kept trying to shove the horrid plot in my face.
This is just my opinion of why the game is not the "OMG BEST GAME EVAR 11/10- IGN 'IT WAS OK'!!!!!!1!!oneone!!!1!"
The Last of Us is honestly one of the most over-hyped games of the generation. It was not a bad game, it was average, only slightly better t… morehrough the DLC. 6/10. 7/10 with DLC.
Characters were pretty generic and uninteresting (Save Ellie). The story was predictable (Facepalm to anyone who didn't see the giant "I AM A VILLAIN" sign above Marlene's head). Story took absolutely no risks and there wasn't any sense of danger to the characters throughout the entire story (Another facepalm to people who thought Ellie was in any danger), just to make sure everyone got their Joel and Ellie walk into the sunset together ending. Escort mission. Strangle simulator. Retarded AI (Even on the highest difficulty. Do people even make video games hard anymore?). Joel has more one-liners than facial expressions.
I played the game twice. Once on the easiest, and the second on the hardest. I had no desire to play the game again until the story D… [view original content]
You are entitled to your opinion, and I respect that, but it's easily one of the greatest game of all times for me. I felt exactly the opposite, that's interesting, because IMO, the characters felt in real danger at any time for me. Halfway through the game, there was this scene where I thought that Joel would really be dead and we'd continue to play as Ellie from now on. The characters were heart warming, Joel and Ellie had a great chemistry.
I cannot express how thoroughly I love this game for it's brillant storytelling. Please enlighten me about the predictable story and name me ONE game that does not have a predictable story (aside from No Going Back). I just played Persona 4 and - SPOILER - I knew right from the beginning that Adachi would turn out to be the bad guy. To be honest, I did not know that Marlene would turn out to be a villain and Ellie was supposed to be killed in the Hospital. I found that really shocking.
The Gameplay was good, not great, but above average. I always found the zombie enemies to be far more engaging than human enemies.
Man, the finale in the hospital was heartbreaking. And the ending was mesmerizing. It's not a "Walking into the sunset" ending. It's the fact that Joel realized Ellie would have died to give the fireflies a possibilty to find a clue, and he builds up their whole relationship on a lie. It's heartbreaking, because there's a huge tension between those two characters.
The story may not be completely original, fresh, and unheard of. But that gut-wrenching storytelling and those characters really did it for me. I had two of my best friends who came over NOT TO PLAY IT, but just to watch it, because to them, it felt like a great movie. So many emotional, character-driven moments. Just thinking back and reflecting about it, I get goosebumps.
Hey man, the Winter section.
To be honest, it might be because I played too many video games and I don't enjoy games like Call of Duty, Killzone, Lollipop Chainsaw and stuff anymore. I don't play games because I want to play stuff. I play it because it offers me an interactive story, and tbh, Last of Us did that in perfection.
So yeah, it'd be a 10/10 IMO. Not "OMG BEST GAME EVAR", because It wasn't the hype that made me play it. I played it several months later because it was offered for 15€ at a local store and I thought I might just give it a shot. And really, I don't play games for good gameplay anymore. If I'd give two shits about that, I'd never touch Walking Dead or Wolf Among Us. But those two games are still one of the greatest I've ever played.
And, nobody has to agree on that, Last of Us is - at least for me - the best game of the seventh generation.
The Last of Us is honestly one of the most over-hyped games of the generation. It was not a bad game, it was average, only slightly better t… morehrough the DLC. 6/10. 7/10 with DLC.
Characters were pretty generic and uninteresting (Save Ellie). The story was predictable (Facepalm to anyone who didn't see the giant "I AM A VILLAIN" sign above Marlene's head). Story took absolutely no risks and there wasn't any sense of danger to the characters throughout the entire story (Another facepalm to people who thought Ellie was in any danger), just to make sure everyone got their Joel and Ellie walk into the sunset together ending. Escort mission. Strangle simulator. Retarded AI (Even on the highest difficulty. Do people even make video games hard anymore?). Joel has more one-liners than facial expressions.
I played the game twice. Once on the easiest, and the second on the hardest. I had no desire to play the game again until the story D… [view original content]
6/10 or 7/10?
You are entitled to your opinion, and I respect that, but it's easily one of the greatest game of all times for me. I felt … moreexactly the opposite, that's interesting, because IMO, the characters felt in real danger at any time for me. Halfway through the game, there was this scene where I thought that Joel would really be dead and we'd continue to play as Ellie from now on. The characters were heart warming, Joel and Ellie had a great chemistry.
I cannot express how thoroughly I love this game for it's brillant storytelling. Please enlighten me about the predictable story and name me ONE game that does not have a predictable story (aside from No Going Back). I just played Persona 4 and - SPOILER - I knew right from the beginning that Adachi would turn out to be the bad guy. To be honest, I did not know that Marlene would turn out to be a villain and Ellie was supposed to be killed in the Hospital. I found that really shockin… [view original content]
Hey it's not like I think you're an idiot or anything for having your own opinion, and I think it's pretty cool that you found the game that is for you. I'm a bit upset about the Persona 4 spoiler,as I was planning on playing it next month, but it's no big deal. Anyways, the feeling of danger for the characters is subjective. I knew that Ellie was going to find the magical medicine to save Joel. If you want me to tell you the storyboard I drew for the game right after I took a break after Tess dies, here it goes.
Fireflys are bad guys and Marlene becomes the big bad at the end.
Ellie is almost raped because shock value
Joel stops Ellie from doing whatever they were going to do once they finished the story
Joel will use Ellie as a replacement for his dead daughter
All characters that could possibly help Joel and Ellie on their journey would die, because they need the characters to interact more.
Those are just a few, since I actually trashed the paper which held the storyboard. I just find it surprising that you couldn't tell Marlene was a villain. To me, she just screamed, "Mwahahaha, lure them to my evil lair and refuse to pay them for their hard work!"
The Gameplay to me was really bland. It's only interesting if you go out of your way to make it so. Humans were by far the most retarded of the AI.
Step 1: Lure enemy into hall
Step 2: Strangulate
Step 3: Repeat
The lie held no significance to me. This whole relationship built on a lie thing holds no meaning for me because in the real world, most relationships throw a few lies at each other. And if you read the notes (Why Joel doesn't show her these pretty revealing notes is beyond me) they tell you that they weren't going to help anybody and that it was hopeless. Will never understand why he doesn't pull those notes out of his magical ass where he keeps all those guns.
This is my biggest divergence from you. The story wasn't original, fresh, and unheard of. The characters were the main focus of the story. The interaction between Ellie and Joel was flawless, and expertly done, only rivaled by a few games (TWD being one of them). It's sad that the horrible plot (Escort mission to get immune person to find magical cure to save the world, there is no cure) was used to force these characters together.
I actually liked the winter section, but that's cause I'm a snow person.
I don't like those games either. I liked TLOU, but it wasn't anywhere close to TWD, or Spec Ops: The Line in terms of characters and story-telling.
The best PS exclusive last generation, but not the best game. Up there, but not the best game. At least to me.
6/10 or 7/10?
You are entitled to your opinion, and I respect that, but it's easily one of the greatest game of all times for me. I felt … moreexactly the opposite, that's interesting, because IMO, the characters felt in real danger at any time for me. Halfway through the game, there was this scene where I thought that Joel would really be dead and we'd continue to play as Ellie from now on. The characters were heart warming, Joel and Ellie had a great chemistry.
I cannot express how thoroughly I love this game for it's brillant storytelling. Please enlighten me about the predictable story and name me ONE game that does not have a predictable story (aside from No Going Back). I just played Persona 4 and - SPOILER - I knew right from the beginning that Adachi would turn out to be the bad guy. To be honest, I did not know that Marlene would turn out to be a villain and Ellie was supposed to be killed in the Hospital. I found that really shockin… [view original content]
Sorry about the Persona 4 Spoilers! I added a little Spoiler warning though.
You should still play it. It's an addictive RPG. Did you really draw a storyboard? Like, for real? You shouldn't do that, man. That ruins stories. Did you watch Avatar? A pretty awesome movie, if you ask me, but the story was completely boring.
I really think it's interesting though that we have such differing views on the game. Marlene always struck me as a very pragmatic and trustworthy character.
And I agree with you, the story was nothing new or groundbreaking. I enjoyed it for what it was though, and the journey was fun to watch. It was really scary at times, I was sweaty like hell when Joel or Ellie were in a dark room with the infected.
Spec Ops: The Line was horrible IMO. Funny ._.
So you rate it 7/10 but you still say it's the best PS exclusive? What about Uncharted 2, 3? Those are at least 9/10s.
Hey it's not like I think you're an idiot or anything for having your own opinion, and I think it's pretty cool that you found the game that… more is for you. I'm a bit upset about the Persona 4 spoiler,as I was planning on playing it next month, but it's no big deal. Anyways, the feeling of danger for the characters is subjective. I knew that Ellie was going to find the magical medicine to save Joel. If you want me to tell you the storyboard I drew for the game right after I took a break after Tess dies, here it goes.
* Fireflys are bad guys and Marlene becomes the big bad at the end.
* Ellie is almost raped because shock value
* Joel stops Ellie from doing whatever they were going to do once they finished the story
* Joel will use Ellie as a replacement for his dead daughter
* All characters that could possibly help Joel and Ellie on their journey would die, because they need the characters to interact more.
Those are just a few, sin… [view original content]
-Minecraft: It's fun and all, but I don't really understand the fanatic praise the it tends to receive.
-Resident Evil (especially 4): Why is this series so popular? The controls are awful and the story is definitely nothing to write home about, in my opinion.
-Forza Motorsport series: A beautiful, complex driving sim that's also boring enough to put someone into a coma.
-Final Fantasy series: I don't get it, somebody please explain why this series is the masterpiece people claim it is. I just don't get it. Tactics was pretty good though.
Gta V it was all big hyped i even know this guy who got in love with the cd lol
I thought the Last of Us was more of a character study than a game.
COD of course. Out of all the mediocre FPS games in the market, I don't understand why this one sells a zillion copies every year. They all seem the same to me.
Uncharted. It's just a bland shooter with the plot of a b Hollywood movie and the most anticlimactic boss fight that I have ever taken part in. I don't know why people love it so much
I think call of duty is over rated. I mean sure I play it but its not all that everyone's made it out to be.
yep it was boring as hell.... wel I don't really like that genre type thing
The Last of Us, Call of Duty and Assassin's Creed.
Fuck COD
That's easy.
Borderlands games: A bunch of cheesy jokes don't really make up for lackluster gameplay, a weak story, thousands upon thousands of useless items and all-around boring gameplay. Mind you, I play games traditionally on my own, and yes, I know, you're supposed to play it with friends. However, if a game can't entertain me on my own, well, that's saying a lot. After all, even a dentist appointment can be fun with friends.
Call of Duty, ever since the third entry: No innovation, no ambition, no anything. They can't even be bothered to create a new graphics engine that doesn't look like ass. Which is not suprising since they STILL use the old quake-3-engine. Just a yearly cash-in financed by a bunch of morons who are probably also fans of those deprecated Michael Bay movies.
There are other candidates like WoW, Mincecraft and of course Sims, but those two series really don't deserve even half the money they're generating.
You obviously don't get the plot of the game so i'm not even going to try to explain it.
Well then you have not played it.
COD, Minecraft, Last of Us, Watchdogs, Outlast,
Any Metal Gear game. I don't even like the good ones. Sorry, but they're not competent stealth games even when they qualify as games. I'm looking at you, number 4.
Final fantasy xii
even though i love the game i think GTA V is overrated. the online is boring and buggy the story of the game compared to gta iv is dull. I liked playing as three characters but they were pretty much the same apart from the special moves that they do (michael's bullet time trevor's crazy gun shoot shoot bullet time...don't know the name for that one and franklins ability to slow down time when he is driving) i liked to explore the city of los santos but there isn't much to do (apart from little minigames like tennis) but if you love the game like the critics that's your opinion
Which one? Or are you going to tell me 'all of them'?
Resi's controls are fine. The games are designed so that the enemies are even less mobile than you are. Chances are you didn't use any techniques to help you gain the upper hand, like quickturning. I'll admit that the stories are ridiculous though.
You don't get FF? What's wrong with it?
No. to be fair I only played the first one but that was definitely enough for me
That makes sense - I played 2 and 3 before Drake's Fortune and in comparison the first game is pretty tedious. Endless waves of generic enemies + the things you said make for a boring game in retrospect.
The sequel is far more entertaining because it eliminates most of the original game's flaws - if you give it a go you might enjoy it.
Now That I know it gets better I might pick up Uncharted 2 if I see it on sale. Thanks for letting me know
Call of Duty. Every year it's : same graphics , weapon stats changed , we added a few perks , added a new grenade , 2-3 more maps , BAM ! Here's the game we worked on for 2 years.
And guess what ! The shittier it is , the better it sells. Mervelous !!
Call of Duty is a great game, guys. It's not a likeable game, it's a money grabber, but it does what it wants to do in a great way. Personally, I hate COD, but I at least admit that it's a fantastically produced game. I'd never play it though.
Overrated game: GTA San Andreas.
WoW isn't really over rated. If you get to play it for a while you'll actually find out it's really cool and there's a ton of stuff to do. Of course , they fucked up a lot of expansions in the past , like Cataclysm or Mists of Pandaria , but Wrath of the Lich King was amazing , and the next expansions seems to be really good too. I'm not saying it's a 10/10 masterpiece game , but it's really fun once you actually get to the cool stuff.
Why?(About SA)
There's too much to do. Every time I play the game, I feel overwhelmed with how much it offers me to do, every time you fail a mission, you have to start it from the beginning, which is kinda getting on my nerves.
Best to play on a harder mode if its to easy. You'll freaking or have an orgasm when you get enough supplies to make a Shiv. You use them so much on the hardest mode that their so scarce and the only thing that can save you from life and death.
TLOU, Grand Theft Auto 5, Watchdogs
I know Im going to get bashed for this but all the bat man games from Rocksteady and uncharted's single play campaign.
The Last of Us is honestly one of the most over-hyped games of the generation. It was not a bad game, it was average, only slightly better through the DLC. 6/10. 7/10 with DLC.
Characters were pretty generic and uninteresting (Save Ellie). The story was predictable (Facepalm to anyone who didn't see the giant "I AM A VILLAIN" sign above Marlene's head). Story took absolutely no risks and there wasn't any sense of danger to the characters throughout the entire story (Another facepalm to people who thought Ellie was in any danger), just to make sure everyone got their Joel and Ellie walk into the sunset together ending. Escort mission. Strangle simulator. Retarded AI (Even on the highest difficulty. Do people even make video games hard anymore?). Joel has more one-liners than facial expressions.
I played the game twice. Once on the easiest, and the second on the hardest. I had no desire to play the game again until the story DLC came out, which really fleshed out Ellie's character, thus bringing my score up. This a game about the interaction about the relationship between the main characters, and it's just too bad they kept trying to shove the horrid plot in my face.
This is just my opinion of why the game is not the "OMG BEST GAME EVAR 11/10- IGN 'IT WAS OK'!!!!!!1!!oneone!!!1!"
I'm expecting hate. Bring it.
No hate from me. I rated it higher than that, but, you are entitled to your opinion.
Well thanks for not hating on me. I usually get bombarded by fanboys at this point.
I know what ya mean. I hate the word fanboy anyway lol
6/10 or 7/10?
You are entitled to your opinion, and I respect that, but it's easily one of the greatest game of all times for me. I felt exactly the opposite, that's interesting, because IMO, the characters felt in real danger at any time for me. Halfway through the game, there was this scene where I thought that Joel would really be dead and we'd continue to play as Ellie from now on. The characters were heart warming, Joel and Ellie had a great chemistry.
I cannot express how thoroughly I love this game for it's brillant storytelling. Please enlighten me about the predictable story and name me ONE game that does not have a predictable story (aside from No Going Back). I just played Persona 4 and - SPOILER - I knew right from the beginning that Adachi would turn out to be the bad guy. To be honest, I did not know that Marlene would turn out to be a villain and Ellie was supposed to be killed in the Hospital. I found that really shocking.
The Gameplay was good, not great, but above average. I always found the zombie enemies to be far more engaging than human enemies.
Man, the finale in the hospital was heartbreaking. And the ending was mesmerizing. It's not a "Walking into the sunset" ending. It's the fact that Joel realized Ellie would have died to give the fireflies a possibilty to find a clue, and he builds up their whole relationship on a lie. It's heartbreaking, because there's a huge tension between those two characters.
The story may not be completely original, fresh, and unheard of. But that gut-wrenching storytelling and those characters really did it for me. I had two of my best friends who came over NOT TO PLAY IT, but just to watch it, because to them, it felt like a great movie. So many emotional, character-driven moments. Just thinking back and reflecting about it, I get goosebumps.
Hey man, the Winter section.
To be honest, it might be because I played too many video games and I don't enjoy games like Call of Duty, Killzone, Lollipop Chainsaw and stuff anymore. I don't play games because I want to play stuff. I play it because it offers me an interactive story, and tbh, Last of Us did that in perfection.
So yeah, it'd be a 10/10 IMO. Not "OMG BEST GAME EVAR", because It wasn't the hype that made me play it. I played it several months later because it was offered for 15€ at a local store and I thought I might just give it a shot. And really, I don't play games for good gameplay anymore. If I'd give two shits about that, I'd never touch Walking Dead or Wolf Among Us. But those two games are still one of the greatest I've ever played.
And, nobody has to agree on that, Last of Us is - at least for me - the best game of the seventh generation.
Whoever it was, thanks for the upvote!
Hey it's not like I think you're an idiot or anything for having your own opinion, and I think it's pretty cool that you found the game that is for you. I'm a bit upset about the Persona 4 spoiler,as I was planning on playing it next month, but it's no big deal. Anyways, the feeling of danger for the characters is subjective. I knew that Ellie was going to find the magical medicine to save Joel. If you want me to tell you the storyboard I drew for the game right after I took a break after Tess dies, here it goes.
Those are just a few, since I actually trashed the paper which held the storyboard. I just find it surprising that you couldn't tell Marlene was a villain. To me, she just screamed, "Mwahahaha, lure them to my evil lair and refuse to pay them for their hard work!"
The Gameplay to me was really bland. It's only interesting if you go out of your way to make it so. Humans were by far the most retarded of the AI.
Step 1: Lure enemy into hall
Step 2: Strangulate
Step 3: Repeat
The lie held no significance to me. This whole relationship built on a lie thing holds no meaning for me because in the real world, most relationships throw a few lies at each other. And if you read the notes (Why Joel doesn't show her these pretty revealing notes is beyond me) they tell you that they weren't going to help anybody and that it was hopeless. Will never understand why he doesn't pull those notes out of his magical ass where he keeps all those guns.
This is my biggest divergence from you. The story wasn't original, fresh, and unheard of. The characters were the main focus of the story. The interaction between Ellie and Joel was flawless, and expertly done, only rivaled by a few games (TWD being one of them). It's sad that the horrible plot (Escort mission to get immune person to find magical cure to save the world, there is no cure) was used to force these characters together.
I actually liked the winter section, but that's cause I'm a snow person.
I don't like those games either. I liked TLOU, but it wasn't anywhere close to TWD, or Spec Ops: The Line in terms of characters and story-telling.
The best PS exclusive last generation, but not the best game. Up there, but not the best game. At least to me.
Twas me.
me to a big lover of ps2 era games
Sorry about the Persona 4 Spoilers! I added a little Spoiler warning though.
You should still play it. It's an addictive RPG. Did you really draw a storyboard? Like, for real? You shouldn't do that, man. That ruins stories. Did you watch Avatar? A pretty awesome movie, if you ask me, but the story was completely boring.
I really think it's interesting though that we have such differing views on the game. Marlene always struck me as a very pragmatic and trustworthy character.
And I agree with you, the story was nothing new or groundbreaking. I enjoyed it for what it was though, and the journey was fun to watch. It was really scary at times, I was sweaty like hell when Joel or Ellie were in a dark room with the infected.
Spec Ops: The Line was horrible IMO. Funny ._.
So you rate it 7/10 but you still say it's the best PS exclusive? What about Uncharted 2, 3? Those are at least 9/10s.
Personaaaa 4.