Is Hugo Vasquez the antagonist ?

Hugo Vasquez ( The guy who stole Rhys job and the main reason for half the plot )the main villain or is his "superior" the true villain and Vasquez is just Bluebeard 2.0 for Borderlands ?

( if anyone is wondering where all of this info came from it's from the demo they put on PAX )


  • edited September 2014

    Please spoiler mark it, even if it's just a minor plot point you gave away.

    And I haven't played the demo, so I have no idea ;)

  • o okay sry fixing it right now

    Please spoiler mark it, even if it's just a minor plot point you gave away. And I haven't played the demo, so I have no idea

  • Fixed it

    thanks for at least commenting

    Please spoiler mark it, even if it's just a minor plot point you gave away. And I haven't played the demo, so I have no idea

  • I hope not, rebelling against Patrick Warburton would be a downer. T.T

  • Is it easily accessible for people who haven't played the Borderland games?

  • it depends

    it has many elements from Borderlands game (money, purchasebles, vault keys , hyperion , Pandora , etc ) but it still focuses on telltales character relationship thing that like always May affect later ( don't be fooled by people characyer relation DOES affect the game ) but with borderlands added things ( Rhys has a secret wepon to see thigs he should't ) the writing is borderlansd writting 100% (one liners, jokes , etc) and there is a Big enjoyability for telltale fans , Borderlands fans ( according to them { im a telltale fan more than a borderlans fan but i still enjoy it}) and newcomers (people that havent played either)

    so yeah again depends on the type of fan the person is but im judging a short-ish demo and to trully know how it feels you should buy the first ep qnd judge it yourself

    wwSTEVENww posted: »

    Is it easily accessible for people who haven't played the Borderland games?

  • Haven't TT etc said you don't need to have played the Gearbox games to play this?

  • exacly

    Revec posted: »

    Haven't TT etc said you don't need to have played the Gearbox games to play this?

  • edited September 2014

    It's just my opinion, but I don't think they have much of a choice but to make it accessible to those unfamiliar with Borderlands and GoT. It would be incredibly stupid of TT to think everyone would of played/watched these and know what's going on. You may ask, why would you buy them if you didn't, but if that's the case, TT have literally made 2 games purely for a market that have played/watched them and are interested in more. Seems silly to shunt all the other fans of their games out like that.

    Lord_EAA posted: »


  • yeah that is the best way to do it (and what i think they are doing )

    Revec posted: »

    It's just my opinion, but I don't think they have much of a choice but to make it accessible to those unfamiliar with Borderlands and GoT. I

  • That didn't help me at all. But, ok.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    it depends it has many elements from Borderlands game (money, purchasebles, vault keys , hyperion , Pandora , etc ) but it still focuses

  • IN SHORT it is easily accessible but you have to get acostmed to telltales style

    BUT YES IT'S WORTH IT in short

    wwSTEVENww posted: »

    That didn't help me at all. But, ok.

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