Some of your favorite video game series
What are some of the game series that you always play because you love them so much (or game it doesn't have to be a series) and there can be moe than one. Here are mine, in no particular order
Metal Gear Solid
Mass Effect
Grand Theft Auto
The Walking Dead Game
The Wolf Among Us
Left 4 Dead
Batman Arkham
Mortal Kombat
Assassins Creed
The Legend Of Zelda
Silent Hill
Resident Evil
Red Dead
Lego Batman
Final Fantasy
Team Fortress
I'm missing a lot, but these are ones I could name off the top of my head, and look behind me at my game library
What are some of your favorites?
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Starting from when I was a wee babe with my first gameboy. XD
Pokemon (Handheld Games) Including Pokemon Stadium
Mario 64, Mario Sunshine, Super Mario Galaxy
Mario Kart (All Mario Karts)
Super Smash Brothers (all games)
Star Fox (All Star Fox Game ever, but 64 was the best.)
Legend of Zelda (Ocarina of Time is still the best)
Spyro the Dragon (Up until this Skylanders crap...)
Resident Evil (2 was the first zombie/scary game I ever saw, and I love it dearly to this day)
Legend of Dragoon (1 game, but was a beautiful story about some pretty bad ass characters, similiar to Final Fantasy)
Sarges Heroes
Kingdom Hearts
Haunting Ground: Endless Demento (One of the best and most underated games EVER)
Final Fantasy XIII (the two sequels were pretty bad, but the first one was phenomenal, best Soundtrack EVER)
Walking Dead Obviously XD
Mass Effect
Dragon Age
Tomb Raider (2013 Reboot)
Halo Series (Except 3, 3 absolutely sucked IMO)
And maybe a few more... but these are my absolute favs.
A fellow Metal Gear fan! higfive
Sam & Max
Metal Gear Solid
Star Fox
The Legend of Zelda
Super Smash Bros
Kingdom Hearts
Crash Bandicoot
Ratchet and Clank
Sly Cooper
Silent Hill
Resident Evil
Animal Crossing
Telltale's The Walking Dead
My favorites off the top of my head in no particular order:
Walking dead
The wolf among us (one of the best games I played)
Mass effect (favorite game series ever)
Tomb Raider (2013)
Grand Theft Auto (GTA 5 was the best)
Bioshock(Infinite was awesome and loved the beautiful graphics.)
Assassin's Creed (loved all the games especially the Ezio trilogy)
Final fantasy(older ones are better, but new ones are fine.)
Yugioh games(grew up on Yugioh)
Persona( persona 4 is my favorite game of all time.)
Mortal Kombat (Fatality!!!)
Elder scrolls
Resident evil
Batman Arkham Series (best superhero games ever)
Dark souls
The witcher
Red dead (technically a series I guess)
WWE 2k
Dead island(don't hate lol)
Probably missing alot,but those are my favorites off the top of my head.
Now let me ask I ask any new Metal gear fan, who do you prefer? Big Boss or Solid Snake? I prefer Big Boss.
Who's you favorite assassin? Mine's Ezio, he was badass, and I'm also Italian!
Big Boss gets all the love now, while Solid jut sits in a dark corner.
Ezio definitely he was always a ladies man xD
Order your favorite to least favorite.
a mention to Haythem, but he was a Templar
There's a reason why he's the perfect solider!
Solid is great but Big Boss is a BADASS!
Seriously though, almost all the characters Solid meets, they're like, "Big Boss did this, he's so awesome and cool."
The Walking Dead
The Wolf Among Us
Batman Arkham
Crash Bandicoot
Back to the Future (Telltale series)
Grand Theft Auto
Mass Effect
Telltale's The Walking Dead
Deus Ex
Assassin's Creed
The Witcher
Dragon Age
The Elder Scrolls (Skyrim isn't a series, you silly gooses.)
Baldur's Gate (not sure if we're only counting series that still exist...)
Deus Ex
System Shock
Super Smash Bros
Legend of Zelda
Skyrim is the only Elder Scrolls I've played TBH. XD
The Elder Scrolls... Does no one remember Morrowind? Fuck I'm old. But Skyrim heavily modded is so amazing. Got my vampire turning to ashes in seconds out in the sunlight and shade actually works! AS IT SHOULD BE! But I need more open world fantasy! I NEED IT. I love the lore and exploration is never better than in this series!
Fallout.. New Vegas is one of the greates games of all time. The engine showing its age at this point but they really did so well especially considering their very short development time. I love post apocalypse settings that don't have zombies (honestly zombies are getting old) and Fallout is the best of them all.
GTA.... Open world is my favorite genre and of course GTA pioneered it. Every iteration has been awesome and fun for me!
Batman Arkham trilogy. Lets just forget about Origins and move on shall we? Take note people! The bar has been set! Good luck passing it! City especially is one of my favorite games ever. I have played through the story a good 20 times now. I've sped run it. I've done the challenge maps countless times. I never uninstall it! Because no matter how much I play it I know I'll never get tired of it!
Uncharted.... Sully's mustache!
Saints Row! The polar opposite of GTA but just as fun and awesome. Take it to the complete opposite extreme by giving the middle finger to realism. YES PLEASE
Assassin's Creed.... This is a good example of my love for gameplay trumping all else. I can see why people are tired of it but so long as it keeps giving me fun open world parkour than I don't care. Black Flag was great!
Borderlands. Give me more awesome coop shooters that DON'T take itself seriously! AND GUNS THE GUNS OMG GUNS GUNS! Turn me into Kenny thinking about boats!
Splinter Cell. I'm a sucker for stealth and I feel this does it the best. Though the later games geared away from it for more action stealth is still a viable option in Blacklist at least....
It goes without saying Walking Dead of course.
I used to be.... The biggest MGS fan ever. I wont get into my reasons why I lost interest unless you really want me to but I must've played Snake Eater like 20 times at least! Never thought I'd lose interest but 4 kind of ruined it for me.
I love stealth and open world so you'd think I'd be excited for Phantom Pain but I'm worried it'll have more of what I disliked about 4.
Crossing fingers
Son, I remember Daggerfall. That game was hella dope, heinous amount of bugs and all.
Are you guys all on-board with Sutherland or are you Hayter die-hards?
I love Hayter but Sutherland sounds great.
I can go either way honestly. I don't see what the point of switching voice actors. But everyone is doing it so why should this series be different? I think they should've kept Hayter but I'm not against Sutherland taking over. If anyone should its him! I fucking love Kiefer Sutherland! He's flat out my favorite actor! I'm a huge 24 fanboy. Its my all time favorite show and Jack Bauer is one of my all time favorite characters in anything. I have faith that Kiefer can do the role justice.
Metal Gear Solid
Ace Attorney
Grand Theft Auto
Walking Dead
Kingdom Hearts
Final Fantasy X (Only good FF I've played)
Mortal Kombat
Sutherland doesn't bother me anymore, but if given a choice, it's Hayter
That's basically it. I would say GTA, but the only GTA game I've played is GTA 5. I would also say COD, but I stopped being interested in them for a while now, Last good one IMO was the first Black Ops.
You should GTASA, it's the best GTA.
All post-apocaliptic games I can find. You guys heard about Metro 2033/Last Light? Cool ones.
Mass Effect: I love them SO much (and I don't think they screwed up 3 at all, despite what everyone else seems to think). An awesome universe with awesome characters and a interesting moral aspect. Loved it and will love 4.
Uncharted: Funny, witty, intense and shocking at times. Very memorable characters. And each of them had the best graphics of it's generation. I hope 'A Thief's End' isn't the end.
Assassin's Creed: I like the games, they have interesting historical aspects and (mostly) good characters. One thing I hate though is Ubisoft. They screw up everything they lay there hands on at some point, and so, sadly, AC has gone to shit some time ago. 3 was so incredibly bad I don't even...but AC4 made up for it all. Let's see how the next chapter goes.
The Last Of Us: Not a series yet, but whoever thinks they'd seriously drop this IP must be crazy. It was so extremly lucrative that I'm only waiting when news roll by, not if. It has a good plot, a nice anti-hero protagonist and one of the coolest sidekicks in video game history. Plus, I love ZA stories (or IA in this case).
Heavy Rain: I know, I know. Not a series either. But it's an incredible, intense game which will keep you on the edge of your seat. Plus, your choices matter. A LOT. I think there are up to 20 very different endings.
Telltale's The Walking Dead (both Seasons): Do I need to explain any further?
tbh I don't know that many series. Many games I've played were stand-alone titles, and some major game series just don't appeal to me.
I play with the thought of buying the Redux edition on PS4 for 40€ (2033 and Last Light and from what I understand all DLCs).
Should I give it a shot? What can I expect?
An interesting story and dark atmosphere. A lot of shooting stuff, creepy crawling your way around, kinda scary parts and speaking Russian. It's very sad game, though.
< speaking Russian >
. I think I'll just give it a shot.)
No problem. Try it!
Do you plat Fallout then?
I'm currently playing the Mass Effect series. First one was pretty good. Just started the second one.
But my all-time favorite video game series is The Walking Dead.
I played Fallout 2 and New Vegas.
ME1: Good
ME2: Love and Life
ME3: Very Good
You should play 3, it has the exact same controls and engine. But I prefer New Vegas.