I made it when I thought of Kenny asking Clementine if he's still gonna be pretty. Then I thought of handsome Squidward from the show Spongbobe Squarepants, and it just escalated from there. (Also my sister encouraged me to do this.)
Fast forward to about 2:15 and you'll see where it comes from.
But, all Kenny's faces are godlike and us shitbirds should be ashamed of ours.
Anyone have the Stay at Wellington Kenny pics? Those are great.
Don't let this thread die.
Kenny is mad there's only a few posts of his awesomeness.
Credit to @Dark_Star
revenge of the duck senior
Thank you. So much.
sorry didn't work at first
Sorry for the size.
Love this moment.
Payback's a bitch, ain't it?

The first one is my favorite Kenny face ever!
These are the ones I edited for funny times.
Mine too
Man, this scene had me in tears
lol the second one is disturbing :P
Um.....why is there an ass right by Kenny's face?
dat a$$ tho
I made it when I thought of Kenny asking Clementine if he's still gonna be pretty. Then I thought of handsome Squidward from the show Spongbobe Squarepants, and it just escalated from there. (Also my sister encouraged me to do this.)
Fast forward to about 2:15 and you'll see where it comes from.
Alt text
because im lazy to crop it out
Even though I know he's alive, this scene always breaks my heart.
We have a winner! ;p
You're as stubborn as a damn mule.
The Feels!
"I'm real glad to have met you, Clementine."
KENNY: Urban...urban...urban...urban...urban...urban...urban...urban...
CLEM: For fuck's sake, Kenny! Not again!
KENNY: Urban...
When you see the booty.
Beautiful. Simply beautiful.
I just wish I could've seen a zombified Kenny.