The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I'm planning to install it.

    Does anyone play Unturned?

  • I will be praying for him and your family. Stay strong!

    ShaleReeve posted: »

    10% chance of my uncle making it. Please don't make me go through this again. Not right after.

  • I'm installing it in, I heard it supports Multiplayer.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I'm planning to install it.

  • "Ouch" isn't the word.

    "GARH FUCK ARGH!!!" is.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Ouch XD

  • My girlfriend. And being excited to see her again in my fencing club on Tuesday.
    She goes to my fencing club although I will admit she's still kinda new because she's been fencing for seven months and I've been fencing for seven years.

    Something interesting to note is that generally boys ask for girls' phone numbers, right? Well, it was the other way around and she asked for my phone number which made me happy 2 days ago. (We would normally see each other and talk physically rather than phones since lets just say I was kinda shy to ask... To be frank, I was surprised when she asked.)

  • It installed it in 10 seconds x)

    I'm installing it in, I heard it supports Multiplayer.

  • edited September 2014

    Well, about 3\4 of the comunity, including me, are on the same page as you are.

    AWESOMEO posted: »


  • Stay strong Shale. We're here for you. Praying for him.

    ShaleReeve posted: »

    10% chance of my uncle making it. Please don't make me go through this again. Not right after.


    RIGHT ?

    "Ouch" isn't the word. "GARH FUCK ARGH!!!" is.

  • He will be fine. You are worring too much. And I know that 10% is not that much but I have seen people going through worst. So don 't be like that, ok?

    ShaleReeve posted: »

    10% chance of my uncle making it. Please don't make me go through this again. Not right after.

  • Okay, I'm done with the tutorial.

    It's like Roblox-ish,

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    It installed it in 10 seconds x)

  • You don't know that my sister also passed away 2 weeks ago.

    blueneon posted: »

    He will be fine. You are worring too much. And I know that 10% is not that much but I have seen people going through worst. So don 't be like that, ok?

  • Really? You are suprized that a girl asked you about your phone number in a world where the two sexes a equal in almost evrything?

    My girlfriend. And being excited to see her again in my fencing club on Tuesday. She goes to my fencing club although I will admit she's st

  • edited September 2014

    Alt text


  • You also don 't know if he will die. Hell comes in different forms. One of them is the meantime. I am sorry about your sister but saying you lost before before you get to the line is stupid. The worst thing that you can do to yourself right now is give up, so don 't.

    ShaleReeve posted: »

    You don't know that my sister also passed away 2 weeks ago.

  • edited September 2014

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    Fuck... I really hope this time it goes well. Stay strong and hold on. :'(

    ShaleReeve posted: »

    10% chance of my uncle making it. Please don't make me go through this again. Not right after.

  • Sorry, I just was caught off guard.

    blueneon posted: »

    Really? You are suprized that a girl asked you about your phone number in a world where the two sexes a equal in almost evrything?

  • Solid Snake voice: Okay!


  • I'm playing Blockstorm (DEMO, cuz it's free :P)

    And it's really enjoyable :P
    Like how people from my team greatly depends on me to kill the bad guys and when I die, THEY ALL LEAVE.

  • MUAHA YES anyway is it true you made lounge members as sims Tobi?


  • there is still a chance, try to stay strong, we are here for you :c

    ShaleReeve posted: »

    10% chance of my uncle making it. Please don't make me go through this again. Not right after.

  • He'll be okay, stay strong Shale

    ShaleReeve posted: »

    10% chance of my uncle making it. Please don't make me go through this again. Not right after.

  • edited September 2014

    For Sims 4 I made me, you and Azlyn. Currently trying to get the household settled first to the way I want it. Then I'll make some more. But I dunno who to make now, maybe Woodbury? DLB? Salty305? So many to choose from. 0_o

    Sims 3 did have you, me, Azlyn, DLB, ATR, and Salty.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    MUAHA YES anyway is it true you made lounge members as sims Tobi?

  • It kinda looks like TF2 made out of blocks xD

    I'm playing Blockstorm (DEMO, cuz it's free :P) And it's really enjoyable :P Like how people from my team greatly depends on me to kill the bad guys and when I die, THEY ALL LEAVE.

  • Okay, I shouldn't have said that. I'm trying to look at the bright side. And I'm not gonna give up. I'm strongly against suicide.

    blueneon posted: »

    You also don 't know if he will die. Hell comes in different forms. One of them is the meantime. I am sorry about your sister but saying you

  • (/゚Д゚)/


  • @Dont_Look_Back

    You aint really mad tho?

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  • His new favorite word is "seriously".

    Okay I know this video was posted already but I don't care, I fucking love this kid

  • edited September 2014

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    XD Make lounge members and kill them all in a house fire bro block all exits record and upload the video here perfect pls :'D

    Not sure sweetpea and awesomeo would be cool :)


    For Sims 4 I made me, you and Azlyn. Currently trying to get the household settled first to the way I want it. Then I'll make some more. But

  • edited September 2014

    Oh no. ;_; I hope he makes it.

    ShaleReeve posted: »

    10% chance of my uncle making it. Please don't make me go through this again. Not right after.

  • LMAO

    Markd4547 posted: »

    @Dont_Look_Back You aint really mad tho?

  • I'll be sure to put you and me in a padding cell. We can share one.XD

    Not sure what they look like. I make the users based on what they look like. And I know Azie wouldn't want me to post a pic hers so you can use "the pigment of your imagination" for her. I'll start making more SOON. ;D

    I'll ask tomorrow night for who wants to be made for the next household.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD Make lounge members and kill them all in a house fire bro block all exits record and upload the video here perfect pls :'D Not sure sweetpea and awesomeo would be cool UPLOAD SCREENSHOT OF US PLS :'D

  • edited September 2014

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    The answer is Hulk angry.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    @Dont_Look_Back You aint really mad tho?

  • Make me! Make me!

    For Sims 4 I made me, you and Azlyn. Currently trying to get the household settled first to the way I want it. Then I'll make some more. But

  • XD upload a screenshot of my character for a laugh lets see him and yours pls

    Cool I can't wait

    I'll be sure to put you and me in a padding cell. We can share one.XD Not sure what they look like. I make the users based on what they l

  • pork

    AWESOMEO posted: »


  • I know. I just couldn 't reseast being sharcastic. It is kinda my thing. :P

    Sorry, I just was caught off guard.

  • Good. Kepp going like that. You know your sister wouldn 't want you to be sad. :)

    ShaleReeve posted: »

    Okay, I shouldn't have said that. I'm trying to look at the bright side. And I'm not gonna give up. I'm strongly against suicide.

  • edited September 2014

    The moment when you realise the last fresh hamburger patty that really you want to have turns out to be an expired pork chop that was covered in frost.

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    Now I have to buy something! ;-;

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