Dead City (Finale)



  • Keep up the good work! That feel when I got a brother irl too.

    The Mission Chapter 2 Cpt.R-Were friendly, dont shoot! ???-Like hell you are! A man with a shotgun bursts up from a chair while a m

  • edited September 2014

    Survivors and Bandits Chapter 5

    (Choice-Shoot Megan)

    Anthony pulls his gun out and shoots Megan straight in the head

    Simon-Im so sorry Megan...Its my fault...

    Lev, Brandon, and Sammy run up

    L-What the FUCK is happening!

    Simon-This is my fault.

    Simon starts crying while Lev goes to take off his handcuffs

    Sammy-What happened while we were gone?

    Simon-Bandits...Five of them, came to rob us...Colton tried to fight them...

    Simon-He failed...They knocked him out...In retaliation they killed Megan...


    Simon-I killed one of them...Threw him off the roof...

    Simon-They beat me and handcuffed me to this pole...I passed out...Woke up to Megan trying to kill me...Then you saved me...

    B-Wheres Colton?

    Simon-They took everything including him...

    Sammy-We got to save him!

    Simon-Their camp is near the city park...

    A-Lets go then...

    Everyone gathers what they have and starts walking, two hours later they stop and make camp, and they all fall asleep

    Later Anthony wakes up from noise and sees a mysterious dark figure over Lev


  • Sorry its short...I had to rewrite it three fucking times.

    Survivors and Bandits Chapter 5 (Choice-Shoot Megan) Anthony pulls his gun out and shoots Megan straight in the head Simon-Im so so

  • Still nice:)

    Sorry its short...I had to rewrite it three fucking times.

  • Oh and since I always vote on these and I voted it wrong theres +1 vote for shoot and -1 for wait.

    Kenny4ever posted: »

    Still nice:)

  • Hey I wanted to vote for "shoot" but it's not counting my vote. Could you just keep track of my vote? I don't want any one of the group dying if I can help it!

    Oh and since I always vote on these and I voted it wrong theres +1 vote for shoot and -1 for wait.

  • Yeah I will, my Internet was messing up when I did this so that might be why.

    UnknownX posted: »

    Hey I wanted to vote for "shoot" but it's not counting my vote. Could you just keep track of my vote? I don't want any one of the group dying if I can help it!

  • edited September 2014

    The Hunters Chapter 4

    (Choice-Lower gun)

    Randy lowers his gun

    S-Good, now give it to me...


    ???-Wrong answer

    Something hard hits Randy's head and he gets knocked out

    Randy wakes up in the infirmary tent with Nick walking out,Savior sitting next to him,and the black man standing at the entrance

    S-Good morning mr.Rage

    R-Where...Am I?

    S-Well Vex here knocked you out...You want some bacon?


    Randy notices his arm is handcuffed to the bed

    R-What the fuck!?

    S-Precaution...You did aim a gun at me yesterday.

    R-Yeah what sick shit are you doing here!?

    S-Those Walkers out there are old group members...Its hard to say good bye to a loved one,so we keep them.

    S-Walkers stay away from our camp and we use them to get through herds...Their smell at least.


    S-Not impossible but dangerous.

    R-So what were you doing with my daughter!?

    S-She got up in the middle of the night while me and Vex were on watch. She talked to me and I showed her how to protect herself, I doubt she knows how to.

    R-Shes killed Walkers.

    S-Has she killed a person?


    S-She needs to learn...

    R-Why were your arms around her?

    S-I admit I like your daughter and I think she feels the same way.


    S-Alright any more questions?


    S-No, okay...Im going to unhandcuff you...

    Savior unhandcuffs Randy

    S-Alright, so you can go chat around camp.

    R-Wheres my daughter?

    S-Hanging out wit the other girls.

    Savior leaves and so does Dex, Nick comes back in,Randy leaves


  • There seems to be no choice link?

    The Hunters Chapter 4 (Choice-Lower gun) Randy lowers his gun S-Good, now give it to me... R-No ???-Wrong answer Something

  • Yeah I had to make it, its there now.

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    There seems to be no choice link?

  • Fantastic. Thanks.

    Yeah I had to make it, its there now.

  • So you vote for who you want Randy to talk to first after that its who has the next vote then random.

    The Hunters Chapter 4 (Choice-Lower gun) Randy lowers his gun S-Good, now give it to me... R-No ???-Wrong answer Something

  • edited September 2014

    The Mission Chapter 3

    R-Well I want to talk to you two first.

    X-Okay,what do you want to know?

    R-What happened to your leg?

    X-I was a part of the city clean up, sadly it didnt work. My squads position got over ran,we were escorting civilian survivors at the time, my squad died, most of the civilians however got away. I got bit in the chaos, Gerald here-

    G-I killed the fucker bitting him and chopped his leg of immediately!

    X-Yeah, after that he carried me to a nearby building. He stopped the bleeding and wrapped my leg up.

    R-How did you get the prosthetic? And meet those two?

    X-Well I went without a leg for days, then we found blue. He wouldnt tell us his real name so we just called him blue. Well days went on until we heard screaming, a girl was trapped in an alley with walkers after her,Blue jumped down and saved her. We dont know much about her, she only talks to Blue. However she has medical training, she fixed my leg up.

    R-You have a very rag tag squad.

    X-We work...

    R-Alright ill tell you when im ready to go.

    Roland walks over to Skylar

    R-What do you think?

    S-About our group or mission?


    S-Good group of people, only trying to get by. The mission however is dangerous, I dont like our odds.

    R-Me neither but we have to try.

    Roland walks over to Xavier

    R-Im ready.

    Xavier-Okay, lets see who wants to volunteer.

    Xavier talks to everyone

    X-Who wants to go save William?

    Skylar raises her hand,then Gerald, then Julia

    X-Alright looks like you got your team,grab what you want and then go get William!


  • Grenade Grenade (?)

  • Grenade!

    supersagig posted: »

    Grenade Grenade (?)

  • she only talks to Blue

    Alt text

    jk xD

    The Mission Chapter 3 R-Well I want to talk to you two first. X-Okay,what do you want to know? R-What happened to your leg? X-I

  • Or is it jk?

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    she only talks to Blue jk xD

  • Or is it kj?

    The plot thickens.

    Or is it jk?

  • Oh the plot will DERN SURE thicken next chapter!

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    Or is it kj? The plot thickens.

  • DERN SURE? Man I get nervous with darn sure, but that dern...I'm extra nevous.

    Oh the plot will DERN SURE thicken next chapter!

  • DARN DUDE thats a serious problem with DERN SURE!

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    DERN SURE? Man I get nervous with darn sure, but that dern...I'm extra nevous.

  • Darn dern dirn dorn ding dang dingly dangly.

    ...It's 1:23 am where I am. Don't judge XD

    DARN DUDE thats a serious problem with DERN SURE!

  • Dont forget Damn dude.

    Damn Dude-Aleksandr AKA Immortalhd

    Its 1:26 here so yeah...Im going to sleep now...

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    Darn dern dirn dorn ding dang dingly dangly. ...It's 1:23 am where I am. Don't judge XD

  • please be a friendly face and not a walker nor a bandit :(

    Survivors and Bandits Chapter 5 (Choice-Shoot Megan) Anthony pulls his gun out and shoots Megan straight in the head Simon-Im so so

  • Grenade out!


  • You wanna take that risk? :P

    Zeilond posted: »

    please be a friendly face and not a walker nor a bandit

  • Frag out!-SSoHPKC AKA Seamus

    mr.quality posted: »

    Grenade out!

  • Black hawk down!

    Frag out!-SSoHPKC AKA Seamus


    mr.quality posted: »

    Black hawk down!

  • Officer down, requesting backup!


  • Back up is coming!

    Officer down at 5th and Main use extreme caution, suspects are armed and dangerous

    mr.quality posted: »

    Officer down, requesting backup!

  • This is office Markus, in pursuit of suspects.

    Back up is coming! Officer down at 5th and Main use extreme caution, suspects are armed and dangerous

  • There we go I just got a new character for the story :P

    mr.quality posted: »

    This is office Markus, in pursuit of suspects.

  • Why not investegate? :(

    You wanna take that risk? :P

  • Youre tired, its dark, and if its a walker Lev will die immediately, if its a bandit they will run off immediately, if its a group member they will stay...Wait is basically investigate.

    Zeilond posted: »

    Why not investegate?

  • Lol, its just that easy sometimes. XD

    There we go I just got a new character for the story :P

  • Yup after some meaningless conversation I got my new character...Im going to use it as a twist!

    mr.quality posted: »

    Lol, its just that easy sometimes. XD

  • Don't you just love it when useless talk pays off.

    Yup after some meaningless conversation I got my new character...Im going to use it as a twist!

  • Prisoners:

    Name: Thomas Cain

    Age: 41

    Appearance: 6' 180 lbs. blonde hair green eyes.

    Personality: Kind and compassionate every inch a caring man. He is selfless, smart and reasoning. He was a pastor of a small Baptist church prior to the apocalypse. He is an eloquent speaker and can often gain peoples trust just by speaking with them. Folks often find themselves telling him things that they'd never tell anyone else. He doesn't believe in violence as a rule, but would definitely go there if left with no other choice. He can do this because of his faith in God and who he is, he knows it would be the last thing he did until it was the last thing he could do, and then he'd do it without hesitation.

  • Prisoners:

    Name: Wayne

    Height: 5'4.5''

    Weight: 112

    Eye color: green

    Hair color: brown

    Age: 14


    Wayne isnt the best fighter but he will kick some ass if it comes to that. He was raised on different principles than most people. Wayne learned quick that trust is one of the most important things in this world. He believes heavily in the power of friends/ strength in numbers. Wayne taught himself how to survive at a young age. He never saw himself as part of his family, always alone. Wayne picks up new knowledge very easily. He knows how to play guitar and knows how to shoot many different guns. Wayne likes to take his .45 revolver apart and clean it a lot. Wayne was with some friends when the apocalypse started, but got separated during a raid. He hopes they are still out there, safe. Maybe even looking for him. Wayne has a strong voice and knows how to use it.

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