The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • make your own partys then

    Same here, they get old after awhile

  • Alt text

    This is me at parties.

    So I'm at this party and I don't know ANYBODY here. I'm just sitting in the corner all awkward like "don't talk to me".

  • Why did you go in the first place?

    So I'm at this party and I don't know ANYBODY here. I'm just sitting in the corner all awkward like "don't talk to me".

  • Night! I might be gonne for a couple days so.... I hope you don 't die meanwhile!

  • so ... what do you drink then ?

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Learn what? That beer is "good"? I doubt it, maybe in the future :l

  • Give me your non shyness. ;_;

    However the hell you spell that...

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Np! Although I'm not extremely shy.

  • Learn what? That beer is "good"?

    I doubt it, maybe in the future :l

    Slither29 posted: »

    you will learn it too ^^

  • I would've done the exact same thing.

    So I'm at this party and I don't know ANYBODY here. I'm just sitting in the corner all awkward like "don't talk to me".

  • that's a bit harsh ^^

    Screw people!

  • edited September 2014

    Because it's me dad's friends daughters birthday. I had to.

    blueneon posted: »

    Why did you go in the first place?

  • He's right, the taste isn't the thing people find good in alcohol anyway, it's the light-headedness that comes with it, not the actual taste.

    People just want to loosen up and have fun for a while, beer is a good way to do that.

    Slither29 posted: »

    you didn't say that, do you ?

  • of course man, but you have to be careful though

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    He's right, the taste isn't the thing people find good in alcohol anyway, it's the light-headedness that comes with it, not the actual taste. People just want to loosen up and have fun for a while, beer is a good way to do that.

    edited September 2014

    Something like that, OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) is not about having to do something, it's about anxiety, sometimes when a person with OCD is stressed out, his/her brain convinces itself that doing actions like turning a light on and of 5 times in a row (for example), or make sure you locked the door multiple times instead of one, will calm you down, and it does, but only temporarily, then you enter a circle of misery where you have to obsessively repeat the same action in order to calm down the little voice in your head that tells you to do that action every time you're a little anxious.

    Long story short, it's really shitty to live with, caused me to freak out lots of times, but it's much better now after I treated it :)

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    CodPatrol posted: »

    OCD? Is that the thing were you have to do something? Like turn lights on and off?

  • I hope you don't die either!

    blueneon posted: »

    Night! I might be gonne for a couple days so.... I hope you don 't die meanwhile!

  • Way too much all-nighters and coffee...

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    ComingSoon posted: »

    All-nighter? Sickness? Talk to meh.

  • well, the worst thing you can do is just to drink because you want to be cool

    if you don't like it ... you don't drink it ... simple

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Learn what? That beer is "good"? I doubt it, maybe in the future :l

  • have fun don't get STDs like Joe did.

    blueneon posted: »

    Night! I might be gonne for a couple days so.... I hope you don 't die meanwhile!

  • Yes, just sleep for about 13 hours you'll be great :[D

    No amount of sleep can cure the tiredness I feel right now.

  • edited September 2014

    Alt text

    This is me at parties.

    This is me at parties.

  • awesome that Groot ^^

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    We are Groot


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    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Yes, just sleep for about 13 hours you'll be great :[D

  • I might have it, I dunno. My brain randomly thinks of stuff like press a button. I can control it but my brain randomly does that because IDK. And I don't have to be stressed to have it happen.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Something like that, OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) is not about having to do something, it's about anxiety, sometimes when a person wi

  • Yeah I know, I don't drink :p

    Slither29 posted: »

    of course man, but you have to be careful though

  • Lol, you spelled it right.

    transfers non-shyness to Rachel

    Give me your non shyness. ;_; However the hell you spell that...

  • k so stay here


  • maybe i drink enough beer for both of us ^^

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Yeah I know, I don't drink

  • edited September 2014

    Well i guess there are things in life you have to do

    Because it's me dad's friends daughters birthday. I had to.


    Rockworm posted: »

    Why is everyone crying about being alone? I assume y'all have at least one hand right?

  • Sleep, and you'll feel better XD

    Way too much all-nighters and coffee...

  • Yay. :D

    I don't feel different. ;_;

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Lol, you spelled it right. transfers non-shyness to Rachel

  • GayCouples4Lyfe



    edited September 2014

    Probably not, everyone has it to an extent, but people like me are the only ones who actually have OCD.

    It's not that uncommon, I think the statistics for it is 1 out of 10 kids, you may have it but I don't think you should jump to conclusions.

    What you're saying doesn't sound like it, if you don't do the certain action, do you feel like shit and convince yourself to do it? Like it itches and you have to do it to be relieved?

    CodPatrol posted: »

    I might have it, I dunno. My brain randomly thinks of stuff like press a button. I can control it but my brain randomly does that because IDK. And I don't have to be stressed to have it happen.

  • ;-;

    Ah well, I tried.

    Yay. I don't feel different. ;_;

  • Sounds good ^^

    Slither29 posted: »

    maybe i drink enough beer for both of us ^^

  • I never drank it because friends wanted me to, in fact that's one of the reasons I hate my "friends" so much, I don't really talk to those who smoke and drink, I condemn those things :/

    That's just fucking stupid for kids to think, drink because I want to be cool? LOL, I don't want to be cool anyway Bl

    Slither29 posted: »

    well, the worst thing you can do is just to drink because you want to be cool if you don't like it ... you don't drink it ... simple

  • Now that i'm reading the line it sounds a little weird ^^

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Sounds good ^^

  • Alt text

    Seriously, this is me at parties.

    This is me at parties.

  • Take a hike.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    have fun don't get STDs like Joe did.

  • edited September 2014

    Well I still party with my sisters and friends, i'm just not a fan of going out to random people's houses anymore.

    Slither29 posted: »

    make your own partys then

    edited September 2014

    Damn boy who spit in your coffee? xD

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Take a hike.

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