Thoughts? Also just letting you guys know - that ending could have been TOTALLY different depending on your choices.
And I mean TOTALLY different.
Now, I just want to know ...............
Season 2 or no?
Thoughts? Also just letting you guys know - that ending could have been TOTALLY different depending on your choices.
And I mean TOTALLY different.
Now, I just want to know ...............
Season 2 or no?
Awesome. Too bad this isn't like the game, once made a choice the story goes that way and then there's no going back (lol). But I understand, if it was like the game it would've been too much branching and work.
Season 2? If you can and want, of course! I also noticed something: Nero's death is very similar to Kenny's in the original TWD, but then he reappeared in S2. You know what that means?
Thoughts? Also just letting you guys know - that ending could have been TOTALLY different depending on your choices.
And I mean TOTALLY different.
Now, I just want to know ...............
Season 2 or no?
Thoughts? Also just letting you guys know - that ending could have been TOTALLY different depending on your choices.
And I mean TOTALLY different.
Now, I just want to know ...............
Season 2 or no?
Thoughts? Also just letting you guys know - that ending could have been TOTALLY different depending on your choices.
And I mean TOTALLY different.
Now, I just want to know ...............
Season 2 or no?
I submitted a new character. Well, technically revised a character I already submitted, just adding more detail. Yet again, another character from What Comes After(I've got lots of new characters in mind, but you've already got a huge waiting list, and I'm still fond of the original characters that I came up with when writing the old version on here(Daniel, Liz, etc.)).
I really liked the ending, and I can't wait to see what comes next. This is one of the only Fan-fics I've been following(on the othertwdforum I've been following Mike's Fan-Fic, Reasons to Live), and I really enjoy reading it. It's basically the only reason I still hang out on the TTG Community. I can't wait to see more.
Also... update the character wait list so I don't feel like my character is forgotten?
I really liked it, I would have killed Dave though (shooting him in the head, not torturing him or choking him) and nice the ending with Jane and Jamie. Hope we see Dominic again in Season 2.
I really liked it, I would have killed Dave though (shooting him in the head, not torturing him or choking him) and nice the ending with Jane and Jamie. Hope we see Dominic again in Season 2.
Those are the episode titles for Season 2. And this takes place about a year before Season 2(the game)
It actually wasn't Jane and Jamie. It was Jamie and Leroy Paul Cufferman from that one group from Season 1 Episode 4, and thanks.
Oh, we'll definitely see Dominic again.
Those are the episode titles for Season 2. And this takes place about a year before Season 2(the game)
Those are the episode titles for Season 2. And this takes place about a year before Season 2(the game)
"I can't remember the last time I felt … morealive."
"I feel like something inside me has died, and then a new form has taken over, doing whatever it can to earn it's place."
"It's been a whole year, David. Where the hell could they even be?"
"We'll find them."
"It's time to get your shit together, you ain't gonna survive very long out here with that attitude."
"Look out the window. What do you see? A civilization broken by betrayal, hate and violence."
"He's not like I remember."
"If you follow our rules, you'll be fine."
"You can't order us to do anything!"
"Oh my darlin, oh my darlin, oh my darlin.... Clementine."
"You are lost and gone forever, very sorry Clementine."
"You saw that poor bastard at the motel how fast he turned " WHO ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?
You told us back at the begining that David ( the teacher stuck in the bear trap) was left behind and Travis is alive and well
I know you're refrencing the game but in this version that line makes no sense ( sry if im annoying you with this but im trying to make sure this dosent confuse people)
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 2: Starved For Help
Chapter 1 Part 6/6
Daniel woke up, he couldn't remember what had happened … morebefore he blacked out, other then that these people were fucking cannibals.
"You sick fuckinng bastards!" Larry yelled, whilst pounding on the door violently.
"Stop that banging. We gotta find another way out of here!" Kenny yelled to Larry, who just ignored him as he kept pounding on the meat locker door violently.
"Lee!" Clementine noticed as Lee woke up after being knocked out.
"It was a person! They tried to make us eat a person!" Clementine exclaimed.
"But you didn't do it?" Lee wanted to make sure that she didn't eat Callie or George. He couldn't have imagined how she would feel if he had have stopped her from eating.
"The rest of us did, goddamn it! If you haven't dragged your feet!" Larry argued.
"Will you all just shut the fuck up!?" Kenny yelled.
"I'm scared." Clementine … [view original content]
Adam looked at the sign above the small building he was about to walk inside, he was running low on hardware tools, so he hoped there would be some supplies he could scavenge. He pushed open the door, looking inside. There was cans on the ground, open and closed. There was still plently of hammers, nails and a few other tools on a dashboard pinned onto the wall. He saw a picture of a little girl on the desk, who looked to be about seven. She had blonde hair and brown eyes, the picture was dusty but he could get a good look at the picture. Adam ignored how similar the girl in the photo looked to his deceased sister, and walked away – paying attention to the other sign that leaned against a window.
*Take what you need, and God Bless You. *
“That’s sweet.” Adam smirked, walking back over to the desk, hopping over it. He then grabbed a hammer, examining the size of it and how clean it looked. He looked at the length, the damage it could do. He grabbed the hammer, slamming the desk, and it broke off a piece of the desk.
“Not bad. Not bad at all.” Adam smiled, putting the hammer on the desk, walking over to the front of the door, looking out of it and seeing two men walking with small weapons in their hands. Adam walked to the end of the store, hiding behind a door and pulling out his pistol. He also had a knife in his belt. The two men walked into the store.
“We saw you in here, come on out now.” One of the men said. Adam sighed, coming out from his hiding space – walking towards the two men.
“Put the gun down.” The second man ordered.
“I’ll keep it, if you don’t mind.” Adam shrugged, holding the pistol in his hand still.
“When we tell you to do somethin’, you fuckin’ do it, you hear?” The first man growled.
“That’s not how it works, pal. Why don’t you just get out of here before things get messy?” Adam warned.
“Let’s just fuckin’ kill this guy, Jim.” The second man said.
“Joe, that’s what I’m plannin’. Either you give us everythin’ you got – or we kill you right here and now.” Jim threatened.
“Okay, sure.” Adam chuckled, taking off his backpack and tossing it towards them.
“It’s all yours.” Adam smiled.
“Somethin’ ain’t right. Check the bag.” Jim ordered for Joe to do it. Joe hesitated for a moment, then walked forward – crouching down to the bag and zipping it open. He looked to see a bunch of supplies, medical supplies, and a few knives and guns.
“It’s…it’s…” Joe gasped, he was excited at how many supplies were inside the bag. Jim looked down to the bag, and then Adam ran towards Joe, gripping the knife in his belt, he then stuck the knife through Joe’s hand, and it went through the floorboard. He then quickly grabbed Joe’s gun from his holster, shooting Jim in the head, his body flew back, landing on the ground. Joe yelped in pain as he looked back to Jim’s dead body on the floor.
“Please…Please..Please…” Joe begged. Adam cocked the gun again, looking at the knife stuck through Joe’s hand, and then through the floorboard.
“Sayonara.” Adam said, then he fired a shot into Joe’s head. He then pulled the knife out of the floor, and Joe’s hand, zipping his backpack back up, then placing it over his back, then placed the knife in his belt holster, tossing the gun in his empty gun holster, leaving the other one behind. He then grabbed the hammer he liked from the desk, taking off with it.
Thirty minutes later..
Adam got into the neighborhood he’s been staying in for a while. It was a relatively nice neighborhood, low amount of walkers and nice houses. Who knows how it was before all this started. He remembered Atlanta, how far away he was from that city. He was in North Carolina now. He then reached the house he had been staying in, coming in from the back door and setting his supply bag on the dining room table.
"Took you long enough." Jamie crossed his arms.
Day 171
Adam raised his hands up, he had two guns pointed at him.
"I'm only going to ask you one more time." Jamie growled.
"He has his hands up, Jamie!" Leroy said to Jamie.
"I didn't ask him to put up his hands - I asked him why he was in our goddamn camp!" Jamie retorted. Adam turned around, shifting his body towards the two strangers.
"I just found it and sat down - I just lost the majority of my group... I'm alone now." Adam replied.
"Really? You and me both then." Jamie sighed, scratching the back of his head and lowering the gun. Adam was surprised Jamie believed him so easily, based on his earlier attitude.
"Yeah. A few days ago we lost our entire group, a group from the woods shot a pregnant woman - Jesus Christ." Leroy stopped himself from talking to avoid breaking into tears.
"I'm sorry. Everything just went to shit yesterday. A few may still be alive, but I have no idea where they are." Adam explained.
"I'm sorry too. I'm Jamie, and this is Leroy. He's been searching for his brother for quite some time now. A fella named Ben. Tall, skinny - you seen him?" Jamie questioned. The realization hit Adam.
"I-I-He was in our group. He didn't make it, I'm sorry..." Adam was thinking of lying, but he couldn't. Why would he keep something like that from him? Leroy gasped.
"You're a fucking liar. You're lying!" Leroy growled.
"Leroy..." Jamie muttered.
"No! That's not true.... That's IMPOSSIBLE!" Leroy bellowed.
"I'm sorry, okay? I watched him die. He was a good kid." Adam remember Ben, the kid who had fucked up numerous times, but Adam didn't hate him. He was just a stupid kid. He didn't deserve to die as he did.
"Goddamn it!" Leroy growled, kicking a can and walking off.
"...Jesus. I can't believe the odds." Jamie took a deep breath of air, and then rubbed his forehead.
"Look, you look like a mess. We got water and some food - if you're hungry." Jamie offered.
"Thanks. That'd... that'd be great." Adam smiled.
26 Minutes Later...
Jamie handed Adam a plate of some squirrel, Adam didn't exactly fancy squirrels - but Adam made do. Leroy stood there, looking at the ground with a depressing look in his eye. Jamie offered a plate, but Leroy just stared off into space, not paying any attention to Jamie.
"Hope you like the food." Jamie smiled.
"Thank you." Adam replied.
"So, uh - tell us a bit about yourself, Adam." Jamie asked.
"Well, uh - I'm Adam Stark. I was born around here, I had a little sister who died before this started. My neighbor Danny, saved me - or at least offered to let me inside his house so I could get away from those things. I met a few other people. One being Sonya and her daughter, adopted daughter Carmen. A kid named Mitchell, and another man named Manny. We left the house minutes after that, we ran into another group - one particularly was kind of an asshole - his name was Nero. Nero Zedlum. Mitchell got bit and Nero was going to shoot him. I stopped him, and Frankie cut off his arm - it worked. He survived. Me, Sonya, Manny, Carmen, and Mitchell then left heading to Macon. The other group went to Savannah. We were attacked by bandits - they took Sonya's daughter and shot me in the chest, shot Manny in the leg. Nero and his group had found us and nursed us back to health, surprisingly - I lived. I still have no idea how I even survived that. We stayed in a small building until walkers cornered the place, we lost Luis and Crystal. We then ran into another group, they welcomed us. We survived with them for three whole months - then we met the St. Johns, they traded gas for food. They convince us to stay at the dairy farm, and they killed a few of our members, feeding them to us. They were cannibals. We got away from them, and survived at the motor inn for a while until Thomas came. He had invaded the dairy before, but this is when he came to us. He nearly killed Nero, and we barely got out of there alive. The group was split up. Me and Nero just keep moving, not sure of where to go. Then we were kidnapped by Thomas' group, a girl named Ava. She helped us escape, from the help of a man named David. We escaped - then headed to a train a man named Kenny had found. We took it and went to Savannah, that's when everything went to shit. Everyone died there, Nero, Sonya, Daniel, Ava, Kenny, Ben, almost everyone. Ava died yesterday, it was my fault." Adam explained everything.
"Jesus Christ. I'm so fucking sorry, that sounds absolutely horrible. I lost my folks when I was real young, about six or seven. My brothers, mother and father wanted to go to the Zoo. I didn't feel good - in fact I felt horrible that day. I got the flu, I was throwin' up real bad. My mom called in a babysitter to take care of me while they went to the Zoo. They all died in a fatal car accident. I was put in orphan care and when I turned 23, I worked as a construction worker. A part of me felt empty ever since I lost my family. Hell, I don't even remember them. I survived by myself for the first few weeks of all this, then came across Leroy and his group." Jamie explained.
After a long silence, Jamie finally spoke up, "You two should get some rest. It's really late. I'll keep watch." Jamie said.
Day 538
"I ran into a couple of assholes, no biggie. Got a nice hammer to help you with building that shelf upstairs." Adam informed him.
"Took you all day to get a goddamn hammer?" Jamie questioned.
"Would you rather I get you a goddamn pillow pet?" Adam retorted.
"Touche. Okay, Leroy has been messing with that TV upstairs - he thinks he can get it to work." Jamie crossed his arms, informing Adam.
"Are you kidding me? Electricity has been out for a goddamn year." Adam scoffed.
"That's what I said - you should go to talk to him, he's a mess right now." Jamie said. Adam shrugged, walking up the stairs and walking inside Leroy's room, he was under the entertainment center for his room, and a big flat screen was standing on the entertainment center.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Adam questioned.
"Hey, Adam! Look, I'm coming close to something here." Leroy replied.
"Leroy. Get a grip. Electricity has been out for a year." Adam crossed his arms.
"Yeah, but we can set up electricity." Leroy said.
"Okay, we can - but why the hell are you starting with the TV?" Adam questioned.
"Good point. I was hoping to create a power source, you think I'm gonna watch 'Pretty In Pink'?" Leroy chuckled.
"They have pretty in pink?" Adam gasped, sarcastically.
"What the hell took you so long?" Leroy asked.
"Ran into to a couple of bandits. Tried to steal my shit." Adam crossed his arms.
"What'd you do with them?" Leroy asked.
"Took care of them." Adam replied, raising an eyebrow.
"Why am I thinking by 'taking care of them' you mean killing them?" Leroy asked.
"Kill or be killed, Leroy. You know that better than anyone." Adam replied.
"What the hell is that supposed to mean!?" Leroy retorted.
"Look, man - just fucking stop wasting your time and let's go. We gotta head to that park for some more water." Adam said, walking out the door.
"Asshole." Leroy muttered under his breath. Adam walked down the stairs to see Jamie putting on his coat.
"Are we going or what?" Jamie questioned.
"Waiting for Leroy." Adam leaned against the wall.
"I'm ready. Why the hell do we all need to go for this shit?" Leroy questioned.
"Because. We need to bring a bunch of water over here - in case some others don't steal whatever's left in that pump." Jamie said.
"Grab three empty buckets." Adam said, Leroy sighed walking to the other room and grabbing three empty buckets, handing one to Jamie and one to Adam, and holding the last one for himself. The three of them walked out the door and walked down the block to the water pump at the Washington Park. They reached it and then Jamie grabbed the pump, pushing it down as water spilled out. Jamie placed the bucket under the pump so water would drip in it.
"That is fucking loud." Leroy said, referencing to the loud creaking noise that was heard everytime Jamie pushed the pump down.
"Do it slower!" Leroy suggested.
"That won't do shit!" Jamie said, continuing to push down more.
"Why the hell is it even so loud?" Adam asked.
"Dunno. Could be it's just old. Whatever, I'm gettin' this over with." Jamie said, continuing. Walker groans were heard, as a few walkers turned around the corner to see Adam, Leroy and Jamie.
"Shit! Hurry the fuck up!" Leroy scolded.
"I'm working on it! Jesus!" Jamie retorted.
"You two hold them off! I'll get this fucking thing done! C'mon, you piece of shit!" Jamie said, grunting heavily as he continued to push down. Adam and Leroy walked towards the walkers, who began to circulate the park and soon there would be no way out.
"This is bullshit, man! We shouldn't be here!" Leroy yelled.
"You know - you act just like your brother." Adam retorted.
"Don't even go there!" Leroy growled, attacking a walker who had almost grabbed his wrist.
"Sorry, that wasn't intentional." Adam apologized.
"I'm sure it wasn't! Jesus! What the hell, dude!?" Leroy growled.
"I said I was sorry, alright!?" Adam retorted. The two of them were having this argument while fighting off walkers.
"Sorry doesn't cut it, friend! You don't even bring him up..." Leroy sighed.
"Jesus fucking Christ, what more do you want from me, you fucking asshole?" Adam growled. Leroy then grabbed a walker, and pushed it towards Adam's direction. He fell over, the walker clenching his teeth as he leaned forward to take a bite. Leroy looked down to what he had done to Adam, he didn't even help him up, Adam pressed his two fingers against the eyes of the walker, and blood spilled from his eyes. He then pushed the walker off, and Leroy was a bit farther away from him, fighting off a walker. Then one had grabbed Leroy's leg, and Leroy gasped, trying to break free. He then fell over, and he was kicking the walker away, another walker was behind Leroy. Jamie was grabbed by a walker while trying to pump more water.
DAY 538
Jake and Sean’s Hardware Tools.
… more Adam looked at the sign above the small building he was about to walk inside, he was running low on hardware tools, so he hoped there would be some supplies he could scavenge. He pushed open the door, looking inside. There was cans on the ground, open and closed. There was still plently of hammers, nails and a few other tools on a dashboard pinned onto the wall. He saw a picture of a little girl on the desk, who looked to be about seven. She had blonde hair and brown eyes, the picture was dusty but he could get a good look at the picture. Adam ignored how similar the girl in the photo looked to his deceased sister, and walked away – paying attention to the other sign that leaned against a window.
*Take what you need, and God Bless You. *
“That’s sweet.” Adam smirked, walking back over to the desk,… [view original content]
DAY 538
Jake and Sean’s Hardware Tools.
… more Adam looked at the sign above the small building he was about to walk inside, he was running low on hardware tools, so he hoped there would be some supplies he could scavenge. He pushed open the door, looking inside. There was cans on the ground, open and closed. There was still plently of hammers, nails and a few other tools on a dashboard pinned onto the wall. He saw a picture of a little girl on the desk, who looked to be about seven. She had blonde hair and brown eyes, the picture was dusty but he could get a good look at the picture. Adam ignored how similar the girl in the photo looked to his deceased sister, and walked away – paying attention to the other sign that leaned against a window.
*Take what you need, and God Bless You. *
“That’s sweet.” Adam smirked, walking back over to the desk,… [view original content]
DAY 538
Jake and Sean’s Hardware Tools.
… more Adam looked at the sign above the small building he was about to walk inside, he was running low on hardware tools, so he hoped there would be some supplies he could scavenge. He pushed open the door, looking inside. There was cans on the ground, open and closed. There was still plently of hammers, nails and a few other tools on a dashboard pinned onto the wall. He saw a picture of a little girl on the desk, who looked to be about seven. She had blonde hair and brown eyes, the picture was dusty but he could get a good look at the picture. Adam ignored how similar the girl in the photo looked to his deceased sister, and walked away – paying attention to the other sign that leaned against a window.
*Take what you need, and God Bless You. *
“That’s sweet.” Adam smirked, walking back over to the desk,… [view original content]
DAY 538
Jake and Sean’s Hardware Tools.
… more Adam looked at the sign above the small building he was about to walk inside, he was running low on hardware tools, so he hoped there would be some supplies he could scavenge. He pushed open the door, looking inside. There was cans on the ground, open and closed. There was still plently of hammers, nails and a few other tools on a dashboard pinned onto the wall. He saw a picture of a little girl on the desk, who looked to be about seven. She had blonde hair and brown eyes, the picture was dusty but he could get a good look at the picture. Adam ignored how similar the girl in the photo looked to his deceased sister, and walked away – paying attention to the other sign that leaned against a window.
*Take what you need, and God Bless You. *
“That’s sweet.” Adam smirked, walking back over to the desk,… [view original content]
DAY 538
Jake and Sean’s Hardware Tools.
… more Adam looked at the sign above the small building he was about to walk inside, he was running low on hardware tools, so he hoped there would be some supplies he could scavenge. He pushed open the door, looking inside. There was cans on the ground, open and closed. There was still plently of hammers, nails and a few other tools on a dashboard pinned onto the wall. He saw a picture of a little girl on the desk, who looked to be about seven. She had blonde hair and brown eyes, the picture was dusty but he could get a good look at the picture. Adam ignored how similar the girl in the photo looked to his deceased sister, and walked away – paying attention to the other sign that leaned against a window.
*Take what you need, and God Bless You. *
“That’s sweet.” Adam smirked, walking back over to the desk,… [view original content]
DAY 538
Jake and Sean’s Hardware Tools.
… more Adam looked at the sign above the small building he was about to walk inside, he was running low on hardware tools, so he hoped there would be some supplies he could scavenge. He pushed open the door, looking inside. There was cans on the ground, open and closed. There was still plently of hammers, nails and a few other tools on a dashboard pinned onto the wall. He saw a picture of a little girl on the desk, who looked to be about seven. She had blonde hair and brown eyes, the picture was dusty but he could get a good look at the picture. Adam ignored how similar the girl in the photo looked to his deceased sister, and walked away – paying attention to the other sign that leaned against a window.
*Take what you need, and God Bless You. *
“That’s sweet.” Adam smirked, walking back over to the desk,… [view original content]
Thoughts? Also just letting you guys know - that ending could have been TOTALLY different depending on your choices.
And I mean TOTALLY different.
Now, I just want to know ...............
Season 2 or no?
Season 2.
Of course we want season 2!
Now I'm curious about the other ending. :O
Awesome. Too bad this isn't like the game, once made a choice the story goes that way and then there's no going back (lol). But I understand, if it was like the game it would've been too much branching and work.
Season 2? If you can and want, of course! I also noticed something: Nero's death is very similar to Kenny's in the original TWD, but then he reappeared in S2. You know what that means?
Nero confirmed for Season 2 (maybe lol)
Yeah, maybe the 400 days DLC would be good too, if he wants to.
Season 2. Maybe also a DLC would be good (so you can use the some characters and leave some for season 2)
Season 2, obviously. You got a shitload of characters to introduce.
I submitted another character for Season 2
well, since it's clear what you guys want -- anyone wanna tell me what they thought about the ending?
Of course Season 2!
Also... Any way Nero and Daniel could have lived?
I submitted a new character. Well, technically revised a character I already submitted, just adding more detail. Yet again, another character from What Comes After(I've got lots of new characters in mind, but you've already got a huge waiting list, and I'm still fond of the original characters that I came up with when writing the old version on here(Daniel, Liz, etc.)).
I really liked the ending, and I can't wait to see what comes next. This is one of the only Fan-fics I've been following(on the othertwdforum I've been following Mike's Fan-Fic, Reasons to Live), and I really enjoy reading it. It's basically the only reason I still hang out on the TTG Community. I can't wait to see more.
Also... update the character wait list so I don't feel like my character is forgotten?
I don't think Daniel survived, but there's a chance Nero did, because his "death" looked a lot like Kenny's one and he survived.
I really liked it, I would have killed Dave though (shooting him in the head, not torturing him or choking him) and nice the ending with Jane and Jamie. Hope we see Dominic again in Season 2.
I just realized whose camp Adam found...
I was asking about the different choices. If the community has chosen different things, would Daniel and Nero have lived, that's what I was asking.
Oh, then maybe they could.
Those are the episode titles for Season 2. And this takes place about a year before Season 2(the game)
It actually wasn't Jane and Jamie. It was Jamie and Leroy Paul Cufferman from that one group from Season 1 Episode 4, and thanks.
Oh, we'll definitely see Dominic again.
Oh, I thought this would be a revision of original Season 2, well it's the same to me.
Okay then, makes no difference, glad we'll see Dominic
Can't wait.
"I can't remember the last time I felt alive."
"I feel like something inside me has died, and then a new form has taken over, doing whatever it can to earn it's place."
"It's been a whole year, David. Where the hell could they even be?"
"We'll find them."
"It's time to get your shit together, you ain't gonna survive very long out here with that attitude."
"Look out the window. What do you see? A civilization broken by betrayal, hate and violence."
"He's not like I remember."
"If you follow our rules, you'll be fine."
"You can't order us to do anything!"
"Oh my darlin, oh my darlin, oh my darlin.... Clementine."
"You are lost and gone forever, very sorry Clementine."
Okay! I'm down for the count, but david ain't dead yet.
Isn't the Episode One title the title of that movie coming out? ._.
This season is gonna be sooooo..............
My god this fic is awesome
But Carlos i think you made a mistake
"You saw that poor bastard at the motel how fast he turned " WHO ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?
You told us back at the begining that David ( the teacher stuck in the bear trap) was left behind and Travis is alive and well
I know you're refrencing the game but in this version that line makes no sense ( sry if im annoying you with this but im trying to make sure this dosent confuse people)
Alright guys the first chapter will be tonight.
DAY 538
Jake and Sean’s Hardware Tools.
Adam looked at the sign above the small building he was about to walk inside, he was running low on hardware tools, so he hoped there would be some supplies he could scavenge. He pushed open the door, looking inside. There was cans on the ground, open and closed. There was still plently of hammers, nails and a few other tools on a dashboard pinned onto the wall. He saw a picture of a little girl on the desk, who looked to be about seven. She had blonde hair and brown eyes, the picture was dusty but he could get a good look at the picture. Adam ignored how similar the girl in the photo looked to his deceased sister, and walked away – paying attention to the other sign that leaned against a window.
*Take what you need, and God Bless You. *
“That’s sweet.” Adam smirked, walking back over to the desk, hopping over it. He then grabbed a hammer, examining the size of it and how clean it looked. He looked at the length, the damage it could do. He grabbed the hammer, slamming the desk, and it broke off a piece of the desk.
“Not bad. Not bad at all.” Adam smiled, putting the hammer on the desk, walking over to the front of the door, looking out of it and seeing two men walking with small weapons in their hands. Adam walked to the end of the store, hiding behind a door and pulling out his pistol. He also had a knife in his belt. The two men walked into the store.
“We saw you in here, come on out now.” One of the men said. Adam sighed, coming out from his hiding space – walking towards the two men.
“Put the gun down.” The second man ordered.
“I’ll keep it, if you don’t mind.” Adam shrugged, holding the pistol in his hand still.
“When we tell you to do somethin’, you fuckin’ do it, you hear?” The first man growled.
“That’s not how it works, pal. Why don’t you just get out of here before things get messy?” Adam warned.
“Let’s just fuckin’ kill this guy, Jim.” The second man said.
“Joe, that’s what I’m plannin’. Either you give us everythin’ you got – or we kill you right here and now.” Jim threatened.
“Okay, sure.” Adam chuckled, taking off his backpack and tossing it towards them.
“It’s all yours.” Adam smiled.
“Somethin’ ain’t right. Check the bag.” Jim ordered for Joe to do it. Joe hesitated for a moment, then walked forward – crouching down to the bag and zipping it open. He looked to see a bunch of supplies, medical supplies, and a few knives and guns.
“It’s…it’s…” Joe gasped, he was excited at how many supplies were inside the bag. Jim looked down to the bag, and then Adam ran towards Joe, gripping the knife in his belt, he then stuck the knife through Joe’s hand, and it went through the floorboard. He then quickly grabbed Joe’s gun from his holster, shooting Jim in the head, his body flew back, landing on the ground. Joe yelped in pain as he looked back to Jim’s dead body on the floor.
“Please…Please..Please…” Joe begged. Adam cocked the gun again, looking at the knife stuck through Joe’s hand, and then through the floorboard.
“Sayonara.” Adam said, then he fired a shot into Joe’s head. He then pulled the knife out of the floor, and Joe’s hand, zipping his backpack back up, then placing it over his back, then placed the knife in his belt holster, tossing the gun in his empty gun holster, leaving the other one behind. He then grabbed the hammer he liked from the desk, taking off with it.
Thirty minutes later..
Adam got into the neighborhood he’s been staying in for a while. It was a relatively nice neighborhood, low amount of walkers and nice houses. Who knows how it was before all this started. He remembered Atlanta, how far away he was from that city. He was in North Carolina now. He then reached the house he had been staying in, coming in from the back door and setting his supply bag on the dining room table.
"Took you long enough." Jamie crossed his arms.
Day 171
Adam raised his hands up, he had two guns pointed at him.
"I'm only going to ask you one more time." Jamie growled.
"He has his hands up, Jamie!" Leroy said to Jamie.
"I didn't ask him to put up his hands - I asked him why he was in our goddamn camp!" Jamie retorted. Adam turned around, shifting his body towards the two strangers.
"I just found it and sat down - I just lost the majority of my group... I'm alone now." Adam replied.
"Really? You and me both then." Jamie sighed, scratching the back of his head and lowering the gun. Adam was surprised Jamie believed him so easily, based on his earlier attitude.
"Yeah. A few days ago we lost our entire group, a group from the woods shot a pregnant woman - Jesus Christ." Leroy stopped himself from talking to avoid breaking into tears.
"I'm sorry. Everything just went to shit yesterday. A few may still be alive, but I have no idea where they are." Adam explained.
"I'm sorry too. I'm Jamie, and this is Leroy. He's been searching for his brother for quite some time now. A fella named Ben. Tall, skinny - you seen him?" Jamie questioned. The realization hit Adam.
"I-I-He was in our group. He didn't make it, I'm sorry..." Adam was thinking of lying, but he couldn't. Why would he keep something like that from him? Leroy gasped.
"You're a fucking liar. You're lying!" Leroy growled.
"Leroy..." Jamie muttered.
"No! That's not true.... That's IMPOSSIBLE!" Leroy bellowed.
"I'm sorry, okay? I watched him die. He was a good kid." Adam remember Ben, the kid who had fucked up numerous times, but Adam didn't hate him. He was just a stupid kid. He didn't deserve to die as he did.
"Goddamn it!" Leroy growled, kicking a can and walking off.
"...Jesus. I can't believe the odds." Jamie took a deep breath of air, and then rubbed his forehead.
"Look, you look like a mess. We got water and some food - if you're hungry." Jamie offered.
"Thanks. That'd... that'd be great." Adam smiled.
26 Minutes Later...
Jamie handed Adam a plate of some squirrel, Adam didn't exactly fancy squirrels - but Adam made do. Leroy stood there, looking at the ground with a depressing look in his eye. Jamie offered a plate, but Leroy just stared off into space, not paying any attention to Jamie.
"Hope you like the food." Jamie smiled.
"Thank you." Adam replied.
"So, uh - tell us a bit about yourself, Adam." Jamie asked.
"Well, uh - I'm Adam Stark. I was born around here, I had a little sister who died before this started. My neighbor Danny, saved me - or at least offered to let me inside his house so I could get away from those things. I met a few other people. One being Sonya and her daughter, adopted daughter Carmen. A kid named Mitchell, and another man named Manny. We left the house minutes after that, we ran into another group - one particularly was kind of an asshole - his name was Nero. Nero Zedlum. Mitchell got bit and Nero was going to shoot him. I stopped him, and Frankie cut off his arm - it worked. He survived. Me, Sonya, Manny, Carmen, and Mitchell then left heading to Macon. The other group went to Savannah. We were attacked by bandits - they took Sonya's daughter and shot me in the chest, shot Manny in the leg. Nero and his group had found us and nursed us back to health, surprisingly - I lived. I still have no idea how I even survived that. We stayed in a small building until walkers cornered the place, we lost Luis and Crystal. We then ran into another group, they welcomed us. We survived with them for three whole months - then we met the St. Johns, they traded gas for food. They convince us to stay at the dairy farm, and they killed a few of our members, feeding them to us. They were cannibals. We got away from them, and survived at the motor inn for a while until Thomas came. He had invaded the dairy before, but this is when he came to us. He nearly killed Nero, and we barely got out of there alive. The group was split up. Me and Nero just keep moving, not sure of where to go. Then we were kidnapped by Thomas' group, a girl named Ava. She helped us escape, from the help of a man named David. We escaped - then headed to a train a man named Kenny had found. We took it and went to Savannah, that's when everything went to shit. Everyone died there, Nero, Sonya, Daniel, Ava, Kenny, Ben, almost everyone. Ava died yesterday, it was my fault." Adam explained everything.
"Jesus Christ. I'm so fucking sorry, that sounds absolutely horrible. I lost my folks when I was real young, about six or seven. My brothers, mother and father wanted to go to the Zoo. I didn't feel good - in fact I felt horrible that day. I got the flu, I was throwin' up real bad. My mom called in a babysitter to take care of me while they went to the Zoo. They all died in a fatal car accident. I was put in orphan care and when I turned 23, I worked as a construction worker. A part of me felt empty ever since I lost my family. Hell, I don't even remember them. I survived by myself for the first few weeks of all this, then came across Leroy and his group." Jamie explained.
After a long silence, Jamie finally spoke up, "You two should get some rest. It's really late. I'll keep watch." Jamie said.
Day 538
"I ran into a couple of assholes, no biggie. Got a nice hammer to help you with building that shelf upstairs." Adam informed him.
"Took you all day to get a goddamn hammer?" Jamie questioned.
"Would you rather I get you a goddamn pillow pet?" Adam retorted.
"Touche. Okay, Leroy has been messing with that TV upstairs - he thinks he can get it to work." Jamie crossed his arms, informing Adam.
"Are you kidding me? Electricity has been out for a goddamn year." Adam scoffed.
"That's what I said - you should go to talk to him, he's a mess right now." Jamie said. Adam shrugged, walking up the stairs and walking inside Leroy's room, he was under the entertainment center for his room, and a big flat screen was standing on the entertainment center.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Adam questioned.
"Hey, Adam! Look, I'm coming close to something here." Leroy replied.
"Leroy. Get a grip. Electricity has been out for a year." Adam crossed his arms.
"Yeah, but we can set up electricity." Leroy said.
"Okay, we can - but why the hell are you starting with the TV?" Adam questioned.
"Good point. I was hoping to create a power source, you think I'm gonna watch 'Pretty In Pink'?" Leroy chuckled.
"They have pretty in pink?" Adam gasped, sarcastically.
"What the hell took you so long?" Leroy asked.
"Ran into to a couple of bandits. Tried to steal my shit." Adam crossed his arms.
"What'd you do with them?" Leroy asked.
"Took care of them." Adam replied, raising an eyebrow.
"Why am I thinking by 'taking care of them' you mean killing them?" Leroy asked.
"Kill or be killed, Leroy. You know that better than anyone." Adam replied.
"What the hell is that supposed to mean!?" Leroy retorted.
"Look, man - just fucking stop wasting your time and let's go. We gotta head to that park for some more water." Adam said, walking out the door.
"Asshole." Leroy muttered under his breath. Adam walked down the stairs to see Jamie putting on his coat.
"Are we going or what?" Jamie questioned.
"Waiting for Leroy." Adam leaned against the wall.
"You think he's gonna electrocute himself?" Jamie chuckled, imitating Leroy being electrocuted.
"If he's lucky." Adam smiled.
"On a good day." Jamie corrected him.
"I'm ready. Why the hell do we all need to go for this shit?" Leroy questioned.
"Because. We need to bring a bunch of water over here - in case some others don't steal whatever's left in that pump." Jamie said.
"Grab three empty buckets." Adam said, Leroy sighed walking to the other room and grabbing three empty buckets, handing one to Jamie and one to Adam, and holding the last one for himself. The three of them walked out the door and walked down the block to the water pump at the Washington Park. They reached it and then Jamie grabbed the pump, pushing it down as water spilled out. Jamie placed the bucket under the pump so water would drip in it.
"That is fucking loud." Leroy said, referencing to the loud creaking noise that was heard everytime Jamie pushed the pump down.
"Do it slower!" Leroy suggested.
"That won't do shit!" Jamie said, continuing to push down more.
"Why the hell is it even so loud?" Adam asked.
"Dunno. Could be it's just old. Whatever, I'm gettin' this over with." Jamie said, continuing. Walker groans were heard, as a few walkers turned around the corner to see Adam, Leroy and Jamie.
"Shit! Hurry the fuck up!" Leroy scolded.
"I'm working on it! Jesus!" Jamie retorted.
"You two hold them off! I'll get this fucking thing done! C'mon, you piece of shit!" Jamie said, grunting heavily as he continued to push down. Adam and Leroy walked towards the walkers, who began to circulate the park and soon there would be no way out.
"This is bullshit, man! We shouldn't be here!" Leroy yelled.
"You know - you act just like your brother." Adam retorted.
"Don't even go there!" Leroy growled, attacking a walker who had almost grabbed his wrist.
"Sorry, that wasn't intentional." Adam apologized.
"I'm sure it wasn't! Jesus! What the hell, dude!?" Leroy growled.
"I said I was sorry, alright!?" Adam retorted. The two of them were having this argument while fighting off walkers.
"Sorry doesn't cut it, friend! You don't even bring him up..." Leroy sighed.
"Jesus fucking Christ, what more do you want from me, you fucking asshole?" Adam growled. Leroy then grabbed a walker, and pushed it towards Adam's direction. He fell over, the walker clenching his teeth as he leaned forward to take a bite. Leroy looked down to what he had done to Adam, he didn't even help him up, Adam pressed his two fingers against the eyes of the walker, and blood spilled from his eyes. He then pushed the walker off, and Leroy was a bit farther away from him, fighting off a walker. Then one had grabbed Leroy's leg, and Leroy gasped, trying to break free. He then fell over, and he was kicking the walker away, another walker was behind Leroy. Jamie was grabbed by a walker while trying to pump more water.
[Save Jamie.]
[Save Leroy.]
[Save Jamie.]
[Save Leroy.]
Leroy noes!
[Save Leroy.]
[Save Jamie.]
Just caught up on the story today, I vote Save Jamie.
Working on the next part, adam will save Jamie.
._. The front page thing still isn't updated..................................
[Save Jamie.]
You mean the 'waiting to be introduced?' because, it is.
Can you submit a new character when your character dies?
I actually wasn't, I was talking about how is says Episode 5 still isn't done. :P
It annoyed me a little.