Fables newest issue #144 SPOILERS



  • The battle will take place outside the Castle, hence Snow will know about Spratt controlling Bigby's lungeing arm. I agree with Totenkinder sacrificing herself, and Rose not knowing Bigby is controlled kills him (Bigby will probably revive himself in the last issue). Snow kills Spratt, while Rose kills Bigby is pretty realistic.

    I'm excited about the next issue. I expected Bigby to kill Ozma and Beast, though not as easily. I thought he would take the initial beating

  • There is no diving. The controlled arm is the one that lunges at Beast. Bigby bites to be able to disobey Spratt. The only time Bigby lunges with the arm he controls is Ozma. Remember that Bigby can still sense Snow's whereabouts and what she hears and feels. Bigby knows that Ozma supports Rose Red and not Snow, hence he himself would want more support for Snow. Bigby was warning Beast.

    Decatur posted: »

    No need to get snippy, my friend. Bigby was quite clearly using more than his one arm to attack Beast and Ozma. We see him lunging (with

  • Bigby could have simply walked away from Ozma. Instead, we see him diving on top of her. He could have ran away from Beast, after he had thrown him to the ground. Instead, we see him quite ferociously pounce. All of those actions require comprehensive physiological mechanisms that extend far beyond the use of an isolated limb.

    LukaszB posted: »

    There is no diving. The controlled arm is the one that lunges at Beast. Bigby bites to be able to disobey Spratt. The only time Bigby lunges

  • It is the source. The first arm that moved was the arm that is controlled by Spratt. The rest is influenced by the nerves that are connected to the nerves in that arm.

    Decatur posted: »

    Bigby could have simply walked away from Ozma. Instead, we see him diving on top of her. He could have ran away from Beast, after he had thr

  • edited September 2014

    It is really traumatizing the way Beast died. To get torn to shred inside a big golden armor, unable to escape and his last thought is about his family....

    Also, was Beast's last words to Bigby? If so, why would he ask Bigby to tell Beauty and Bliss?

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    I kept saying FUCK until the very end. I wish it wasn't them who died. Also, fuckin' I think fuckin' either Snow or Rose is going to b

  • Since the beginning of the previous arc, Camelot, we were told that various characters will take on roles from the original King Arthur Legends. So far, we know that,

    Rose Red= King Arthur
    Lancelot= Guinevere
    Snow White= Morgan Le Fey
    Morgan Le Fey= Merlin
    Mordred= Winter...? (This was strongly implied during the Camelot arc, however....)

    After reading Fables#144, I think Bigby will serve as the Mordred of this revised version of Camelot playing out the in the Fables universe. They way Morgan and Lake spoke about the Mordred role, was that Mordred would be in danger from King Arthur, and that would cause Morgan Le Fey to go to war with him....

    Ultimately, I think the next turning point in this whole story, will deal with Bigby. Rose Red will want to kill him, Snow White will want to protect him. However, there are still SO many other questions. Like, who will embody the other roles from the Camelot story? And when will we find out who or what Snow White and Rose Red's mother was? We know she was a powerful witch, but obviously, she was much more than that.

  • edited September 2014

    Just read it and am wondering why didn't ozma just us her magic? Also can bigby go full wolf in his current state? Just imagine how f*cked up that would look lol

  • I expected that would happen . I wore my battle armor before reading the issue . I survived . Unless Snow truly dies (I know Bigby won't), I am protected . Bring it on Willingham !

  • Hey man, I don't know all the details yet, but can you tell me why and how the Camelot project happen?

    TristEv posted: »

    Since the beginning of the previous arc, Camelot, we were told that various characters will take on roles from the original King Arthur Lege

  • Spoiler

    Rose Red was approached by Hope( the literal goddess who embodies Hope) and is chosen as her Paladin. Each Paladin of Hope, represents a different type of Hope. Rose Red decides to be the Paladin of Hope for Second Chances. Rose Red thinks that since Camelot was such a great kingdom, minus the infidelity and death, that she would like to resurrect it in Fabletown. However, once she decides to revive Camelot, that sets things in motion. As the Lady of the Lake explains to her, by choosing to revive Camelot, she can't just revive the great parts, she has to revive the bad parts as well. Thus, Rose Red becomes King Arthur, and Snow White becomes Morgan Le Fey. It also doesn't help that the Sisters are both descended from powerful witches. They are wielding a hell of a lot more power than King Arthur or his step-sister ever did.

    Mind you, the first person Rose Red decides to give a Second Chance to, is the man who Killed Bigby in the first place. As you might imagine, this was the beginning of their current feud. Now, the Fates and the Universe itself is magnifying their feud.

    Hey man, I don't know all the details yet, but can you tell me why and how the Camelot project happen?

  • If his last words were directed to Bigby he figured out Bigby is being mildly controlled, and that Bigby will be freed.

    It is really traumatizing the way Beast died. To get torn to shred inside a big golden armor, unable to escape and his last thought is about

  • Thank you so much for explaining!

    And I think you may be right that Bigby has Mordred's role, which makes me worry for Bigby as we all know how Mordred's story ends...

  • I agree. In the original Camelot Guinevere sleeps with both King Arthur and Morgan Le Fay, it has been mentioned several times. It might be possible that Snow's & Rose's mom was the original Guinevere, Rose's dad would be King Arthur and Snow's would be Morgan Le Fay. It would explain the change in plot.

  • edited September 2014

    In that case- if his arm is the "source" of control for the rest of his body- Spratt should have an easier time controlling Bigby. The fact that she is having difficulty suggests, to me, either that Bigby shares in the culpability in the killings of Beast, Ozma, Thrushbeard and others, that the replaced shard had a general rather than localized role in his "feralization," or that there are larger forces than Spratt at play that have yet to be revealed.

    LukaszB posted: »

    It is the source. The first arm that moved was the arm that is controlled by Spratt. The rest is influenced by the nerves that are connected to the nerves in that arm.

  • Kind of mad that Willingham is throwing away characters left and right with no emotion to make me really miss them. Im only mad about beast dying because of things already established way before this issue, he didn't die a hero or bigbys friend, he just died

    Ozma was just getting good too, I really wanted to like her but she never had much character beyond that she was ambitious. So her dying was super flat as well.

    Ive talked with others a bit before how the writing is really starting to not be great around the Mr Dark arc, compare the latest issues with the older ones and they don't really hold up writing wise. So I'm hoping dearly that it gets better, because as someone pointed out to me- it's not worth the 3 bucks.

    Also what the hell was that side story why did Fly look so creepy why

  • Agreed, their deaths were pointless and Ozma didn't even put up a fight before going down. From now on, what kind of "happy ending" is possible? Snow dying because of a stupid curse? A feral Bigby raising the remaining kids? Bliss growing up without a father?. Death is not the most suitable punishment for Mrs Spratt (aka New Mr. Dark), I think they should find a way to restore her back to her fat old self and then lock her up forever.

    Maximum124 posted: »

    Kind of mad that Willingham is throwing away characters left and right with no emotion to make me really miss them. Im only mad about beast

  • I thought that Snow's curse has already been solve? In the Fairest storyline, Goldilocks managed to kill Snow but Cinderella managed to resurrect Snow. Unless the Fairest storyline doesn't follow the main storyline?

    werewolf7 posted: »

    Agreed, their deaths were pointless and Ozma didn't even put up a fight before going down. From now on, what kind of "happy ending" is possi

  • Maybe. Damn I've got a shit memory, I gotta read them again.

    I thought that Snow's curse has already been solve? In the Fairest storyline, Goldilocks managed to kill Snow but Cinderella managed to resurrect Snow. Unless the Fairest storyline doesn't follow the main storyline?

  • This is how Bigby killed Beast:

    Alt text
    Alt text

    And this is how Bigby killed Ozma:

    Alt text
    Alt text

    Now Bigby has killed them two it looks like Snow White is next:

    Alt text

    Can't wait for the next issue who will win in a fight Bigby vs Snow White!

  • Spratt through controlling one of Bigby's arm (front legs) controls his hunting abilities, since Bigby can't change anything when at least one arm lunges (which is always the one controlled by Spratt). Also by killing Thrushbeard, Beast, and Ozma, Bigby is making Snow more powerful than Rose. The fact that Brandish killed Weyland Smith in the last issue also makes Snow more powerful because Rose failed her first quest. How much Bigby controls himself is based on his fated role in the new Camelot.

    Decatur posted: »

    In that case- if his arm is the "source" of control for the rest of his body- Spratt should have an easier time controlling Bigby. The fact

  • At the very bottom of the next page where it says next it says Totenkinder versus Bigby. Frau will fight Bigby while Snow goes to kill Spratt, when Snow reaches the floor Bigby ends up killing Frau. Snow kills Spratt, and begins running towards Bigby. And Rose kills Bigby making her fated to die in issue 150.

    ERROR260392 posted: »

    This is how Bigby killed Beast: And this is how Bigby killed Ozma: Now Bigby has killed them two it looks like Snow White is next: Can't wait for the next issue who will win in a fight Bigby vs Snow White!

  • You're thinking of Fables Are Forever, not Fairest.

    I thought that Snow's curse has already been solve? In the Fairest storyline, Goldilocks managed to kill Snow but Cinderella managed to resurrect Snow. Unless the Fairest storyline doesn't follow the main storyline?

  • edited September 2014

    Are you thinking about this curse which transfers Brandish injuries to Snow? I haven't read Fairest, but there was never mentioned in Fables that this curse was removed. 13th floor guys managed to delay its effect, but due to fact that Snow killed Brandish with sword through the heart (not literally, as we know his heart is separated from his body), the same would probably happen to her. I really hope she will not die, but situation looks bad... :(

    I thought that Snow's curse has already been solve? In the Fairest storyline, Goldilocks managed to kill Snow but Cinderella managed to resurrect Snow. Unless the Fairest storyline doesn't follow the main storyline?

  • Alt text

    Good spot i didn't notice that at the bottom of the page. But all that stuff you said do you know if that is really going to happen or is it fan-theory?

    LukaszB posted: »

    At the very bottom of the next page where it says next it says Totenkinder versus Bigby. Frau will fight Bigby while Snow goes to kill Sprat

  • edited September 2014

    Fabletown is Forever is Cindy fighting Dorothy Gale. Fairest in All the Land is what he is talking about. Goldilocks disguised as Prince Charming kills Snow with a sword through the heart, but Snow is later revived by Cindy who kills Goldilocks.

    Maximum124 posted: »

    You're thinking of Fables Are Forever, not Fairest.

  • Bellflower! Uhrm...I mean Totenkinder! Looking as beautiful and as deadly as always! :)

    ERROR260392 posted: »

    Good spot i didn't notice that at the bottom of the page. But all that stuff you said do you know if that is really going to happen or is it fan-theory?

  • Actually the curse was removed by Rose Red's ambition to recreate Camelot and giving Brandish a "second chance". Snow was already killed by that curse in Fairest in All the Land.

    Gartives posted: »

    Are you thinking about this curse which transfers Brandish injuries to Snow? I haven't read Fairest, but there was never mentioned in Fable

  • It's logical and fated to happen considering Snow is reading Bigby's mind, Rose would want to avenge the loss of those supporting her, the fact that Rose put a curse on Fabletown, etc. The most is Fabletown becoming New Camelot.

    ERROR260392 posted: »

    Good spot i didn't notice that at the bottom of the page. But all that stuff you said do you know if that is really going to happen or is it fan-theory?

  • Thanks for answer. I see there is a lot of action in Fairest. I have to read it then :)

    LukaszB posted: »

    Actually the curse was removed by Rose Red's ambition to recreate Camelot and giving Brandish a "second chance". Snow was already killed by that curse in Fairest in All the Land.

  • I think it's more of the Powers that Be a.k.a The Fates, casting them in those roles. The Lady of the Lake hints to Rose Red in the Camelot story arc, that her and Snow's mother was a powerful being. I remember that the Pig on the Stick, who was much later revealed to be the goddess Hope, used to appear to Snow during the beginning of the series. I have wondered whether Hope is Snow and Rose Red's mother.

    LukaszB posted: »

    I agree. In the original Camelot Guinevere sleeps with both King Arthur and Morgan Le Fay, it has been mentioned several times. It might be

  • I havent read either, so i'll take your word for it.

    LukaszB posted: »

    Fabletown is Forever is Cindy fighting Dorothy Gale. Fairest in All the Land is what he is talking about. Goldilocks disguised as Prince Charming kills Snow with a sword through the heart, but Snow is later revived by Cindy who kills Goldilocks.

  • I highly doubt Hope is their mother considering everything when she reveals herself.

    TristEv posted: »

    I think it's more of the Powers that Be a.k.a The Fates, casting them in those roles. The Lady of the Lake hints to Rose Red in the Camelot

  • You're right. I had a brain fart! She actually took the form of their mother, right before she revealed who she really was. Still, I wonder if she has some kind of special connection in their family.

    LukaszB posted: »

    I highly doubt Hope is their mother considering everything when she reveals herself.

  • In the "Fairest in All the Land" graphic novel, Snow is actually stabbed through the heart, which fulfills the "fate" that was transferred from Brandish. The 13th Floor Witches managed to delay Snow White's fate, even though Brandish bound he and her together, so that what ever injury he received, she would also receive. That was the one thing that frustrated me about that particular plot point being introduced in "Fables" and settled in "Fairest in all the Land". People who don't read that graphic novel, and just Fables, will think that that plotline was just dropped. The Beauty/Lamia plot was done the same way.

    Gartives posted: »

    Thanks for answer. I see there is a lot of action in Fairest. I have to read it then

  • edited September 2014

    Why do you say that "Bigby can't change anything when at least one arm lunges"? That sounds like unsubstantiated conjecture and frankly doesn't make any sense.

    LukaszB posted: »

    Spratt through controlling one of Bigby's arm (front legs) controls his hunting abilities, since Bigby can't change anything when at least o

  • Ok , honestly i liked how Ozma died . It really fitted the character . A "young" , upcoming and ambitious wizard who suddenly came face to face with death himself and could not speak a word to defend herself . To be honest , while I expected the two deaths (i was kinda certain) , the way they happened , scared me a little , in a good way . The way Beast died , is less fitting but it still makes sense . An old warrior who lost his power and temporarily regained it through a suit of armor , became overconfident . Both were ignorant in this fight and their approach was an approach an amateur would take . I liked how Bigby keeps fighting that bitch Spratt , he even starts to talk rather than only mumbling which may mean that he won some control , or at least understands what he is doing . Remember that his personality with every bit of his character/etc is trapped inside the ring so he has a frail connection to his body , to say the best .

  • It makes sense considering Bigby is a wolf. He can't change his instincts on the fly.

    Decatur posted: »

    Why do you say that "Bigby can't change anything when at least one arm lunges"? That sounds like unsubstantiated conjecture and frankly doesn't make any sense.

  • Actually Bigby's self-control over his predatory nature is what Spratt took from him with her ring. Bigby's lunges and biting habits are interconnected. Bigby hasn't made a fist after Spratt gained control of Bigby's lunges. Bigby will probably die again in the next issue considering the curse Rose put on Fabletown.

    DaredevilGR posted: »

    Ok , honestly i liked how Ozma died . It really fitted the character . A "young" , upcoming and ambitious wizard who suddenly came face to f

  • Curse?

    LukaszB posted: »

    Actually Bigby's self-control over his predatory nature is what Spratt took from him with her ring. Bigby's lunges and biting habits are int

  • And Brandish's fate is sealed considering Rose made him her squire to protect her. The person that protected King Arthur was killed by Morgan Le Fay

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