Time for what?
I'm just curious. Trolls are everywhere, why quit because of them? Just click on Report and don't take their shit seriously… more.
What should i do? beg him to come back? No, i'm not gonna do that. He'll come back eventually, they always do.
I'm not sure I know what happened exactly, but saying something like that to someone is fucked up... i'd be pissed too, but Flog try NOT to pay attention to assholes.
And that was my point to my original reply to you... you have nothing constructive to add but you storm in here because you can... thats not a reason...
And that was my point to my original reply to you... you have nothing constructive to add but you storm in here because you can... thats not a reason...
Dealt with it..... BYeeeee
And that was my point to my original reply to you... you have nothing constructive to add but you storm in here because you can... thats not a reason...
Dealt with it..... BYeeeee
OUR FLOG IS AN AWESOME FLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know Flog well, but he seems like a cool dude...and even if he wasn't, he wouldn't deserve that shit.
It's disgusting what people are suddenly capable of doing if they are completley anonymous and don't have to fear punishment. I mean, trolls are still people that think it's funny to talk like that.
Being 12 is no excuse, my dear trolls. Think about that before doing shit like this again.
What the hell is even going on. It's a forum everything doesn't have to be so personal, let's just discuss the game and stop shooing people away and such. lol
I'm just gonna post to you what I posted to another person that said almost the exact same thing as you.
If it's a big deal to him, then let it be, you don't have the right to tell him or anyone this isn't the place for them. Also these words get people killed, it's called Cyberbullying look it up maybe it'll educate you about some things, I hope you come back with a little more sense and respect to edit out your comment, cause that was just plain disrespectful.
Then why post in here? Just move on...
I can say whatever i think about it, and i just said it. Deal with it.
The internet is cruel. People need to deal with it. If they can't then they shouldn't stay.
I'm not sure I know what happened exactly, but saying something like that to someone is fucked up... i'd be pissed too, but Flog try NOT to pay attention to assholes.
And that was my point to my original reply to you... you have nothing constructive to add but you storm in here because you can... thats not a reason...
Dealt with it..... BYeeeee
Are you the personal guardian of this thread or what? Let the people tell their opinions.
Your post is even more useless. Ignore it if you don't agree with my opinion, or it's not "constructive" for you, mkay?
Why is my post useless? Your "opinion" is to not have other people tell us their opinions about this. How can someone agree with this?
I was talking about Craticus''s post, not your
I don't know Flog well, but he seems like a cool dude...and even if he wasn't, he wouldn't deserve that shit.
It's disgusting what people are suddenly capable of doing if they are completley anonymous and don't have to fear punishment. I mean, trolls are still people that think it's funny to talk like that.
Being 12 is no excuse, my dear trolls. Think about that before doing shit like this again.
What the hell is even going on. It's a forum everything doesn't have to be so personal, let's just discuss the game and stop shooing people away and such. lol
Not stay on the internet? Be serious.
Flog is gone ? What? Why?
Anyway, WE NEED HIM HERE. We are losing too many cool users
Fuck off, Flog61 is an amazing guy.
Upvote thread if you want Flog to stay!
Thats a great way of looking at it.... Play by the asshole's rules or GTFO!
Or maybe people can stop using the internet as an excuse to be dicks.
I'm just gonna post to you what I posted to another person that said almost the exact same thing as you.
If it's a big deal to him, then let it be, you don't have the right to tell him or anyone this isn't the place for them. Also these words get people killed, it's called Cyberbullying look it up maybe it'll educate you about some things, I hope you come back with a little more sense and respect to edit out your comment, cause that was just plain disrespectful.
! Thank. You.
I shall give you an internet cookie as a gift! I hope you like it.
Fuck, that cookie looks good
Enjoy it!
Thank you
Hell yeah!
Blimey I go away for a few weeks and all hell breaks loose.
Anyway what happened with Flog?
Well, Flog's back now, so this thread isn't all that useful now...I'll PM ya xP
Goldeneye Clem master race!
I one day hope to have a troll devote a large amount of his time to personal attacks on me!
(Daydreams wistfully)
In all seriousness I do remember Flog from back when I was a more active member on my AusZombie account and he did seem like a cool guy.