Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • Everyone who touched Clem hat died. (Kenny died im my play)

    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    It happens to everyone that comes in contact with Clem, maybe's the hat.

  • S1 Ep4 - When Lee's group goes to Crawford, Kenny can be seen holding a rife, this rifle is never seen again.

    Don't you know? Kenny put it in his pocket and then just forgot about it. He has infinite pockets like Lee.

    * S1 Ep3 - During the raid many of the bandits seen share the same character model as Vernon * S1 Ep4 - Omids bandage disappears and reappe

  • Yeah , but the thing is we need some sort of evidence.
    I'm assuming that guy just made this up so I'm just gonna leave this here
    Alt text

    Just found this.

  • Nope, this was confirmed by Telltale a while ago. I think this fact has been mentioned a few times on this thread.

    lee4life posted: »

    Yeah , but the thing is we need some sort of evidence. I'm assuming that guy just made this up so I'm just gonna leave this here

  • Its not fake, I read it in a Game Informer article awhile back.

    lee4life posted: »

    Yeah , but the thing is we need some sort of evidence. I'm assuming that guy just made this up so I'm just gonna leave this here

  • Source?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Nope, this was confirmed by Telltale a while ago. I think this fact has been mentioned a few times on this thread.

  • Source?

    Its not fake, I read it in a Game Informer article awhile back.

  • Source Engine?

    lee4life posted: »


  • No , a source that proves that what these guys are saying is true.

    eRock92 posted: »

    Source Engine?

  • Ok , no source then...
    Yeah , I'll assume it's fake until you give me the source.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Nope, this was confirmed by Telltale a while ago. I think this fact has been mentioned a few times on this thread.

  • Ok , no source then...
    Yeah , I'll assume it's fake until you give me the source.

    Its not fake, I read it in a Game Informer article awhile back.

  • I like how undead Duck manages to overpower and kill Katjaa, Clem, Ben, Chuck, AND Lee without anyone doing anything about it.

    Ben: Sees Duck kill Katjaa "Welp."

    Chuck: "Nothin we can do about it now."

    Lee: Lets a child walker overpower him and throw him off a train "Well, shit."

    Man...Imagine poor Ken's face when he finds this mess...

    dojo32161 posted: »

    ... Katjaa, Chuck and Clem, though Ben's body is the only one that is shown.

  • edited September 2014

    There is a source, lemme pull it up.

    Might take awhile to find it, so be patient pls :)

    Here ya go, @lee4life

    lee4life posted: »

    Ok , no source then... Yeah , I'll assume it's fake until you give me the source.

  • If you give me the source and it's legit I will be such a fucking wreck

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    There is a source, lemme pull it up. Might take awhile to find it, so be patient pls Here ya go, @lee4life

  • edited September 2014


    Give me a minute?

    "Though Lee Everett is the character you control in The Walking Dead, he wasn’t the character that the game is built around. “Clementine was literally the first idea,” says Vanaman, who planned Episode Fives’s outcome before writing a single line of dialogue. "

    "Lee Everett wasn’t Telltale’s first idea for a main character. Originally, Vanaman planned for Clementine to come from a single-parent household where Clementine’s brother took care of her due to her mother not being up for the task. With this idea, Clementine’s brother became the lead, but Vanaman decided a pre-existing relationship would be too much to ask a player to take on in The Walking Dead world. The decision led to them changing Clementine’s race because they wanted her to look like she could potentially be Lee's daughter. "

    Real enough for ya?

    lee4life posted: »

    If you give me the source and it's legit I will be such a fucking wreck MY LIFE WILL BE A LIE DON'T FUCKING DO THIS TO ME

  • No , NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    Err...ok? Give me a minute? "Though Lee Everett is the character you control in The Walking Dead, he wasn’t the character that the gam

  • o_o

    lee4life posted: »


  • NO

    BlueShadiw posted: »


  • edited September 2014


    lee4life posted: »


    • During the flashback of Season One during "All That Remains" Kenny is wearing the wrong outfit.
    • When Walter is taken hostage by Carver he remains silent, but in the flashback he insults Caver.
    • When Lee's group is leaving Crawford, when Kenny hands Lee the shotgun the body he takes it from is the same model as the conductor in the train.
    • If Sarita's hand is removed, when she screams the scream is reused from Beatrice.
    • S2 Ep4 when Clem and Jane are at the trailer park, if the player waits at the door your supposed to kick down, Jane can be seen reusing Molly's fight animation. Animation Used At 11 secs : Season 2 Jane Animation At 3:05:
  • You're overreacting.

    lee4life posted: »

    Click here

  • Me?
    Over reacting?

    You're overreacting.

  • Yep.

    lee4life posted: »

    Me? Over reacting? Pfft!

  • That's Carver, yo.

    Why the hell are people blaming a little girl for all the bad shit she sees?

    Shumisha posted: »

    Before reuniting with Clementine, good things hapned to Kenny. She found a girlfriend, a safe sport with food and eletricity. Then Clem comes and kills everyone

  • edited September 2014

    Really? I thougth the question was how to say Kenny is Carver 2.0 withouth sounding like bullshit.

    hardly, in fact:

    Mike, Bonnie, and Jane all had a good experience of Carver's dictatorship back at Howe's Hardware. It's not surprising to find Jane comparing Kenny to Carver, and Mike and Bonnie wanting to leave Kenny first chance they get.

    no one has argued that kenny is carver 2.0, just that there are some similarities that people might use to compare the two (mainly in game characters at that).

    Bonnie and Mike never said anything like that. Hell, Jane did even say that. She just said:

    Jane: Look, I know Kenny is a good guy. I bet Carver was a good guy once, too.

    and then as clem you had the choice of saying that kenny is not carver. so maybe clem misread the situation? and mike and bonnie just having to get away from that guy just like they did with carver has nothing to do with them thinking he is like carver in any way. you are right i am inferring a lot in their actions in that regard.

    This is pointless. Kenny does not justify himself in anyway after taking Arvo hostage. Is pure necessity. Vitalli was still alive, so he was a danger to the ground, and taking Arvo hostage mean the situation could be endend quickly withouth wasting anymore ammunition. That was pure necessity and nothing more.

    how is that any different than carver taking people hostage?

    justify himself

    kenny justified things to himself.

    a bit different in how it is shown. if kenny felt he had no justification for taking arvo hostage, then why didn't he feel guilty about it? why did he hate arvo so much? he blamed arvo, and thus justified things to himself (i am not saying he justified things to others in any overt or eloquent way).

    AlanSpencer posted: »

    plus bonnie and mike. not sure about luke though, probably not though. i think we agree that bonnie isn't the most reliable of judgements, b

  • In episode 4, after axing a reanimated Nick (determinate) the walker you kill next has fresh blood on his mouth.

    If Nick died in episode 2, that walker has no blood on him.

    Nick's death was caused by that walker, he was probably weak from the gun shot, went out for help, and got chomped from the fresh blood. The blood trail goes to the fence, so Nick, seing he wasn't gonna make it, stuck his arm in the fence, most likely to not cause any harm to his fellow group members.

  • I like this a lot better than "I'm going for help! No, a walker! I'll run away! Derp derp, I'm stuck in the fence. Guess I'll die."

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    In episode 4, after axing a reanimated Nick (determinate) the walker you kill next has fresh blood on his mouth. If Nick died in episode

  • That makes two of us.

    Gwion posted: »

    I like this a lot better than "I'm going for help! No, a walker! I'll run away! Derp derp, I'm stuck in the fence. Guess I'll die."

  • edited September 2014

    Originally In No going back you have the option to kill both Mike and Bonnie. Bonnie when Luke drowns and you don't break the ice. Mike's death was patched but originally if you did nothing when he asks to get the gun from you, you will shoot him then Arvo will shoot you. Also before no going back came out on the Ps Vita it was called better to sleep for some reason. In Ep 1 in the police car there is a reference to the serial killer Thomas Richards from the comic series.

  • God...I REALLY don't like Thomas Richards after what he did in the comics... :l

    So hearing that officer say "Kicking the back of the seat like a fussy baby" was pretty funny xP

  • Come on darling, I'm serious... (T_T)

    Pigisdeado posted: »

    His necklace is made out of the teeth of urbans, shards of saltlicks and painted with the same paint as his boat.

  • We're not blaming Clem...We're just mocking the writing. Whenever a group comes across the protagonist it will just die out...

    Bokor posted: »

    That's Carver, yo. Why the hell are people blaming a little girl for all the bad shit she sees?

  • Excuse me... I'm living within the great fire wall of China so I can't see it...But I'm really wondering what's in it...could you please tell me?

  • I guess it's like what Larry said... the second he turns, he kills his mom. Kat will turn fast, so it'll be two walkers. Ben will panic, Clem is just a little girl, no way could Chuck fight two walkers without proper weapons. If they get lucky, it's possible for Chuck to grab Clem and jump off the train, using his body to protect her. He's familiar with the railroad things so he may take the chance.

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    I like how undead Duck manages to overpower and kill Katjaa, Clem, Ben, Chuck, AND Lee without anyone doing anything about it. Ben: Sees

  • omg i never made that connection until i read these posts my mind is blown

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    God...I REALLY don't like Thomas Richards after what he did in the comics... :l So hearing that officer say "Kicking the back of the seat like a fussy baby" was pretty funny xP

  • no one has argued that kenny is carver 2.0, just that there are some similarities that people might use to compare the two (mainly in game characters at that).

    Bonnie leaves because she is afraid of Kenny, and doesnt not want to look for Wellington. Mike leaves because he is disgusted by Kenny´s treatament of Arvo, afraid of Kenny, and because he does not want to go to Wellington. Not because they are reminded of Carver. You are just assuming too much.

    and then as clem you had the choice of saying that kenny is not carver. so maybe clem misread the situation? and mike and bonnie just having to get away from that guy just like they did with carver has nothing to do with them thinking he is like carver in any way. you are right i am inferring a lot in their actions in that regard.

    Bonnie leaves because she is afraid of Kenny, and doesnt not want to look for Wellington. Mike leaves because he is disgusted by Kenny´s treatament of Arvo, afraid of Kenny, and because he does not want to go to Wellington. Nothing do with them thinking Kenny is like Carver. You are just assuming.

    As for Clem (determinantly) saying Kenny is not like Carver, you are not qouting her totally. She says:

    Clem: Kenny is not like Carver. He just made a mistake.

    how is that any different than carver taking people hostage?

    Carver had bad intentions, Kenny had good intentions.

    if kenny felt he had no justification for taking arvo hostage, then why didn't he feel guilty about it?

    I am saying that he did not justify taking Arvo hostage, that was pure necesity. Of course he could not fell guilty about it.

    why did he hate arvo so much?

    You mean, besides that the gun figth with the Russians is Arvo´s fault? Besides that he nearly got them all killed one way or another?

    jamoecw posted: »

    Really? I thougth the question was how to say Kenny is Carver 2.0 withouth sounding like bullshit. hardly, in fact: Mike, Bonn

  • From S2 E4 - E5 Buricko and Vitali Change places and weapons

  • Dude I don't know if you are trying to be funny but it's not working.

    lee4life posted: »

    Me? Over reacting? Pfft!

  • Not trying to be funny.

    Dude I don't know if you are trying to be funny but it's not working.

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