Yeah. I know you know how much damage terrorists can really do. Making a prediction from 9/11, I'd say Sydney or Canberra would be the most likely targets because they have so many Australian landmarks. Melbourne might also be a target because of it's population.
Still, we have pretty heavy security, so we should be fine, although Abbott is a bit of a shitbag...
Yeah. I know you know how much damage terrorists can really do. Making a prediction from 9/11, I'd say Sydney or Canberra would be the most… more likely targets because they have so many Australian landmarks. Melbourne might also be a target because of it's population.
Still, we have pretty heavy security, so we should be fine, although Abbott is a bit of a shitbag...
Yeah, we got quite a few good places to go. I recommend Fremantle Prison if you ever get the chance. And Port Arthur. They're some of the oldest settlements in the country. Also, the whale tours in Sydney are pretty nice too.
I'm still wanting to visit the US though. New York and L.A in particular.
Oh and also, how's the work on the new buildings going?
Yeah. I know you know how much damage terrorists can really do. Making a prediction from 9/11, I'd say Sydney or Canberra would be the most likely targets because they have so many Australian landmarks. Melbourne might also be a target because of it's population.
Still, we have pretty heavy security, so we should be fine, although Abbott is a bit of a shitbag...
A crazy chat.
Haha, didn't get me. I didn't rub it and waited to see what i would have rubbed.
What about poor Nick?
XD Ok I'm only trolling I know it's link Crash is still better tho :P
Bear Grylls xD
Ummm... Mark I ...I don't know what to say... It's Link from The Legend of Zelda and the Wielder of the Master Sword the weapon of evil bane.
Night may this spam help this lounge on it's way to 1000 :'D
I am Chuck Norris...
I just listened to this for my first time...Must say its pretty good.
That's horrible. How can he think something like that? Are there any school counselors or anyone who could explain it to him?
Hey look it's Rachelle's house^^
Hey look it's me^^
Now we know the truth. Sully is now at toilet cover.
I still want to visit Aus one day, despite that, though :P
Well... This hurt.
I thought that was Zelda?
xD This is all over the comment sections on YouTube you can't ask nothing with out someone saying the answer is Darude Sandstorm xDDDDD
Wow. That was...beautiful. God bless all the troops throughout the world.
Man. I guess all you can do is try to stay strong. Maybe talk to your mother? Anyone at all you can talk to that would help you?
Yeah, we got quite a few good places to go. I recommend Fremantle Prison if you ever get the chance. And Port Arthur. They're some of the oldest settlements in the country. Also, the whale tours in Sydney are pretty nice too.
I'm still wanting to visit the US though. New York and L.A in particular.
Oh and also, how's the work on the new buildings going?
Well, you really want to get to 1000 pages
Dammit! Why did you have to go and ruin my childhood!
That Smash Bros. DLC leak.
You right
What are you known for in school?
I'm known for always being late for school. And when I'm not people clap for me .-.
xD The 6th one is true.
For being a complete fucking weirdo.
But you're cool as fuck, though.
XD Revenge for you bio's MUAHHA :'/
Why did you change your profile picture to that? xD
I am known for being the once kid the teachers are afraid to call on. Because i give way to long of answers- I'm a nerd.