@leetheprofessional @Awesomeo @blueneon @Dont_Look_Back
http://vocaroo.com/i/s0fuNgGvY9Cl… more
My normal voice ^
My Leethepro imitation ^
@Sweetpeaclem @allthatremains
Your turn :P
We Irish sound nothing like we are portrayed on tv all the Irish films whicch made it big in Canada and America were set hundreds of years ago with an accent what no one has and since then everything thinks we have strong accents thank god we don't
Joss Whedon made a similar speech over a year ago and I think it holds true. As he said and I'm paraphrasing "if you don't believe women deserve the same rights and respect men do than you're like the plague... good news you're not nazis... Cause Nazis had a plan.. Plagues are death kill horror. It doesn't get it. It doesn't know its just pointless and deadly."
I completely agree. These people are plagues. They are removed from humanity as he goes on to say "we either believe women are people or we don't... Its that simple" I'm 100% agreement with everything you said. When I looked up Jennifer Lawrence's nudes I was curious. But when I looked I was embarrassed. Embarrassed that she couldn't keep her privacy. embarrassed that many people don't care that her privacy was taken from her. As its been said already. Its not the nudes themselves that is the problem. Its that someone took them from her and said "no you don't deserve your privacy." JLaw deserves to decide who gets to see those pictures. I think that is 10x more important than seeing her naked.
Wow. Just because Emma Watson gave a speech on gender equality, men are threatening to hack and leak nudes of her (if they even exist).
T… morehe fact that they are threatening to release supposed nudes of her in response to her feminist speech speaks volumes: if women speak up for what they believe in, they deserve to be exposed in the most humiliating way possible. So many men already focus on her solely because she is beautiful, because she has sex appeal, all she is to these men is a piece of meat they can fap to. Why can't we embrace her beauty, but focus on her intellect and passion instead?
I know a lot of men loved Jennifer Lawrence's nudes released, just because they had something to fap to. That's sick, and Emma Watson deserves so much more than a bunch of horny guys demeaning her and everything she stands for.
I'm just so fucking pissed. Can't a woman be valued for fighting for what she believes in and not being afraid to shut up, or does she only matter because of her tits?
I'm so sorry to hear that RI.P
So you eat one thing for breakfast, lunch and dinner? So do I!
You must just not remember it
Eww, the eyeball fruit, haha. B]
My new profile pic...
I think it's a smore cookie, lel
LIAR you already said YES TWICE you can't take it back.
K. Don 't forget to come early to the meeting tonight cause you will not manage to eat any donuts.
Lol, I had to.
Maybe it is...
Sounds rather similar to what Joss Whedon said! Love these people!
Why do I get the feeling that the last one is looking at me?
It should update soon.
I'm sorry, I was busy eating donuts. What was that?
That is not me. That is a knockoff of mine which I used cause I was on vacation.
I hate you and I really like you at the same time. >:{
Is that Immortal from the Creatures?
Lmao, thanks!
Lol, nice job Mark! I expected a thicker accent, but its still nice. I could hear you pretty clearly.
This one was spoiled. Why do you think it was still there?
Lol, suuuuuure. Don't worry, though, I left you some. B]
I tend to have that effect on people
A) Homer would not be pleased and
I keep my own stash... >:}
I do too! High-five!
Lol, nice! We both win, then. B^]
Damn, I need that!
Fucking nice xD
XD thanks bro
We Irish sound nothing like we are portrayed on tv all the Irish films whicch made it big in Canada and America were set hundreds of years ago with an accent what no one has and since then everything thinks we have strong accents thank god we don't
K, I accept it. 1-1.
Love this gif so much... K, wanna get to know you better. We start simple. What is your favourite colour?
Sorry to hear that bro
Do I really need to say ''Me too."? K, next. Favourite song.
It's ok :'/
Joss Whedon made a similar speech over a year ago and I think it holds true. As he said and I'm paraphrasing "if you don't believe women deserve the same rights and respect men do than you're like the plague... good news you're not nazis... Cause Nazis had a plan.. Plagues are death kill horror. It doesn't get it. It doesn't know its just pointless and deadly."
I completely agree. These people are plagues. They are removed from humanity as he goes on to say "we either believe women are people or we don't... Its that simple" I'm 100% agreement with everything you said. When I looked up Jennifer Lawrence's nudes I was curious. But when I looked I was embarrassed. Embarrassed that she couldn't keep her privacy. embarrassed that many people don't care that her privacy was taken from her. As its been said already. Its not the nudes themselves that is the problem. Its that someone took them from her and said "no you don't deserve your privacy." JLaw deserves to decide who gets to see those pictures. I think that is 10x more important than seeing her naked.
Cool. I don't have a favorite song I just listen to them and move on I've never been picky with my songs.