What games do you think are overrated?



  • They are, 8/10 for me. Both of them. Uncharted was better in terms of Gameplay and story, but as far as personal enjoyment goes, I'd still rather play TLOU.

    I understand. Most people really don't appreciate the story and characters from Spec Ops: The Line, or some of the decisions that you make throughout. And once I found out about meaning behind the helicopter crash at the beginning of the game, and what was going on in Walkers head (Both of these I found out at the end of the game), I was extremely impressed at the depth the game had. Seems like a generic TPS, but it was extremely good once you figure everything out.

    aldimon posted: »

    Sorry about the Persona 4 Spoilers! I added a little Spoiler warning though. You should still play it. It's an addictive RPG. Did you

  • Didn't you see the realistic fish? That's the best part of COD: GHOSTS, how could you not enjoy such mastery, such artistic understanding of the fish species? (Sarcasm, in case someone manages to miss it).

    HeartLocker posted: »

    Call of Duty. Every year it's : same graphics , weapon stats changed , we added a few perks , added a new grenade , 2-3 more maps , BAM ! He

  • edited July 2016

    Kingdom Hearts a crossover between Final Fantasy and Disney
    Alt text
    It's for me the best game series I ever played... Everybody thinks it's stupid if I tell them about it... First play it then you say what you think about it!

    enter link description here

    EDIT 2016: Wait why was this posted here? 0___0

  • Infamous: Second Son

    Just to name a recent one, you just do the same stuff over and over but the reviews seem way more positive than I think they should be.

  • The only side missions I liked were collecting those voice mails LOL

    Gavin996 posted: »

    Infamous: Second Son Just to name a recent one, you just do the same stuff over and over but the reviews seem way more positive than I think they should be.

  • Most games these day's unfortunately.

    Everything gets over hyped, decent games are made out to be super uber groundbreaking titles and then they fail to live up to that hype, they carnt just throw a game out anymore and let the public speak its all BS, its like telling your friends you have a uber funny joke, and keep telling them that, when the time comes to tell em that joke it ALWAYS disappoint's, but if you were to just tell the damn joke without all the shit they may just find it funny... ya know?...

    Review sites are waste of time especially on AAA titles, they are all payed off to give the likes of fifa and COD 9s and 9.5s when all thats been added is a silly new feature or a few stat tweaks, the stuff that was a issue from the previous game still remains (fifa clubs anyone) and doesnt ev3n get looked at but it still gets silly scores...

    Their are only a few larger devs that i trust with a first week purchase now, I just refuse to pay these hiked prices for medicore titles, but I say "devs" when I actually mean publishers, no dev wants a game released thats broken but the pubs push em out to reap there millions...

    I mosty like the smaller devs now, these smaller guys are knocking out some great stuff now without the tripe....

    Take TT with TWD/TWAU... im one of those who thought S2 was not as strong as S1 TWD, but the game worked and it was still quality, and for the money you pay for a full season? Its a absolute bargain, and without it being screamed in your face that its the best game ever created, their fans do the talking and at the end of the day thats what counts...

    Sorry for the rant lol

  • Yeah they were at least interesting to listen too, the rest just got really boring after a while.

    joshua007 posted: »

    The only side missions I liked were collecting those voice mails LOL

  • The Last Of Us. I loved it but it is overratted.

  • I actually also really liked the gaffity art staf. Not too fun to do but the outcome was always preatty badass.

    joshua007 posted: »

    The only side missions I liked were collecting those voice mails LOL

  • They basicly are the same. Ever watched ''Honest Game Trailers: COD: Morden Warfair''? If not you should.

    COD of course. Out of all the mediocre FPS games in the market, I don't understand why this one sells a zillion copies every year. They all seem the same to me.

  • I really think that the winter section was the best as well.

    aldimon posted: »

    6/10 or 7/10? You are entitled to your opinion, and I respect that, but it's easily one of the greatest game of all times for me. I felt

  • Yeah I like it too very fun gameplay, great story. Only thing I hate is that they took away how you could level up in the coliseum KH 1 leveling up was easy just go to the coliseum but in KH 2 you have to go it the lion king area to level up. Also how you can't save after the game is finished which was in both KH games.

    joshua007 posted: »

    Kingdom Hearts a crossover between Final Fantasy and Disney It's for me the best game series I ever played... Everybody thinks it's stupi

  • You have a point there

    AhmedAli1 posted: »

    Yeah I like it too very fun gameplay, great story. Only thing I hate is that they took away how you could level up in the coliseum KH 1 leve

  • GroveStreet4LyfeHomie

    I agree, GTA IV is my least favorite out of the series. That doesn't mean I hate it though. There was literally nothing to do after the main

  • Nothing will ever beat San Andreas

    I agree, GTA IV is my least favorite out of the series. That doesn't mean I hate it though. There was literally nothing to do after the main

  • It's all about the DOGS man, THE DOGS

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Didn't you see the realistic fish? That's the best part of COD: GHOSTS, how could you not enjoy such mastery, such artistic understanding of the fish species? (Sarcasm, in case someone manages to miss it).

  • Yep, Outlast wasn't that scary. It was horror yeah, but more an actiony type of horror. The persecutions weren't all that scary, but stresful.

    I'm relatively easy to scare and I hadn't all that much of bad time playing through that asylum. It has its moments though.

    At the moment i'm looking forward to what the new silent hill will give us =)

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    COD, Minecraft, Last of Us, Watchdogs, Outlast,

  • I think it's a good game but incredibily over-rated. I dont understand why such love. it's good but that's it.

    Here in spain they've been running commercials for the remastered edition and refered to it as one of the best gaming experiences of all time!! .......Really?

    The Last of Us is honestly one of the most over-hyped games of the generation. It was not a bad game, it was average, only slightly better t

  • Some people will hate me but The Legend of Zelda saga is so freaking overrated for me. I mean, best videogame ever made? Hah, yeah sure... Honestly I wasn't able to finish it, it was repetitive and I ended up finding it boring.

    Also some other overrated games for me are: Final Fantasy VII (I prefer IX or X), Resident Evil 4 (some people hate RE5 and RE6 but they're just the same as RE4 but with better graphics, my favorites are the PS1 ones and Code Veronica), GTA IV (after San Andreas, everything else was too disappointing), Call of Duty saga (I hate these games, honestly, they're just random shooters meant for PvP and no story), Elder Scrolls (all of them), Mario games (Seriously, there're too many Mario games), newest Pokemons (come on, it was fine until Emerald, then it went downhill), Super Smash Bros (they're all the same, just adding a new character or two), Fallout 3 (same as Elder Scrolls), Final Fantasy XII and XIII (XII was disappointing, annoying battle system and boring story, and XIII was just a linear thing), the first Metal Gear Solid (I honestly prefer Big Boss' games), Minecraft (no need to explain this, I think), Okami (didn't get why it was so good), Diablo games (didn't find them interesting), and I think that's all I can remember.

    Also, S2 of TWD was kind of a let down for me, I mean I know it's not Season 1 but still, wasn't what I expected, it's good and it has it's moments, but still, S1 was pure epicness and the best story-telling I've ever experienced. I just couldn't feel the magic in S2.

    This doesn't mean I don't like them, just that I find them overrated. I hope I don't get hate for this, it's just my opinion. :)

    Also sorry if I brought back this thread from the dead!

  • i can't believe that battlefield 2 is still 100x more fun than battlefield 3 and 4

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    battlefield 4, cod and any fifa game, battlefield 4 imo is just shit when compared to the others i don't need to explain cod and fifa

  • battlefield 3..... i mean, the graphics aren't even that good on pc....and the lightning effect is strange

  • COD, Battlefield, CS, Diablo 3, path of exile,

  • The Call of Duty Franchise. That things been overrated since the day it was created.

  • I think Destiny is pretty overrated. The hype surrounding that game! Jesus.

  • lol. So many games coming out this year with extreme hype turn out to not be as good as anticipated by everyone.

    Ex: Watch Dogs.

    I think Destiny is pretty overrated. The hype surrounding that game! Jesus.

  • Yep, for sure.

    I think the exceptions will be Uncharted 4 (because we all know how awesome that series was) and perhaps The Order 1886

    lol. So many games coming out this year with extreme hype turn out to not be as good as anticipated by everyone. Ex: Watch Dogs.

  • Call of Duty

  • enter image description here

    bloop posted: »


  • Grand Theft Auto 5 is pretty overrated in my opinion.

  • enter image description here

    KERNY!! next time your on skype we are debating this :P

    blueneon posted: »

    The Last Of Us. I loved it but it is overratted.

  • MGS 5. i havent played it, but i say it is because everyone its just like "OMG THIS IS SO GREAT, EVERYTHING IT HAS ITS PERFECT IS EVERYTHING YOU COULD WANT OHHHHH! (cums their pants". and ive played the older games, i really dont remember like almost anything about them i was young and i played them with my cousin and i didnt know much english then, but i havent played this one, or really any of the most recent one, so i watched so streams to check it out. the story looked on point but everything else about it just seems repetitive. and everything looks the same. sneak, shoot enemies with tranq guns, kill the rest, gather some shit, parachute some fuckers, and maybe rescue someone. it was ehhh. didnt find anything so epic. the only thing that surprised me was there one part that it had like zombies, i was lie wtf zombies lol. but other than that all those side missiond loo repetitive as hell and all those maps look the same. same desert part and that ship base. ehhh.

    what im waiting is for the MGO cuz ppl have hyped it up, and quite frankly im getting a bit tired TLOU Factions, so im waiting for price drop so i can get that later on, but i saw like a gameplay for it and it wasnt anything really amazing. but yeah..

  • I just find it surprising that you couldn't tell Marlene was a villain. To me, she just screamed, "Mwahahaha, lure them to my evil lair and refuse to pay them for their hard work!"

    Probably because that's not what she was like at all, and at no point gave off that impression. Even at the ending, she still wasn't a cackling villain at all. If you find her personal records, you learn that she actually gave the Fireflies orders not to kill Joel on sight, which they wanted to do. Not exactly a villainous action. She was clearly very torn up about what was happening to Ellie. I don't entirely agree with what she was doing, but she was doing it for the betterment of humanity.

    You may have expected the Fireflies to not have as pure intentions as they let on, which turned out to be true. However, the conclusion still subverted what you'd expect in the sense that Joel's actions cannot be called heroic. In any other story, his actions to save Ellie would be those of a hero. But he's not a hero. He's a cold-hearted murderer with completely selfish intentions. He makes this clear when he says to Marlene, "Find someone else". Not, "this is crazy" or "you can't do this". "Find someone else". He doesn't care who dies, as long as it's not Ellie.

    The story may not have been anything particularly special, but the ending most certainly went beyond "hero takes on villainous organization". In this case, the "hero" is just as bad as the organization.

    Hey it's not like I think you're an idiot or anything for having your own opinion, and I think it's pretty cool that you found the game that

  • edited September 2015

    GTA V: I enjoy the game, but really it is sooo overrated. Playing online is definitely my least favorite part, since the players can be such pricks.

    GTA IV DLC's: I don't see anything special with those two.

    Final Fantasy franchise: I'm sorry, I love fantasies and figthing in the games but these games stories are pretty generic and boring.

    COD: duh..

    Minecraft: I'm really sorry..
    But I think this game is such a piece of garbage...

    Slenderman and FNAF franchise: What is the point of these games? It is just jumpscares...

    Last of Us: everyone here already knows...

    Beyond Two Souls: People really like this game claiming it is one of the best games, but no. Especially since there are no likeable characters in this game except for Aiden, homeless crew and Jodie (kind of)

    There is probably more but I can't think of any more.

  • The homeless crew was definitely the best part of Beyond Two Souls.

    gomatamo posted: »

    GTA V: I enjoy the game, but really it is sooo overrated. Playing online is definitely my least favorite part, since the players can be such

  • The Last Of Us: Pretty obvious

    Skyrim: Terrible excuse for an RPG game.

  • edited September 2015

    I'm not gonna lie, when I watched Homeless chapter on youtube, I constantly cried. Especially when Stan is talking with Nancy. And Zoey ending made me cry happy tears.
    If I owned the game I would picked that ending in a heartbeat.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    The homeless crew was definitely the best part of Beyond Two Souls.

  • Life is Strange, I think most of you know why I'm not particularly fond of this game so I'm not going to bore you, I just think it's overrated and doesn't deserve a lot of the praise it gets.

  • The Last of Us and Tales From The Borderlands

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