Hm... well... how should I put this... I'm taking a break from the forum for a while, I don't know when will I be back... anyway, Have fun like you always do, I will miss you all. And to finalize...
Ayy Lmao
Hm... well... how should I put this... I'm taking a break from the forum for a while, I don't know when will I be back... anyway, Have fun like you always do, I will miss you all. And to finalize...
Ayy Lmao
Hm... well... how should I put this... I'm taking a break from the forum for a while, I don't know when will I be back... anyway, Have fun like you always do, I will miss you all. And to finalize...
Ayy Lmao
I am 14. What is your favourite super hero, super villan or antihero?
NO YOU DON'T Ireland have Liam Neeson :P
bye :]
By mom....
You'll be missed AC take care and hopefully you'll be back soon.
Ok, we'll wait c: Take care!
Nah my shit is trash.
Bye Daughter ;-;
Fuck that sack of shit bigot hypocrite.
That is cruel. I can 't decide who it is cruel to. The milk or the table.
Love you mom....
You too!
Super hero: Batman Super villain: The Joker Anti hero: Wolverine
Nope, Not Good Enough, Therefore your argument is still invalid..
I AM Batman!
So, yeah, my answer.
About the villan I would have to go with either the Scarecrow or the Joker.
And with the antihero.....
Ly too
Merica have Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus in America Kim kardashian is a celebrity my good sir your arguments are never valid XD
I will really miss you though...
Lol the dude saw it coming.
Fine, we both have ugly voices. (Mine is uglier)
What if you're on a crowded bus?
Me too
take care.
Okay bye.
You won 't be gonne for too long, right?
I knew it. v_v
Thanks :,) be careful and if you need someone to talk to we will be here.
Night! Love you all!
I'll give you credit that's damn good, but not good enough so
i think that ship is haunting me