The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Oof that's so cool! I thought of joining the army, but I'm physically weak, kinda lazy, and appreciate luxuries wayyy too much. But good for you, that's a cool and honorable job :)


  • Pride for my country, mostly. Also, military service helps me get better jobs in the Canadian police force.

    There are different things you can do during your 3 year service, depending on what they need you for. Sometimes you get deployed to other countries to participate in humanitarian operations, non-combatant evacuation operations (like in Lebanon), or full-spectrum combatant missions in places like Iraq or Afghanistan. It's pretty much just like whatever they need extra soldiers for, you're there. Not really sure how all this plays out with ISIS, but if they would need me, then that's where I'll be.

    That's fucking cool. If you don't mind me asking what got you to want to join?

  • Have you told your parents this?

    Pride for my country, mostly. Also, military service helps me get better jobs in the Canadian police force. There are different things yo

  • Thanks ^-^

    Oof that's so cool! I thought of joining the army, but I'm physically weak, kinda lazy, and appreciate luxuries wayyy too much. But good for you, that's a cool and honorable job

  • Nice bro, you have any idea what you're going for yet?

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Good for you, talk to me before you go, I'll be joining in less than 2 years.

  • I applaud you and wish you the fucking best. Rachelle you're truly one awesome girl.

    Alt text

    Pride for my country, mostly. Also, military service helps me get better jobs in the Canadian police force. There are different things yo

  • Alt text

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Someone say Salt?

  • edited September 2014

    Not yet, no. But I did ask my stepdad what he thought about it and he basically said "whatever", so... green light, maybe? Whatever my stepdad agrees to, my mum kind of has to as well. Plus the military helps pay for university so I don't see why they would be against that.

    Oh, but I've told my real dad that I was considering it, and he didn't like the idea very much >_>

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Have you told your parents this?

  • Hello

    ShaleReeve posted: »


  • Well, good luck, Rachelle. When you start training don't give up, okay? I believe in you.

    Not yet, no. But I did ask my stepdad what he thought about it and he basically said "whatever", so... green light, maybe? Whatever my stepd

  • How've you been?

    dojo32161 posted: »


  • Good, and you?

    ShaleReeve posted: »

    How've you been?

  • Thank you. :)

    I applaud you and wish you the fucking best. Rachelle you're truly one awesome girl.

  • Don't worry, I won't. :p


    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Well, good luck, Rachelle. When you start training don't give up, okay? I believe in you.

  • Good. My uncle's in rehab but I'm not too comfortable doing contests anymore, I'm out of ideas and they haven't been getting much success lately.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Good, and you?

  • Yeah, I don't know why, they were a lot of fun to participate in.

    ShaleReeve posted: »

    Good. My uncle's in rehab but I'm not too comfortable doing contests anymore, I'm out of ideas and they haven't been getting much success lately.

  • No problem.

    Thank you.

  • Heh, thanks. I'm trying to think outside of the box for a new contest.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Yeah, I don't know why, they were a lot of fun to participate in.

  • Good luck with that.

    ShaleReeve posted: »

    Heh, thanks. I'm trying to think outside of the box for a new contest.

  • So... people made groups or "gangs" and they were fighting each other on the forums? Lol... I just... I don't even know anymore.

  • edited September 2014

    the moment when you are playing left 4 dead 2 with some people from here and some guy joins and starts to throw a tantrum cause my name is jewfreeus

  • Sorry :/

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    the moment when you are playing left 4 dead 2 with some people from here and some guy joins and starts to throw a tantrum cause my name is jewfreeus

  • I wasn't here but I heard there was multiple Drive By's Committed and the Mods are on high alert some users were spotted throwing up Gang signs saying "Fuck the Mods"

    So... people made groups or "gangs" and they were fighting each other on the forums? Lol... I just... I don't even know anymore.

  • elian plz

    TDMshadowCP posted: »


  • Alt text

    I wasn't here but I heard there was multiple Drive By's Committed and the Mods are on high alert some users were spotted throwing up Gang signs saying "Fuck the Mods"

  • Shits crazy out here in the forum streets my nigga you gotta watch your back.

  • Lmao, I think after I finish the story, I'm just going to take a break from this place. B^]

    Shits crazy out here in the forum streets my nigga you gotta watch your back.

  • edited September 2014

    Wow never thought I'll hear that from you. What's going on bruh?

    Lmao, I think after I finish the story, I'm just going to take a break from this place. B^]

  • I mean, it sounds kinda positive.... Jew free us = free the jews?

    He probably just wants to complain about something lol

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    the moment when you are playing left 4 dead 2 with some people from here and some guy joins and starts to throw a tantrum cause my name is jewfreeus

  • Umm, could anyone with photoshop xp pretty please 'shop me a Banana in a ski mask holding a Rubix Cube? I'll credit you for it.

  • Lol, nothing, just been wanting to take one for a while. I've done it before for like 2 weeks, there's nothing to talk about right now since TWDG S2 is over, I'll just wait until GoT or TWD S3 comes out. If I don't take a break, I'll just be on less.

    Wow never thought I'll hear that from you. What's going on bruh?

  • Oh I see yeah I understand you I've been waiting on Borderlands but these dudes taking forever. Hopefully GoT and TFTB come out soon then.

    Lol, nothing, just been wanting to take one for a while. I've done it before for like 2 weeks, there's nothing to talk about right now since TWDG S2 is over, I'll just wait until GoT or TWD S3 comes out. If I don't take a break, I'll just be on less.

  • Ducks are assholes.

  • Girl... So proud. Your parents truly have a wonderful daughter. I hope when/if I have a child, she turns out like you.

    Alt text

    Pride for my country, mostly. Also, military service helps me get better jobs in the Canadian police force. There are different things yo

  • lol yea it just got really annoying cause we were playing versus and everytime i was with him he was like look its the racist asshole im reporting you lol

    I mean, it sounds kinda positive.... Jew free us = free the jews? He probably just wants to complain about something lol

  • Well said! Its knowing what it would do to my family that kept me from doing it when I was depressed.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Don't support it, like Kenny said "you stick it out" Suicide to me is kind of selfsih because you're just wasting your life and taking happiness away from other especially your loved ones...

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