Jane Elliott's Blue Eyes/Brown Eyes Exercise
i don't have much to say about the video so i'll let it speak for itself. After you finish watching it please leave your thoughts about the video and about the experiment below. Thank you and enjoy.
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Well I watched it, and I thought it was utter bullshit. At first I found it interesting, showing segregation and racism of something other than skin color. It seperated the groups and tried to pitch them against each other. I wanted to see people stand up for each other and show how much society is changing to accept racism as wrong but there was none. What surprised me was it wasnt because people thought it was wrong, it was because the "Bitch" (as she liked to call herself and I know why) wouldnt let them. If someone even for a second told her this was wrong, she would call them racist and have them kicked out.
I hoped after I saw this that it would keep on the whole eye color racism lesson but it didnt. She quickly turned it into a race issue, that pissed me off. I feel like her own prejudices of white against black civil rights time blinded her to seeing people thought it was wrong but if they spoke out they were racist. The entire thing seemed like it was putting WvB, "Looks like the white brown eyes arent accepting it" said the so called psychologists, when first of all it was the blue eyes.
It confused me when the black male talked about how racism isnt a problem with him, then immediately starts saying hes afraid to pick up his daughter from school because he thinks they will segregate her. Then the black woman saying that only blacks can be segregated, I was hoping someone would bring up religion, or a disability. Apparently everything can be changed except race, wrong. There seemed to be a Muslim woman there, did they ask how shes been treated about religion or her RACE. Nope because it was on only a pitted white vs black argument. No one learned from this, everyone just wasted their time with a biased old woman.
Well she switched it from the eyes to skin color because the eye color was just a metaphor but you know that. Yeah the black at first said it was a problem then it wasn't then back to it being a problem which was a bit weird. I think her putting down the blue eyed people for standing up was like when black people or anyone not white tries to stand and is shut back down. maybe i saw that wrong you can tell me. Well it wasn't really a religion debate so i don't know why'd they bring it up. I think her kicking up was also trying to show more subtle underline subconscious racism.
if you don't agree with me please feel free to correct me.
Well it could have been a metaphor but it was a sudden switch. Yeah but remember people with brown eyes tried to stand up like that one guy in the beginning. Also the black woman telling the white woman that her problems were NOT an example of being segregated, which first isnt true, second playing the victim then laughing. It didnt feel right, I kind of wished the black woman was an actress because things she said seemed like she did it to play the victim and making other black people feel victimized. I wanted someone to bring up religion because during the argument "You can change that! You cant change race", its not easy to change religion and I wanted her to say yes it is. I felt like the whole thing was only between 5 or 6 people, like everyone was too scared to join because they thought they might be classified as racist.
yeah they would've be called racist. this experiment usually works better in america but i still think it worked.
I dont see her methods ever work, racism is very slowly going away, shes bringing it back. I personally dont think she should teach, the childern she taught only learned how to have prejudice.
yeah i guess you could say racism is going but i think we live in a post-racist society at all. racism is subtle now, its not what they're saying its what they're doing. Its people saying things they think is ok but is actually racist but they don't know because no is telling them its wrong. I don't think racism is going anywhere honestly. its always been here always will be, that's just how i see it. I think we(non-white people) have to fight it and do as much as we can. we have to slip through all the cracks and take as many opportunities as possible.
(when i said we i meant me and other non-white people not we as in you and i because i'm pretty sure you're white.)
yeah of course get white people discriminated against no one is saying they don't but they deal with it like us and its not on a daily basis. We can be prejudice against you but never racist. and don't bring up reverse racism because it doesn't exist.
I dont feel like getting in an argument but yes you CAN be RACIST against white people. People, no matter the race, can and are bullied for it everyday. White,black,asain, its all the same.
eh..i don't feel like it either but can i direct you to this article explaining why we can't?
Oh I LOVE when someond directs me to TUMBLR for information
That was sarcasm, first off when something tells someone to "Check their privilege" in the first few sentences, I cant take it seriously. Racism is, no matter how much you deny, the hatred or intolerance of another race. This "New definition" is strictly opinion to allow that whole reverse racism thing to not work. Justice is justice, if there is enough proof to officially claim someone murdered someone then thats that thats up for the courts to decide. I really do hope you bring up George Zimmerman. So, yes, you can be racist against white people, that tumblr post didnt help your case in my opinion.
I kind of want to have a civil debate about this, so if you want to too, we can. If you dont, just tell me and we shall never talk about it again.
yes i realize using tumblr was a bad idea and i knew you would say that. that's why i've found a video which will better say what i'm trying to say. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dw_mRaIHb-M
A few things, first off, I hate the word reverse racism. Its racism, using that word victimizes black people to an extent to where if they are racist, its just a way to tell white people to "check their privilege". Let me ask a question before I continue, if black people are racist against asains what is it, or the other way around?
Anyway, yes, the past is absolute SHIT. Everyone did horrible things, Africans had tons of civil wars where they used each other as slaves. The Europeans just came in to make a profit, its horrible but Europeans didnt invade Africa and enslave everybody, Africa did that itself.
I dont think that Americans or Europeans say that African culture is inferior, hell Tumblr states that white people have no culture and we steal it from black people (I can post the video). Its usually the Middle East countries bomb and thats because of terrorism.
Hey, I respect your form of information this time.
yeah i see what you're saying a little bit. yeah i guess i could be racist to asians. Yes i know africans also enslaved each other that should be common sense. Now Europeans didn't invade and enslave everyone but they did invade and enslave some.
When we say you steal from you kinda do. Like with Elvis(old example i know) stole black people's song,way of dancing and style of singing but because he was white it was ok. Eminem(who i'm sure isn't racist by any means) does the same thing. Only difference is he can't help because he grew up around a majority of black people and that's just who he is. He's very aware of how much fame he gets because he's white and raps. He knows how ok white america is with him but some black person that sounds just like him. He's talked about this songs before.
and thanks i love comedy.
Yeah I love watching comedy shows, especially that one guy with the puppets (forgot his name).
Well can we come to an understanding?
Who we are depends on us individually, not our race,sexual preference, or gender. It depends on our character, you seem like a good man who wants equality, something I can definitely respect.
So, are we bros?
yeah can be cool i guess but you gonna understand something. Why didn't you respond to what i said about culture? you brought it up.
race,sexuality,gender and religion make so much of us. it forms how the world sees you and how the world sees you makes up how you see the world. so don't say it doesn't matter because it does very much. Those things make you an individual.
Well, I agreed, we all "steal" culture from each other, I rather call it sharing but yeah, we stole I guess.
I didnt say it didnt matter, I meant that the sterotypes of those doesnt matter, it matters on our individual character.
yeah its kinda stealing because they money with it.
They money with it?
made money. i was rushing.
Its okay, yeah this world sucks but on an individual level people can get along, like me and you.
well yeah but why are you trying to get me to be cool with you so badly?
I just dont like to have arguments/debates with someone and leave on a bad note. Its something personal.
hey sometimes you have to. i can't just agree with you and be cool with you after we just had argument, its kinda we didn't have the argument at all. but i get what you're saying.
Not sure what to say
Well you're years late lol. Good video.
That's the point of ths scenario sherlock. To show how it's like to be treated like trash and be outcasted.
yeah i am. a friend of mine posted it on facebook and thought it would be cool to see what the forums would say, considering i've gotten some not so nice stuff said whenever i talk about race here.
did you watch the whole video?
i mean i guess that's fine but you weren't thinking anything while watching it?
Yep, it's pretty good. Not really sure what to say about it though.
Not really as the original scenario stated. It was about eye color, NOT race, however for whatever reason she turned it to race.
we went over this yesterday. eye color was a metaphor for race.
It was a metaphor, however she abandoned that metaphor to directly talk about race.
well yeah she was probably gonna do that.
you weren't thinking anything while watching it?
Not really. Sorry.
I know you have a very serious strong standpoint on racism, as do I, thinking racism is wrong.
However for a moment come to an agreement to say this woman's teaching process is flawed. It worries me to learn she did this with children, which instead of teaching them about racism probably increased their probability to become racist.
yeah it could have made them racist. that's a possibility but i think some kids are smarter than that.