What's going to happen when we die?

in General Chat
I believe in god but what if it was all just a big LIE and when you die you can't move, see, and talk, for all eternity alone in darkness. That would be very scary and sad.
What do you think will happen when we die?
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Well it's a matter of belief really, no one's got an actual answer for what will happen once we pass. I personally believe in an afterlife.
I believe that we would become ghosts. I know it's cliché, but it'd still be kickass being one anyway!
We dream
I believe in God but I think I've convinced myself there is no after life, Honestly I think there's nothing after you die.
That is the question isn't it? Nobody really knows the answer sadly. As said above, there are many different things people think of what happens after death, like afterlife, being a ghost, dreaming, reincarnation, etc. But I think that we shouldn't focus on death, rather on life. If we dwell to much on death then we waste time in life, we have to just live life the best we can. And for some people that can be hard, but you have to keep on trying, and strive to be who you want to be.
I wouldn't worry about it.
I agree...Thats it.
It'll be like how you fell asleep last night: at some point, you'll go unconscious without knowing it, and instead of waking up some time later, you never will. That's all there is to it, and in my opinion there's no reason to believe otherwise. Everything we've learned about the world through scientific inquiry and the like points to further complex and greater systems, not any kind of omnipotent power that oversees everything.
On a side note, if any gods were real, you wouldn't need to have faith in them because you'd be able to doubt and question them like anything else in the natural world. The fact that faith is required for religious beliefs seems to me to point out that it's a social phenomenon unique to human beings, not to mention that there's no credible evidence for the basis of an afterlife, nor is there a reason to suppose that pre-scientific cultures somehow knew more and were "closer" to supernatural beings.
We know now of many biases in psychology that do a great job of explaining why people who are profoundly ignorant tend to be very confident in their beliefs, if only because they're ignorant of the lack of evidence that would support their own beliefs and they're ignorant of the evidence that their opponents don't know about that they would quickly use to prove them wrong if they weren't just as ignorant, too. The concept of bounded rationality is still new, but it's worth looking into if you want to appreciate what it means to be human.
Alternatively, what if it was all backwards, and the Devil was posing as god, using Christian (or whatever) beliefs to draw people to hell under the guise of eternal happiness? And the need for complete faith and going against the scientific acquisition of knowledge was just a way to prevent being found out? Not that you'd ever know, but still, the main point seem to be that people can make up whatever they like to create a narrative for their beliefs, which to me gives away the plot hole, so to speak, and reveals the whole show for what it really is.
I don't think there can be said to be a "we" after we die. Death is the complete cessation of all consciousness and perception. Pleasure and pain, happiness and sadness, comfort and fear--all wiped away and replaced by nothing. To call death nothingness doesn't even really capture it, since nothingness conjures things like darkness and silence. Death is the absence of even those. Complete and utter oblivion.
At first glance, this seems terribly grim and depressing, but I actually think there's a sort of comfort in knowing that any and all suffering ever experienced by any sentient being is permanently erased from existence at the moment of their death. Of course, we still ought to remember and acknowledge the suffering of our predecessors in order to prevent future suffering and make life as we live it as pleasant as possible.
I heard a rather blunt quote once, that goes something like this.
I'd rather spend my life believing in a God, and find out there's nothing in the end, rather than spend my life not believing in God, and finding out there is one.
It's one of the scariest things to think about, about what happens to us when we die. But, I've read some articles about what happens to people who survive near death experiences where they were actually considered dead but came back to life. They explained these incidences as oddly comforting, peaceful almost. I think it'll be scary no matter what we find out.
But, in case there isn't really and afterlife, I think it'll just be like sleeping. Only, it'll be the sleep we never wake up from. And if you ask me, sleeping is probably the best feeling in this world sometimes. So, it'll be eternal rest.
I would hope there is an afterlife where I would see the loved ones I've lost, but I don't know if there is. We will never now until we die
Or.....you know, aliens created us.
I'm not remotely religious, but I find it hard to believe that you simply stop existing once you're physical body dies.
It will be just like how it was all those centuries before you were born. Unconsciousness. Not the most romantic of ideas, but the most logical.
I don't dismiss any one religion's view on it, and have the utmost respect for the people that choose to have faith in something, but frankly, I don't think there's much on the other side. Maybe there's some sort of continued existence after your physical body dies, not unlike a prolonged dream or semi-consciousness. But...I don't see any utopias.
An afterlife...well, I just can't see this life being essentially a 'waiting room' for the supposedly eternal 'next life.' But the universe doesn't waste, and frankly, I don't find the idea of that too horrible.
I guess I'll find out eventually. Or not, and I'll just be dead either way. Won't be of much consequence to me at that point.
I'm a catholic who believes in Nietzsche's eternal recurrence
I believe we go somewhere after we die, but I don't have no clue where. The world is full of mysteries and unexplainable strange things...
That quote is, I think, referred to as Pascal's wager, and it doesn't make much sense because you wouldn't 'find out' there's nothing in the end if you believed your whole life as being dead is very much a non-experience. And what about believing and then finding there is a god, and not believing and there being no god? Seems to me that wager has only a 25% chance of paying off well for the living, and a 50% chance of being favorable for having good reason to just live as if there is no god, so I don't think a coin toss is much to argue about if it matters to people that much. Plus, according to scripture (if I recall), it wouldn't matter if you didn't believe in god your whole life only to find out there is one because as long as you don't renounce god in Jesus' name, you'll be forgiven.
Honestly, that would be pretty awesome to discover, but I bet a lot of people would still expect a reward for doing so, if only to try and get out of the fact that we're basically recycled nuclear waste.
I believe in reincarnation. There's no death. It's just a cross path between two lifes.
For all intents and purposes, though, the consciousness that exists in the first life is pretty much destroyed upon crossing to the second, isn't it? None of your memories carry over and you have pretty much no way of knowing what kind of previous life you had or whether or not you even had one at all. And since your memories and experiences play a pretty integral role in shaping your personality, what's really the "you" that carries over from one life to the next?
Dude, Its just a quote.
You carry a small part of your soul or your memory with you throughout all lives. For example, there's a very interesting book called "The Empire of Angels" by Bernard Werber that tells a lot about reincarnation. One of the main characters, a girl called Venus, was a Chinese merchant in her previous life. He commited a crime so his enemies killed his friend and buried the Chinese merchant alive with a corpse of his friend next to him. When Venus was just a fetus she had a twin that died before the birth. So she spent her time in a womb with a corpse next to her, just like she did in a previous life.
It might be kinda crazy, but I don't know much about reincarnation yet. I only started to think about it a short time ago and I plan to read some books or maybe find out more about this. I'm still not sure if I believe in it or not.
You sure? Maybe there wasn't unconsciouness, we just don't remember so far.
Ive thought about reincarnation a lot, I have a few ideas on the subject actually.
I'd love to believe in Heaven, but I'm sure that after we die there is nothing.
My belief is that you're not "you" anymore. The brain stops functioning, so any personality a person has ceases to exist anymore.
You decompose, your soft tissue erodes until only bones remain. The skeleton then stands the test of time and depending on how well it is preserved, it disintegrates.
When I was 7, my cat died. Adults would try to comfort me and say "Rainbow is in a better place now, she's watching over you. She is in kitty heaven." It made me feel better, but I never bought it. I knew my cat was truly gone, just a corpse. I instead found comfort in my memories of her, and knowing that her time on Earth was spent being cared and loved for. The only thing death leaves behind is memories held by the living.
Everything goes black. Forever.
I've been thinking a bit more about this since doing my living will a few weeks back.
I don't believe that anything comes after death. Consciousness dies with our brain, the body decomposes and that's it...freaks me the hell out, actually.
I've had relatives and friends die, and it sucks knowing that I'll never see them again, but that's just the way the world works, dust to dust.
When I was a kid, my cousin died of Brain cancer; I was five when she passed away. I remember at the service, I asked my mother if she was coming back. My mom explained to me that she was in Heaven; her soul left the body that no longer served purpose and she returned back home; she was now watching over the family, wished she could be here but we'd all be together again one day.
That being said, I'd like to HOPE that there is more at the end than just 'decomposing' in the ground and the world becoming black and that is that; nothing more, nothing less. I'd like to think that when you finally DO pass on, there is something more. What is it? Who knows. That is the beauty of life I suppose.
Besides, I'd like to see my cousin again when my time has come.
Ughh when I think about death my body becomes prickly and cold and I phase out I do it in class oh man it freaks the hell out of me!
Noone ever lived to tell the tale... (BADUMM-TSS)
Seriously though? No idea. I believe neither in god nor a afterlife.
But who knows, maybe there actually is something like it. A life after death.
I honestly believe the afterlife is just a romantic idea. Life in the Middleages was shit. Poor people were treated like garbage, and most of their lifes weren't even worth living. They needed something to hope for, and since life obviously didn't offer them anything, they hoped there was something else after death, something better. So, that's were that believe comes from.
Now, the fact it was only a hope doesn't render it impossible, but very unlikely. Did you notice that things like animal heaven are rarely discussed, if at all? Humans are supposed to be the worthiest creature that alone is allowed to go to heaven, and animals are 'not allowed'? Don't make me laugh.
If there is a heaven, I think it would be the other way around: Humans would be tolerated, maybe. But, after all, humans are a shitty species. I'm sorry, but it'a true. I think humans were an accident in evolution, a mistake that shouldn't have happened. Since their existence, the modern mankind has brought earth nothing but bad things. And they reserve themselves the right to be allowed in a magical paradise? Now that's ironic.
So, I think, maybe there actually is something like a paradise. But humans would be pretty unwanted there.
But only death will tell, and I hope to remain alive a little before being unwanted somewhere else :P
I also think there might be something like 'angels of death'. Multiple reports say that some dying patients in hospital or traffic victims seemed to be deeply afraid of something, and were talking about 'shadow people'. Maybe the afterlife isn't as nice as you think? Maybe they will take your soul to a prison for eternity. Or maybe there's a shadow world where you go after death.
But most likely there's nothing at all. Like before you were born. Just nothingness. That's the most likely.
Exactly. To me, it just doesn't make sense. We have to go somewhere - there's no way we can just stop existing... And with the paranormal experiences I've had, I know there's more out there.
what if when we die we'll wake up and this life would all be a dream and we'll be all hot and live a perfect life or bad life (depending on how you're living your life right now) everything would be the complete opposite.
another theory is you wake up or go at the moment where the cause of death was and avoid it so you can continue living on in a different universe like nothing ever happened but us in the universe you died in continues.
Recently scientists discovered other dimensions exist... afterlife maybe?
Why do we have to go somewhere? Our consciousness is housed inside our brains. We can actually alter our conscious experiences by directly manipulating the brain. So once the brain is destroyed, the consciousness housed in it is also destroyed. Just like if you smash a computer to pieces,the program inside ceases to exist.
;_ ; Damn...Dude.
I don't really know for sure. I guess I will find out on "the other side".
This may surprise you, but I'm...
XD I knew that.
Damn dude is a phrase commonly used by one of my favorite Youtubers.