Race and Racism



  • i mean well yeah because white people have been doing well for a long time.

    MtnPeak posted: »

    In the United States there is a Latino supremacist organization called "La Raza" ("the race") that advocates for illegal aliens. It's unfort

    • "some groups" = black people

    Yeah Asians are doing great but they still experience racism. I know you can succeed regardless of race but just because you're a minority doing well doesn't mean you don't experience racism.

    MtnPeak posted: »

    Problem with class division? You mean someone envying what other people have and then thinking they're entitled to it? No, "racial inequa

  • edited October 2014

    What do you guys think socially of not being sexually attracted to white people/black people/ any specific race?

    Do you think that's morally bad, or amoral?

  • racists can go and get killed slowly for what i care.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I'm white (and half polish), and racism should not be tolerated anywhere, if you are a racist, you can go drown yourself for all i care.

  • ooo that's a good question.

    Flog61 posted: »

    What do you guys think socially of not being sexually attracted to white people/black people/ any specific race? Do you think that's morally bad, or amoral?

  • I personally don't.

    Is it sexist for a man to not be attracted to other men? Is it sexist for a woman to be only attracted to men?

    ooo that's a good question.

  • i actually don't know

    PS: good question BTW :)

    Flog61 posted: »

    What do you guys think socially of not being sexually attracted to white people/black people/ any specific race? Do you think that's morally bad, or amoral?

    • well of course that's not sexist.

    I don't think its wrong necessarily but white women being the standard of beauty might have something to do with it. Like black women are told to straighten their hair or they should have lighter skin to be prettier.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I personally don't. Is it sexist for a man to not be attracted to other men? Is it sexist for a woman to be only attracted to men?

  • edited October 2014

    Oh of course we can examine the causes of it, but that doesn't answer whether it's actually immoral.

    Why is having a preference for the opposite sex 100% not sexist, but having a preference for the same race could be considered racist?

    The person might only be attracted to the opposite sex alone, as opposed to bisexual, because society has made him or her that way.

    If someone says 'I'm not attracted to men, I just don't swing that way' and someone else says 'I'm not attracted to white people, I just don't swing that way' are they both wrong or both amoral? Sexism and racism are wrong for the exact same reasons, so they can't really have opposite reactions: either they both are immoral or neither of them are.

    * well of course that's not sexist. I don't think its wrong necessarily but white women being the standard of beauty might have somethin

  • there's nothing wrong with a having a preference. i wouldn't call it immoral not to like a certain race. some people just don't like certain races and that's fine but sometimes a person doesn't like a certain race because they're racist. Not all the time but sometimes.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Oh of course we can examine the causes of it, but that doesn't answer whether it's actually immoral. Why is having a preference for the o

  • edited October 2014

    Wait, so the fact that wages have stagnated since 1980 despite increasing productivity (for the first time in modern history)? Did people suddenly start becoming more lazy then? Is income disparity the sole product of effort, and if so, why are there so many fluctuations over time (which curiously coincide with political and market forces). Then there's the issue of mimimum wage, wage theft, sales taxes, access to credit, tuition costs, etc. The ability to get out of poverty (and the existence of poverty itself) is largely a product of the social policies. To wonder why your $7.25 an hour doesn't pay the rent anymore isn't exactly envy. Sure, minimum wage jobs are supposed to be for young kids and a stepping stone to a better career, but that simply isn't true anymore. There are factors on a macro-level and to pretend otherwise is myopic at best. I very well may be mischaracterizing what you're saying, but I'm going based on the few specifics that you gave me (and admittedly, talking of 'envy' and 'entitlement' is a bit of a buzzword to me)

    I'm not particulary in favor of Affirmative Action; which I see as a 'wrong step in the right direction.' Though I didn't say minority groups were left in the lower classes because of racism; what I'm saying is a lot of minorities were poor because of racism, and though institutional racism is on the decline, so is class mobility (which is now worse than in the 'socialist' countries in Europe), and even if racism isn't keeping people poor, class factors are.

    You can make a legitimate conservative argument in regards to disintegration of the family (increased rates of single parent families, combined with declining real wages are obviously going to be disadventageous) and poverty, but to chuck it up increasing income disparity to envy is ridiculous. Plus, you mention 'look at Asians.' - Yes, look at the countries they come from, and you'll find Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Americans are all the whole doing much better on the whole than, for instance, Filippinos, Vietnamese or Hmong immigrants.

    Morever, I will say that I believe 'hard work' actually is overrated. Yes, you need to work hard, but you also need to have a complete life - hard work is a part of life not its sole purpose. You mention entitlement, and yes, I believe people are entitled to a certain standard of living irregardless. Basically, I'm a big believer in Roosevelt's Second Bill of Rights.

    Notice specifically the information he gives about Germany.

    MtnPeak posted: »

    Problem with class division? You mean someone envying what other people have and then thinking they're entitled to it? No, "racial inequa

  • I am a white American dude and I believe racism is wrong, but I will admit a have my prejudices towards some people.

  • really what people?

    I am a white American dude and I believe racism is wrong, but I will admit a have my prejudices towards some people.

  • I don't want to offend or get yelled at by people.

    really what people?

  • ok well start a private discussion with me.

    I don't want to offend or get yelled at by people.

  • edited October 2014

    People say I'm tanned, kind of white, but like a really light brown.

    Racism in the past was pretty brutal, basically what everyone else said. Not very fair, and wasn't really nice.

    Racism today is still messed up :p. I think it might be more subtle now because it's more unacceptable, and racists are not really tolerated, so being a racist will make people racist against that person, seeing the comments on this thread supports that statement. Everyone is born with their flaws, and if you're born a racist, then I don't think you should judge them for being a racist, they can't stop being a racist, it's just how they are, and it wouldn't be the same person if they changed. Everyone is different and unique in their own way, and no matter how bad a person is, they're still a person, deserve forgiveness, and need love. That's just my unpopular opinion xD.

  • I'm Hispanic and although we all know racism is bad, it's still very alive in people. And there's nothing we can do about it.

  • well i'm black and i know racism is alive but you can't let racism and those racist assholes keep you from doing what you want.

    Ellias posted: »

    I'm Hispanic and although we all know racism is bad, it's still very alive in people. And there's nothing we can do about it.

  • sucks if you fall in love with somebody who prefers another race lol

    well i'm black and i know racism is alive but you can't let racism and those racist assholes keep you from doing what you want.

  • A couple people posted that they are part Cherokee. When I read that, I thought of the classic rock song sung by Paul Revere and the Raiders. (They didn't actually write the song, but their version is the one that is most popular and recognizable.)

    Then, wouldn't you know it, but Paul Revere died this weekend! That is too many references to this song for me this weekend, so darn it, I'm going to post it!


  • yeah i guess

    Ellias posted: »

    sucks if you fall in love with somebody who prefers another race lol

  • and that's not what i meant.

    Ellias posted: »

    sucks if you fall in love with somebody who prefers another race lol

  • edited October 2014

    I'm a white man.
    I feel that, racism is wrong, both back then, and now.

    Slavery was indeed very wrong.
    However I don't feel that it's something that we, the white race, need to keep feeling guilty about.
    After all, it was over 150 yrs ago.
    And it was not something that we ourselves did, but rather, they were the acts of our great-great-grandfathers.
    And we are not responsible for their actions, as we were not alive during that time.

    And on that note, I also feel it's wrong that some in the black community keep wanting to use that against us.
    Like I said, it was over 150 yrs ago.
    And they themselves are not slaves today, but rather it was their forefathers who were.
    Perhaps it's time to let go of the past, and to move on.

    I hope other who read this will take note, that I've strived to be reasonable and civil in my response.
    I have not tried to slander anyone of any race, but rather have tried to present a balanced argument.

  • If you acknowledge you have them then why don't you work to rid yourself of them?

    I am a white American dude and I believe racism is wrong, but I will admit a have my prejudices towards some people.

  • edited October 2014

    In terms of race im close to Omid's race, im turkish but my grandfathers side descent from Iran i've been told recently, and as far as i know Omid is from there. Dunno if people consider that white or not.

  • edited October 2014

    edit: the letter was fake.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    I'm a white man. I feel that, racism is wrong, both back then, and now. Slavery was indeed very wrong. However I don't feel that it's s

  • I know I've already posted stuff from this channel, but their interviews are super interesting. If you watch the other videos, it goes over the historical racism surrounding the Civil Rights Movement, and (as I keep mentioning) how it is inextricable from economic and class factors. There is another great interview on the topic is with Professor Gerald Horne, who tracks race throughout the history from the American Revolution as well. The Real News really is one of the best channels out there.



  • I'm 3/4 Russian and 1/4 Mordovian. I do not tolerate racism in ANY way. Our society grows and people are becoming much smarter than previous generations. It means that it's game to finally become tolerant to everyone.

  • Jewish, Hebrew, Israeli.

    Needless to say, Neo-Nazism and general Antisemitism is thriving, both on the internet and out there, people are so ignorant I just want to go on a killing spree sometimes.

  • yeah don't take it that far.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Jewish, Hebrew, Israeli. Needless to say, Neo-Nazism and general Antisemitism is thriving, both on the internet and out there, people are so ignorant I just want to go on a killing spree sometimes.

  • Am I now?

    Alt text

    yeah don't take it that far.

  • Agreed, but it's important to draw a distinction between legitimate criticism of Israeli policy and anti-semitism, and to not conflate one with the other. In the US, the "new anti-semitism" argument is often used by the pro-Israel lobby to shut down any criticism of the Israeli government.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Jewish, Hebrew, Israeli. Needless to say, Neo-Nazism and general Antisemitism is thriving, both on the internet and out there, people are so ignorant I just want to go on a killing spree sometimes.

  • It's rarely used like that in here though... And if it is, we provide facts to back up anything we say.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Agreed, but it's important to draw a distinction between legitimate criticism of Israeli policy and anti-semitism, and to not conflate one w

  • i just saw the craziest video. watch the whole thing please. when you open the link scroll up to see the video.


    this is NOT ok.

  • edited October 2014

    Yes, by culture I mean family upbringing and other values. You know how black men have a much higher rate of incarceration and other problems than whites? Is that because of racism, as some like to say? No. Because studies have shown that black men raised by moms and dads who remained married WERE NO MORE LIKELY to have criminal troubles than their white counterparts. That tells me that being black (genetics) makes no difference and that racism (personal or the supposed "institutionalized" sort) is not any kind of determining issue here. The issue is the high rate of single motherhood among blacks. I wish people would stop treating some groups like they are perpetual victims who are supposedly always held back by racism. It's baloney. The real issue is culture and values (high priority on education, etc.)

    As for the differences between Asian groups, yes, Koreans are probably tops, in terms of group success, but Viets are also very successful as a group; the children of the 1970's refugees are, overall, among America's highest achievers. How, in one generation, did poor refugees fleeing war often with little wealth end up producing so many successful doctors, teachers, etc.? The important issue to look at is what cultural values (e.g., high importance placed on educational achievement) they share. Hey, if someone wants to succeed in school to get a a high paying job, they have to study hard. It's not any great mystery. No one is holding anyone back from bettering him or herself.

    Far from being overrated, hard work and self-responsibility are not valued enough. It means being able to take care of yourself, not having more children if you can't care for the ones you have, not having a mindset that blames everyone else for one's problems. Look at the high levels of dependency in some populations, and it becomes clear that cultural values are key.

    Finally, everyone can be a victim of racism. And anyone can be racist. It's just pathetic (and sadly too common) to see discussions of racism become "look at bad white people have been" and who can show the most white guilt. Whites can be victims of racism as well.

    Anyway, race itself should be deemphasized, in my opinion. Remember what MLK said. Unfortunately, we have all these "ethnic studies" programs and other ridiculous politically correct programs valuing racial group identity over all else.

    Racist programs like affirmative action value certain skin colors over others and emphasize group skin color identity. Discriminating against people, just because they are white, and encouraging "white guilt" is not any kind of way to promote equality. I say MLK, jr's approach is the way to go.

    Sarangholic posted: »

    Wait, so the fact that wages have stagnated since 1980 despite increasing productivity (for the first time in modern history)? Did people su

  • edited October 2014

    All white people are the same? Many white people are poor.

    Also, because, as a group, whites are more successful than some other groups, that excuses non-white group racial supremacy activity? If racial supremacy is wrong (and it is), shouldn't all supremacy groups be considered equally bad, no matter their skin color?

    i mean well yeah because white people have been doing well for a long time.

  • ok yeah i know there are poor white people. How stupid do you think I am?

    What's your definition of supremacy activity?

    MtnPeak posted: »

    All white people are the same? Many white people are poor. Also, because, as a group, whites are more successful than some other groups,

  • MtnPeak posted: »

    Yes, by culture I mean family upbringing and other values. You know how black men have a much higher rate of incarceration and other problem

  • what video is that? i have seen you posting a lot of pictures of retarded comments on that video.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Am I now?

  • dafuq is wrong with people?

    i just saw the craziest video. watch the whole thing please. when you open the link scroll up to see the video. http://britteryikes.tumblr.com/post/99446394468#notes this is NOT ok.

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