Would You Rather...

Just post Would You Rather questions here.
This thread works similar to "Answer above, ask bellow" in which you answer a would you rather question above and you ask a would you rather question below.
Here's mine:
Would you rather live through the zombie apocalypse or an alien invasion?
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Zombie apocalypse because I would know what to do lol I would kill so many walkers.
Would you rather play a video game based on a book or read a book based on a video game?
Play a video game based on a book.
Would you rather eat a live squid or a live rat?
A live squid because it doesn't bite back...
Eat whatever you want and never gain a pound or be able to get a full night sleep every night?
Full night's sleep, I already do the first one! Haha! (I'm gonna be so overweight when i'm 50 xD)
Would you rather know everyone's death date or your own?
Everyone's ,you could abuse that ability in so many ways,you could even become a famous prophet if you so desired
Same as NerdyGeek, a Zombie apocalypse
Would you rather swim through an Olympic size pool of menstrual blood or semen. lmfao
Zombie apocalypse, they are slow and easier to escape from i bet.
Olympic pool of semen...Im a guy...Yeah...
Would you rather suffer in horrible pain for the rest of your life or watch your best friend suffer that pain?
This thread reminds me of this dialogue from ME1:
Would you rather kill your family as zombies, or become a zombie yourself?
suffer in horrible pain for the rest of my life. I wouldn't want to see my friend suffer.
Olympic pool of semen (wading through a bunch of people's blood could get me aids) but that could get me pregnant (?) so I'd have to take some sort of morning after pill.
a quick stop at the drug store > having aids
But both options are incredibly disgusting.
Are you planning? XD
Live through a ZA because I would have a better chance of surviving.
Would you rather find the love your life and have the best time of your life with him/her only to have them die due to an illness, or would you rather marry someone who you aren't all too crazy about but not have them die before their time?
Give Larry a full head-to-toe sponge bath, soaping up all his deepest folds of wrinkly man flesh and his most personal crevices while he yells at you but is also slightly aroused (oh, and the sponge is actually your bare hands)
Feast upon every single maggot squirming around in a walker corpse, licking the walker's fingers afterwards and then spooning with it for the night (you would be the little spoon)
It seems like you REALLY thought about going swimming in semen...I mean, we wont judge.
Excuse me while I vomit at these examples... No, not at these examples, just near them.
starts vomiting.
Well Larry has charm coming out of his ass...
I wonder where else he has charm coming out of?
I'll have my own The Fault In Our Stars, I can't marry someone I don't really care about.
Then I DERN SURE pick the first option!
You'll find out if you pick Option 1
Easy, Zombie Apocalypse. Like, who knows just how advanced Aliens are. What if they could wipe out everything on Earth in just the span of a few minutes? Fuck that.
Would you rather...
A Snake for a tongue
Lobster Claws for hands?
Semen can very well give you AIDS too...just sayin'.
Would you rather give medical aid to a pregnant woman or a young child. The one you ignore will die.
Live through an alien invasion because of the laser pew pew guns.
Would you rather be a werewolf with uncontrollable and random transformations OR a vampire that has to feed off of blood packs for the rest of your eternal life?
Werewolf because Bigby.
Zombie apocalypse, video game based off book, live squid, full night sleep, my own death date, Olympic size pool of menstrual blood I guess(ew), I don't have a best friend so not answering
, kill zombie family, best time of life with love of life, Larry bath(more ew), snake tongue, pregnant woman, vampire.
Would you rather ship Cluke, or lick peanutbutter off a hobo's foot.
I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I would rather ship clu- nah I'd def lick that PB off his foot.
Would you rather kill yourself or kill your best friend?
It depends. I'd say zombies, but If they're the aliens from War of the Worlds I'd just have to wait until they all get sick and die. The Thing, Xenomorphs, or Body Snatchers are all no go.
Wait, that first part, was that a sentence?
I guess so? Why do you ask? I just put all my answers in one sentence. Does it really matter?
Oh, I didn't see people were all contributing their own questions... My b.
Both options sound like great fun! I'll do both!
That's the attitude!
Self. R.I.P me
I would rather live in a Zombie Apocalypse.