I had beeen sick for the past couple days and I didn 't even have a running nose. Now I get why. Wanna know? Well, if you said yes then it is because I now have a giacantick slime ball in my throat and I can 't talk, laugh or breath properly. Fuck my life.
Lel. I know it is meant to be a metaphor but the first second or two I was like "Oh, wait, I get it! They say that they are both hungry and if you feed them and shit!" and then I was "But wait.... What if they don 't mean it like that? Now I am confused.".
How could he sleep on his bag? This shit is always so uncomfortable, with all the books and stuff. It is also very dirty, if you think about it. I always get a headache from my bag. I tend to sleep on my arms and hands instead. If you manage to find the right spot then you are going to get a good nap.
There was this boy I took pleasure in annoying when I was in middle school. He always wore hoodies and I'd throw little paper balls in them since I sat behind him. Sometimes he wouldn't notice and he'd get up and like 50 of them would fall out LOL
There was this boy I took pleasure in annoying when I was in middle school. He always wore hoodies and I'd throw little paper balls in them since I sat behind him. Sometimes he wouldn't notice and he'd get up and like 50 of them would fall out LOL
What are you sorry about? What is going on?
I had beeen sick for the past couple days and I didn 't even have a running nose. Now I get why. Wanna know? Well, if you said yes then it is because I now have a giacantick slime ball in my throat and I can 't talk, laugh or breath properly. Fuck my life.
Faith in humanity lost...
Talk to me guys;_;
Did you let off a string of Negan style F-Bombs? I really hope you did.
I did, you can see it there xD
You kinda badass there.
Wanna hear a joke?
The revenge gifs...
I love you...
I can't do anything but believe that it was my fault...
I prefer to give things another chance...
But this is the last.
What videos do you watch, I would love to +1 every comment you make.
Lel. I know it is meant to be a metaphor but the first second or two I was like "Oh, wait, I get it! They say that they are both hungry and if you feed them and shit!" and then I was "But wait.... What if they don 't mean it like that? Now I am confused.".
I try to feed the white one, but the black one always snatches the food.
Not your fault the stake is too good for the black one to resist.
I always sleep in cairten classes as well. I don 't know why, but I know that the first two hours of the day are always the longest ones.
it was a video about the prime minister of Canada showing support for Israel.
Im going to guess youre from Israel?
How could he sleep on his bag? This shit is always so uncomfortable, with all the books and stuff. It is also very dirty, if you think about it. I always get a headache from my bag. I tend to sleep on my arms and hands instead. If you manage to find the right spot then you are going to get a good nap.
What gave it away? ;p
Well, I don 't take my clothes with me at school, I take all my books with me and my bag is not soft. So I doubt the same would go for me.
Do you guys really call us that? xD we past the civil war now bruh
Here it is always cold after mid October and always hot after mid April. WTF weather?
LOL, I don't think xD
You just need to use plenty of lube and make sure he is gentle with you, give him one more chance, you'll see.
Maddi, we aren't talking about the same thing. Mark and I... We don't need lube.
There was this boy I took pleasure in annoying when I was in middle school. He always wore hoodies and I'd throw little paper balls in them since I sat behind him. Sometimes he wouldn't notice and he'd get up and like 50 of them would fall out LOL
That's just my advice. Take it or leave it.
Edit: And I recommend the lube.
Okay... I'll use lube next time... I hope it works...
I always loved bugging my classmates as well. Especially if they are assholes.
I send my best girl friend after him

GTFO spell is the best