Gay Rights



  • Everyone has their opinion about who WE should be and live our lives. I'm a homosexual and have nothing to regret. My partner and I do not bother anyone about it or 'throw' it in their faces; my family accepts me and love me no matter what and honestly, that's all that matters.

    The fact that people uses the bible to 'bash' me is unacceptable in my eyes. Sorry for going all religious here but I don't appreciate a total stranger judging me for in the end, only God will make his final decision. I was taught that our lord loves ALL his children; this includes me and all those so called 'lost' souls. My family is Christian; we are SUPPOSED to love man kind, yet you take the bible and throw quotes in my face.

    I'm open to choices, for this is America and have the freedom to do so. I don't judge those that commit other actions that are considered a no no in the Bible; I have no right to judge because in the end, we will all have our chance.

    Enough said, we are all in the end as 'one.' We all have one big plan, a journey in this hell hole we called 'life.' One thing no one can take away is my pride. I'm proud of who I am. :)

  • That's not an argument against gays; it's an argument against the Bible.

    Just saying. I'm not against nor for it so please don't bash me. We are all humans, but this is what God says about gays. Leviticus 18:22

  • My opinion in a nutshell: (It's comedy and he's clearly using the word 'faggot' ironically - you can think of that how you like, but I'm talking about as far as gay marriage is considered).

    I'm totally in favor of Gay marriage; but one thing I think is correct that everybody says is wrong, is that in some cases you will have more people having gay sex as homosexuality becomes more acceptable. Sexuality isn't a binary, it's a scale, and some people who have homosexual inclinations (even if they're predominantly straight) will be more likely to act on them. People say that isn't true because saying more people will try gay relationships is a common fearmongering tactic, but it is true. That said, who cares? If that's what they're interested in, they try it - if they like it, they're happier for that; if they don't, big whoop, the world will go on.

  • ...

    Silence is a valid option

    Just saying. I'm not against nor for it so please don't bash me. We are all humans, but this is what God says about gays. Leviticus 18:22

  • I know this is a very controversial topic that arouses strong opinions

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    Do people still get uptight about this subject seriously wtf I can't understand it, straight or gay doesn't matter it's a free world and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it discrimination for being yourself , people more interested in who you are attracted to then your character or your actions defining and judging you over your sexual preference GROW UP I'm a catholic btw

    YES gay Marriage wtf love knows no preference or sexual orientation it is a beautiful thing that's belongs to everyone spread the love

    People go BIBLE THIS BIBLE THAT you could interpret any line in the bible to mean anything you want it's just a collection of stories I believe in god but the bible is to be taken with a hint of salt

    I'm straight but my gay friend is awesome so eccentric and full of life so sassy the guy is so funny XD

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    :'( gimme dat

    HEY HEY it's ok to be gay :D

    "Thanks Gusty. But it's just a piece of plastic.... breaks off pieces and throws it to @SergeantSnookie, @Elias, @xboxplayer_12, and finally @Gustav_Kenny. Everyone of you deserves it.

  • [removed]

    Cope49 posted: »

    Thanks for the definition...

  • Mr. Louis c. k. said the only person he would turn gay for is Ewan Mcgregor. (And he is the only man i would turn gay for... but don't tell that my girlfriend;)

    Sarangholic posted: »

    My opinion in a nutshell: (It's comedy and he's clearly using the word 'faggot' ironically - you can think of that how you like, but I'm tal

  • Glad to see people accepting gay people as actual people.
    I think they deserve equality as us.

  • well people say that gays are possessed by demons of homosexuality taken over their bodies, and sodom and gamora was destroyed because of it.

    if you read the above post i already stated im not against or for it, but you know if i have to have gay characters in my up coming short stories i will lol.

    iHeartTWD posted: »

    Glad to see people accepting gay people as actual people. I think they deserve equality as us.

  • as long as they don't try to convert me to their lifestyle i'll be cool with them

  • edited October 2014

    Wait, Ewam McGregor or Louis C.K.? I mean I guess if you want to be a bear's cub...

    Mr. Louis c. k. said the only person he would turn gay for is Ewan Mcgregor. (And he is the only man i would turn gay for... but don't tell that my girlfriend;)

  • edited October 2014

    I personally do not support homosexuality, nor homosexual rights.
    The main reason being in Leviticus 18:22; which states: "You ought not to lay with mankind, as you lay with womankind.
    It is an abomination." -(King James Version.)

    I endeavor to respect homosexuals as people, even though I do not agree with what what they do in their personal lives.
    And I hope, that they will show me the same courtesy.

  • yea i posted that in my first comments XD. I don't support it nor against it which means i'm cool with the lives of humans. i'm no homophob, but if they try to convert me like them i'm staying away from them lol.

    basically i'm saying i'm cool with them, and it doesn't actually say they going to hell. Those scriptures were talking about sodom and gamora those were the laws. God says as long as you repent and have faith in him you'll be saved. i know homosexualls who told me their revelations with God. God showed them signs and they still living a great life through the word. when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit that's when sin started.

    plus woman were the first Gays because while men where in Heaven as Angels, the woman of earth were mating with each other and having their own children through orgasims called the G-spot. also gays are the guardians of the heavens, and hermorphidites. so in order to get to Heaven you must go through them first when you deceased.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    I personally do not support homosexuality, nor homosexual rights. The main reason being in Leviticus 18:22; which states: "You ought not to

  • ...What...

    Why are you turning this into a religious thing?

    yea i posted that in my first comments XD. I don't support it nor against it which means i'm cool with the lives of humans. i'm no homophob,

  • sir I'm not the only one referring to God's word. The guy above me did, cope, and others. You're too late in the conversation my friend lol. and i said i don't have no issue or for it.

    ...What... Why are you turning this into a religious thing?

  • edited October 2014

    With all due respect, Men were here on earth, before women were created.

    In the Bible it states: "And God said: 'Let us make man in our image,'...... And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living soul..... And the Lord God said: 'It is not good that the man should be alone; I'm going to make a helper for him, as a compliment to him,'....... And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept; and God took one of his ribs, and closed and closed up the flesh thereof. And the rib which the Lord God had taken from th man, he made a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said: 'This is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man."- Genesis 1:26, 2:6-7, 18, 21-23. (King James Version.)

    yea i posted that in my first comments XD. I don't support it nor against it which means i'm cool with the lives of humans. i'm no homophob,

  • I agree. I do not want them; to use your own words: "Try to convert me," either.
    I'm am a heterosexual Man, and that's how it is.

    yea i posted that in my first comments XD. I don't support it nor against it which means i'm cool with the lives of humans. i'm no homophob,

  • Ewan McGregor of course, lol.

    Sarangholic posted: »

    Wait, Ewam McGregor or Louis C.K.? I mean I guess if you want to be a bear's cub...

  • "God's word" as in a bunch of homophobic men thousands of years ago in the Middle East.

    I'm not really late as I didn't want to jump in earlier but its kind of pissing me off now, I know you say you don't really care but from what you're posting on here, I kind of think you do.

    Cope didn't truly post anything about "God's word", he said its just between them and their God, you all however are saying its wrong because of the Bible. Listen I don't want to start anything here but I just wanted to put in my two cents, it makes me feel better.

    sir I'm not the only one referring to God's word. The guy above me did, cope, and others. You're too late in the conversation my friend lol. and i said i don't have no issue or for it.

  • Lmao at people saying they don't want gay people to "convert" them. I've known many many gay people in my life and never, NEVER have I heard of one trying to convert someone. It's actually other people that try to convert gays to be straight- "Maybe you'll like women if you had sex with one" or "You just haven't met the right guy yet."

    Also, it's not something you can "convert" to, and it sure as hell isn't a lifestyle. You are born gay. It doesn't matter if they realize it at 8 years old or 80 years old because it's not a choice, it's not something you can just snap your fingers to "change", and it never will be. Damn, the homophobia in this thread is strong. It's freakin' 2014, accept people for who they are even if they are different from you. Why must you people hold such hatred in your hearts?

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  • You're so goddamn right.

    Lmao at people saying they don't want gay people to "convert" them. I've known many many gay people in my life and never, NEVER have I heard

  • Lmao at people saying they don't want gay people to "convert" them. My cousin is gay, I know many gay people, and they sure as fuck aren't converting anyone.

    Sexuality is not a religion or a lifestyle! You can't convert sexuality. If you're gay, straight, bi, whatever, you can't change that, you were born like that.

  • Hate to do this, but... (courtesy of @Eddie_Maiden)

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    Lmao at people saying they don't want gay people to "convert" them. I've known many many gay people in my life and never, NEVER have I heard

  • Yup, I had to be that guy.

    You just had to be that guy? Way to ruin the message.....

  • You just had to be that guy? Way to ruin the message.....

    Lingvort posted: »

    Hate to do this, but... (courtesy of @Eddie_Maiden)

  • Yup, I just had to be that guy.

    I also happened to be the guy who's constantly afflicted with a "disappearing posts" glitch.

    You just had to be that guy? Way to ruin the message.....

  • Well, I'd appreciate it if next time you don't be that guy when it concerns an emotional post about a sensitive topic. It would be swell.

    Lingvort posted: »

    Yup, I just had to be that guy. I also happened to be the guy who's constantly afflicted with a "disappearing posts" glitch.

  • Someone's ought to do it, might just as well be me. I promise nothing.

    Well, I'd appreciate it if next time you don't be that guy when it concerns an emotional post about a sensitive topic. It would be swell.

  • Convert you to their lifestyle? Pray tell...

    I didn't think gay evangelism is a thing.

    as long as they don't try to convert me to their lifestyle i'll be cool with them

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited October 2014

    Once again. Gay evangelicals don't exist.

    Fuck, even if did, they'd probably be less annoying than the Jehovah's witnesses. Statement's like this bother me. You're a heterosexual man who isn't in prison. What do you have to fear from a homosexual, honestly?

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    I agree. I do not want them; to use your own words: "Try to convert me," either. I'm am a heterosexual Man, and that's how it is.

  • You can quote the Bible as much as you like, but that doesn't make your argument the absolute truth. Times and standards change. The Old Testament was written thousands of years ago and is a product of the times.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    With all due respect, Men were here on earth, before women were created. In the Bible it states: "And God said: 'Let us make man in our i

  • I think what some people meant is that they don't want gays to constantly flaunt it. I can understand it in a way. Have you ever seen a straight pride parade? Probably not. I don't see why sexuality should arouse pride or shame. I'm straight, but so what? Who gives a shit?

    Lmao at people saying they don't want gay people to "convert" them. My cousin is gay, I know many gay people, and they sure as fuck aren't c

  • Nothing with sexuality should arouse pride or shame.

    I think what some people meant is that they don't want gays to constantly flaunt it. I can understand it in a way. Have you ever seen a stra

  • Because minorities who remain silent get pushed into the margins of society.

    I think what some people meant is that they don't want gays to constantly flaunt it. I can understand it in a way. Have you ever seen a stra

  • Me to this thread
    Ok Go

  • edited October 2014

    Than how about the New testament?
    How about Jesus' teachings: "Do unto others, as you'd have them do unto you?"
    "Love thy neighbor,as yea do thyself?"
    To me, seems like Christ's teachings are still as applicable today, as they were back then.
    And Jesus lived almost two-thousand years ago.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    You can quote the Bible as much as you like, but that doesn't make your argument the absolute truth. Times and standards change. The Old Testament was written thousands of years ago and is a product of the times.

  • What about the others?

    Don't just say the ones that look good.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Than how about the New testament? How about Jesus' teachings: "Do unto others, as you'd have them do unto you?" "Love thy neighbor,as yea

  • He was talking about the old testament and stop bringing the bible up Florida man.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Than how about the New testament? How about Jesus' teachings: "Do unto others, as you'd have them do unto you?" "Love thy neighbor,as yea

This discussion has been closed.