A very,very cool individual(pardon the use of the "cool" word). The first thing that made me notice him was his unique threads on TWAU section. The "start a story" thread in particular. There was also a thread about a night at the movies with Fables which I took part in it as well:). Oh, and you can check his latest thread as well.
From what I been able to gather he also likes music from the 70's/80's. So, that also gives him a few extra points in my book.
Hell yeah, I still love listening to 70's and 80's music. And there's nothing wrong in using the word, cool. :P
I'm happy that you think so, Hairy! I'm just glad that I've been inspiring so many with the story thread, y'know? It's a shame not many other users would participate in my other creative threads, oh well. I've been thinking on bringing my creative side over to the Borderlands section eventually, so you can keep on the lookout for that if you'd like.
A very,very cool individual(pardon the use of the "cool" word). The first thing that made me notice him was his unique threads on TWAU secti… moreon. The "start a story" thread in particular. There was also a thread about a night at the movies with Fables which I took part in it as well:). Oh, and you can check his latest thread as well.
From what I been able to gather he also likes music from the 70's/80's. So, that also gives him a few extra points in my book.
It's a shame not many other users would participate in my other creative threads
That is true. Still, maybe they are not ready yet? Even if I don't participate in them, I surely do stalk them a lot:). Maybe someday I will decide to start my own fable, eh?:) Oh, and I will definitely keep a lookout for the Borderlands threads.
Hell yeah, I still love listening to 70's and 80's music. And there's nothing wrong in using the word, cool. :P
I'm happy that you think … moreso, Hairy! I'm just glad that I've been inspiring so many with the story thread, y'know? It's a shame not many other users would participate in my other creative threads, oh well. I've been thinking on bringing my creative side over to the Borderlands section eventually, so you can keep on the lookout for that if you'd like.
Maybe, just maybe. Hopefully more of them will change their minds someday and actually participate, whoever they are. Thanks for following my threads too, I appreciate it.
And whenever you do decide to make your own Fable, you are welcome anytime in our group to do so.
It's a shame not many other users would participate in my other creative threads
That is true. Still, maybe they are not ready yet? … moreEven if I don't participate in them, I surely do stalk them a lot:). Maybe someday I will decide to start my own fable, eh?:) Oh, and I will definitely keep a lookout for the Borderlands threads.
Don't know much about @Honzian , but he likes New Vegas (me too!) and says a lot of nice things about other people. That kind of attitude is a welcome change from some of the recent shit-slinging that's been going on around here.
Don't know much about @Honzian , but he likes New Vegas (me too!) and says a lot of nice things about other people. That kind of attitude is a welcome change from some of the recent shit-slinging that's been going on around here.
@BlueShadiw Is a skrub. Oh wait I have to say something nice, shit. Uhhhh he makes some pretty good jokes? Sometimes? OH that italic font makes him look fancy as fuck, there we go.
@BlueShadiw Is a skrub. Oh wait I have to say something nice, shit. Uhhhh he makes some pretty good jokes? Sometimes? OH that italic font makes him look fancy as fuck, there we go.
Much better.
@Dont_Look_Back seems like a very funny and friendly person! Sadly, I never talked to her.
Okay, then let's talk now. What's up?
The moon is up. Probably not the best time to talk, because I'll get to sleep soon, but it's still nice to meet you!
Nice to meet you too.
The peeps above seem like nice and chill people to chat with.
A very,very cool individual(pardon the use of the "cool" word). The first thing that made me notice him was his unique threads on TWAU section. The "start a story" thread in particular. There was also a thread about a night at the movies with Fables which I took part in it as well:). Oh, and you can check his latest thread as well.
From what I been able to gather he also likes music from the 70's/80's. So, that also gives him a few extra points in my book.
Hell yeah, I still love listening to 70's and 80's music. And there's nothing wrong in using the word, cool. :P
I'm happy that you think so, Hairy!
I'm just glad that I've been inspiring so many with the story thread, y'know? It's a shame not many other users would participate in my other creative threads, oh well. I've been thinking on bringing my creative side over to the Borderlands section eventually, so you can keep on the lookout for that if you'd like.
That is true. Still, maybe they are not ready yet? Even if I don't participate in them, I surely do stalk them a lot:). Maybe someday I will decide to start my own fable, eh?:) Oh, and I will definitely keep a lookout for the Borderlands threads.
@DirtySlimyHairy seemed dirty, slimy and hairy before I checked out profile page. Also, I guess you're a TWAU fan, which I like. Damn good game. :>
@fallandir Has played Fallout New Vegas, seems to have a great taste in video games (I like you already), also makes great quizzes.
Maybe, just maybe. Hopefully more of them will change their minds someday and actually participate, whoever they are. Thanks for following my threads too, I appreciate it.
And whenever you do decide to make your own Fable, you are welcome anytime in our group to do so.
Thanks. I like you too, man.
Don't know much about @Honzian , but he likes New Vegas (me too!) and says a lot of nice things about other people. That kind of attitude is a welcome change from some of the recent shit-slinging that's been going on around here.
@BigBlindMax has mad writin skills
@telltalemaster must control telltale, therefore he has the ability to change Nick's fate.
Thanks, I try.
Yeah i could but im just to lazy to do it, maybe next week or something
You mean Soon?
Or nooS?
Plays really good as Samus.
@Raging_Blades is one recognizable user, and seems cool.
Love the fucking name @Coffee_Lover
Coffee is love Coffee is Life
I've seen him around a bit, and he uses funny words like mcnizzle.
True that
Gotta bump this thread up.
@Ohyoupokedme is one smart, rational and nice user I haven't talked to. He/She also seems worried that other people are pocking him/her.
@Fallandir I love your profile pic xD
You're a calm and polite person.
I love trying to make people's day better.
@GoldenPaladin I see that amazing profile pic everywhere.
And you know it!
@dojo32161 likes Arvo, and that's ok with me.
@BlueShadiw Is a skrub. Oh wait I have to say something nice, shit. Uhhhh he makes some pretty good jokes? Sometimes? OH that italic font makes him look fancy as fuck, there we go.
I'm coming for both of you, sleep with one eye open tonight
I'll do you one better and sleep with both eyes open.
Anyway Imma sleep now so I won't reply to your next post. (WITH BOTH EYES CLOSED SKRUB)