We're discussing this because some people don't know when to keep their noses out of other people's business.
You have your opinion, yes, but you're bringing up arguments that you're unable to support.
Hail Homosexuality, full of aids, the queer is with thee.
Blessed art thou amonst Bisexuality and blessed is the one who died for you, Hetorosexuality. Holy Homosexuality, Father of Bisexuality, pray for us peasants now and in the hour of our fast. aids.
Hail Homosexuality, full of aids, the queer is with thee.
Blessed art thou amonst Bisexuality and blessed is the one who died for you, Het… moreorosexuality. Holy Homosexuality, Father of Bisexuality, pray for us peasants now and in the hour of our fast. aids.
Hail Homosexuality, full of aids, the queer is with thee.
Blessed art thou amonst Bisexuality and blessed is the one who died for you, Het… moreorosexuality. Holy Homosexuality, Father of Bisexuality, pray for us peasants now and in the hour of our fast. aids.
By that logic, then hat must mean that things like pedophilia, bestiality, and necrophilia; are ok, that those acts are not sick, perverted and repulsive.
That's not what you're saying, is it?
I hope that's not what you're saying.
Not convert me, as in turning into a homosexual.
But converting me, in the way of opinion.
That they would try to convince me that homosexuality is normal and acceptable.
By that logic, then hat must mean that things like pedophilia, bestiality, and necrophilia; are ok, that those acts are not sick, perverted and repulsive.
That's not what you're saying, is it?
I hope that's not what you're saying.
I grew up in a homophobic Christian family and I used to be a homophobe but as soon as I discovered Internet I changed my opinion on many subjects.
I'm still ashamed that I used to be a person that hates people with different sexuality and I really hope that my whole family will stop to discriminate gays too.
I grew up in a homophobic Christian family and I used to be a homophobe but as soon as I discovered Internet I changed my opinion on many su… morebjects.
I'm still ashamed that I used to be a person that hates people with different sexuality and I really hope that my whole family will stop to discriminate gays too.
Yes, Russian people are good but I just get a feeling that the church affects our government and our country too much. It's strange how USSR was a purely atheistic country and modern Russia is under the feet of the church.
The church all has it's effect on countries, and in some countries it has too much effect, like for example Russia, I could list others, but I'm toot ired.
Yes, Russian people are good but I just get a feeling that the church affects our government and our country too much. It's strange how USSR was a purely atheistic country and modern Russia is under the feet of the church.
I miss Uncle Stalin, wait, I'm going off topic.
The church all has it's effect on countries, and in some countries it has too much effect, like for example Russia, I could list others, but I'm toot ired.
I think a huge problem is that a lot of people believe in different things. Some people believe in Gay rights, some do not. Its just like when a huge topic of interest comes on , and people say their peace. Is Jane a good person, or is Kenny. Eventually you lose your objectivity, and if they don't agree with you instantly your labeled by some liberal.
That doesn't solve anything, you can't tell people how to think or believe. I personally think Gay stuff should be left to the voters. If the local governments want gay rights, then I'm all for it. I just think the federal government has no right to tell its citizens how to think, if the majority of people vote NO on gay marriage, the US Government should respect the choice made by the people.
You can't expect social progress to happen overnight. Its not realistic.
If we aren't supposed to care, why are we even discussing it? Why are we saying we are for/against gay people?
And you just judged every st… moreraight male republican based on your opinion while you're telling me I'm wrong for doing exactly the same thing.
Opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one.
If God made every one of us in his image, God must be gay himself to an extent.
Countless homosexuals believe in God, in all religions, and they're exiled, it's not what God wants, I don't believe it.. Even though it's said to be a sin in Leviticus, you can't say you're a pure person yourself, most people who resent the homosexual have sinned more than the homosexuals themselves, even though I don't believe it to be any harm to anything or anyone. Someone can say that they've sinned and believe that, but it's not true in my eyes, never, not until God himself tells it to me.
Even if it is true, for that God sent us Yeshua, the last and final sacrifice for our sins. Now we need to focus on being good people, righteous, giving, selfless and forgiving, the rest will be taken care of, and even if you don't believe in any religion, being a good person is important, more than faith and more than anything else.
Yes they are. People just don't want to admit it.
And one more father could never replace the love a child should get from his mother.
Gay people are treating women like a child factory.
Hey Daniel! You found the thread, okay, pray after me.
Hail Homosexuality, full of aids, the queer is with thee. Blessed art thou amonst Bisexuality and blessed is the one who died for you, Hetorosexuality. Holy Homosexuality, Father of Bisexuality, pray for us peasants now and in the hour of our fast. aids.
Hey Daniel! You found the thread, okay, pray after me.
Hail Homosexuality, full of aids, the queer is with thee. Blessed art thou amonst … moreBisexuality and blessed is the one who died for you, Hetorosexuality. Holy Homosexuality, Father of Bisexuality, pray for us peasants now and in the hour of our fast. aids.
I grew up in a homophobic Christian family and I used to be a homophobe but as soon as I discovered Internet I changed my opinion on many su… morebjects.
I'm still ashamed that I used to be a person that hates people with different sexuality and I really hope that my whole family will stop to discriminate gays too.
im againts ALL marriage. monogamy is a joke. okay no if you want to get married go ahead. also i aint got no problem with ppl who are homosexual getting married. in the summer people were making a huge deal cuz if micheal sam being drafted and kissing his bf. and all the people going crazy i was like wtf whats wrong. but people are stupid. do i like seeing man kiss? no i think its gross, but what can i do? nothing thats them being them. now if it was full on passionate making out then yes, but not cuz theyre gay cuz its inappropriate, even if it was a straight couple.
well tell tales is nice enough to be the first forum i know that lets users create other topics irrelevent to them. that why they made a section called other topics, but the topic should be forum friendly and not contain porn or threads threatening people, or outrageous topics. Keep the threads pg and mature lol.
We all do.
Yeah! Let's talk shit about religion but praise the almighty gay people. When did the human race stop believeng in God?
Yeah, me too! They are really all good people,and yet they can be harsh sometimes too.
Hail Homosexuality, full of aids, the queer is with thee.
Blessed art thou amonst Bisexuality and blessed is the one who died for you, Hetorosexuality. Holy Homosexuality, Father of Bisexuality, pray for us peasants now and in the hour of our fast. aids.
Sometimes, I just don't get people in general.
Did you just made that up? You should be a writer.
i don't get it. are you against it, or for it lol
I'm for it. lol
lol oh
. I respect each and every one of you as my neighbor and friend.
''Respect thy neighbor, and love everyone as I loved you'' ''Those who hate and slander thy neighbor is not a child of God''
I'm christian, and i'm fine with homosexuals, in fact, i support it. Gay rights!
Don't forget Gary rights too.
By that logic, then hat must mean that things like pedophilia, bestiality, and necrophilia; are ok, that those acts are not sick, perverted and repulsive.
That's not what you're saying, is it?
I hope that's not what you're saying.
Not convert me, as in turning into a homosexual.
But converting me, in the way of opinion.
That they would try to convince me that homosexuality is normal and acceptable.
That's not what I meant. >.>
Everyone is mistreated in America, unless your a famous actor or lying politician.
Gay people have it great in America, If they disagree they can go to a country like Saudis Arabia and see how they're treated over there.
Just one group of people seem to cry the most. See how Muslims treat you when insult their religion.
Well, I'm straight, and I don't think it's disgusting to see two men kissing.
No i don't discriminate, I am a rude to everybody.
Well unless your a vet, or female. Then well we all have our weaknesses.
I grew up in a homophobic Christian family and I used to be a homophobe but as soon as I discovered Internet I changed my opinion on many subjects.
I'm still ashamed that I used to be a person that hates people with different sexuality and I really hope that my whole family will stop to discriminate gays too.
Russia everybody!
Kidding, Russians aren't bad, my uncle married one.
Yes, Russian people are good but I just get a feeling that the church affects our government and our country too much. It's strange how USSR was a purely atheistic country and modern Russia is under the feet of the church.
I miss Uncle Stalin, wait, I'm going off topic.
The church all has it's effect on countries, and in some countries it has too much effect, like for example Russia, I could list others, but I'm toot ired.
Don't worry, I know how it is to be TOOT IRED.
I haven't been TOOT IRED.
I think a huge problem is that a lot of people believe in different things. Some people believe in Gay rights, some do not. Its just like when a huge topic of interest comes on , and people say their peace. Is Jane a good person, or is Kenny. Eventually you lose your objectivity, and if they don't agree with you instantly your labeled by some liberal.
That doesn't solve anything, you can't tell people how to think or believe. I personally think Gay stuff should be left to the voters. If the local governments want gay rights, then I'm all for it. I just think the federal government has no right to tell its citizens how to think, if the majority of people vote NO on gay marriage, the US Government should respect the choice made by the people.
You can't expect social progress to happen overnight. Its not realistic.
Yeah, but some of them stink more than others.
If God made every one of us in his image, God must be gay himself to an extent.
Countless homosexuals believe in God, in all religions, and they're exiled, it's not what God wants, I don't believe it.. Even though it's said to be a sin in Leviticus, you can't say you're a pure person yourself, most people who resent the homosexual have sinned more than the homosexuals themselves, even though I don't believe it to be any harm to anything or anyone. Someone can say that they've sinned and believe that, but it's not true in my eyes, never, not until God himself tells it to me.
Even if it is true, for that God sent us Yeshua, the last and final sacrifice for our sins. Now we need to focus on being good people, righteous, giving, selfless and forgiving, the rest will be taken care of, and even if you don't believe in any religion, being a good person is important, more than faith and more than anything else.
Have a good day
Excuse me? Gay people are treating women like a child factory?
What about the Catholic church? TO THEM THE WOMEN ARE NOTHING BUT A BROOD MARE.
Hey Daniel! You found the thread, okay, pray after me.
Hail Homosexuality, full of aids, the queer is with thee. Blessed art thou amonst Bisexuality and blessed is the one who died for you, Hetorosexuality. Holy Homosexuality, Father of Bisexuality, pray for us peasants now and in the hour of our fast. aids.
Hail fuk u fg0t fukk of skRuB.
Daniel, you do realize that you're calling me a faggot on a thread about gay rights, right?
Don't be too ashamed. Your family drilled it into your head that being gay was bad. I hope they come around sometime.
Its really simple. If you're against gay marriage than stop marrying gay people!
im againts ALL marriage. monogamy is a joke. okay no if you want to get married go ahead. also i aint got no problem with ppl who are homosexual getting married. in the summer people were making a huge deal cuz if micheal sam being drafted and kissing his bf. and all the people going crazy i was like wtf whats wrong. but people are stupid. do i like seeing man kiss? no i think its gross, but what can i do? nothing thats them being them. now if it was full on passionate making out then yes, but not cuz theyre gay cuz its inappropriate, even if it was a straight couple.
I don't know why people are talking about this on the Telltale games website... but I don't think there is anything wrong with being gay. (^0^)/
I made this thread to hear what people's opinions are. That's what this entire section is for.
well tell tales is nice enough to be the first forum i know that lets users create other topics irrelevent to them. that why they made a section called other topics, but the topic should be forum friendly and not contain porn or threads threatening people, or outrageous topics. Keep the threads pg and mature lol.
anyone else got a say on this topic?