Who was Who?

Who do you think it was Faith or Nerissa?

Vote here: http://strawpoll.me/2219404

It's not that well done but who cares?


  • edited July 2014

    I think Nerissa was faith all along.

  • I think Nerissa was faith all long, I think Nerissa has been dead before Bigby met her. I think Faith pretend to be Nerissa and try to make amends for stealing the photo and use it as blackmail against Georgie, Crain and the Crocked man

  • I think Nerissa was dead, And it was Faith disguised as Nerissa in the end.

  • Well how about this what if she is neither ever thought of that maybe its the crooked man trying to escape

  • The Crooked Man is either dead (thrown down the Witching Well, or his head is ripped off), or turned into a crow and sent to the farm (he can be seen in the truck). I think that it was Nerissa glamoured as Faith in the beginning, and in the end she told Bigby it was her in the beginning, who was glamoured as Faith to motivate him to solve the case.

    Joker1997 posted: »

    Well how about this what if she is neither ever thought of that maybe its the crooked man trying to escape

  • Faith is dead. Just look at the post game statistics. The Faith we met at the beginning was actually Nerissa glamored.

    Alt text

  • edited October 2014

    My theory is that the 'Nerissa' we met was actually Faith all along.

  • Wrong theory. Nerissa is alive, just look a the special stats.

  • edited October 2014

    Just because it says deceased for Faith doesn't make it final. It could be Telltale's way of tricking the player. After all, they cut out a lot of stuff from the game anyway.

    Faith is dead. Just look at the post game statistics. The Faith we met at the beginning was actually Nerissa glamored.

  • Guuys, now look what I've found!

    Alt text

    Any thoughts?

  • edited October 2014

    You're not the first one who noticed. :P

    Apart from that, it could be a popular purse brand.

    TheZorkij posted: »

    Guuys, now look what I've found! Any thoughts?

  • edited October 2014

    Illuminati confirmed.

    TheZorkij posted: »

    Guuys, now look what I've found! Any thoughts?

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