people don't bully because they are scared, they do it because of two reasons only, 1 its how they were brought up they get their morals fro… morem their parents, our parents give ideas what are accepted and what are not. 2 socially, the places that person has been, every where they go they talk to people and find out about things, these people are different, and because this is so they must be treated this way. the person take aboard what they tell him / she because they don't want be leaved out, they don't want stand of the crowed, if the crowed is doing this its better to do the same as them.
All those name calling comes from the past, sure there are new rude words that people make up but the ideas behind them come from the past, this person is not accepted and because of this. To have a brighter future we might agree that the past should stay in the past, the future is decide by the next generation. understand and acceptance make world work smoother, everyone gets along with everyone else.
I would be like...
So that's where the crying noise is coming from.
Sorry, I always cry when I'm nervous.
Lots of drugs happened to her.
I wanna do that.![:o :o](
Lmao! Just don't fall and hurt yourself.
We're loungers and...
Dan Grover for President!
Okay, I'll avoid everyone in this thread...
See you guys in 9 hours.
I posted this a loooong time ago.![:o :o](
Lmao, really? I just typed Taco Bell gif because I was craving it, and I found it. Thought it was hilarious.
I should start going to church.
This lady's Jesus game is strong.
She snorted 7 lines of pure Jesus.
Laced with a tad of Satan for a little extra kick.
I wake up and realize I'm still alive.
Today sucks.
Rather spiffing song.
This gif is the spookiest gif ever made.
As I said, it depends on the viewer. But you have some very good points right there.
Yeah, you have to be kind.![:\ :\](
The look like some short of bead.
Yeah babe!
high fives
Hiding from the gallows
(you have to find a better way)
I walk with shadows
(the questions I will never say)
Hiding from the gallows
(they keep me safe and sound)
So I walk in shadows
(the ways of burning down this house)
I'm so fucking trying this
Keep it and raise it as my own
Jesus... not even once.
Sorry I'm late
I knew you before the fall of Rome
And I begged you to let me take you home
You were wrong, I was right
You said goodbye, I said goodnight
It's all been done
It's all been done
It's all been done before
I knew you before the west was won
And I heard you say the past
was much more fun
You go your way, I go mine
But I'll see you next time
It's all been done
It's all been done
It's all been done before
And if I put my fingers here, and if I say
"I love you, dear"
And if I play the same three chords,
Will you just yawn and say
It's all been done
It's all been done
It's all been done before
Alone and bored on a thirtieth-century night
Will I see you on The Price Is Right?
Will I cry? Will I smile?
As you run down the aisle?
It's all been done
It's all been done
It's all been done before
I don't even know who you are, but
high fives
You will learn me.
drifts away into the dark like a creep
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BBBBbebeeebbebebeebboboboooboo ddduduuddduuududdududodotuduudududududuodoodududududududuodududdududududuodudududuoddududo
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