What's Up?
Seeing as the TWD forum is a ghost town with the occasional new thread popping up every once in a blue monkey, (like that one thread says there's, "Nothing left to discuss) I decided to check out the Telltale Talk section. How are you all doing? What's your favorite movie/TV show/video game/etc. at the moment or just at all? From my avatar, you could probably tell that I'm enjoying The Legend of Korra. Right now I'm also re-watching Avatar: The Last Airbender with my family and we're loving it. Currently playing Final Fantasy XIII for the first time, and it's a gorgeous game to look at. Also looking forward to the new Game of Thrones game as that should be fun as well. Anything you can recommend or anything you just want to say, you can say it here bros.
Hello, my name is Viva and I've been alcohol free for 1 day.
My favorite movie is Avatar or Lion King. My favorite game is either TWD or/and TLOU. Though I enjoy many other titles immensely. My favorite current TV show is TWD (I don't watch TV much) and my favorite show of all time is by far Avatar: The Last Airbender. My favorite past time is working out and drinking, but not at the same time. That's not fun. I love science and stories. I hate humanity but love the thought of what we could accomplish. This is my life.
Hello there. I am not going to say my real name, but you can call me Chuck. Everyone calls me that anyways.
My favorite movie has to be Schindler's List. That film hit me in all the right places for it to be my favorite. A few other movies that I highly recommend are Oldboy (2003), Forrest Gump, GoodFellas, and Pulp Fiction. I'm a big movie snob. My favorite game has to be Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. I am a gigantic fan of the GTA series ever since I was a young'n. I'm friggin excited for GTA V next-gen.
A few other games I love are TWD, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Bioshock, and Red Dead Redemption. I don't watch TV mostly because it doesn't interest me. My favorite subject is math, and I love analysis on things like movies and tv shows. I'm not too big on reading books, but I am currently reading The Shining by Stephen King.
I can get severely stressed in situations that seem overwhelming, but I am learning to control that. I'm not going to go into too much detail about me though. Also, my favorite characters in video game history are Clementine and Bloody Mary as you could tell from my profile picture. Credit to TheZorkij for making it for me.
Oh umm hello, name is Melanie!
My current favorite movie is Tangled and Let the right one in. My favorite show right now is probably Fruit basket (also reading the manga). And last but not least my favorite game is umm well I guess I been kinda stuck to the walikng dead game but I am kinda getting into the resident evil games. So...yeah
Gas prices.
RE, huh? I have played all of them, RE6 was my least favourite but still spent 400 fucking hours on it. Well done self.
Thanks, Obama.
My favorite show is Korra right now of course B] and I love to play smash bros (any version, mainly melee right now) and visit this site in my free time. I also checked out your bio and saw that you're on that Korrasami hype train. I too was getting a Korrasami vibe from the latest episode :P
Hi, I'm Lingvort, and I'm an alcoholic.
I have quite a lot of favourite games, so I'll limit it to the one I was keeping a close eye on - Dragon Age: Inquisiton. Already bought it, and once it goes live, I'll play it ASAP.
Hello, I'm Daniel and I'm addicted to crack-cocaine (ayy lmao)
My favorite shit is SnK (Attack on Titan) and Death Note. I guess GoT is my favorite real show, even though I like anime better (holy shit GoT anime). Favorite movie is "Stand By Me" and favorite video game... I'd have to go with Sly Cooper, my fucking childhood, also the Far Cry series and The Binding Of Isaac (Rebirth is awesome).
Hi Viva! Congrats on being alcohol free! Nice Uncle Iroh avatar by the way. I love Avatar: TLA, it's so amazing. Re-watching it has made me appreciate it even more. What is it like to work out and drink at the same time? Curious, as I have not touched an alcoholic beverage yet. Agree on humanity and stories, which is probably why I like TWD as well.
Hi Chuck, you have some good taste all around. (Well you're on TTG's forum, so you must have good taste, haha). Love Stephen King, he's a legend. I agree, it's tough to stay calm in stressful situations, but it's essential because the moment you've lost your cool, you've lost. That profile picture is incredible. Who would have thought that Clementine and Bloody Mary would go so well together?
Hi Melanie! So I looked up Let the Right One In expecting some kind of LMN drama. Boy was I wrong.
Which Resident Evil's are you playing? My personal favorite is RE4.
Haha you and I both opened with an AA greeting. XD
Haha, yeah ever since the last episode, where the blush happened, I've been really taking a closer look at Korra/Asami's relationship. There was something after she beat Zaheer, before Jinora's tattoo ceremony. I think they held hands. Back then, I didn't take it as much, but man, the writers are teasing now lol.
"What going on between you two?" Oh Mako, if you only knew.
Hiiii Lingvort
I took inspiration from you, Viva. However, I've decided not to go with "alcohol free" approach. "Alcohol free" ain't fun, lol.
Hi Daniel. Dude, you excited for the game? Looks pretty sweet. I loved Stand by Me to.
looks around for a hidden bottle of apple cider
finds it
in drunken Kenny's voice Foooound it.
Iroh is one of my favorite characters from the series. He's soo inspirational and even when he keeps getting shot down, yelled at, and betrayed, he always has his nephew's back. Plus his quotes are top notch! I just recently got finished rewatch in the series. It's actually the first time I had ever seen the last 5 or 6 episodes ever. Like, since they were released 6 years ago. Totally depressed that's it's over
Depending on how much you drink it can be really awful. Push ups and puke. They don't go well together
What's up, I'm Golden...This is AA right?
Well, I don't have a real good movie but Disney is pretty good. :P
Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed, and any Telltale games are my favorite. Really looking forward to Tales From the Borderlands.
YEYSESYESYSEYSEYYSESYE I'M SO GODDAMN EXCITED!! I'm buying the Kyrat edition for the PS4 :P
Also I can't wait for the next Sly game, it's been teased but fuck I never heard about it since the latest one came out..
Yeah my alcohol free streak ended last night. Damn tequila... back to square one.
That would be so cool for the cartoon to cross that line out in the open. But Nick being such a big company I doubt they would risk any of their wallet coin. Especially with the cartoon being aimed at children and most parents not wanting their kids to be introduced to the controversial topic so early.
EDIT: Did you know Asami was, in development, going to turn "bad guy" sometime during the first (or was it second?) season?
How can you not love Uncle Iroh? Who could hate a face like that? And I feel I'm gonna be depressed when Legend of Korra ends, but not as much as when TLA ended.
Well, LoK's new episodes are only online for the moment. The thing for me is "What do they have to lose?" LoK is ending. Both the Mako/Korra and Mako/Asami relationships just kind of sucked. The creators did a wonderful thing in TLA with Toph, as her blindness wasn't something that she let crush her, but rather something she embraced and took advantage of. I would be so impressed if they did something like this for Korra/Asami.
And about LoK being aimed at children, there is some pretty violent things there. Pretty "adult" things. We see death by suffocation. Someone's head exploding (off-screen). Bloodbending, which bends the victim's limbs in unnatural angles. Amon's murder suicide. Korra is repeatedly tortured physically, mentally and emotionally. Psychologically speaking, it's different to be a teen/adult and watch LoK, than being a child and watching it. Adults will see the darkness behind what happens, while children will be ignorantly innocent of what happens. If the show can show all kinds of suffering, from murder to torture, what's wrong with showing two strong women in a stable relationship?
Wasn't Asami originally written to join General Iroh the 2nd? Or something like that...
We aren't alcoholics we are festive celebrators. Its the season. I'm not really interested into anything other than guns, hunting, taxidermy, the last game i played i think was Silent hill four about a month ago.
Heyo, I'm Shubbalubbadingdong, but you can call me Shubba for short :P
My favorite movie(s) would probably be the Dark Knight trilogy. My favorite TV show is the Walking Dead (of course). Tomb Raider (reboot), Borderlands 2, Skyrim (but thats kind of a "eh") and the Walking Dead and Wolf Among Us are some of my favorite games.
Really looking forward to Tales from the Borderlands and Game of Thrones and I'm gonna get Borderlands Pre Sequel soon, I'm just kinda low on money right now. And I'd recommend Wolf Among Us to you if you haven't played it yet (from your post, it looks like you've only played Walking Dead and planning on playing Game of Thrones).
Hi Shubba! You have good taste in games. I love both TWD and TWAU, although more leaning towards TWAU at the moment. It looks like some great games are coming in the future. Never really got into Borderlands, but with the new Tales from Borderlands coming out, that might change.
I wonder if it is actually just teasing or they're going to make it an actual thing :P
It's canon. You saw the last episode right?
Not canon yet, but we can hope it'll become canon :P
Replies to almost everyone but me...
Haha sorry, was kinda distracted. Listening to soundtracks from FF13, Legend of Korra, and Avatar: The Last Airbender. I kind of scroll up and down quickly, so missed your post. Sooooo....
What's up Golden! And yes this can be AA or whatever you want it to be.
I love Disney movies, have you seen Big Hero 6 yet? Pretty good dude.
Nice picks! Good franchises. This might be the game that draws me into the Borderlands universe. I'm fed up with FPS, so that's why I never took the time to get into Borderlands.
Them being online doesn't matter. They're still aimed at a children audience. TLOK is ending, but Nickelodeon the multi-billion dollar corporation is not, and they didn't get rich by giving the consumers something they didn't want. Toph was completely different, though, seeing as she had a disability. I guarantee there wasn't a single parent out there saying "I don't want my kid to see a blind girl just yet." Whereas I'm sure a lot of parents, whether supporting of the cause or not, don't want to introduce their youngin' to the topic as of yet. It makes thinks more confusing, or it's at the very least something they aren't ready to discuss with their child. I'm not saying I object to the idea in anyway. As I said, I would absolutely love it if they brought the idea to fruition. I just don't see them being that.... "before their time."
The violence depicted in the animation is mild, even for the implications of what it entails. I'm not saying it isn't dark, I'm saying it's tempered to the mind of a kid. It's why they never explicitly say the Earth Queen is dead and the like. It is heavily implied and any mature person can infer it without due reason to rethink it, but a child would likely not piece it together and if they did it wouldn't have the effect it would if they were to show the aftermath (EI Katara from the original and her constant internal (which sometimes becomes external) struggle with her deceased mother. Southern Raiders is one of my favorite episodes. It felt so genuine!) or the body. Again, to reiterate, there is nothing wrong with showing "two strong women in a stable relationship," I just don't see the producing company being willing to risk anything.
My guess is she was meant to replace / join her father. That's just my guess though. I don't know anything more than she was supposed to end up being bad but she was just too cool of a character.
Can only hope and pray
I was just messing with ya.
I was joking with the whole AA thing.
I want to see that but...You know November is broke-ember.
Borderlands has a great story over looked because of the FPS part.
Yeah, definitely check out Tales from the Borderlands, its gonna be awesome. One reviewer even said if you're not a fan of Borderlands games, you'll like this one.
By putting it online, a much smaller albeit still large fanbase watches. I totally get the whole parent wanting to shield their child thing. My thing is that some people see LGBT people as having a disease/disability, much like Toph and her blindness was a disability to her. The creators did a great job in showing that it wasn't a disability, but a natural part of who she was. Bryke (Brian and Mike) the show creators have done a good job in throwing in small references to more mature themes and if they were to take that step into dangerous territory (same sex couple on a cartoon) I would truly be proud of them for pushing the boundaries.
My opinion is that this show treats all its viewers the same way. The great thing about ATLA/TLOK is that it knows that there are older, more mature fans and it appeals to them as well. It doesn't sugarcoat the details. We see the Earth Queen's air literally being sucked away. Like I said, Korra is tortured and abused in full view. She suffers. She feels depressed. She feels useless. She feels human. It's what makes us cheer or laugh or groan or cringe. This is why Korrasami is just a natural progression in the order of the show. They've built something up that can be seen as more than friends. It's up to them on how they choose to resolve it.
Take the safe route and just stick Korra with Mako or alone, even though that would make no sense in relation to the buildup of Korra's relationships. Or be completely honest and finish the season in the way that you feel is right. If that's Korra/Asami, then hey, I'll be really happy. Don't give a damn about what the networks will think. At the end of the day, you have told the tale of a marvelous legend in a world unlike anything on TV