Dear Guys, I can't thank you enough for everything you have done for me, you're all like a 2nd family to me, sometimes we run into some bump… mores but no matter what happens I love you guys, Your Friend and Brother-In Arms, Hopeless
Dark Angels Part 2: The Hunt Chapter 2
Arin Osco
Sparker is a real asshole, I can tell why Jordan was pissed so I let that bastard have it
Sparker: HA HA!!!!!!!!!!! That's it! Pathetic...
Jordan Wilkerson: Not even close Punches in the stomach then keeps hitting
Arin: He deserves it.
Constance: Yeah, but not this way and not now
Arin: Debatable.
Sparker: Oh, think you found my ticklish spot there Jordan! and Arin you think that I deserve any harm? You all had potential until you were corrupted by the lies of politicians and fighting wars you have no business in...
Jordan Punches one more time
Sparker: And you Jordan.... I'm gonna kill your friend Arin here and make you watch as his hea… [view original content]
name: John Lottmann
Age: 20
appearance: Dark hair, blue eyes, Muscular but not entirely buff,
personality: Clever, funny, mean occa… moresionally,
Alliance/group: Main group
Other info: good with gun, but uses a blunt object to avoid too much noise unless the gun is completely necessary
Dear Guys, I can't thank you enough for everything you have done for me, you're all like a 2nd family to me, sometimes we run into some bump… mores but no matter what happens I love you guys, Your Friend and Brother-In Arms, Hopeless
Dark Angels Part 2: The Hunt Chapter 2
Arin Osco
Sparker is a real asshole, I can tell why Jordan was pissed so I let that bastard have it
Sparker: HA HA!!!!!!!!!!! That's it! Pathetic...
Jordan Wilkerson: Not even close Punches in the stomach then keeps hitting
Arin: He deserves it.
Constance: Yeah, but not this way and not now
Arin: Debatable.
Sparker: Oh, think you found my ticklish spot there Jordan! and Arin you think that I deserve any harm? You all had potential until you were corrupted by the lies of politicians and fighting wars you have no business in...
Jordan Punches one more time
Sparker: And you Jordan.... I'm gonna kill your friend Arin here and make you watch as his hea… [view original content]
name: John Lottmann
Age: 20
appearance: Dark hair, blue eyes, Muscular but not entirely buff,
personality: Clever, funny, mean occa… moresionally,
Alliance/group: Main group
Other info: good with gun, but uses a blunt object to avoid too much noise unless the gun is completely necessary
Dear Guys, I can't thank you enough for everything you have done for me, you're all like a 2nd family to me, sometimes we run into some bump… mores but no matter what happens I love you guys, Your Friend and Brother-In Arms, Hopeless
Dark Angels Part 2: The Hunt Chapter 2
Arin Osco
Sparker is a real asshole, I can tell why Jordan was pissed so I let that bastard have it
Sparker: HA HA!!!!!!!!!!! That's it! Pathetic...
Jordan Wilkerson: Not even close Punches in the stomach then keeps hitting
Arin: He deserves it.
Constance: Yeah, but not this way and not now
Arin: Debatable.
Sparker: Oh, think you found my ticklish spot there Jordan! and Arin you think that I deserve any harm? You all had potential until you were corrupted by the lies of politicians and fighting wars you have no business in...
Jordan Punches one more time
Sparker: And you Jordan.... I'm gonna kill your friend Arin here and make you watch as his hea… [view original content]
Well we're getting ready for the mission to get Jack,We captured Sparker already and this time we don't have to capture our target, we can fucking end him
Agent 123: Well you and your team are rested up now so you're going on the mission now, But before you leave take one more guy.
Jordan: Who?
Agent 123: He's new to the business but he'll do fine considering his experience, His name is John LottMann, You'll meet up with him at the plane.
Jordan: Okay. Agent 123 walks off and starts talking to someone else
Arin: Hey Man, How ya doing?
Jordan: Okay, Lynne Left, And we're gonna have one more guy on the team.
Arin: So when she wanted to talk, you didn't get laid?
Jordan: Just Shut Up.
Arin: Whatever you say, I see how you look at her.
Jordan: I said Shut Up.
Arin: Fine, Fine Walks to Plane
John Lottmann: Hey there, I'm John , I've been told I'm joining your team.
Arin: Yep.
Constance: Hey Kid.
When I looked at John, he reminded me so much of Hopeless, I didn't know what to say but I'm not gonna let anything happen to him
Elsa Houten: Hey Guys, What's that you got there John?
Jordan: You've met already?
Elsa Houten: Yeah, He already ran into Me, Javier and Jacob.
John: It's a machete, Sometimes I don't like using guns because of the noise, and it's always good to have a backup.
Javier: A machete? No No, That's a Bigass Machete
Jacob: Hell Yeah, What are gonna hunt Rambo? Some water buffalo?
John: Nah, Probably just some guy who's good with computers and is standing right in front of me talking about GodDamn Water Buffalo.
Constance: I think we should call the kid "Rambo" he does have a bigass knife and his first name is John.
Arin: good Idea Constance bu Shots Fired by "Rambo"
Javier: He can just Let it Go.
Jordan: Let's just leave.
Elsa Houten: I swear to God Javier one more and i'll.......
2 Hours Later
Jordan and Arin are in the Pilot and Co-Pilot seats with the rest of the team in the back of the plane
Arin: What do you think happened to Jack?
Jordan: What do you mean? What made him go Irish Potato Thief on us?
Arin: If you wanna call it that.
Jordan: I don't know and I really don't think I care, He killed a friend and crossed the line, It's gonna be Game Over for him.
Arin: We're not taking him in?
Jordan: Oh we're taking him in, In a body bag.
Arin: Okay, Be that way.
John: Hey Guys, Jordan can I talk to you for a sec?
Jordan: Sure, What do you wanna talk about?
John: About this team, I haven't been around long but I can tell you want this Jack guy bad, I'm just wondering, Why?
Jordan: I don't want to talk about it but if you want to know, Read this file Jordan hands over Mission File
6 hours later
Javier: Where are we now Amigos? Las Vegas?
Jordan: Actually the Cape Horn, Africa, Jack's gonna be making a deal here and this is where we are going to take him out
Javier: YES! No More capture Bullshit.
Elsa Houten: Keep your pants on Javier, We don't want anything bad to happen.
John: Let's do this.
Jordan: Jacob you in place and have the communications in line?
Jacob Voice: Hell Yeah, Let's Terminate this bastard.
Arin: Fuck
Jordan: What's Wrong?
Arin: Looks like he's here early.
Jordan: Damn, Everyone get in place, Elsa Arin, and Constance you to set up on the left of those storage containers, Javier you go up on that ridge, should be a good sniper angle if anything goes south like last time, And John you're gonna be with me and hit from the right.
Jacob Voice: And i'm that guy no one mentions that hears everything you guys say if you have those earpieces in.
Constance: On it, Ready to learn a lesson kids?
John: Watch it grandpa
Constance: Cool your Jets Rambo.
Jordan: Positions Now!
Jack comes and gets out of car
Jack: Gary you better have gotten that shipment to Vicente or else i'll fuckin shoot your balls right now.
Gary: Yes Sir, I got the shipment to him. But you wouldn't shoot my balls.
Jack: If you fuck up enough, Maybe.
Other Dealer Arrives
Jack: Rick! Nice to see you man, Now let's talk about our arrangement.
Rick: I have 500 pounds of crack for you now, And another 250 later.
Jack: Nice, And I have those M-4s you wanted plus a shipment of grenade launchers as a bonus for our cooperation.
Jordan: Javier take him out
Javier: My pleasure.... Shot Fires
Jack: Get Down!! Squats behind car
Javier: Motherfuck Reloads
Jack: Anyone hit?
Rick: Nope, Any ideas on who these guys are?
Gary: Fuck if I know
Jack: It's Jordan and his Mutts....
Rick: Who's Jordan? and How would you know it's him?
Jack: I just killed one of his pathetic shits, And I know because I was one of them a long time ago....Another Sniper Rifle Shot Fires
Jacob Voice: Attention guys, They have reinforcements coming in watch out.
Jordan: Okay, Arin, Elsa and Constance you guys go in now.
Elsa Houten: Copy.
2 Black Vans with Reinforcements in them arrive*
Constance: Let me show you how we did it back in the day kids.... Takes out Grenade Launcher
Arin: Holy Shit....
1 Black Van blows up
Gary: Holy Shit!!!!!!!!!!! We are fucked, we're so fucked!
Jack: God Dammit Gary, Shut The Fuck Up....
Rick: Don't worry I have a copter coming in, It'll be at least 10 minutes though
Gary: We might not have 10 minutes, HOLY SHIT, HOLY FUCKING SHIT
Jack: GARY SHUT UP! We still have a few reinforcements..........
Javier Snipes one in the head
Rick: How many of those guys left?
Jack: Looks like 5....
Elsa Snipes another
Gary: 4....
John Snipes one more of them
Gary: 3.....
Constance: Fuck this shit Pulls out Double Barred Shotgun and shoots 2 more of them
Gary: 1....
Jack: We can't just sit here, Screw this, I'm going out........
Jack Runs Starts Running Away
Jordan: JACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jacob Voice: Get Jack, Everyone aim and shoot at Jack!
Rick: Gary, you fucking idiot follow me and Cover Jack
Rick pops up and starts returning fire with a pistol where Elsa, Arin and Constance are, then Gary does the same with an AK-47
John: Go, Get the Runner!
Jordan starts chasing Jack
Jack: Fuck a dead end.
Jordan: Hello you son of a bitch Pulls out pistol
Jack: I'm out....
Jordan: Not my problem
Jack: It actually kinda is.......
Jordan: How's that?
Jack: You kill me now, You prove that you're a coward, you fail to avenge Hopeless and he will have died in Vain. The only true way to prove that you're not a coward is to fight me like a man..... So what do you say Jordan? Want to be a man or do you want to be a disney princess?
Dark Angels Part 2: The Hunt Chapter 3
Jordan Wilkerson
Well we're getting ready for the mission to get Jack,We captured Sparker alrea… moredy and this time we don't have to capture our target, we can fucking end him
Agent 123: Well you and your team are rested up now so you're going on the mission now, But before you leave take one more guy.
Jordan: Who?
Agent 123: He's new to the business but he'll do fine considering his experience, His name is John LottMann, You'll meet up with him at the plane.
Jordan: Okay. Agent 123 walks off and starts talking to someone else
Arin: Hey Man, How ya doing?
Jordan: Okay, Lynne Left, And we're gonna have one more guy on the team.
Arin: So when she wanted to talk, you didn't get laid?
Jordan: Just Shut Up.
Arin: Whatever you say, I see how you look at her.
Jordan: I said Shut Up.
Arin: Fine, Fine Walks to Plane
John Lottmann: Hey there, I'm John , I've been told I'm join… [view original content]
Dark Angels Part 2: The Hunt Chapter 3
Jordan Wilkerson
Well we're getting ready for the mission to get Jack,We captured Sparker alrea… moredy and this time we don't have to capture our target, we can fucking end him
Agent 123: Well you and your team are rested up now so you're going on the mission now, But before you leave take one more guy.
Jordan: Who?
Agent 123: He's new to the business but he'll do fine considering his experience, His name is John LottMann, You'll meet up with him at the plane.
Jordan: Okay. Agent 123 walks off and starts talking to someone else
Arin: Hey Man, How ya doing?
Jordan: Okay, Lynne Left, And we're gonna have one more guy on the team.
Arin: So when she wanted to talk, you didn't get laid?
Jordan: Just Shut Up.
Arin: Whatever you say, I see how you look at her.
Jordan: I said Shut Up.
Arin: Fine, Fine Walks to Plane
John Lottmann: Hey there, I'm John , I've been told I'm join… [view original content]
Dark Angels Part 2: The Hunt Chapter 3
Jordan Wilkerson
Well we're getting ready for the mission to get Jack,We captured Sparker alrea… moredy and this time we don't have to capture our target, we can fucking end him
Agent 123: Well you and your team are rested up now so you're going on the mission now, But before you leave take one more guy.
Jordan: Who?
Agent 123: He's new to the business but he'll do fine considering his experience, His name is John LottMann, You'll meet up with him at the plane.
Jordan: Okay. Agent 123 walks off and starts talking to someone else
Arin: Hey Man, How ya doing?
Jordan: Okay, Lynne Left, And we're gonna have one more guy on the team.
Arin: So when she wanted to talk, you didn't get laid?
Jordan: Just Shut Up.
Arin: Whatever you say, I see how you look at her.
Jordan: I said Shut Up.
Arin: Fine, Fine Walks to Plane
John Lottmann: Hey there, I'm John , I've been told I'm join… [view original content]
Dark Angels Part 2: The Hunt Chapter 3
Jordan Wilkerson
Well we're getting ready for the mission to get Jack,We captured Sparker alrea… moredy and this time we don't have to capture our target, we can fucking end him
Agent 123: Well you and your team are rested up now so you're going on the mission now, But before you leave take one more guy.
Jordan: Who?
Agent 123: He's new to the business but he'll do fine considering his experience, His name is John LottMann, You'll meet up with him at the plane.
Jordan: Okay. Agent 123 walks off and starts talking to someone else
Arin: Hey Man, How ya doing?
Jordan: Okay, Lynne Left, And we're gonna have one more guy on the team.
Arin: So when she wanted to talk, you didn't get laid?
Jordan: Just Shut Up.
Arin: Whatever you say, I see how you look at her.
Jordan: I said Shut Up.
Arin: Fine, Fine Walks to Plane
John Lottmann: Hey there, I'm John , I've been told I'm join… [view original content]
Dark Angels Part 2: The Hunt Chapter 3
Jordan Wilkerson
Well we're getting ready for the mission to get Jack,We captured Sparker alrea… moredy and this time we don't have to capture our target, we can fucking end him
Agent 123: Well you and your team are rested up now so you're going on the mission now, But before you leave take one more guy.
Jordan: Who?
Agent 123: He's new to the business but he'll do fine considering his experience, His name is John LottMann, You'll meet up with him at the plane.
Jordan: Okay. Agent 123 walks off and starts talking to someone else
Arin: Hey Man, How ya doing?
Jordan: Okay, Lynne Left, And we're gonna have one more guy on the team.
Arin: So when she wanted to talk, you didn't get laid?
Jordan: Just Shut Up.
Arin: Whatever you say, I see how you look at her.
Jordan: I said Shut Up.
Arin: Fine, Fine Walks to Plane
John Lottmann: Hey there, I'm John , I've been told I'm join… [view original content]
Thank You! I wonder what @Markd4547 will think of it.
At the sametime i want to get Jake since he kill Hopeless... But, he's also a character that i submitted. So now i'm a bad guy. >:P
name: John Lottmann
Age: 20
appearance: Dark hair, blue eyes, Muscular but not entirely buff,
personality: Clever, funny, mean occasionally,
Alliance/group: Main group
Other info: good with gun, but uses a blunt object to avoid too much noise unless the gun is completely necessary
XDDD I never laughed so much all the cursing, puns, cursing, joking references, violence, NEESON and insanity the best so far just awesome :'D
You said Cursing twice Damn, I didn't realize I put that much in xD, Also Jack or Vicente?
Can I still be a main character? I was a little late with administration.
Yeah, I actually think I might be able to introduce you next part
Just to clarify by Main Group do you mean Team Member?
and also you can take out the part with the blunt object I thought this was a zombie thing
Well, I can fit that in, But thanks for the character!
thanks! Excited to see myself next part. Also, can I get a release date?
By next part I meant chapter so probably tomorrow
I'll check it out
Though choice. Vicente is probably the more dangerous out of the two. But Jack made it personal, so Vic has to wait a little longer.
Target Jack
Target Vincente
I have an Idea that's almost a complete duplicate of this fanfic. Can I do it, and credit you in it?
Long as it isn't too similar to this one
ok. The plot's similar, but different characters and other things go wrong
I am excited for part 2
Dark Angels Part 2: The Hunt Chapter 3
Jordan Wilkerson
Well we're getting ready for the mission to get Jack,We captured Sparker already and this time we don't have to capture our target, we can fucking end him
Agent 123: Well you and your team are rested up now so you're going on the mission now, But before you leave take one more guy.
Jordan: Who?
Agent 123: He's new to the business but he'll do fine considering his experience, His name is John LottMann, You'll meet up with him at the plane.
Jordan: Okay. Agent 123 walks off and starts talking to someone else
Arin: Hey Man, How ya doing?
Jordan: Okay, Lynne Left, And we're gonna have one more guy on the team.
Arin: So when she wanted to talk, you didn't get laid?
Jordan: Just Shut Up.
Arin: Whatever you say, I see how you look at her.
Jordan: I said Shut Up.
Arin: Fine, Fine Walks to Plane
John Lottmann: Hey there, I'm John , I've been told I'm joining your team.
Arin: Yep.
Constance: Hey Kid.
When I looked at John, he reminded me so much of Hopeless, I didn't know what to say but I'm not gonna let anything happen to him
Elsa Houten: Hey Guys, What's that you got there John?
Jordan: You've met already?
Elsa Houten: Yeah, He already ran into Me, Javier and Jacob.
John: It's a machete, Sometimes I don't like using guns because of the noise, and it's always good to have a backup.
Javier: A machete? No No, That's a Bigass Machete
Jacob: Hell Yeah, What are gonna hunt Rambo? Some water buffalo?
John: Nah, Probably just some guy who's good with computers and is standing right in front of me talking about GodDamn Water Buffalo.
Constance: I think we should call the kid "Rambo" he does have a bigass knife and his first name is John.
Arin: good Idea Constance bu Shots Fired by "Rambo"
Javier: He can just Let it Go.
Jordan: Let's just leave.
Elsa Houten: I swear to God Javier one more and i'll.......
2 Hours Later
Jordan and Arin are in the Pilot and Co-Pilot seats with the rest of the team in the back of the plane
Arin: What do you think happened to Jack?
Jordan: What do you mean? What made him go Irish Potato Thief on us?
Arin: If you wanna call it that.
Jordan: I don't know and I really don't think I care, He killed a friend and crossed the line, It's gonna be Game Over for him.
Arin: We're not taking him in?
Jordan: Oh we're taking him in, In a body bag.
Arin: Okay, Be that way.
John: Hey Guys, Jordan can I talk to you for a sec?
Jordan: Sure, What do you wanna talk about?
John: About this team, I haven't been around long but I can tell you want this Jack guy bad, I'm just wondering, Why?
Jordan: I don't want to talk about it but if you want to know, Read this file Jordan hands over Mission File
6 hours later
Javier: Where are we now Amigos? Las Vegas?
Jordan: Actually the Cape Horn, Africa, Jack's gonna be making a deal here and this is where we are going to take him out
Javier: YES! No More capture Bullshit.
Elsa Houten: Keep your pants on Javier, We don't want anything bad to happen.
John: Let's do this.
Jordan: Jacob you in place and have the communications in line?
Jacob Voice: Hell Yeah, Let's Terminate this bastard.
Arin: Fuck
Jordan: What's Wrong?
Arin: Looks like he's here early.
Jordan: Damn, Everyone get in place, Elsa Arin, and Constance you to set up on the left of those storage containers, Javier you go up on that ridge, should be a good sniper angle if anything goes south like last time, And John you're gonna be with me and hit from the right.
Jacob Voice: And i'm that guy no one mentions that hears everything you guys say if you have those earpieces in.
Constance: On it, Ready to learn a lesson kids?
John: Watch it grandpa
Constance: Cool your Jets Rambo.
Jordan: Positions Now!
Jack comes and gets out of car
Jack: Gary you better have gotten that shipment to Vicente or else i'll fuckin shoot your balls right now.
Gary: Yes Sir, I got the shipment to him. But you wouldn't shoot my balls.
Jack: If you fuck up enough, Maybe.
Other Dealer Arrives
Jack: Rick! Nice to see you man, Now let's talk about our arrangement.
Rick: I have 500 pounds of crack for you now, And another 250 later.
Jack: Nice, And I have those M-4s you wanted plus a shipment of grenade launchers as a bonus for our cooperation.
Jordan: Javier take him out
Javier: My pleasure.... Shot Fires
Jack: Get Down!! Squats behind car
Javier: Motherfuck Reloads
Jack: Anyone hit?
Rick: Nope, Any ideas on who these guys are?
Gary: Fuck if I know
Jack: It's Jordan and his Mutts....
Rick: Who's Jordan? and How would you know it's him?
Jack: I just killed one of his pathetic shits, And I know because I was one of them a long time ago....Another Sniper Rifle Shot Fires
Jacob Voice: Attention guys, They have reinforcements coming in watch out.
Jordan: Okay, Arin, Elsa and Constance you guys go in now.
Elsa Houten: Copy.
Constance: Let me show you how we did it back in the day kids.... Takes out Grenade Launcher
Arin: Holy Shit....
1 Black Van blows up
Gary: Holy Shit!!!!!!!!!!! We are fucked, we're so fucked!
Jack: God Dammit Gary, Shut The Fuck Up....
Rick: Don't worry I have a copter coming in, It'll be at least 10 minutes though
Gary: We might not have 10 minutes, HOLY SHIT, HOLY FUCKING SHIT
Jack: GARY SHUT UP! We still have a few reinforcements..........
Javier Snipes one in the head
Rick: How many of those guys left?
Jack: Looks like 5....
Elsa Snipes another
Gary: 4....
John Snipes one more of them
Gary: 3.....
Constance: Fuck this shit Pulls out Double Barred Shotgun and shoots 2 more of them
Gary: 1....
Jack: We can't just sit here, Screw this, I'm going out........
Jack Runs Starts Running Away
Jordan: JACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jacob Voice: Get Jack, Everyone aim and shoot at Jack!
Rick: Gary, you fucking idiot follow me and Cover Jack
Rick pops up and starts returning fire with a pistol where Elsa, Arin and Constance are, then Gary does the same with an AK-47
John: Go, Get the Runner!
Jordan starts chasing Jack
Jack: Fuck a dead end.
Jordan: Hello you son of a bitch Pulls out pistol
Jack: I'm out....
Jordan: Not my problem
Jack: It actually kinda is.......
Jordan: How's that?
Jack: You kill me now, You prove that you're a coward, you fail to avenge Hopeless and he will have died in Vain. The only true way to prove that you're not a coward is to fight me like a man..... So what do you say Jordan? Want to be a man or do you want to be a disney princess?
Jordan will fight Jack
Fight Him
He killed me, but he's me now, so... Yeah.
Well Rick and Gary were introduced
I know... But i have a bad feeling that someone's going to get a triple kill...
Just out of curiosity, Who would that someone be? (I wasn't thinking of doing a triple kill, nice idea, jk)
No idea :P
Name: Zack
Age: 20
Personality: Calm, Quiet, Psychotic, Impulsive, Short tempered
Group/Alliance Evil Role
Thank You for the character!
Yay! I'm not dead yet!
Also fight Jack
I have an idea for an evil character:
Name: Diana Wilshire
Age: 20
Appearance: She is beautiful, and wears black clothes.
Personality: Seductive, manipulative, Strong, witty, hates the whole group
Evil role
Other info: Good shot with gun,
XDDD that is awesome bro
Shoot Jack
Shoot Jack
If they do it his way he might win. Good reason not to do it his way.
Fight Him
excited to see how the fight will turn out
When's the next part?
Later tonight.