Well Celeste doesn't seem to know where she is at times but I'm sure her amnesia will be cared at some point! Phillip was quite abusive and might have forced some things on poor Celeste. It seems the pigs might've ticket Naoto into thinking she could see Luke again, although I don't think it's possible to ressurect death XD not even Makoto can, he just took the power and used it against them! Yeah got several papers and the end of the semester is coming up so I gotta get those done
That's quite the fight! I'm still none-the-wiser as to who Celeste and Philip are, but seeing Naoto back explains some things. That Goldiloc… moreks sure is a piece of work - I just hope Makoto will be okay!
And those pesky college shenanigans! shakes fist :P
Well, I'm glad some of this is being answered; I know my GF got confused for a bit but after I explained, it made sense to her, especially the whole Echidna thing.
Georgie and Lyla were told that each of their children had a destiny as they became older; Katie would join the Council member and finally end the war between Fables and Folkers. Junior would sacrafice himself for a loved one (that taking Mary's place in the mirror) Peter is to be the next Sheriff of Fabletown, Emily became the new Georgie Porgie of Fabletown, not too sure about Ethan or RJ yet and Penny is the next Black Knight.
Only the Black Knight can stop the Evil with the swipe of his or her sword; Hope IS the Evil and now everyone is concerned that to destroy the Evil, Hope has to die by the hands of Penny.
And Mary and the babies. Always ready to battle and help their family when needed.
The pieces of the puzzle are starting to fit into place! Remus' explanation and Echidna mentioning the hunters answers some questions. Just … morehow is Penny the key, though? And can Hope be saved? Got me hooked for the next chapter!
Also, I love Mary and the babies wanting to help! XD
Anyways, I'm not trusting Rose and I'll tell you why: her sneaking around, watching and acting a fool makes me wnder WHAT she has planned. Rose is not new to the wrong side of the tracks, so I often think she has something up her sleeve.
Chapter 19
The Farm
Robert was pleasently surprised to see Lyla sitting in the passenger seat of the Truck. Rose, however, seemed more… more annoyed and felt her apperance was an inconvinence. She sat in the back, while Robert tried to strike up a small conversation with Lyla.
"I'm....sorry for earlier. Glad you are here, though."
He could feel his heart thump widly against his chest. Lyla didn't budge but simply kept her glance out and towards the road. She never made a response to Robert. He took that as her answer, as he took a seat beside Rose. Snow finished her conversation with her sister, took her place behind the wheel and headed to the Farm. The traffic wastouch and go, as they left the city behind and headed down a dirt road.
Snow greeted a man at the gates, as he tipped his hat to the passengers. Robert smiled, as they headed to the main village. Snow parked to the side, as the three riding along exited the Truck. Lyla str… [view original content]
Hopefully the baby will not inherit Jackson's abilitites to jump through mirrors and have shards of glass covering the body. That pregnancy would be painful but Scar seems like she'd be able to handle it. I love the names of the boy and the Charlotte is indeed a beautiful name; the meaning behind it was beautiful itself. Jackson seems to finally be pulling his head out of his own ass and taking responsibility.
Like I said, I have a theory about Elora's behavior and that baby but I'm not saying until I SEE it myself. I could be wrong (I've been before) but I'll hold on to that theory for a bit.
Also, this Clockwork Princess book sounds interesting and if it made THAT much of an impact than shit! My little sister is reading 'City of Bones.' She is the same author that wrote 'Clockwork Princess,' so with that being said, I may look into reading it. I know there are like, 3 books to this.
"You've still got a while before we can tell the gender of your baby," Swineheart explained,"But, things are coming along well. Healthy, gro… morewing just right. No other symptoms?"
"No, no bleeding, nothing. I'm not so sure, maybe the baby doesn't have Jackson's powers."
"Or, they may be lying dormant," Jackson said. "My mother was able to carry me and my sister full term with only 2 episodes of profusive bleeding. My sister Mary, she explained to me how different it was with each of her children. Now THAT'S endurance."
Scarlett thought back to the time her cousins Rachel and Eleanor were born. Her mother had told her that Carter was the earliest birth of them, and yet they were still severely premature. She said that's the reason Eleanor has some breathing difficulties, and that Rachel has a hard time focusing in school. It scared Scar to think that it could happen to her child, too. She prayed that she could hold her baby to full term.… [view original content]
Georgie wook up in the middle of the meadow. Dew had collected around his body, as tiny winged creatures traveled in pairs above his body. Bugs moved carefully through the tall weeds, as a Rooster perched on the fence and bellowed out his built in alarm clock. Georgie could hear the bubbling river just feet from his spot in the meadow. He looked over; Colin stood a few inches from his face, shaking his head. Georgie scrambled to stand on his feet but the pain he felt in his lower abdomen was too much.
"Hurtin' there, Georgie?"
Again, Georgie tried to stand. He used a nearby boulder as a crutch. As he rose to his feet, Reynard appeared from the tall grass. His smile made Georgie a tad uneasy.
"Well, takin' a nap, are we? You know, Porgie. HERE we have rules. I'm not sure how you ran YOUR little section of 'paradise' but you have to understand something-you're not in Fabletown anymore, pal."
Georgie glared at the Fox. "No! I bloody' didn' see that I was standin' in the fuckin' middle of the goddamn Farm, ya' stupid fuckin' twit!"
Reynard giggled. "Temper, temper. Maaaaaan...and to think you're single, Georgie. ANY lady would be lucky to have SUCH wonderful companionship. Oh, but wait-there is a catch. She might be found headless and at the bottom of the lake-"
Georgie no longer cared about the severe pain he felt throughout his entire body. He picked up a nearby rock and tossed it at the Fox. Reynard jumped away from the oncoming object. His laughter continued to fuel Georgie's fire, as he repeated the process several more times. Colin, pulling Georgie's pant leg with his teeth, did his best to hold Georgie back.
"Itsh not worsh it, Georshie!" The jean material made it difficult for Colin to speak. "Georshie, shtop!"
Georgie ignore Colin's remarks. He continued tossing rocks at the Fox, now teasing the sowly moving man.
"Come over here, Georgie! Oh, no-over here now! Whoops! nope, over here!"
With one last push, Georgie tried to throw another rock; the gash on his stomach began to bleed, as he dropped to his knees and cuddled the wound. Colin looked over, as Mr. Sunflower and Henry were running up the hill. Reynard giggled, as he took a seat on a nearby stump. Mr. Sunflower grabbed Georgie and forced him to lay down in the grass.
"The hell are you doing out here, Porgie!? We don't just get up and take 'walks' around here! You have to let me or someone know, so-"
"Ya' can keep an eye on me? Yeah...I get it. I fuckin' get it!"
Mr. Sunflower huffed, as he placed a blue cream and some bandages on the wound.
"Henry. Fetch me a pail of water, please."
Henry gave a nod, as he rushed to a nearby well. Georgie groaned, as Mr. Sunflower applied pressure to his wound. The blood stopped flowing for a moment.
"Is this going to be an everyday thing, Porgie? Are we going to create traditions now?"
Georgie did not respond. He played with some nearby weeds. Reynard continued to stare at him, making Georgie's anger deep inside grow with each passing second. Georgie wanted to grab that Fox, shove his head in the dirt and leave it at that. His smug smile, the constant laughing made it worse. When Mr. Sunflower was done and cleaned the area with fresh water, Georgie stood up.
"There. Now, be careful, Georgie. I don't want to keep tending to that thing. I'm not a certfied Doctor, so-"
Georgie, ignoring his comment, walked over to the Corn field. He grabbed a Whicker basket and began plucking the Corn. Henry would follow and soon, was behind Georgie the entire morning. This time, however, Henry did not attempt to make conversation. Mr. Sunflower sighed, as he gathered the items used to on Georgie.
"Reynard-" The Fox turned. "You're coming with me."
"Why? Don't you want me to-"
"I need you in the Village today. By the Barn. NOW!"
His sudden voice changed caused Georgie to look over; Reynard, head down, walked down the hill and towards the village. Mr. Sunflower exchanged a few words with Colin before the Pig gave a nod and walked back to his section of the Farm.
"I'll be back, boys. Henry-"
Henry gave a faint smile, as Mr. Sunflower headed down after Reynard. Thankfully the sun wasn't to bright today; there was some cloud coverage, which made it easier for Georgie to work in. But he already knew it would be a long day. A VERY long day.
Lunch was at noon, as Henry opened a Corn husk and ate the contents inside. He sat upon a stump, as Georgie leaned himself against the fence. Georgie examined the warm Corn husk before him; inside, there was a Trout with slices of Lemon, Dil and simple seasoning.
"Didn't take Sunflower to be this bloody Chef."
Henry wips his mouth. "He's really good in the kitchen. Majority of the time, he's the one preparing the meals. You should see him when he feeds the Giants, Ogres and-"
Georgie sighs. "I'd bloody rather not. They seem...messy."
"They can be. But that's the fun part."
Georgie again picked at the Fish. Its not that he didn't enjoy a good meal with Fish as the main course but for some reason, he suddenly wasn't as hungry as he was a second ago. He covered the food and placed it beside Henry.
"Here kid. Ya' can 'ave this."
"Are you not hungry, Georgie?"
Georgie sinks lower into the grass. "Not really. I just wanna sit 'ere and look at the clouds."
Henry smiled. "OH! we can make images out of them and-"
"Henry, we ain't gunna play those silly games. Finish eatin', boy."
Henry ignored Georgie's demand, as he took a spot beside Georgie. He continued to eat his Fish, as the two looked up into the sky.
"I see a, uh.....Bear! See, Georgie? A Bear!"
Georgie closed his eyes. "I see the inside of me eyelids and-"
"Ah, come on, Georgie. Please..."
Perhaps it was his scrambled thoughts or the lack of sleep but Georgie opened his eyes, sighed and participated in Henry's childish games.
"What do you see?"
Georgie looked closer. "I don't know. A Sheep?"
"Where? Show me!"
Georgie sighed. "This is stupid, kid. Ain't ya' too old ta' be playin' this fuckin' shit?"
"I think its fun! You can pretend and for the hour I get to myself, its a wonderful slice of Heaven. No work, no rules, no problems....just me and the clouds. I sometimes like to just sit here and think."
"Bout what, kid?"
"Life before I came to the Farm."
Georgie stood up. "How was that, if ya' don't mind me askin'?"
"My parents were killed by an enemy Clan. We are Wolves and when I came home, both were dead. I had no one else to turn to...so, I wondered around until I came to the Farm. Mr. Sunflower took me in and I've been here since."
"God that's....that's awful."
"It's alright, though. HEY, what about your family?"
Georgie refused to dig into that file. He didn't want to see the Cottage, his father's malevolent stares in the darkness. He refused to picture himself as this child that had nothing but the abuse that waited for him; the secrets that clouded his innocent thoughts and the awful memories that haunted his dreams for centuries. Georgie began to remble, causing Henry to grab his hand.
"Georgie...hey, you okay?"
Georgie's stare was blank. "Family..."
"Yeah. You got any?"
Henry, still holding onto Georgie's hand, fell back into the tall grass. "I wish I had wings. I'd fly all over the sky, look down and tell everyone exactly how the sky looks. At least, how it does to me."
Georgie tried to remove the wicked images from his mind. "Wings?"
"Yeah. We'd fly high above the trees. You tell me what YOU see and I'd tell you how it looks through mine."
"That sounds pretty far fetched there, kid."
"I know but it still would be fun to dream about. Flying high into the sky, as high as that tree over there."
Georgie paused and like a child, he imagined himself flying over the trees and as high as the sun. He flew past the fluffy clouds and over Fabletown; over all his worry and problems, as he swooped down and for once, felt free. The wind was beneath him, as it carried Georgie over the hills. For a moment, he was back home; a more friendly and loving image waited for him, as he flew down and landed in the grass.
"I see it, Henry....I see it all..."
"Tell me what it looks like through your eyes, Georgie."
"I see the woods. A tiny little Cottage, beside a river and a stone Well. I see a mutha cookin' dinner for the kids...six boys and two girls playin' with the Dogs, chickens and Pigs. Their father...cuttin' wood. Smilin.' Happy..."
Georgie tried to hold back tears, as Henry continued to hold his hand. By now, they both sat up, allowing the Wind to fly past their bodies and entwine them in a moment of serenity.
"What do ya' see, Henry? Show me how the world looks through your eyes, boy."
"I see everyone getting along-Folkers, Fables, Mundies-we are having a party. I see my mom and dad. Oh! There is me! And I see you, Mr. Porgie. You look very happy. We are all dancing now beneath the Moon."
Mr. Sunflower arrived. In his hands, he held a file. Behind him, John walked quickly and up the Hill.
"He's been doing good. A few moments where he acts up but, you know..."
"Not surprised." John sighs. "He's alright, though?"
They both stop to view both Henry and Georgie, eyes closed and smiling. The wind continues to blow. Mr. Sunflower notices Henry holding Georgie's hand. To avoid interuption, he allows it for a few more minutes. Usually, he'd make his presence known and make them get back to work. But not today. John, who was also taken back by the image, could only smile and nod his head. There was some good in there. Perhaps there was hope.
For now, Henry was showing Georgie how the world looked through his eyes. For the first time in a long time, Georgie allowed Henry to see it through his eyes.
Georgie began to see it. Hope. Love. Lyla.
Any questions, you know the drill. Had time before we head to the doctor's office today! We find out the gender!!
Robert ould like to have nothing more than Lyla in his arms and under the covers away from the world. That will only be a fantasy, so he puts silly moments like that aside and do what's right when it comes to his son. He may not like Georgie or Lyla's choices but that is the mother of his child, so he tries to be the better person.
Right now, RJ is six, going to turn seven in THIS story; I know Pie said the Quads are about three, going to be four in THIS story as well. I made a WHOOPSIE not too long ago and mentioned Peter; he isn't here yet, so that was a mistake on my part. XD
Even though Robert may feel betrayed, it's good RJ still has family come and visit him. Speaking of RJ, would he be a couple of years older than the Porgie children?
Reynard needs to shut up. I'm going to stick him the dirt myself. I never cared too much for him, even in the comics. I know a few seem to enjoy his character but not me. It was nice to see Colin TRYING to hold Georgie back.
Henry seems to really have taking a liking to Georgie. (Duh JJ, I know) He feels very comfortable with the man he barely met and that will open up doors to georgie that have been closed for years. The moment where Georgie goes back to his childhood. I know you covered it in your 1st story but I hope to add more detail later. That's completely up to you, though.
For now, Henry was showing Georgie how the world looked through his eyes. For the first time in a long time, Georgie allowed Henry to see it through his eyes.
Everything about henry's child like ways during this chapter was beautiful. I almost cried; he wants Georgie to see the beauty, let go and embrace life. See the world differently. Henry loves Georgie so much and cares, even though he's holding back for now.
God, pie. The feels in this one. I'm hooked on the prologue. I'm loving this. Can't wait for more.
And you better post the gender later, text me, flag me down-anything! I want to know!
Boy named Henry
Georgie wook up in the middle of the meadow. Dew had collected around his body, as tiny winged creatures trav… moreeled in pairs above his body. Bugs moved carefully through the tall weeds, as a Rooster perched on the fence and bellowed out his built in alarm clock. Georgie could hear the bubbling river just feet from his spot in the meadow. He looked over; Colin stood a few inches from his face, shaking his head. Georgie scrambled to stand on his feet but the pain he felt in his lower abdomen was too much.
"Hurtin' there, Georgie?"
Again, Georgie tried to stand. He used a nearby boulder as a crutch. As he rose to his feet, Reynard appeared from the tall grass. His smile made Georgie a tad uneasy.
"Well, takin' a nap, are we? You know, Porgie. HERE we have rules. I'm not sure how you ran YOUR little section of 'paradise' but you have to understand something-you're not in Fabletown anymore, pal."
Georgie gl… [view original content]
Glad this has pleased you, all mighty Challenge creator. XD
On a serious note, hopefully it DID. I didn't want to drag it too much; I almost did in one of the chapters but had to erase a good half.
Philip certainly strikes me as quite the villain, so what ever Celeste's story turns out to be I suspect it will be sad. Those pesky pigs! Naoto has been caught up in waves of emotion and they've simply used that for their own ends; it's believable that the characters would do that.
Well Celeste doesn't seem to know where she is at times but I'm sure her amnesia will be cared at some point! Phillip was quite abusive and… more might have forced some things on poor Celeste. It seems the pigs might've ticket Naoto into thinking she could see Luke again, although I don't think it's possible to ressurect death XD not even Makoto can, he just took the power and used it against them! Yeah got several papers and the end of the semester is coming up so I gotta get those done
I remember them having destinies, but I admittedly forgot what they were, so thanks for refreshing me on that! The situation with Penny and Hope is quite desperate then, and it's not like they're in a relaxing environment to try and think of a way of dealing with the Evil without harming Hope. Yet, there must be a way, surely. I guess I'll have to wait and see!
Well, I'm glad some of this is being answered; I know my GF got confused for a bit but after I explained, it made sense to her, especially t… morehe whole Echidna thing.
Georgie and Lyla were told that each of their children had a destiny as they became older; Katie would join the Council member and finally end the war between Fables and Folkers. Junior would sacrafice himself for a loved one (that taking Mary's place in the mirror) Peter is to be the next Sheriff of Fabletown, Emily became the new Georgie Porgie of Fabletown, not too sure about Ethan or RJ yet and Penny is the next Black Knight.
Only the Black Knight can stop the Evil with the swipe of his or her sword; Hope IS the Evil and now everyone is concerned that to destroy the Evil, Hope has to die by the hands of Penny.
And Mary and the babies. Always ready to battle and help their family when needed.
Crap! Spoilers! xD My bad, Noir! Forget I said anything!! lol
I'd hope to be something my own was not towards us. We find out in a few hours; feel like a kid on Christmas!!
Even if he comes out with the odd comment, and least he's trying to be a better person overall.
Aha, thanks for answering! I'm not sure I noticed the mistake, but that's why I'm trying to get that timeline mapped out! There must be a lot to remember when writing it all. xD
Robert ould like to have nothing more than Lyla in his arms and under the covers away from the world. That will only be a fantasy, so he put… mores silly moments like that aside and do what's right when it comes to his son. He may not like Georgie or Lyla's choices but that is the mother of his child, so he tries to be the better person.
Right now, RJ is six, going to turn seven in THIS story; I know Pie said the Quads are about three, going to be four in THIS story as well. I made a WHOOPSIE not too long ago and mentioned Peter; he isn't here yet, so that was a mistake on my part. XD
Waking up to Colin's face glaring over you must be a little disconcerting, but it's also quite funny. :P Reynard does seem quite keen to remind Georgie of his shortcomings, but at least Mr. Sunflower split the two up.
Georgie and Henry imagining like that shows just the sort of things Georgie went through to change his lifestyle so much. That he got that second chance and is able to redeem himself really makes you think - people can seem to be set one way, but in actuality can be something much different.
Boy named Henry
Georgie wook up in the middle of the meadow. Dew had collected around his body, as tiny winged creatures trav… moreeled in pairs above his body. Bugs moved carefully through the tall weeds, as a Rooster perched on the fence and bellowed out his built in alarm clock. Georgie could hear the bubbling river just feet from his spot in the meadow. He looked over; Colin stood a few inches from his face, shaking his head. Georgie scrambled to stand on his feet but the pain he felt in his lower abdomen was too much.
"Hurtin' there, Georgie?"
Again, Georgie tried to stand. He used a nearby boulder as a crutch. As he rose to his feet, Reynard appeared from the tall grass. His smile made Georgie a tad uneasy.
"Well, takin' a nap, are we? You know, Porgie. HERE we have rules. I'm not sure how you ran YOUR little section of 'paradise' but you have to understand something-you're not in Fabletown anymore, pal."
Georgie gl… [view original content]
Yeah, for now there aren't any serious things going on with Scarlett, which is a plus Jackson is trying his best, he really wants to be there for them all. Harmony, well, she's got experience XD To be honest, I hadn't thought of that until right after I wrote it, and I was like "I am a genius, and I didn't even know it." XD
It was so good, that I have to take a day or two before moving on to the next series, The Mortal Instruments. The Infernal Devices series was actually a prequel series, so you can imagine how much better this next one will probably be. I was tearing up trying to explain to my dad the ending and he was like "It's just a book," and I was like "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND BECAUSE YOU CAN READ" and he was like "Do you need a hug or something?" And then he hugged me lol. The ending....it was worth reading three books to get to it, you know?
It's got to be a relief that Scarlett's babies aren't showing any signs of being particularly difficult in terms of the cutting and bleeding… more. Jackson seems to be really getting into the partner and father role, and Charlotte is a lovely name. Anyway, I love the image of Harmony balancing things on her protruding stomach: she's ever practical is that one. xD That ending is a bit ambiguous, though. Maybe Elora really did come over tired, but it's an odd coincidence just after Scarlett had mentioned her baby, and Elora has been reading her diaries. Hmm.
Wow, Clockwork Princess really is one heck of a book! And yelling apparently worked so well for the Fables comics a few months back! I normally find that crying for both joy and sadness can lead to hiccups, but it sounds well worth it.
And there was me thinking the chapter ending was for story emphasise! And yeah, we are a great bunch. ^_^
Yeah, thank God Jackson did. I figured I would mirror him to Jack (Hehe, get it? Mirror? Similar names? No? Okay...) Except, I would do the exact opposite in this case. Whether she has problems with it in the future, only time will tell. It's awesome that you like the names, Charlotte is one I really really love (And, it's the name of one of my favorite characters in The Infernal Devices series)
You can message me if you want about it, lol. I'd love to hear it, and maybe it'll even sway my opinion on what I want to do >.> lol
Yeah, The Infernal Devices (All the Clockwork books) is the prequel to The Mortal Instruments. I originally picked up City of Bones an independent reading book for class, but my teacher didn't want any books made into movies, so I figured "Hey, might as well pick up the prequel!" And it was the best decision I had ever made in my entire career of reading books. So yeah XD City of Bones is next on my agenda, however I may take a few days to recuperate. Them feels T.T
Hopefully the baby will not inherit Jackson's abilitites to jump through mirrors and have shards of glass covering the body. That pregnancy … morewould be painful but Scar seems like she'd be able to handle it. I love the names of the boy and the Charlotte is indeed a beautiful name; the meaning behind it was beautiful itself. Jackson seems to finally be pulling his head out of his own ass and taking responsibility.
Like I said, I have a theory about Elora's behavior and that baby but I'm not saying until I SEE it myself. I could be wrong (I've been before) but I'll hold on to that theory for a bit.
Also, this Clockwork Princess book sounds interesting and if it made THAT much of an impact than shit! My little sister is reading 'City of Bones.' She is the same author that wrote 'Clockwork Princess,' so with that being said, I may look into reading it. I know there are like, 3 books to this.
I've seen the movie, and it's literally NOTHING like to book in every possible way. The only thing the same is the Title, seriously. The book is a collection of fictional interviews of about 20 people and it's written a little more informatively than narratively, but it's still extremely interesting and the only reason it's taking me long to finish it is because you have to pay attention extra hard to details sometimes, because it goes in real depth and sometimes you have to remember people or things people say later on and there's sometimes a bit of an information overload, sort of. So yeah, otherwise it's an excellent read so far, though I haven't been reading much lately (Due to my, erm, emotional status.) And nice picks. Haven't read any of them, but I've heard they're all real good books. I want to get into Game of Thrones, but it might be a LONG while before I get there.
Given the four books (if I've found it correctly) in the Maze Runner series, and books in any series, unsatisfying endings can be disappoint… moreing. I guess with those stories it's sort of the journey that counts as opposed to the destination. World War Z must be the book the film is based on! Which admittedly isn't hard to guess, but I've never read an actual zombie book so I might give it a go if it's good; as for reading half and then leaving it for a while I do that too. xD I've heard of Mortal Instruments - a sixth book came out earlier this year. Sounds like you need to get reading - have fun! Personally, I always used to stick to one book, but then I too realized that there were so many I want to read and now I usually have a few books on the go at once. Currently, it's Game of Thrones, Master Humphrey's Clock (a Charles Dickens), and The Body Snatchers. And then there's keeping up with this thread!
I love minecraft, lmao. I don't play it NEARLY as much as I used to, but it still sits there on my desktop, and on my phone, and just recently on my Xbox (I have brothers, damn it, and they BREATH the words 'Minecraft' and 'Creepers' and 'Punching Blocks' and 'Diamonds', lmao.)
Strange... I thought I read this earlier. Damn mind tricking me again, anyhoo! Everything about this was literally the best, especially the Minecraft part. So true, so true...
That he got that second chance and is able to redeem himself really makes you think - people can seem to be set one way, but in actuality can be something much different.
Waking up to Colin's face glaring over you must be a little disconcerting, but it's also quite funny. :P Reynard does seem quite keen to rem… moreind Georgie of his shortcomings, but at least Mr. Sunflower split the two up.
Georgie and Henry imagining like that shows just the sort of things Georgie went through to change his lifestyle so much. That he got that second chance and is able to redeem himself really makes you think - people can seem to be set one way, but in actuality can be something much different.
First off, the page. Damn, junior! He's determined to get Mary out of the mirror and into his world! Hopefully, this won't backfire on him. >.>
Also, I TOLD you! I'm a Godfather! She DOES have your nose, dude! Congrats to you two! She's going to be beautiful. Miss Emily Marie. Great name, Pie. I want to take this moment to tell you you'll be a wonderful father; break the vicious cycle and be better than your father ever was. i've been checking this site and my phone all morning! XD
Again, wonderful page for the 'Porgie clan' and congrats on your baby girl! Can't wait to meet my neice!!
Porgie Clan
Part 5 Sorry for the crappy quality. Stupid phone. -.-'
And I'm here to announce, we are having a.....-drum roll- Girl!! Say hello to Miss Emily Marie Fernandes! She has my nose!
She lied, she was not tired. For the past day, she'd been reading silently to herself the words she'd put on paper over the course of this year alone. She was sure there were other diaries, but this had the most recent events with in them. She wondered how in the world she had gotten so good at spelling, but then she figured it was always something she pushed hard to do. Afterall, 'Celebrities have perfect handwriting!' she would remind herself, and the people around her.
It took her longer than the average person to read each passage, but at least she was gaining enough from the pages to understand. She had gathered that the little crush for Jackson she'd always had, grew into something more over these years. And she could feel it, almost as if it were in her, her love for him, yet at such a far distance that it could be swept away from her at any moment. She wondered why she left so angrily; that was something she didn't exactly get to write down about before the car had hit her.
She was uneasy around her sister. She felt as though she had hurt Scarlett by once loving Jackson, and even though the love has grown ever so weak, she still felt guilty of it. She was sure that they knew; The way he looked at her with awkwardness and how shy he would be. And Scarlett. Scarlett must be blaming herself so bad. Elora could see it wearing down her sister heavily, and she understood that also having a baby was diminishing her energy.
She flipped through pages that had hearts with the letters 'J+E' on the pages- These were from many months ago, March. Before her sister's relationship with him, she presumed. It seemed like even then, it was petty love. It would never have happened, she knew now. She was almost....glad for her memory loss. Glad, because she knew if she could remember, she would not feel this way at all. The way she worded herself, it didn't seem like her anymore. She felt different. She felt as if she were more mature now, and yet she still only remembered very little past her fifth grade education.
Her head began to hurt again from over thinking. She lay back, the notebook open in her lap. She was 3/4's the way through it, and could not bare to go on. It only got worse the more recent the entries were. Her jealousy toward Scar, her jealousy of so many other things. It made her sick to think about it. The television on the wall was cartoons, and normally she would enjoy them, but right now she did not feel as if she could enjoy anything.
And then, she grew angry. How could she have lived this way for so long? In jealousy, in contempt, holding all of her feelings in so deep that it took a brain injury and several painstaking surgeries to correct? She turned her head, to a mirror on the left wall staring directly at her. She was no longer the old Elora. She was a new one, of sorts. A new Elora, one who would fix herself, and those she had broken around her. She stood, although weak, and limped to the trash can with the notebook in her unbandaged hand. Carefully, she tore each page one at a time, crumbled it up and threw it out. At last, it was empty. A hollow sleeve of something that no longer existed. She tossed the last bit in the trash, and then laid back down.
The first thing she would do when she left the hospital, once she was well enough, would be to visit her sister. They would talk, and fix things. And then, she would apologize those who she'd hurt by the way she acted. For now, she would sleep.
Harmony sat bent over her desk. It was late at night, her eyes were sore and strained from staring at the computer screen for so long. Thankfully, her other children hadn't bothered her. Her grandparents, Snow and Bigby, had stayed over since Thanksgiving, and were taking her daughter and Jackson home with them tomorrow after breakfast. She felt sad that she had to let Scarlett go again, but she was happy that her daughter was happy. More than anything, she was tired. Tired of grief, tired of stress. Having four babies made it more taxing on her, and the back of her neck was beginning to ache.
"You coming to bed, love?" Tim asked. He leaned in the doorway of the study, his eyes grazing over the bookshelves, which held everything from Moby Dick to popular young adult books in today's culture. "Also, are you going to put all of those books you finished away?"
"What are you-" Harmony looked to the stack beside her on the desk. "-Oh, those were the kids. They were-" She paused, opening the top book up, which was scribbled in with green highlighter. Little stick figure people, a tree, and a....fish? It looked like a fish. "-Damn. This was a good hard copy of The Giver."
"We can always buy a new copy, if you want to read it again." Tim said. He was stood before her, his hands pressed down on the desk as he lifted his head over the desktop screen. "Whatcha doin'?"
"Writing." Harmony replied, bluntly.
"About?" Tim asked. He came around the desk and sat on the nearby ottoman, pulled it over to her swivel chair.
"Me," She replied. "But- I can't seem to....word it like I want to."
"You're writing about yourself? Haven't you-"
"I saved those chapters you snooped through, yes. I'm continuing it."
"Well, what are you writing about this time?"
"About the day I got my apartment. And the day I met freakin' Mary. How the hell do I do that?"
"Shh," Tim said, rubbing her thigh. "You're cursing again. You're tired. Come to bed, the words will come to you better if you are well rested. Plus, you need to think of them." He poked her belly. She smiled at him, because his voice and his demeanor were both irresistable.
"Let me save real quick," She sighed. A few clicks, and she was done, and she stood along side her husband. She leaned onto the desk, staring directly into his eyes in the dark light of the wood paneled room. Her socks nearly slipping on the wood floors, he took her face in his hands and kissed her so softly, as if to tease her. Her mouth hungered for more, like a ravenous dog. She placed her hands around his shoulders and pulled his face closer, pressing her lips harder against his. She heard him make a surprised noise, but accepted it and placed his hands on her waist now.
"The bedroom," He whispered. "I'll show you the way if you get lost, fair maiden."
Harmony burst out laughed, slapping his cheek playfully. "You're the biggest dork." Her lips pressed into his again, and they nearly stumbled trying to get upstairs and into their room. A brief escape from reality is what she needed right now.
More to come, eventually! I have to write an Appeal letter, apparently I did not get accepted into National Honors Society, but the post messed my letter up, and I did not receive it until today, during school (A whole week after the letters were sent out, mind you) So I had no idea about it and today was the due date for the letters. I talked to the VP and she said to bring it in tomorrow, so yeah. Need to go do that now :L
Porgie Clan
Part 5 Sorry for the crappy quality. Stupid phone. -.-'
And I'm here to announce, we are having a.....-drum roll- Girl!! Say hello to Miss Emily Marie Fernandes! She has my nose!
Porgie Clan
Part 5 Sorry for the crappy quality. Stupid phone. -.-'
And I'm here to announce, we are having a.....-drum roll- Girl!! Say hello to Miss Emily Marie Fernandes! She has my nose!
I have a bad habit of starting a new world, starting a project in that particular world and not finishing it. Ugh, it's so frustrating, Em! I guess thankfully, for my sake, I don't play it as much myself either. :P
I love minecraft, lmao. I don't play it NEARLY as much as I used to, but it still sits there on my desktop, and on my phone, and just recent… morely on my Xbox (I have brothers, damn it, and they BREATH the words 'Minecraft' and 'Creepers' and 'Punching Blocks' and 'Diamonds', lmao.)
Robert briefly left to grab some burgers and fries from Mcdonald's; RJ was craving something greasy, cheesy and full of pickles. Lyla laughed when he and Robert picked the same thing: Two double Cheeseburgers with no Onions, extra ketchup, large fry and a medium Coke.
"Just like daddy." Lyla whispered, as she stroked RJ's hair. "I remember being pregnant with you and wanting nothing BUT Burgers."
RJ looked up. "Really, mommy?"
"Yes. Drone mommy insane, eating so many burgers. But the doctor said it kept you happy, so that made mommy happy."
RJ smiled. Before he could carry on with the conversation, Robert returned with their dinner. Rose took her Chicken Nuggets and sat near a table not too far from Robert and the others. As she dipped her chicken into the Sweet and Sour sauce, her eyes continued to glare at Lyla. Under her breathe, she mumbled a few choice words before taking a sip from her Ice Tea.
"That good, bud?"
"Mmmm hmmmm!" RJ smiles, showing a ketchup goatee begining. "This is tasty, daddy! Rose, come sit by me!"
RJ waves at Rose. She turns and smiles.
"Nah, I'm good over here, bud. Comfortable."
Robert sighs. "If you were going to be anti-social, you should've stayed home."
Rose ignores Robert's comment and takes another bite from her chicken. Lyla could sense the tension growing with every passing minute. She never had a problem wth Rose but since their breakup, Rose felt the need to not only be Robert's crutch but his voice, thoughts and actions. It was bothering Lyla; Robert was not a baby and he could defend himself when needed. Rose didn't need to be his voice.
"Mommy, can I have more ketchup please?"
Lyla tears off a corner. "My, someone loves their ketchup."
Robert glances up and smiles. Lyla's eyes meet his. "Just like me, kiddo."
RJ thanks Lyla as he dips several fries into the red mess. Rose finishes her meal, stands up and heads outside.
"Did I do something, Robert?"
"What do you mean?"
"Rose has been giving me the cold shoulder and the evil eye ever since we stepped foot onto the Farm."
"That's Rose. She does that."
Lyla rolls her eyes. "That's no excuse, Robert. This is OUR son. She needs to back up."
Robert nods in agreement. "I'll, uh, talk to her tonight."
"Thank you...."
The three of them finish their dinner. RJ takes Lyla and Robert back to the river. He turns into his Grendel form, as RJ jumps into the fridgid water and splashes around. Ducks quak and pass the boy, as he dives deeper into the river and pop up in random places.
"Daddy, join me!"
Robert grins, takes off his shirt and dips his toe into the water. It is cold against his skin. Before long, Robert's form turns into a towering Grendel, as he slowly heads into the water. Lyla sits on a hearby stone; the Waterlilies and Cattails tickle her feet, as she dips them into the water. She watches her son play silly games with his father, as the two Grendels continue to burst through the blue and frolic in the weeds.
"Mommy, you wanna come in?"
Robert turns. "Yeah. Wanna join?"
Lyla smiles. "No, I'm fine sweetie. Next time mommy will change and we'll run through the fields and woods."
"Promise, baby. I'll bring your siblings, too. And you know daddy Georgie loves taking walks with you around the woods."
Nurse Sally and Snow make their way to the river. Lyla automatically knows what this means, as she grabs Robert's shirt.
"Time to go, Snow?"
"Sadly yes, Lyla. If you want, you can come back tomorrow afternoon."
"Its a deal."
RJ notices the Nurse and the pretty lady in the skirt. He too knows what this means.
"Do they have to go, Ms. Sally?"
"Yes, RJ. Come on out of there so we can take a bath and get ready for bed."
Robert helps RJ step out, as he grabs a towel and dries himself off. Robert returns to his human form, as he puts his shirt back on.
"Will you be back too, daddy?"
"Of course, kiddo. Promise."
After several goodbyes, hugs and kisses, Robert and Lyla walked to the front of the Farm. Snow locked the gate behind her, as Rose jumped into the Truck. She didn't say much, as Robert and Lyla stood to talk for a few moments.
"Thank you. He loves seeing you..."
"I'm glad to be here. Will you, uh, be here tomorrow?"
"Yes. You?"
"Well, I'll see you tomorrow than, Robert."
Lyla touches Robert's chest; she could feel his heart thumping widly against his chest, as his breathing deepens and his eyes begin to change. She fears the massive beast but at one time, the gentle giant held her close to his body. Robert leans his head forward, as the tip of his forehead touches Lyla's.
"I'll see you, Lyla. Its nice seeing you again..."
Robert tires to lean in and plant a kiss on Lyla's lips but she has already left and is heading towards her car. He kicks the ground, heads to the Truck and soon, they are heading back to Fabletown.
Rose leaves without another word; Robert knows what is going through her head and knows either a drunken night or sleep will help clear her mind. Rose catches a bus and heads back to her apartment. Robert, however, calls his brother.
"Hello?" Carla.
"Hey, Carla. Its Robert. Gren awake?"
"Robert, its late. Everything okay? Gren did a double shift tonight. He's exhausted. He's off tomorrow, though. You wanna call back in the morning?"
"Yeah. Sorry to have bothered you, Carla. Goodnight."
Robert hangs up, as he walks to the semi-finished room for his son. Soon, the apartment would be filled with laughter and little feet. Robert leans against the doorway and smiles. All he could picture was a little piece of him playing on the floor with his toys. Suddenly, all he could picture was Lyla, as she sat in the rocking chair. She looked over and smiled.
"Lyla..." Robert reaches out, hoping to touch her hand. "Lyla, I love you so much. God, I love you..."
Before he could come back to reality, she vanishes, leaving Robert back in the real world and his empy apartment. Robert sighs, as he heads to the bathroom. A shower would help ease his mind. Like an oncoming storm, her image clouded his thoughts. As Robert stood under the running water, he invisioned Lyla in the shower with him. Like old times. Before...
Robert leans against the tile, as Lya's image ince again floods him. Now, she stands begore Robert; the water trickles down her breasts, as the water becomes lost in her hair. Her eyes on focused on Robert, as they lean in for a kiss. Robert swears at that moment he could feel her against his naked body, her arms around his neck, her breathe against his face.
The water continues to fall, as Robert crumbles to the floor. With his hands out and head hung low, Robert falls into dispair. He aches for Lyla, to have her, to hold her; to watch Lyla produce more of his children, as he watches her belly grow each and every day. Robert longs to have Lyla in his bed, have her there in the living room, playing with RJ and the other children they'd create out of love. Alone, Robert leans his head against the tile.
"Fuck, why did I not fight for you....."
The water pours onto his fae, as it washes his tears down the drain.
"I love you, Lyla Smith..."
The mark on his arm burns, as Robert's fingers trace the outline. Sadly, Robert knew what he had to do but he refused to participate. Robert wanted to hold on o\to that last bit of her he had. He had RJ. Now, he wanted the memories that he cherished over the years. The only remaining images he had of when she was his. So, on the shower floor, Robert continued to picture Lyla.
"Stay with me..." Robert reached his hand out. "Stay with me. Always..."
Rose's bus ride ended on the South side of Fabletown. She walked up a flight of stairs before reaching an unknown apartment. With several knocks, a frail old lady opened the door and greeted Rose.
"Hello, Adair."
"Rose Red. Please. Come inside."
Pink clouds of smoke surrounded Rose, as she began to cough and swat at the air.
"Have a seat. Tea?"
"No thank you. I'm here about the spell...."
"Ah yes." Adair reaches over to a cabinent. "This is very potent magic her, child. A tiny bit goes a long way. But use the whole bottle-"
"Please spare me. I don't have much time."
"You DO know this may backfire, should he discover it...."
"I'll be careful."
"Of course."
Rose pays the old woman, as she holds the tiny bottle of magice in her hands. Rose begins to chuckle.
If Robert wouldn't do it, she would.
Chapter 20 coming soon. Again, congrats to Pie on his beautiful baby girl Emily! Any questions, leave them below.
That's SO exciting! Glad you are excited to be a daddy as well! Make sure you dress her in the cutest cloths and when she comes home from school ask her how her day was because girls love that kind of stuff! Also, be good to your girlfriend, she's gonna need ALL the help she can get! Although, I'm sure you know that already Congrats, man! And awesome comic, it's coming along SUPER well!
EDIT: I went back and read as many of your posts as possible, though I haven't commented on any of them, because If I tried I would fail XD They were all amazing, as usual, and I can't wait for more!
Porgie Clan
Part 5 Sorry for the crappy quality. Stupid phone. -.-'
And I'm here to announce, we are having a.....-drum roll- Girl!! Say hello to Miss Emily Marie Fernandes! She has my nose!
More than anything, I would play it on my phone on long car trips while plugged in to a car charger XD It's something to pass the time, and I build considerably nice structures I hate when I don't finish projects, but there are so many unfinished ones on my PC version XD On the xbox, I've played it like twice, but I decided to just build whatever the hell I want to, so I have a gigantic tower filled with Lava and dogs perched at the top like gargoyles, and I built a small floating island nearby, and a couple of houses. And that was it :P
I have a bad habit of starting a new world, starting a project in that particular world and not finishing it. Ugh, it's so frustrating, Em! I guess thankfully, for my sake, I don't play it as much myself either. :P
I would love to take a tour of your various houses someday! XD Though, it probably can't top my underground house that technically doesn't exist anymore!
More than anything, I would play it on my phone on long car trips while plugged in to a car charger XD It's something to pass the time, and … moreI build considerably nice structures I hate when I don't finish projects, but there are so many unfinished ones on my PC version XD On the xbox, I've played it like twice, but I decided to just build whatever the hell I want to, so I have a gigantic tower filled with Lava and dogs perched at the top like gargoyles, and I built a small floating island nearby, and a couple of houses. And that was it :P
LOL You, JJ and like half my family thought the same thing. XD My GF and I have a ton of cute little outfits; once she is here I plan on showing her in them. I've actually been cooking dinner since her back has been hurting her a lot. (Not very good but she eats it.) I can't ait to hold my Emily in my arms. Be everything my father wasn't to me. And thanks. Having fun drawing it.
Also, don't worry about it. I know you are busy and just knowing you took the time to read it is fine with me. When you get the chance, you'll comment. I know you.
That's SO exciting! Glad you are excited to be a daddy as well! Make sure you dress her in the cutest cloths and when she comes home from school ask her how her day was because girls love that kind of stuff! Also, be good to your girlfriend, she's gonna need ALL the help she can get! Although, I'm sure you know that already Congrats, man! And awesome comic, it's coming along SUPER well!
EDIT: I went back and read as many of your posts as possible, though I haven't commented on any of them, because If I tried I would fail XD They were all amazing, as usual, and I can't wait for more!
I feel so bad for Robert. That bit with him in the shower, him seeing Lyla in the mist and his desire to hold her again. I hope he can figure this out and make peace with it.
And Rose. I knew it! She's going to do something to Robert in regards to Lyla. I love how much you have improved with your writing. Looking forward to seeing the next chapter.
Chapter 19
Every Rose has its thorns
Robert briefly left to grab some burgers and fries from Mcdonald's; RJ was craving something grea… moresy, cheesy and full of pickles. Lyla laughed when he and Robert picked the same thing: Two double Cheeseburgers with no Onions, extra ketchup, large fry and a medium Coke.
"Just like daddy." Lyla whispered, as she stroked RJ's hair. "I remember being pregnant with you and wanting nothing BUT Burgers."
RJ looked up. "Really, mommy?"
"Yes. Drone mommy insane, eating so many burgers. But the doctor said it kept you happy, so that made mommy happy."
RJ smiled. Before he could carry on with the conversation, Robert returned with their dinner. Rose took her Chicken Nuggets and sat near a table not too far from Robert and the others. As she dipped her chicken into the Sweet and Sour sauce, her eyes continued to glare at Lyla. Under her breathe, she mumbled a few choice words before taking a sip from … [view original content]
Is that the one with Bigby and Rose on the cover? THINK my GF bought that and is going to read. The cover alone had her seeing red (no pun intended xD) From the reaction YOU had, I can gurantee she will have the same. Will have to calm her down, if that is the case.
I'll have to sit down and read it with her because I too am curious to see what happens. Rose and her magic.....
So, I just read the next newest issue of Fables.
Wait for it.
Wait for it.
That is all.
Well, I'm glad you gave Jackson the opportunity to be a father to his unborn baby. Although I'm not a fan of Jack, at least he KINDA came around for Carter in the end. (Not by much though) He has a lot on his plate, that being this baby and Elora. Speaking of, hope she get's it together and comes to her senses. Again, I'm thinking Scar's unborn baby has to do with it but that's just MY theory.
Well, after the emotion and description you have given me, I might take the time to read the Clockwork books and the Infernal Devices. I've heard positive reviews about them. Plus, with winter break coming up, gives me time to read it.
Yeah, thank God Jackson did. I figured I would mirror him to Jack (Hehe, get it? Mirror? Similar names? No? Okay...) Except, I would do the … moreexact opposite in this case. Whether she has problems with it in the future, only time will tell. It's awesome that you like the names, Charlotte is one I really really love (And, it's the name of one of my favorite characters in The Infernal Devices series)
You can message me if you want about it, lol. I'd love to hear it, and maybe it'll even sway my opinion on what I want to do >.> lol
Yeah, The Infernal Devices (All the Clockwork books) is the prequel to The Mortal Instruments. I originally picked up City of Bones an independent reading book for class, but my teacher didn't want any books made into movies, so I figured "Hey, might as well pick up the prequel!" And it was the best decision I had ever made in my entire career of reading books. So yeah XD City of Bones is next on my agenda, however I may take a few days to recuperate. Them feels T.T
Is that the one with Bigby and Rose on the cover? THINK my GF bought that and is going to read. The cover alone had her seeing red (no pun i… morentended xD) From the reaction YOU had, I can gurantee she will have the same. Will have to calm her down, if that is the case.
I'll have to sit down and read it with her because I too am curious to see what happens. Rose and her magic.....
Lol, that's how it sounded! It's great that you already have a bunch of cloths picked out, because it's better to have it early than too late, lol. At least she's eating the food, so that has to count for something XD I've always liked the name Emily, and I'm actually glad my parents named me that, because if it were a name I didn't like, that wouldn't be so good! And great to know you are having a good time drawing!
Eventually, I will. I literally have the busiest schedule between balancing school, chores at home, my friends, and my family. I'll be certain to catch up all the way soon ^-^
LOL You, JJ and like half my family thought the same thing. XD My GF and I have a ton of cute little outfits; once she is here I plan on sho… morewing her in them. I've actually been cooking dinner since her back has been hurting her a lot. (Not very good but she eats it.) I can't ait to hold my Emily in my arms. Be everything my father wasn't to me. And thanks. Having fun drawing it.
Also, don't worry about it. I know you are busy and just knowing you took the time to read it is fine with me. When you get the chance, you'll comment. I know you.
Well Celeste doesn't seem to know where she is at times but I'm sure her amnesia will be cared at some point!
Phillip was quite abusive and might have forced some things on poor Celeste. It seems the pigs might've ticket Naoto into thinking she could see Luke again, although I don't think it's possible to ressurect death XD not even Makoto can, he just took the power and used it against them! Yeah got several papers and the end of the semester is coming up so I gotta get those done ![:p :p](https://community.telltalegames.com/resources/emoji/tongue.png)
Well, I'm glad some of this is being answered; I know my GF got confused for a bit but after I explained, it made sense to her, especially the whole Echidna thing.
Georgie and Lyla were told that each of their children had a destiny as they became older; Katie would join the Council member and finally end the war between Fables and Folkers. Junior would sacrafice himself for a loved one (that taking Mary's place in the mirror) Peter is to be the next Sheriff of Fabletown, Emily became the new Georgie Porgie of Fabletown, not too sure about Ethan or RJ yet and Penny is the next Black Knight.
Only the Black Knight can stop the Evil with the swipe of his or her sword; Hope IS the Evil and now everyone is concerned that to destroy the Evil, Hope has to die by the hands of Penny.
And Mary and the babies. Always ready to battle and help their family when needed.![:) :)](https://community.telltalegames.com/resources/emoji/smile.png)
We find out in a few hours!!!![:D :D](https://community.telltalegames.com/resources/emoji/lol.png)
Anyways, I'm not trusting Rose and I'll tell you why: her sneaking around, watching and acting a fool makes me wnder WHAT she has planned. Rose is not new to the wrong side of the tracks, so I often think she has something up her sleeve.
Also, RJ is too damn cute!![<3 <3](https://community.telltalegames.com/resources/emoji/heart.png)
Crap! Spoilers! xD My bad, Noir! Forget I said anything!! lol
I'd hope to be something my own was not towards us. We find out in a few hours; feel like a kid on Christmas!!![:D :D](https://community.telltalegames.com/resources/emoji/lol.png)
Glad this has pleased you, all mighty Challenge creator. XD
On a serious note, hopefully it DID. I didn't want to drag it too much; I almost did in one of the chapters but had to erase a good half.
Hopefully the baby will not inherit Jackson's abilitites to jump through mirrors and have shards of glass covering the body. That pregnancy would be painful but Scar seems like she'd be able to handle it. I love the names of the boy and the Charlotte is indeed a beautiful name; the meaning behind it was beautiful itself.
Jackson seems to finally be pulling his head out of his own ass and taking responsibility.
Like I said, I have a theory about Elora's behavior and that baby but I'm not saying until I SEE it myself.
I could be wrong (I've been before) but I'll hold on to that theory for a bit.
Also, this Clockwork Princess book sounds interesting and if it made THAT much of an impact than shit! My little sister is reading 'City of Bones.' She is the same author that wrote 'Clockwork Princess,' so with that being said, I may look into reading it. I know there are like, 3 books to this.![:) :)](https://community.telltalegames.com/resources/emoji/smile.png)
Boy named Henry
Georgie wook up in the middle of the meadow. Dew had collected around his body, as tiny winged creatures traveled in pairs above his body. Bugs moved carefully through the tall weeds, as a Rooster perched on the fence and bellowed out his built in alarm clock. Georgie could hear the bubbling river just feet from his spot in the meadow. He looked over; Colin stood a few inches from his face, shaking his head. Georgie scrambled to stand on his feet but the pain he felt in his lower abdomen was too much.
"Hurtin' there, Georgie?"
Again, Georgie tried to stand. He used a nearby boulder as a crutch. As he rose to his feet, Reynard appeared from the tall grass. His smile made Georgie a tad uneasy.
"Well, takin' a nap, are we? You know, Porgie. HERE we have rules. I'm not sure how you ran YOUR little section of 'paradise' but you have to understand something-you're not in Fabletown anymore, pal."
Georgie glared at the Fox. "No! I bloody' didn' see that I was standin' in the fuckin' middle of the goddamn Farm, ya' stupid fuckin' twit!"
Reynard giggled. "Temper, temper. Maaaaaan...and to think you're single, Georgie. ANY lady would be lucky to have SUCH wonderful companionship. Oh, but wait-there is a catch. She might be found headless and at the bottom of the lake-"
Georgie no longer cared about the severe pain he felt throughout his entire body. He picked up a nearby rock and tossed it at the Fox. Reynard jumped away from the oncoming object. His laughter continued to fuel Georgie's fire, as he repeated the process several more times. Colin, pulling Georgie's pant leg with his teeth, did his best to hold Georgie back.
"Itsh not worsh it, Georshie!" The jean material made it difficult for Colin to speak. "Georshie, shtop!"
Georgie ignore Colin's remarks. He continued tossing rocks at the Fox, now teasing the sowly moving man.
"Come over here, Georgie! Oh, no-over here now! Whoops! nope, over here!"
With one last push, Georgie tried to throw another rock; the gash on his stomach began to bleed, as he dropped to his knees and cuddled the wound. Colin looked over, as Mr. Sunflower and Henry were running up the hill. Reynard giggled, as he took a seat on a nearby stump. Mr. Sunflower grabbed Georgie and forced him to lay down in the grass.
"The hell are you doing out here, Porgie!? We don't just get up and take 'walks' around here! You have to let me or someone know, so-"
"Ya' can keep an eye on me? Yeah...I get it. I fuckin' get it!"
Mr. Sunflower huffed, as he placed a blue cream and some bandages on the wound.
"Henry. Fetch me a pail of water, please."
Henry gave a nod, as he rushed to a nearby well. Georgie groaned, as Mr. Sunflower applied pressure to his wound. The blood stopped flowing for a moment.
"Is this going to be an everyday thing, Porgie? Are we going to create traditions now?"
Georgie did not respond. He played with some nearby weeds. Reynard continued to stare at him, making Georgie's anger deep inside grow with each passing second. Georgie wanted to grab that Fox, shove his head in the dirt and leave it at that. His smug smile, the constant laughing made it worse. When Mr. Sunflower was done and cleaned the area with fresh water, Georgie stood up.
"There. Now, be careful, Georgie. I don't want to keep tending to that thing. I'm not a certfied Doctor, so-"
Georgie, ignoring his comment, walked over to the Corn field. He grabbed a Whicker basket and began plucking the Corn. Henry would follow and soon, was behind Georgie the entire morning. This time, however, Henry did not attempt to make conversation. Mr. Sunflower sighed, as he gathered the items used to on Georgie.
"Reynard-" The Fox turned. "You're coming with me."
"Why? Don't you want me to-"
"I need you in the Village today. By the Barn. NOW!"
His sudden voice changed caused Georgie to look over; Reynard, head down, walked down the hill and towards the village. Mr. Sunflower exchanged a few words with Colin before the Pig gave a nod and walked back to his section of the Farm.
"I'll be back, boys. Henry-"
Henry gave a faint smile, as Mr. Sunflower headed down after Reynard. Thankfully the sun wasn't to bright today; there was some cloud coverage, which made it easier for Georgie to work in. But he already knew it would be a long day. A VERY long day.
Lunch was at noon, as Henry opened a Corn husk and ate the contents inside. He sat upon a stump, as Georgie leaned himself against the fence. Georgie examined the warm Corn husk before him; inside, there was a Trout with slices of Lemon, Dil and simple seasoning.
"Didn't take Sunflower to be this bloody Chef."
Henry wips his mouth. "He's really good in the kitchen. Majority of the time, he's the one preparing the meals. You should see him when he feeds the Giants, Ogres and-"
Georgie sighs. "I'd bloody rather not. They seem...messy."
"They can be. But that's the fun part."
Georgie again picked at the Fish. Its not that he didn't enjoy a good meal with Fish as the main course but for some reason, he suddenly wasn't as hungry as he was a second ago. He covered the food and placed it beside Henry.
"Here kid. Ya' can 'ave this."
"Are you not hungry, Georgie?"
Georgie sinks lower into the grass. "Not really. I just wanna sit 'ere and look at the clouds."
Henry smiled. "OH! we can make images out of them and-"
"Henry, we ain't gunna play those silly games. Finish eatin', boy."
Henry ignored Georgie's demand, as he took a spot beside Georgie. He continued to eat his Fish, as the two looked up into the sky.
"I see a, uh.....Bear! See, Georgie? A Bear!"
Georgie closed his eyes. "I see the inside of me eyelids and-"
"Ah, come on, Georgie. Please..."
Perhaps it was his scrambled thoughts or the lack of sleep but Georgie opened his eyes, sighed and participated in Henry's childish games.
"What do you see?"
Georgie looked closer. "I don't know. A Sheep?"
"Where? Show me!"
Georgie sighed. "This is stupid, kid. Ain't ya' too old ta' be playin' this fuckin' shit?"
"I think its fun! You can pretend and for the hour I get to myself, its a wonderful slice of Heaven. No work, no rules, no problems....just me and the clouds. I sometimes like to just sit here and think."
"Bout what, kid?"
"Life before I came to the Farm."
Georgie stood up. "How was that, if ya' don't mind me askin'?"
"My parents were killed by an enemy Clan. We are Wolves and when I came home, both were dead. I had no one else to turn to...so, I wondered around until I came to the Farm. Mr. Sunflower took me in and I've been here since."
"God that's....that's awful."
"It's alright, though. HEY, what about your family?"
Georgie refused to dig into that file. He didn't want to see the Cottage, his father's malevolent stares in the darkness. He refused to picture himself as this child that had nothing but the abuse that waited for him; the secrets that clouded his innocent thoughts and the awful memories that haunted his dreams for centuries. Georgie began to remble, causing Henry to grab his hand.
"Georgie...hey, you okay?"
Georgie's stare was blank. "Family..."
"Yeah. You got any?"
Henry, still holding onto Georgie's hand, fell back into the tall grass. "I wish I had wings. I'd fly all over the sky, look down and tell everyone exactly how the sky looks. At least, how it does to me."
Georgie tried to remove the wicked images from his mind. "Wings?"
"Yeah. We'd fly high above the trees. You tell me what YOU see and I'd tell you how it looks through mine."
"That sounds pretty far fetched there, kid."
"I know but it still would be fun to dream about. Flying high into the sky, as high as that tree over there."
Georgie paused and like a child, he imagined himself flying over the trees and as high as the sun. He flew past the fluffy clouds and over Fabletown; over all his worry and problems, as he swooped down and for once, felt free. The wind was beneath him, as it carried Georgie over the hills. For a moment, he was back home; a more friendly and loving image waited for him, as he flew down and landed in the grass.
"I see it, Henry....I see it all..."
"Tell me what it looks like through your eyes, Georgie."
"I see the woods. A tiny little Cottage, beside a river and a stone Well. I see a mutha cookin' dinner for the kids...six boys and two girls playin' with the Dogs, chickens and Pigs. Their father...cuttin' wood. Smilin.' Happy..."
Georgie tried to hold back tears, as Henry continued to hold his hand. By now, they both sat up, allowing the Wind to fly past their bodies and entwine them in a moment of serenity.
"What do ya' see, Henry? Show me how the world looks through your eyes, boy."
"I see everyone getting along-Folkers, Fables, Mundies-we are having a party. I see my mom and dad. Oh! There is me! And I see you, Mr. Porgie. You look very happy. We are all dancing now beneath the Moon."
Mr. Sunflower arrived. In his hands, he held a file. Behind him, John walked quickly and up the Hill.
"He's been doing good. A few moments where he acts up but, you know..."
"Not surprised." John sighs. "He's alright, though?"
They both stop to view both Henry and Georgie, eyes closed and smiling. The wind continues to blow. Mr. Sunflower notices Henry holding Georgie's hand. To avoid interuption, he allows it for a few more minutes. Usually, he'd make his presence known and make them get back to work. But not today. John, who was also taken back by the image, could only smile and nod his head. There was some good in there. Perhaps there was hope.
For now, Henry was showing Georgie how the world looked through his eyes. For the first time in a long time, Georgie allowed Henry to see it through his eyes.
Georgie began to see it. Hope. Love. Lyla.
Any questions, you know the drill. Had time before we head to the doctor's office today! We find out the gender!!![:D :D](https://community.telltalegames.com/resources/emoji/lol.png)
Robert ould like to have nothing more than Lyla in his arms and under the covers away from the world. That will only be a fantasy, so he puts silly moments like that aside and do what's right when it comes to his son. He may not like Georgie or Lyla's choices but that is the mother of his child, so he tries to be the better person.
Right now, RJ is six, going to turn seven in THIS story; I know Pie said the Quads are about three, going to be four in THIS story as well. I made a WHOOPSIE not too long ago and mentioned Peter; he isn't here yet, so that was a mistake on my part. XD
Reynard needs to shut up. I'm going to stick him the dirt myself. I never cared too much for him, even in the comics. I know a few seem to enjoy his character but not me. It was nice to see Colin TRYING to hold Georgie back.
Henry seems to really have taking a liking to Georgie. (Duh JJ, I know) He feels very comfortable with the man he barely met and that will open up doors to georgie that have been closed for years. The moment where Georgie goes back to his childhood. I know you covered it in your 1st story but I hope to add more detail later. That's completely up to you, though.![:) :)](https://community.telltalegames.com/resources/emoji/smile.png)
Everything about henry's child like ways during this chapter was beautiful. I almost cried; he wants Georgie to see the beauty, let go and embrace life. See the world differently. Henry loves Georgie so much and cares, even though he's holding back for now.
God, pie. The feels in this one. I'm hooked on the prologue. I'm loving this. Can't wait for more.
And you better post the gender later, text me, flag me down-anything! I want to know!![:D :D](https://community.telltalegames.com/resources/emoji/lol.png)
The almighty challenge creator has been pleased. Your death sentence has been postponed for a little while longer.
On the other hand, you have to do more community service at The Farm again for erasing the good half of the speech or whatever. >:P
Philip certainly strikes me as quite the villain, so what ever Celeste's story turns out to be I suspect it will be sad. Those pesky pigs! Naoto has been caught up in waves of emotion and they've simply used that for their own ends; it's believable that the characters would do that.
Hope you get them done without any hassle!![:) :)](https://community.telltalegames.com/resources/emoji/smile.png)
I remember them having destinies, but I admittedly forgot what they were, so thanks for refreshing me on that! The situation with Penny and Hope is quite desperate then, and it's not like they're in a relaxing environment to try and think of a way of dealing with the Evil without harming Hope. Yet, there must be a way, surely. I guess I'll have to wait and see!![:) :)](https://community.telltalegames.com/resources/emoji/smile.png)
If only my memory had a delete button! It's fine. XD
Certainly, we don't have to mirror our parents. It's exciting stuff!![:D :D](https://community.telltalegames.com/resources/emoji/lol.png)
Even if he comes out with the odd comment, and least he's trying to be a better person overall.![:) :)](https://community.telltalegames.com/resources/emoji/smile.png)
Aha, thanks for answering! I'm not sure I noticed the mistake, but that's why I'm trying to get that timeline mapped out! There must be a lot to remember when writing it all. xD
Waking up to Colin's face glaring over you must be a little disconcerting, but it's also quite funny. :P Reynard does seem quite keen to remind Georgie of his shortcomings, but at least Mr. Sunflower split the two up.
Georgie and Henry imagining like that shows just the sort of things Georgie went through to change his lifestyle so much. That he got that second chance and is able to redeem himself really makes you think - people can seem to be set one way, but in actuality can be something much different.
Yeah, for now there aren't any serious things going on with Scarlett, which is a plus
Jackson is trying his best, he really wants to be there for them all. Harmony, well, she's got experience XD To be honest, I hadn't thought of that until right after I wrote it, and I was like "I am a genius, and I didn't even know it." XD
It was so good, that I have to take a day or two before moving on to the next series, The Mortal Instruments. The Infernal Devices series was actually a prequel series, so you can imagine how much better this next one will probably be. I was tearing up trying to explain to my dad the ending and he was like "It's just a book," and I was like "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND BECAUSE YOU CAN READ" and he was like "Do you need a hug or something?" And then he hugged me lol. The ending....it was worth reading three books to get to it, you know?
Yeah, thank God Jackson did. I figured I would mirror him to Jack (Hehe, get it? Mirror? Similar names? No? Okay...) Except, I would do the exact opposite in this case. Whether she has problems with it in the future, only time will tell. It's awesome that you like the names, Charlotte is one I really really love (And, it's the name of one of my favorite characters in The Infernal Devices series)
You can message me if you want about it, lol. I'd love to hear it, and maybe it'll even sway my opinion on what I want to do >.> lol
Yeah, The Infernal Devices (All the Clockwork books) is the prequel to The Mortal Instruments. I originally picked up City of Bones an independent reading book for class, but my teacher didn't want any books made into movies, so I figured "Hey, might as well pick up the prequel!" And it was the best decision I had ever made in my entire career of reading books. So yeah XD City of Bones is next on my agenda, however I may take a few days to recuperate. Them feels T.T
I've seen the movie, and it's literally NOTHING like to book in every possible way. The only thing the same is the Title, seriously. The book is a collection of fictional interviews of about 20 people and it's written a little more informatively than narratively, but it's still extremely interesting and the only reason it's taking me long to finish it is because you have to pay attention extra hard to details sometimes, because it goes in real depth and sometimes you have to remember people or things people say later on and there's sometimes a bit of an information overload, sort of. So yeah, otherwise it's an excellent read so far, though I haven't been reading much lately (Due to my, erm, emotional status.) And nice picks. Haven't read any of them, but I've heard they're all real good books. I want to get into Game of Thrones, but it might be a LONG while before I get there.
I love minecraft, lmao. I don't play it NEARLY as much as I used to, but it still sits there on my desktop, and on my phone, and just recently on my Xbox (I have brothers, damn it, and they BREATH the words 'Minecraft' and 'Creepers' and 'Punching Blocks' and 'Diamonds', lmao.)
Porgie Clan
Part 5 Sorry for the crappy quality. Stupid phone. -.-'
And I'm here to announce, we are having a.....-drum roll- Girl!! Say hello to Miss Emily Marie Fernandes!
She has my nose!
Well said, Noir. Well said.![:) :)](https://community.telltalegames.com/resources/emoji/smile.png)
First off, the page. Damn, junior! He's determined to get Mary out of the mirror and into his world! Hopefully, this won't backfire on him. >.>
Also, I TOLD you! I'm a Godfather!
She DOES have your nose, dude! Congrats to you two! She's going to be beautiful.
Miss Emily Marie. Great name, Pie. I want to take this moment to tell you you'll be a wonderful father; break the vicious cycle and be better than your father ever was. i've been checking this site and my phone all morning! XD
Again, wonderful page for the 'Porgie clan' and congrats on your baby girl! Can't wait to meet my neice!!
Elora stared at the ceiling when her family left.
She lied, she was not tired. For the past day, she'd been reading silently to herself the words she'd put on paper over the course of this year alone. She was sure there were other diaries, but this had the most recent events with in them. She wondered how in the world she had gotten so good at spelling, but then she figured it was always something she pushed hard to do. Afterall, 'Celebrities have perfect handwriting!' she would remind herself, and the people around her.
It took her longer than the average person to read each passage, but at least she was gaining enough from the pages to understand. She had gathered that the little crush for Jackson she'd always had, grew into something more over these years. And she could feel it, almost as if it were in her, her love for him, yet at such a far distance that it could be swept away from her at any moment. She wondered why she left so angrily; that was something she didn't exactly get to write down about before the car had hit her.
She was uneasy around her sister. She felt as though she had hurt Scarlett by once loving Jackson, and even though the love has grown ever so weak, she still felt guilty of it. She was sure that they knew; The way he looked at her with awkwardness and how shy he would be. And Scarlett. Scarlett must be blaming herself so bad. Elora could see it wearing down her sister heavily, and she understood that also having a baby was diminishing her energy.
She flipped through pages that had hearts with the letters 'J+E' on the pages- These were from many months ago, March. Before her sister's relationship with him, she presumed. It seemed like even then, it was petty love. It would never have happened, she knew now. She was almost....glad for her memory loss. Glad, because she knew if she could remember, she would not feel this way at all. The way she worded herself, it didn't seem like her anymore. She felt different. She felt as if she were more mature now, and yet she still only remembered very little past her fifth grade education.
Her head began to hurt again from over thinking. She lay back, the notebook open in her lap. She was 3/4's the way through it, and could not bare to go on. It only got worse the more recent the entries were. Her jealousy toward Scar, her jealousy of so many other things. It made her sick to think about it. The television on the wall was cartoons, and normally she would enjoy them, but right now she did not feel as if she could enjoy anything.
And then, she grew angry. How could she have lived this way for so long? In jealousy, in contempt, holding all of her feelings in so deep that it took a brain injury and several painstaking surgeries to correct? She turned her head, to a mirror on the left wall staring directly at her. She was no longer the old Elora. She was a new one, of sorts. A new Elora, one who would fix herself, and those she had broken around her. She stood, although weak, and limped to the trash can with the notebook in her unbandaged hand. Carefully, she tore each page one at a time, crumbled it up and threw it out. At last, it was empty. A hollow sleeve of something that no longer existed. She tossed the last bit in the trash, and then laid back down.
The first thing she would do when she left the hospital, once she was well enough, would be to visit her sister. They would talk, and fix things. And then, she would apologize those who she'd hurt by the way she acted. For now, she would sleep.
Harmony sat bent over her desk. It was late at night, her eyes were sore and strained from staring at the computer screen for so long. Thankfully, her other children hadn't bothered her. Her grandparents, Snow and Bigby, had stayed over since Thanksgiving, and were taking her daughter and Jackson home with them tomorrow after breakfast. She felt sad that she had to let Scarlett go again, but she was happy that her daughter was happy. More than anything, she was tired. Tired of grief, tired of stress. Having four babies made it more taxing on her, and the back of her neck was beginning to ache.
"You coming to bed, love?" Tim asked. He leaned in the doorway of the study, his eyes grazing over the bookshelves, which held everything from Moby Dick to popular young adult books in today's culture. "Also, are you going to put all of those books you finished away?"
"What are you-" Harmony looked to the stack beside her on the desk. "-Oh, those were the kids. They were-" She paused, opening the top book up, which was scribbled in with green highlighter. Little stick figure people, a tree, and a....fish? It looked like a fish. "-Damn. This was a good hard copy of The Giver."
"We can always buy a new copy, if you want to read it again." Tim said. He was stood before her, his hands pressed down on the desk as he lifted his head over the desktop screen. "Whatcha doin'?"
"Writing." Harmony replied, bluntly.
"About?" Tim asked. He came around the desk and sat on the nearby ottoman, pulled it over to her swivel chair.
"Me," She replied. "But- I can't seem to....word it like I want to."
"You're writing about yourself? Haven't you-"
"I saved those chapters you snooped through, yes. I'm continuing it."
"Well, what are you writing about this time?"
"About the day I got my apartment. And the day I met freakin' Mary. How the hell do I do that?"
"Shh," Tim said, rubbing her thigh. "You're cursing again. You're tired. Come to bed, the words will come to you better if you are well rested. Plus, you need to think of them." He poked her belly. She smiled at him, because his voice and his demeanor were both irresistable.
"Let me save real quick," She sighed. A few clicks, and she was done, and she stood along side her husband. She leaned onto the desk, staring directly into his eyes in the dark light of the wood paneled room. Her socks nearly slipping on the wood floors, he took her face in his hands and kissed her so softly, as if to tease her. Her mouth hungered for more, like a ravenous dog. She placed her hands around his shoulders and pulled his face closer, pressing her lips harder against his. She heard him make a surprised noise, but accepted it and placed his hands on her waist now.
"The bedroom," He whispered. "I'll show you the way if you get lost, fair maiden."
Harmony burst out laughed, slapping his cheek playfully. "You're the biggest dork." Her lips pressed into his again, and they nearly stumbled trying to get upstairs and into their room. A brief escape from reality is what she needed right now.
More to come, eventually! I have to write an Appeal letter, apparently I did not get accepted into National Honors Society, but the post messed my letter up, and I did not receive it until today, during school (A whole week after the letters were sent out, mind you) So I had no idea about it and today was the due date for the letters. I talked to the VP and she said to bring it in tomorrow, so yeah. Need to go do that now :L
Are we going to have an actual Bloody Mary coming into our Mundy world now?
I love the comics pudding_pie! Junior really wants Mary to show up! Lol. Also congrats on the baby girl!![:D :D](https://community.telltalegames.com/resources/emoji/lol.png)
I have a bad habit of starting a new world, starting a project in that particular world and not finishing it. Ugh, it's so frustrating, Em! I guess thankfully, for my sake, I don't play it as much myself either. :P
Chapter 19
Every Rose has its thorns
Robert briefly left to grab some burgers and fries from Mcdonald's; RJ was craving something greasy, cheesy and full of pickles. Lyla laughed when he and Robert picked the same thing: Two double Cheeseburgers with no Onions, extra ketchup, large fry and a medium Coke.
"Just like daddy." Lyla whispered, as she stroked RJ's hair. "I remember being pregnant with you and wanting nothing BUT Burgers."
RJ looked up. "Really, mommy?"
"Yes. Drone mommy insane, eating so many burgers. But the doctor said it kept you happy, so that made mommy happy."
RJ smiled. Before he could carry on with the conversation, Robert returned with their dinner. Rose took her Chicken Nuggets and sat near a table not too far from Robert and the others. As she dipped her chicken into the Sweet and Sour sauce, her eyes continued to glare at Lyla. Under her breathe, she mumbled a few choice words before taking a sip from her Ice Tea.
"That good, bud?"
"Mmmm hmmmm!" RJ smiles, showing a ketchup goatee begining. "This is tasty, daddy! Rose, come sit by me!"
RJ waves at Rose. She turns and smiles.
"Nah, I'm good over here, bud. Comfortable."
Robert sighs. "If you were going to be anti-social, you should've stayed home."
Rose ignores Robert's comment and takes another bite from her chicken. Lyla could sense the tension growing with every passing minute. She never had a problem wth Rose but since their breakup, Rose felt the need to not only be Robert's crutch but his voice, thoughts and actions. It was bothering Lyla; Robert was not a baby and he could defend himself when needed. Rose didn't need to be his voice.
"Mommy, can I have more ketchup please?"
Lyla tears off a corner. "My, someone loves their ketchup."
Robert glances up and smiles. Lyla's eyes meet his. "Just like me, kiddo."
RJ thanks Lyla as he dips several fries into the red mess. Rose finishes her meal, stands up and heads outside.
"Did I do something, Robert?"
"What do you mean?"
"Rose has been giving me the cold shoulder and the evil eye ever since we stepped foot onto the Farm."
"That's Rose. She does that."
Lyla rolls her eyes. "That's no excuse, Robert. This is OUR son. She needs to back up."
Robert nods in agreement. "I'll, uh, talk to her tonight."
"Thank you...."
The three of them finish their dinner. RJ takes Lyla and Robert back to the river. He turns into his Grendel form, as RJ jumps into the fridgid water and splashes around. Ducks quak and pass the boy, as he dives deeper into the river and pop up in random places.
"Daddy, join me!"
Robert grins, takes off his shirt and dips his toe into the water. It is cold against his skin. Before long, Robert's form turns into a towering Grendel, as he slowly heads into the water. Lyla sits on a hearby stone; the Waterlilies and Cattails tickle her feet, as she dips them into the water. She watches her son play silly games with his father, as the two Grendels continue to burst through the blue and frolic in the weeds.
"Mommy, you wanna come in?"
Robert turns. "Yeah. Wanna join?"
Lyla smiles. "No, I'm fine sweetie. Next time mommy will change and we'll run through the fields and woods."
"Promise, baby. I'll bring your siblings, too. And you know daddy Georgie loves taking walks with you around the woods."
Nurse Sally and Snow make their way to the river. Lyla automatically knows what this means, as she grabs Robert's shirt.
"Time to go, Snow?"
"Sadly yes, Lyla. If you want, you can come back tomorrow afternoon."
"Its a deal."
RJ notices the Nurse and the pretty lady in the skirt. He too knows what this means.
"Do they have to go, Ms. Sally?"
"Yes, RJ. Come on out of there so we can take a bath and get ready for bed."
Robert helps RJ step out, as he grabs a towel and dries himself off. Robert returns to his human form, as he puts his shirt back on.
"Will you be back too, daddy?"
"Of course, kiddo. Promise."
After several goodbyes, hugs and kisses, Robert and Lyla walked to the front of the Farm. Snow locked the gate behind her, as Rose jumped into the Truck. She didn't say much, as Robert and Lyla stood to talk for a few moments.
"Thank you. He loves seeing you..."
"I'm glad to be here. Will you, uh, be here tomorrow?"
"Yes. You?"
"Well, I'll see you tomorrow than, Robert."
Lyla touches Robert's chest; she could feel his heart thumping widly against his chest, as his breathing deepens and his eyes begin to change. She fears the massive beast but at one time, the gentle giant held her close to his body. Robert leans his head forward, as the tip of his forehead touches Lyla's.
"I'll see you, Lyla. Its nice seeing you again..."
Robert tires to lean in and plant a kiss on Lyla's lips but she has already left and is heading towards her car. He kicks the ground, heads to the Truck and soon, they are heading back to Fabletown.
Rose leaves without another word; Robert knows what is going through her head and knows either a drunken night or sleep will help clear her mind. Rose catches a bus and heads back to her apartment. Robert, however, calls his brother.
"Hello?" Carla.
"Hey, Carla. Its Robert. Gren awake?"
"Robert, its late. Everything okay? Gren did a double shift tonight. He's exhausted. He's off tomorrow, though. You wanna call back in the morning?"
"Yeah. Sorry to have bothered you, Carla. Goodnight."
Robert hangs up, as he walks to the semi-finished room for his son. Soon, the apartment would be filled with laughter and little feet. Robert leans against the doorway and smiles. All he could picture was a little piece of him playing on the floor with his toys. Suddenly, all he could picture was Lyla, as she sat in the rocking chair. She looked over and smiled.
"Lyla..." Robert reaches out, hoping to touch her hand. "Lyla, I love you so much. God, I love you..."
Before he could come back to reality, she vanishes, leaving Robert back in the real world and his empy apartment. Robert sighs, as he heads to the bathroom. A shower would help ease his mind. Like an oncoming storm, her image clouded his thoughts. As Robert stood under the running water, he invisioned Lyla in the shower with him. Like old times. Before...
Robert leans against the tile, as Lya's image ince again floods him. Now, she stands begore Robert; the water trickles down her breasts, as the water becomes lost in her hair. Her eyes on focused on Robert, as they lean in for a kiss. Robert swears at that moment he could feel her against his naked body, her arms around his neck, her breathe against his face.
The water continues to fall, as Robert crumbles to the floor. With his hands out and head hung low, Robert falls into dispair. He aches for Lyla, to have her, to hold her; to watch Lyla produce more of his children, as he watches her belly grow each and every day. Robert longs to have Lyla in his bed, have her there in the living room, playing with RJ and the other children they'd create out of love. Alone, Robert leans his head against the tile.
"Fuck, why did I not fight for you....."
The water pours onto his fae, as it washes his tears down the drain.
"I love you, Lyla Smith..."
The mark on his arm burns, as Robert's fingers trace the outline. Sadly, Robert knew what he had to do but he refused to participate. Robert wanted to hold on o\to that last bit of her he had. He had RJ. Now, he wanted the memories that he cherished over the years. The only remaining images he had of when she was his. So, on the shower floor, Robert continued to picture Lyla.
"Stay with me..." Robert reached his hand out. "Stay with me. Always..."
Rose's bus ride ended on the South side of Fabletown. She walked up a flight of stairs before reaching an unknown apartment. With several knocks, a frail old lady opened the door and greeted Rose.
"Hello, Adair."
"Rose Red. Please. Come inside."
Pink clouds of smoke surrounded Rose, as she began to cough and swat at the air.
"Have a seat. Tea?"
"No thank you. I'm here about the spell...."
"Ah yes." Adair reaches over to a cabinent. "This is very potent magic her, child. A tiny bit goes a long way. But use the whole bottle-"
"Please spare me. I don't have much time."
"You DO know this may backfire, should he discover it...."
"I'll be careful."
"Of course."
Rose pays the old woman, as she holds the tiny bottle of magice in her hands. Rose begins to chuckle.
If Robert wouldn't do it, she would.
Chapter 20 coming soon. Again, congrats to Pie on his beautiful baby girl Emily! Any questions, leave them below.![:D :D](https://community.telltalegames.com/resources/emoji/lol.png)
That's SO exciting! Glad you are excited to be a daddy as well! Make sure you dress her in the cutest cloths and when she comes home from school ask her how her day was because girls love that kind of stuff!
Also, be good to your girlfriend, she's gonna need ALL the help she can get! Although, I'm sure you know that already
Congrats, man! And awesome comic, it's coming along SUPER well!
EDIT: I went back and read as many of your posts as possible, though I haven't commented on any of them, because If I tried I would fail XD They were all amazing, as usual, and I can't wait for more!
So, I just read the next newest issue of Fables.
Wait for it.
Wait for it.
That is all.
More than anything, I would play it on my phone on long car trips while plugged in to a car charger XD It's something to pass the time, and I build considerably nice structures
I hate when I don't finish projects, but there are so many unfinished ones on my PC version XD On the xbox, I've played it like twice, but I decided to just build whatever the hell I want to, so I have a gigantic tower filled with Lava and dogs perched at the top like gargoyles, and I built a small floating island nearby, and a couple of houses. And that was it :P
I would love to take a tour of your various houses someday! XD Though, it probably can't top my underground house that technically doesn't exist anymore!![:D :D](https://community.telltalegames.com/resources/emoji/lol.png)
LOL You, JJ and like half my family thought the same thing. XD My GF and I have a ton of cute little outfits; once she is here I plan on showing her in them. I've actually been cooking dinner since her back has been hurting her a lot. (Not very good but she eats it.) I can't ait to hold my Emily in my arms.
Be everything my father wasn't to me. And thanks. Having fun drawing it.
Also, don't worry about it.
I know you are busy and just knowing you took the time to read it is fine with me. When you get the chance, you'll comment. I know you.
Glad you are loving the comic. Something I've enjoyed doing on my spare time. Also, thank you. Can't wait to meet her.![:) :)](https://community.telltalegames.com/resources/emoji/smile.png)
I feel so bad for Robert. That bit with him in the shower, him seeing Lyla in the mist and his desire to hold her again. I hope he can figure this out and make peace with it.
And Rose. I knew it! She's going to do something to Robert in regards to Lyla. I love how much you have improved with your writing. Looking forward to seeing the next chapter.
Is that the one with Bigby and Rose on the cover? THINK my GF bought that and is going to read. The cover alone had her seeing red (no pun intended xD) From the reaction YOU had, I can gurantee she will have the same. Will have to calm her down, if that is the case.
I'll have to sit down and read it with her because I too am curious to see what happens. Rose and her magic.....
Well, I'm glad you gave Jackson the opportunity to be a father to his unborn baby. Although I'm not a fan of Jack, at least he KINDA came around for Carter in the end. (Not by much though) He has a lot on his plate, that being this baby and Elora. Speaking of, hope she get's it together and comes to her senses. Again, I'm thinking Scar's unborn baby has to do with it but that's just MY theory.![:) :)](https://community.telltalegames.com/resources/emoji/smile.png)
Well, after the emotion and description you have given me, I might take the time to read the Clockwork books and the Infernal Devices. I've heard positive reviews about them. Plus, with winter break coming up, gives me time to read it.
It's so good, oh my god! The cover was this:
so if that's the issue, then yes, you will have to calm her down XD
Lol, that's how it sounded! It's great that you already have a bunch of cloths picked out, because it's better to have it early than too late, lol. At least she's eating the food, so that has to count for something XD I've always liked the name Emily, and I'm actually glad my parents named me that, because if it were a name I didn't like, that wouldn't be so good! And great to know you are having a good time drawing!
Eventually, I will. I literally have the busiest schedule between balancing school, chores at home, my friends, and my family. I'll be certain to catch up all the way soon ^-^