Fables 146 Talk

edited November 2014 in The Wolf Among Us

So 146 just came out. Did you like it? What did you think?



  • I think that shit is gonna get very real soon and Willingham is tugging on our heart strings with Bigby... Also when the council agree that Bigby is an enemy and needs to be killed, does Snow say ANYTHING in his defense or does she just agree with them?

  • I liked it. Just where the hell was "The Last Story of Hansel and Gretel"??? Did I miss something? There was just the start of what seems to be Charming's final story. Anyway...

    I knew Mrs. Dark was going down like nothing (come on, another jealous of the beauty bitch villain?) but I thought Totenkinder was going to be the one to do it, and it seemed way too inconsequential. What now? The great powers of darkness will manifest into Rose? Seems like that may be the case, sucking her even deeper into her downfall and corruption. Now Rose taking Bigby's ring for her advantage and saying the things she did caught me by surprise! Too bad Bigby decided not to kill her when he had the chance. She's finally proved to be the bad seed beyond questioning. I though her downfall would play more subtlety, through the next 2 issues. The way she just turned from Golden to Red i can see next that at some point Snow will turn from Black to White (I found it strange that she didn't just turn her armor white at the same time she dismissed her "damned back blade" for "Ice"). It will probably happen when she finally faces Rose, gets a chance to kill her and refuses to do it, giving Rose a chance to "win". I can only see one chance of redemption for Rose left: to kill herself to save Snow from doing it. That's my guess for how the final conflict will be solved. But I wouldn't be too surprised if after that Snow had yet another challenge to face, like killing the Fates or Totenkinder (which I think can at any point by now be revealed to be the series villain all along). In the end, if Snow survives it I hope she can end up with Bigby until the end of time, a real happily ever after, but I'm afraid the story may be getting to a conclusion where Bigby will watch her die and end alone... that would be a terrible conclusion to his fate, and a really sad one to the series, but not a bad one... just sad.

  • So there was no last story of Hansel and Gretel? that's wierd... Have you seen the cover art for issue 149, it shows Bigby and Rose kissing half naked in the woods. Now tell me what you think will happen in the end!

    I liked it. Just where the hell was "The Last Story of Hansel and Gretel"??? Did I miss something? There was just the start of what seems to

  • Just where the hell was "The Last Story of Hansel and Gretel"?

    That was my question too. Maybe it is in the next issue?

    I hope for a happily ever after ending too, but now, I'm not so sure we'll get that ending.........Seems like story has taken a bleak turn (at least for Rose).....

    I liked it. Just where the hell was "The Last Story of Hansel and Gretel"??? Did I miss something? There was just the start of what seems to

  • I really think The series will end with "And they all lived happily ever after" because Issue 1 starts with "Once Upon a time." I also dont think Willingham wants to end it on a sad depressing ending

    I liked it. Just where the hell was "The Last Story of Hansel and Gretel"??? Did I miss something? There was just the start of what seems to

  • I'm getting really sick of rose and her bullshit.

  • edited November 2014

    I thought it was a bit rushed and out of character.
    I like how Rose Red's armor turned red after she wears the ring, but how could she not even giving second thought on restoring Bigby?
    The fact that she just turned all "villainy" just broke my heart, I mean I really like the idea of "hope for second chances".
    Regardless of her feud with Snow, Bigby was a pawn in all this mess. Doesn't Rose care about the cubs too?
    I'm not asking too much, just a small panel with her talking to herself like "Now how do I use this to return you to normal?"
    Then perhaps another panel where temptation seeps in, making her decide that for now Bigby is too powerful a tool to let go.
    Maybe it'll show in future issues, I hope.

  • I've already talked about it somewhere else in the forums, comparing it to the issue 127 where Brandish met Snow and whose preview featured a cover with Brandish kissing Snow.

    "Brandish did in fact kiss Snow, but didn't meant it went anywhere and could be the same thing with Rose now in issue 149. Somehow she tries to seduce Bigby, when he's disoriented or something...
    I just can't see Bigby even having anything with Rose. Even if he came back to his primal predatory mindset he would probably have disgust in chewing her meat and bones if he had any memory of what a little brat she ever was".

    Now we know that Rose has the ring and with it some control over Bigby. Maybe she really gets him to have some action with her, which would most certainly be the last drop for Snow. But I'd bet in Bigby resisting it. He may refuse to "kill family" but I can see him biting off the ring along with her finger Gollum style, lol! Or, as one last theory is that, like others pointed out Bigby seems to be fully recovered, so maybe Rose isn't even using the ring. If so I can't see by any chance Bigby giving in for her charms. Not all magic in existence could perform such feat, I don't think, haha!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    So there was no last story of Hansel and Gretel? that's wierd... Have you seen the cover art for issue 149, it shows Bigby and Rose kissing half naked in the woods. Now tell me what you think will happen in the end!

  • Rose always seemed doomed to me, even when her fantasies seemed to be turning all for the better.

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    Just where the hell was "The Last Story of Hansel and Gretel"? That was my question too. Maybe it is in the next issue? I hope for a

  • It also starts with "NO MORE HAPPILY EVER AFTER" written all over a wall in blood. Rose's blood, who's Snow's blood, etc.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I really think The series will end with "And they all lived happily ever after" because Issue 1 starts with "Once Upon a time." I also dont think Willingham wants to end it on a sad depressing ending

  • I thought it was bloody brilliant.

    Seriously, I thought this was the best issue in the Happily Ever After story arc yet! I still stand firm in the belief that Rose will die, but who knows. Willingham LOVES his curve balls.

    I felt so satisfied when she killed Leigh, just took the ring, and at the same time I was concerned because Rose had been a little overconfident in herself MAJORLY, and that is a means of making mistakes easily. I laughed when Hope appeared with the forms she had taken on for Rose in the past, and the way they connected Rose's story to Grimble's....it was executed perfectly, in my opinion.

  • Yeah, I was not sure WHO she was kissing in the woods, but it didn't look like Bigby in my opinion. It DID concern me when she said those things about understanding why her sister loved him so much, and how wolfy he was. A little, erm, much maybe? AND I LOVED when she was about to say cunt (If you are offended by me saying that word, I can blurb it out :L) and Morgan interupted her XD It was awesome!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    So there was no last story of Hansel and Gretel? that's wierd... Have you seen the cover art for issue 149, it shows Bigby and Rose kissing half naked in the woods. Now tell me what you think will happen in the end!

  • For one, I was tired of her playing golden knight, but I would say that the case may be that Hope is dishing some really dark influence over Rose, to get the worse in her to flourish. Curious how fast she jumped in to point Rose in the "right direction", huh?

  • Golden knight?

    Did someone call me?

    For one, I was tired of her playing golden knight, but I would say that the case may be that Hope is dishing some really dark influence over

  • edited November 2014

    Oh, one small thing that bothered me is how Rose's sword, Thorn, was shown in the meeting table, beside Snow's sword, Ice, but when she "summoned" it to kill Mrs. Douglas it was shown being teleported to her hand from the outside wall where it was stuck after being thrown by Bigby ("sword in stone" like Totenkinder "joked" about it... epic moment). Ain't that a huge oversight? Maybe the issues are really being a little rushed, like many are saying... :-\

  • Yeah but maybe no more happily ever after for Rose in the end.

    Alt text

    It also starts with "NO MORE HAPPILY EVER AFTER" written all over a wall in blood. Rose's blood, who's Snow's blood, etc.

  • I liked this one alot too.

    sadly I was really hoping she would pick up the ring in hope to save Bigby but NOPE. Why would you want to do that Rose?

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    I thought it was bloody brilliant. Seriously, I thought this was the best issue in the Happily Ever After story arc yet! I still stand fi

  • I find it hard to connect Rose's story to Grimble's... Care to elaborate? Do you just mean by the pacing? Also, I'm kinda in the dark for whatever Grimble's mission may be...

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    I thought it was bloody brilliant. Seriously, I thought this was the best issue in the Happily Ever After story arc yet! I still stand fi

  • edited November 2014

    Feels like a simple mistake. In the Walking Dead a character who lost his hand has it commonly appears and reapers or switches sides

    Oh, one small thing that bothered me is how Rose's sword, Thorn, was shown in the meeting table, beside Snow's sword, Ice, but when she "sum

  • Yeah I dont see a connection with Grimble and rose, but I think Cinderella sent Grimble to go where ever he is

    I find it hard to connect Rose's story to Grimble's... Care to elaborate? Do you just mean by the pacing? Also, I'm kinda in the dark for whatever Grimble's mission may be...

  • I actually wasn't surprised the way she reacted, considering her mindset in previous issues. I think it's the dark power getting to her head, you know? I believe that she will change her mind though after she's done seeing what Hope wants to show her.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I liked this one alot too. sadly I was really hoping she would pick up the ring in hope to save Bigby but NOPE. Why would you want to do that Rose?

  • It was a tiny connection at the end, where Hope made the reference to Tom Wolf as Grimble was in the realm or whatever that Tom Wolf existed in. I don't think it was yet stated what his mission was, though it may become more obvious as it goes on.

    I find it hard to connect Rose's story to Grimble's... Care to elaborate? Do you just mean by the pacing? Also, I'm kinda in the dark for whatever Grimble's mission may be...

  • I feel as though they are being a bit rushed too, though I didn't catch that. And I agree, Totenkinder's joke was the most epic thing ever XD

    Oh, one small thing that bothered me is how Rose's sword, Thorn, was shown in the meeting table, beside Snow's sword, Ice, but when she "sum

  • Oh, i remember noticing that XD Oh, Kirkman...

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Feels like a simple mistake. In the Walking Dead a character who lost his hand has it commonly appears and reapers or switches sides

  • Oh yeah. I didnt even notice, nice find

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    It was a tiny connection at the end, where Hope made the reference to Tom Wolf as Grimble was in the realm or whatever that Tom Wolf existed in. I don't think it was yet stated what his mission was, though it may become more obvious as it goes on.

  • Oh, I did noticed that but I think it was just a joke and, yes, a little of a writer's gimmick to "connect" unconnected stories. Bill wanted to end with that "you can't actually go home again", so he had the other progressing story, being used to give some pacing, have a coincidental reference to that. Cheap stuff, really.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    It was a tiny connection at the end, where Hope made the reference to Tom Wolf as Grimble was in the realm or whatever that Tom Wolf existed in. I don't think it was yet stated what his mission was, though it may become more obvious as it goes on.

  • Guys, does anybody have any idea on why in Rose vs Snow ultimately "one will have to kill the other"? Or what's with the "what siblings in this family do" thing?

    Hope mentions it was a "cycle" she meant to avoid (I doubt she ever meant it) and the next title, "Tontine", confirms that the survivor will absorb all the powers from the other. I bet that this whole thing makes reference to some major old story. The way we have been dealing with gods recently, probably some mythical world's end stuff. And I doubt other big players are just there to watch or to help who they like better. People will want to drink from this cup too.

  • I think we will find out next issue why Snow or Rose MUST die.

    Guys, does anybody have any idea on why in Rose vs Snow ultimately "one will have to kill the other"? Or what's with the "what siblings in t

  • When does Rose make those comments to Snow about why she loves Bigby? I don't ever remember reading them...

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Yeah, I was not sure WHO she was kissing in the woods, but it didn't look like Bigby in my opinion. It DID concern me when she said those th

  • I was 100% positive that it was him. Who else could it be?
    And, the best for me was when she said "No wonder Snow got all wet for you. You beast!" I was like "WTF! You dirty bitch!" lol

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Yeah, I was not sure WHO she was kissing in the woods, but it didn't look like Bigby in my opinion. It DID concern me when she said those th

  • I wish I could figure out at least a few possibilities before we get to know from the comics. It feels so rewarding when a theory or suspicion turn out right.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I think we will find out next issue why Snow or Rose MUST die.

  • When does Rose say these things!? Is it in Issue 146?

    I was 100% positive that it was him. Who else could it be? And, the best for me was when she said "No wonder Snow got all wet for you. You beast!" I was like "WTF! You dirty bitch!" lol

  • Let us all remember how many dicks Rose has had up her ass now.

    I was 100% positive that it was him. Who else could it be? And, the best for me was when she said "No wonder Snow got all wet for you. You beast!" I was like "WTF! You dirty bitch!" lol

  • it was directly after she killed Mrs. Dark/ Leigh and put the ring on her finger.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    When does Rose make those comments to Snow about why she loves Bigby? I don't ever remember reading them...

  • I actually took a closer look at the cover, and realized that it DOES look like Bigby now.....And me too, I was like ,"Well, gee, Rose, might as well say you want to fuck him."

    I was 100% positive that it was him. Who else could it be? And, the best for me was when she said "No wonder Snow got all wet for you. You beast!" I was like "WTF! You dirty bitch!" lol

  • Do you know EXACTLY what she says? Every word?

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    it was directly after she killed Mrs. Dark/ Leigh and put the ring on her finger.

  • At first I thought it was Lance... until I looked closer!

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    I actually took a closer look at the cover, and realized that it DOES look like Bigby now.....And me too, I was like ,"Well, gee, Rose, might as well say you want to fuck him."

  • Not being exact but Rose notices the ring she is wearing and says she could see her true form with her powers.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Do you know EXACTLY what she says? Every word?

  • I suspect it has to do with how Snow and Rose's mother had that evil sister who took Snow in as a child (If you read the Rose Red arc a while back) And why she was evil compared to their mother. I also feel as though there will be a dark secret revealed of their origins, like maybe their mother was not actually their mother, you know? I'm surprisingly very excited to read these next issues, since they've taken a turn from the heartbreak and suspense.

    I wish I could figure out at least a few possibilities before we get to know from the comics. It feels so rewarding when a theory or suspicion turn out right.

  • Well, she says something along the lines of "Now I know why my sister got so wet for you" and "I never understood it before, but now-" And I think she was cut off at that point by Hope and the forms she'd taken to get Rose's attention before.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Do you know EXACTLY what she says? Every word?

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