Asking for inclusionism in video games is not a bad thing when it comes to games with multiple player characters.
I agree completely, we need more characters like Clementine and less characters like stereotypical bikini babe Dead or Alive Girl. I'm a little old fashioned, and half the things some girls wear in these games are just... Why? I personally wouldn't want to play as a female character so i can understand how girls/women may feel.
The internet can be full of really awful people, and a lot of them aren't even anonymous, posting hate with their Facebook accounts publicly linked. It's madness, really.
I know its sad. One of the really crappy things about the internet. Wouldn't it be nice if people just followed the golden Rule.
Asking for inclusionism in video games is not a bad thing when it comes to games with multiple player characters. Sometimes it leads to a b… moreetter game. For example, people asked Double Fine to add same sex couples to Massive Chalice, and they did. And it made the game better for it, as it adds a challenging element to the game to have a fort stronghold that can't reproduce to create heirs. Plus, since it's completely optional, there's no reason that anyone has to play the game that way if they don't want, so everybody wins.
But, yeah. The way that some people went about it for Assassin's Creed Unity was unacceptable. Death threats. Really? People really need to realize that there are real people behind the screen, and people can get seriously damaged (emotionally and sometimes physically if some more off-kilter person actually makes good on the threats) by such vile comments. The internet can be full of really awful people, and a l… [view original content]
I'm going to split this response up into two parts as I anticipate that the length of my response would be ridiculous otherwise. My response to your specific examples of "insane" feminists will follow in a separate comment.
I think it would be best if we just leave it at that and go our separate ways, because I don't have as much leisurely time to spend online debating.
Well I don't expect you to have to reply on some sort of schedule or even reply at all. It's just that when I have stuff to say, I can't help but say it. Take as long as you want or need reply and if you feel that this debate is taking up too much of your time, then feel free to stop.
The Steubenville rapists are in prison, how was that case handled without seriousness?
The legal system (in this case, but not in many others) did it's due diligence in prosecuting the rapists. But as I pointed out (and you didn't seem to disagree), some of the behaviors of other students in that high school, the Steubenville community, and the media did not treat rape with the seriousness it deserves. And comments such as your "They didn't brutally rape the girl, they put their genitals in her mouth, and put their fingers in her vagina while she was unconscious" suggest that the rape of an unconscious woman is less of a crime than the rape of a conscious one. That's the kind of reasoning that enables a guy who sexually assaults a friend at a party to excuse his behavior as "not that bad."
But most people can not keep a straight story if they’re asked multiple invasive detailed questions and they’re lying.
Most people also cannot keep a straight story if they're asked multiple invasive (that's a pretty apt word) questions about a traumatic encounter they had. Here's a good article that explains why that's the case. Do you not see how trying to "trip up" a woman who's earnestly trying to recount a horrific act of violence inflicted on her might be insensitive or re-traumatizing? I understand that the police need to investigate the crime impartially, but that doesn't mean that they have to do so in ways that, time and time again, have been reported by victims and researchers of sexual abuse as damaging and harmful. And questions like "What were you wearing?" and "How much did you have to drink?" aren't asked of robbery or mugging victims, so why are they asked of rape victims? The fact that less than 8% of rape accusations are found to be false does not excuse treating the other 92% of rape reports as dubious. The statistics simply are that when a woman reports a rape (which is actually a problem as rape is under-reported) more than 9 times out of 10, she's telling the truth.
It isn't having any positive feedback, it would if it was being tolerated.
This guy seems to think it's pretty okay. And there are more people like him than you think, as evidenced by the fact that he is somehow a best-selling author. And ridiculous as he is, I do think people like him can be persuaded to think differently than they do. Or if not, then at least made out to be an example to young boys as someone who's views are rejected by society. Those are feminist goals.
No, I feel these pressures all the time, in fact my Uncle always asks me every time he visits why I'm not married and haven't had babies yet, and that I should be putting that as first priority, and I always say I'm too focused on school/work and don't have time for that right now in my life...There's pressure within Society, your family/friends are going to pressure you even if it's unintentionally, you're going to be uncomfortable/annoyed with it, that's a given. But tough luck, that's life, and whining about it isn't going to make everything magically better, especially when what you're complaining about is so damn trivial.
Well it's not going to make things instantly better. But that's the nature of social change. Feminists believe that things can get better. That by educating people that pressuring family members and friends into fulfilling or prioritizing activities that correspond with their assigned gender role is annoying and not helpful, maybe the next generation of uncles won't be so pushy about their nieces popping out babies as soon as they can or mock their nephews for pursuing a career in nursing. Sure, it's not the most important thing in the world, but it's a good thing to try to make happen.
However, blaming the media for your poor self esteem isn't going to raise your self esteem, even if it was caused by unrealistic expectations of men and women's bodies.
Well it might if the blaming is paired with things like pointing out that a lot of the "flawless" images seen in media are simply achieved though air-brushing and make-up, pushing companies to use more plus-sized women in their publications, or simply just communicating to people who feel this way that they're not alone and that body-image problems is something that lots of women face. Again, this is all feminist stuff and it's helpful.
You say it's people who call themselves feminists. Just as many people who aren't feminists call out people for sexism and racism.
Well, I didn't see anyone calling those people out aside from people who call themselves feminists. Perhaps you can point me to some instances I'm not aware of.
Not every single man in those positions are misogynistic sexists who's goal is to make things worse for women. That's just silly and delusional..
And not at all what feminists are saying. But maybe a more female-populated Congress would have different views or more insight into things like female reproductive health or sexual harassment law and maybe that would actually give women more rights and opportunities than they would have under the current heavily-male system.
And again, just because a company has more men than women, doesn't mean that company is actively refusing women for positions
My pointing out the skewed statistics was just to show that there are fewer women than men in control of our largest economic entities to refute your point that there aren't less women in power.
America is not a Patriarchy, a country like Saudi Arabia, where a woman can be killed for expressing her opinions, is a Patriarchy. If you're still in denial about this, then maybe we should end this discussion.
Well, I'm certainly not in denial about Saudi Arabia being a patriarchy. And I would certainly say that America is far, far less of a patriarchy than Saudi Arabia. I would characterize the US as a patriarchy in the sense that it's social systems are ruled by men and has aspects that favor men more than women in many instances (though not all). I differ from radical feminists in that I don't think the favoritism that exists is enough to constitute "oppression." I just think there's some wrinkles in gender equality that can and should to be ironed out.
Alright, but I still would prefer if we just agreed to disagree. I posted my opinion about Feminism, I (surprisingly) wasn't even looking to… more have a debate in the first place. I'm only replying to defend my viewpoint. I think it would be best if we just leave it at that and go our separate ways, because I don't have as much leisurely time to spend online debating.
The Steubenville rapists are in prison, how was that case handled without seriousness? They didn't brutally rape the girl, they put their genitals in her mouth, and put their fingers in her vagina while she was unconscious, and they still went to prison ( don't misunderstand, I'm happy with the verdict, but those guys definitely got the most severe sentence) If it hadn't been handled the way it was, they would have gotten something like community service, or some lesser offense in jail. There is a monumental difference between interrogation and victim blaming. Questions such as wh… [view original content]
I'm sure they do abortion, but the thing is I've also heard that they have designated areas where baby girls used to be taken too and left to die. Like, not just some random place, like centers where this stuff happened. I saw something about this on a TV show a long time ago, but I'd like someone to correct me if I'm wrong. But they problem remains, killing baby girls by any means.
As in an abortion? Fucking hell. I get so mad when I hear about oppressive stuff like this happening in China. They tried to ban relationships between teenagers last year. Makes me glad that I really do live in a free country.
I'm sure they do abortion, but the thing is I've also heard that they have designated areas where baby girls used to be taken too and left t… moreo die. Like, not just some random place, like centers where this stuff happened. I saw something about this on a TV show a long time ago, but I'd like someone to correct me if I'm wrong. But they problem remains, killing baby girls by any means.
Re: The Warren Farrell protest. Have you read some of his quotes about date rape? Here's one: "It is important that a woman’s “noes” be respected and her “yeses” be respected. And it is also important when her nonverbal “yeses” (tongues still touching) conflict with those verbal “noes” that the man not be put in jail for choosing the “yes” over the “no.” He might just be trying to become her fantasy." This is pretty dangerous rhetoric because it's suggesting that men be permitted to continue sexual advances after a woman has said "no" because she is still engaged in some form of romantic contact with him. So if woman who's making out with her boyfriend says "no" when tries to take off her pants, maybe it's okay that he continues to try and do so. Is it really "insane" for students (some of whom may have been personally harmed by that line of thinking) to protest against someone who holds these views to be speaking at their college?
Re: advocating for the closing of women's prisons. Yeah, the "Women's Justice Taskforce" isn't a feminist group. It's a branch of a prison reform oganization who's primary belief is that "Prison should be reserved for those whose offending is so serious that they cannot serve their sentence in the community." The fact that they specifically single out women as a group that should get less prison time has nothing to do with the feminist agenda.
Re: feminist support of paternity fraud. I'll concede this point as I can't find instances of major feminist groups decrying paternity fraud in particular (just a few stray comments here and there). Still, I do think that if you were to poll feminists on this issue, most of them would be very against paternity fraud, given their other instances of advocacy for the rights of fathers, as I list below.
Alright, but I still would prefer if we just agreed to disagree. I posted my opinion about Feminism, I (surprisingly) wasn't even looking to… more have a debate in the first place. I'm only replying to defend my viewpoint. I think it would be best if we just leave it at that and go our separate ways, because I don't have as much leisurely time to spend online debating.
The Steubenville rapists are in prison, how was that case handled without seriousness? They didn't brutally rape the girl, they put their genitals in her mouth, and put their fingers in her vagina while she was unconscious, and they still went to prison ( don't misunderstand, I'm happy with the verdict, but those guys definitely got the most severe sentence) If it hadn't been handled the way it was, they would have gotten something like community service, or some lesser offense in jail. There is a monumental difference between interrogation and victim blaming. Questions such as wh… [view original content]
That's fucking horrible. Do the parents even get a choice? Like giving up the baby or leaving the country? I know that China's extremely overpopulated, but there's better ways to do it than killing children.
I'm sure they do abortion, but the thing is I've also heard that they have designated areas where baby girls used to be taken too and left t… moreo die. Like, not just some random place, like centers where this stuff happened. I saw something about this on a TV show a long time ago, but I'd like someone to correct me if I'm wrong. But they problem remains, killing baby girls by any means.
The problem with those links that try to refute the gender wage gap is that they state that there still is a gap, but when they try to explain it they oversimplify things. They state that men choose more dangerous jobs, but in many instances there's still not a choice for women, as they are only offered the safer jobs. There's still many fields in the US military that women just aren't allowed to join (although, women are supposed to be allowed in all fields of the US military by 2016, unless the military can give a good reason why they can't (and they shouldn't be able to, as genetics is more than male or female, as there are many females who are stronger than many males genetically) so hopefully that will change soon).
Even in the civilian field, there's often discrepancies for work offered between the sexes, and I've actually seen this first hand. Temp agencies (at least in my town) will give men and women different jobs just based on their gender. If you're a man, you're given work like working on a road construction site, whereas if you're a woman you'll find yourself working sorting papers at a law office. They do this without preferences either, just sight unseen based on gender. I know there's many women that would rather be working at a construction site, just as there's many men that would rather be working at a law office. That's the kind of stuff that needs to stop.
Feminism today isn't actual Feminism anymore. It was necessary years ago, we couldn't vote, we couldn't support ourselves without a marriage… more, we weren't allowed in certain areas of the work force, if you were barren you were of less value etc. These were truths then, but real Feminism helped combat it, and now we have just as many privileges/rights as men, I'd argue even more than men in some areas. Feminism nowadays arises from greed, vanity, narcissism, and one hell of a victim complex. Feminists like to refer back to the test book definition of Feminism, (as though they think definition isn't describing first wave Feminism, and that the definition somehow excuses their disgusting behavior) they say it's about "gender equality", but that is nothing but a ruse. What these new feminists want is to be above men, they want gender superiority. The screams of "patriarchy", "kill all men", "castrate men", "I hate men", and several other illogical … [view original content]
The point still stands, the wage gap theory is a myth. I'm going to try to be brief here, because I really am done talking about this. It is not, and was not my intention to get into debates where I'm going to be repeating myself all the time, it's like beating a dead horse.
It's not because they aren't offered dangerous jobs, it's because most women don't want to do those jobs in the first place. There are a few, yes, but majority of men are more willing to do them than women. And what does being offered a job have to do with it? If they want the job they pursue it, they apply for it, they work for it. Are you implying that they should just be offered these jobs right off the bat without proving they're capable and willing? Because they're a woman, and breaking the social norm by doing a job that usually men do is the most important part, and not the actual job at hand, right? What I am gathering from your post is that you think it's "fair" for a man to work his hardest to prove he's worthy of a job, but that same job should just be handed to a woman simply because she's a woman? How exactly is that equality? (hint: it's not)
Generally, women are not as physically strong as men, and not only would it be dangerous for them to be in such positions, it would be dangerous for their fellow soldiers if they weren't able to keep up. It's also been proven that men are more likely to compromise the mission to protect a woman, something that they can't afford when so many lives are at risk, including their own. There may be a few women who are stronger than men, but overall, men are better suited for the job because they are physically stronger in general. That's just the way it is. The only way most women would be able to fill these positions are if the tests and physical requirements were altered, and the standards were lowered to make it possible for more women to pass them. That is undeniably irrational and dangerous. I hope you can understand why. It's similar to how the test to become a fireman has been altered to make it easier for women to pass the test (weight that the fireman is required to be able to carry/drag is lowered, number of pull ups required decreased, amount of time required to make it through a course in full gear is increased to accommodate women etc). To make it into a sexist/equality issue, when there are lives on the line in these extremely dangerous jobs is incredibly careless and thoughtless.There are jobs that are better suited for men, and there are jobs that are better suited for women. If the woman can pass the test for either of these occupations at the same level that some men can, then good for her, but the standard should not be lowered in order to accomplish those means just so there will be more women in that field of work to fulfill your ridiculous gender quota.
Maybe because the woman chose to sort papers at the office? And the man chose to become a construction worker? It's proven that the jobs that involve more physical labor tend to attract more men than women, not that women can't have these jobs if they don't want to. I have a couple female friends who are construction workers, but even they acknowledge that the job itself is very physically demanding, and that they often become fatigued quicker than their male colleagues, and can't always keep up. That's not stopping them from doing the job though, because they legitimately enjoy their work. But they aren't blind to the reality that men are better suited for the physical labor aspect. Nobody is forcing men and women into those career positions, if a man wants to work in a law office he can. Same goes for a woman who wants to be a construction worker. But regardless of your gender, you will definitely have to work for it, the job is not going to just get handed to you. It's irksome that you think it should be handed to you simply because you're female. If it is your dream, or whatever, to have a job that is predominately worked by men, then go for it. No one is stopping you. If one rejection is enough to make you throw in the towel and cry sexism, as though your being a woman/man is the only possible reason why they'd ever turn you down, then you probably weren't that passionate about the job to begin with. Once again, men and women are equal under law, and women aren't being oppressed in first world countries. With the amount of effort that feminists put into scrounging up proof of "oppression" against women in first world countries, I'm honestly starting to think you guys want to be oppressed. The issues that you say need to stop aren't huge issues to begin with. Evidently, all feminists do is make mountains out of molehills.
If you want to keep supporting a toxic ideology that is unnecessary in this day and age, that's up to you.
The problem with those links that try to refute the gender wage gap is that they state that there still is a gap, but when they try to expla… morein it they oversimplify things. They state that men choose more dangerous jobs, but in many instances there's still not a choice for women, as they are only offered the safer jobs. There's still many fields in the US military that women just aren't allowed to join (although, women are supposed to be allowed in all fields of the US military by 2016, unless the military can give a good reason why they can't (and they shouldn't be able to, as genetics is more than male or female, as there are many females who are stronger than many males genetically) so hopefully that will change soon).
Even in the civilian field, there's often discrepancies for work offered between the sexes, and I've actually seen this first hand. Temp agencies (at least in my town) will give men and women different jobs just based o… [view original content]
The problem is women aren't being offered the work, so they can't go for it even if they wanted to. And yes, I do think that women should be allowed to enter those fields, and I think it's ridiculous to say that women can't because on average women are weaker than men. An average is not the sum of the whole. There are many women who are stronger than many men, by genetics. If they want to serve on the front lines, and they can pass the physical standards required to do so, then yes, they should be able to do so. Right now, they're not even allowed to train for things like special ops and the like, and there are women who want to do so. It's absolutely ridiculous to stop them from even getting a chance to do it when they want to be given that chance. The women who do want those roles don't even want double standards like lower physical standards, since they don't want unqualified people serving. They just want the opportunity to try to meet those standards and serve those positions. There's really no reason to not let them do that.
As I said, that example I gave was the gender based discrimination I've seen first hand. I would rather work construction personally, as I'd rather be outside. I'm a woman so signing up at the temp agency would not give me that chance. They just make women go to the law office because you're not given a say on your assignments. I'm six feet tall and of large build. I could handle construction, but women are not given the chance, and not given the choice (and on the inverse, (able bodied) men who sign up for the temp agency aren't given the choice to not work the physical jobs). That kind of thing does still happen, and it really needs to stop.
I just want everyone to be able to do anything that they are qualified to do, and right now they aren't (and as I said, not just for women but for men too, as men are still barred from doing some things women traditionally do - for instance competing in the synchronized swimming competition at the olympics). We aren't yet at the point where professions are completely free from gender discrimination, so there is still a need to stand up until everyone is free to do whatever they want to do and are good at doing. That's not a toxic ideology at all.
The point still stands, the wage gap theory is a myth. I'm going to try to be brief here, because I really am done talking about this. It is… more not, and was not my intention to get into debates where I'm going to be repeating myself all the time, it's like beating a dead horse.
It's not because they aren't offered dangerous jobs, it's because most women don't want to do those jobs in the first place. There are a few, yes, but majority of men are more willing to do them than women. And what does being offered a job have to do with it? If they want the job they pursue it, they apply for it, they work for it. Are you implying that they should just be offered these jobs right off the bat without proving they're capable and willing? Because they're a woman, and breaking the social norm by doing a job that usually men do is the most important part, and not the actual job at hand, right? What I am gathering from your post is that you think it's "fai… [view original content]
Feminists say that victims of, say, harassment or rape or something shouldn't be blamed for what they were wearing, and then turn around and harass Matt Taylor for wearing a shirt that his female friend made him, because their were some girls wearing revealing clothes on it.
Do you want to know why I think feminism is important?
This is why. This is the picture of an indian woman after she was beaten by her husband because her family did not provide a valuable enough dowry--at least in the values of her husband and his family. This picture might be hard for you to look at, but take a nice long look at it, because this kind of stuff is going on all over the world. People attacking feminism disgust me. Sure, some people may take it too far but what most people don't realize is that those who scream stuff like "Men are pigs, go women!" are not feminists, or at least not officially, whether they say they are or not is an entirely different matter. Feminism is the belief of men and women sharing equal status in all ways, and that is it. People go around parading as if women already have rights everywhere, yet even in the United States if you go back a SINGLE century women weren't able to vote. So honestly, don't go around parading feminism as if it is a nuisance. Feminism is important and needs to remain a part of our cultural identity if women ever truly want to be equal across the globe, because as of right now many countries belief it is a "foolish western belief".
I agree in the rest of the world it's VERY needed, mostly in countries such as India, China, and most of the Middle East. However what you talk about in America is the past, we have equal rights in America.
Do you want to know why I think feminism is important?
This is why. This is the picture of an indian woman after she was beaten by he… morer husband because her family did not provide a valuable enough dowry--at least in the values of her husband and his family. This picture might be hard for you to look at, but take a nice long look at it, because this kind of stuff is going on all over the world. People attacking feminism disgust me. Sure, some people may take it too far but what most people don't realize is that those who scream stuff like "Men are pigs, go women!" are not feminists, or at least not officially, whether they say they are or not is an entirely different matter. Feminism is the belief of men and women sharing equal status in all ways, and that is it. People go around parading as if women already have rights everywhere, yet even in the United States if you go back a SINGLE century women weren't able to vote. So honestly, don'… [view original content]
I stand by that we should be equal but...In America these days it's being forced that Feminism is about gender superiority. That's why if you look at my posts on this thread I separate those two into Feminazism and Feminism. Yes we need to keep that idea in mind but we must stop pushing it so hard in America like women are still oppressed.
Feminism is the belief that women and men are equal. It is needed everywhere. I see what you're saying in the fact that we mustn't be so agg… moreressive with it in the United States (and most of Europe for that matter,) though the basic idea must be maintained at ALL times.
Also, what good isn't TRUE feminism doing, other than slightly annoying random people on the internet?
Feminism is the belief that women and men are equal. It is needed everywhere. I see what you're saying in the fact that we mustn't be so aggressive with it in the United States (and most of Europe for that matter,) though the basic idea must be maintained at ALL times.
Also, what good isn't TRUE feminism doing, other than slightly annoying random people on the internet?
But right now in America what good is it doing?
I agree in the rest of the world it's VERY needed, mostly in countries such as India, Chi… morena, and most of the Middle East. However what you talk about in America is the past, we have equal rights in America.
It is doing good as I pointed out earlier that women will hopefully finally be able to train for the military positions by 2016 that they we… moreren't allowed to before (and as I pointed out too, they don't want the double standards of lower standards, they just want to be able to try to get the positions, and they aren't even able to do that right now). This kind of stuff just doesn't happen on its own, as the women who want the jobs have had to speak up, as people keep fighting against it and they've had the stronger voice until recently when the internet gave voice to more people through influential petition websites like and through opinion articles on online news sites.
So, yeah, fighting for equal rights for everyone of either gender (transgender people withstanding, as their rights aren't even close to being equal) is not needed as much as it was in the past, but it is definitely still needed in America and everywhere else in… [view original content]
It is doing good as I pointed out earlier that women will hopefully finally be able to train for the military positions by 2016 that they weren't allowed to before (and as I pointed out too, they don't want the double standards of lower standards, they just want to be able to try to get the positions, and they aren't even able to do that right now). This kind of stuff just doesn't happen on its own, as the women who want the jobs have had to speak up, as people keep fighting against it and they've had the stronger voice until recently when the internet gave voice to more people through influential petition websites like and through opinion articles on online news sites.
So, yeah, fighting for equal rights for everyone of either gender (transgender people withstanding, as their rights aren't even close to being equal) is not needed as much as it was in the past, but it is definitely still needed in America and everywhere else in the world, and it will continue to be needed until everyone can apply for the jobs that they are qualified to do (men and women included, as I pointed out before, men are still disallowed from doing things that only women traditionally do, such as competing in the synchronized swimming in the Olympics).
But right now in America what good is it doing?
I agree in the rest of the world it's VERY needed, mostly in countries such as India, Chi… morena, and most of the Middle East. However what you talk about in America is the past, we have equal rights in America.
I consider myself a feminist, but think the whole "Feminism is the belief that men and women are equal" is really insufficient, and just bad marketing since people just role their eyes. Feminism is the belief that men and women are equal, but also that in the current social system woman are being treated in a status lower than that of men. It's that second part that a) makes feminism feminism, and b) is really the part that is being contested. There are pretty few people who would say women are unequal to men in the US (or Europe) - they exist, but it's the second part that really is the debate.
Feminism is the belief that women and men are equal. It is needed everywhere. I see what you're saying in the fact that we mustn't be so agg… moreressive with it in the United States (and most of Europe for that matter,) though the basic idea must be maintained at ALL times.
Also, what good isn't TRUE feminism doing, other than slightly annoying random people on the internet?
Feminism is the belief that women and men are equal. It is needed everywhere. I see what you're saying in the fact that we mustn't be so agg… moreressive with it in the United States (and most of Europe for that matter,) though the basic idea must be maintained at ALL times.
Also, what good isn't TRUE feminism doing, other than slightly annoying random people on the internet?
Feminism is a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, cultural, and social rights for women. This includes seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment. A feminist advocates or supports the rights and equality of women.
I consider myself a feminist, but think the whole "Feminism is the belief that men and women are equal" is really insufficient, and just bad… more marketing since people just role their eyes. Feminism is the belief that men and women are equal, but also that in the current social system woman are being treated in a status lower than that of men. It's that second part that a) makes feminism feminism, and b) is really the part that is being contested. There are pretty few people who would say women are unequal to men in the US (or Europe) - they exist, but it's the second part that really is the debate.
What you gave is an inherently and intentionally loose definition; hence "collection of movements and ideologies." Plus if men and women were equal in the current political context there would be no need to 'establish' equal rights or opportunities, as they would already be there.
Also, if feminism is simply the idea that men and women are equal, does that mean that anybody who doesn't call themself a feminist believes the sexes aren't equal? I'm not saying you're suggesting that, but just as a mental exercise:
Feminism is the belief that men and women are equal - does that mean not-feminism then the belief that men and women are unequal? If not, that means there is not-feminism that believes men and women are equal; but if there is not-feminism that believes men and women are equal, what is the difference between that not-feminism and feminism?
Feminism is a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, cu… moreltural, and social rights for women. This includes seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment. A feminist advocates or supports the rights and equality of women.
Definition from Bing and Google.
I don't see it say anything about what you said.
Oh, the mess surrounding Anita's pretty funny. She's actually rather mild (and accurate) about her critiques of media, particularly about how lazily-written games can be with portraying gender, and it's quite depressing (yet oddly hilarious) that quite a lot of people are losing their shit over the rather innocuous things she's saying. She wouldn't have had so much media attention had the idiots who hated her not made such a huge tantrum and egged her on. I love games too, and it's disappointing that we have a really, really long way to go before they can be critiqued and improved on without people jumping down your throats.
It's almost like games are more than just a trivial distraction.
Honestly, citing people like her as "bad feminists" just shows how extremely out of touch the US is with social issues. It's fucking laughable to call people like her 'nazis'. Call me back once 12 million men are shoved into gas chambers and cremated.
Well, There are but i'm too lazy to go searching for them. :P
I just don't agree that we need these huge movements to push things that ar… moree coming. It's like us petitioning Telltale for games faster and we get opposition and a mess. The same thing is happening with these movements.
First of all these movements have terrible leadership and poor marketing skills (Have you seen that F Bombs for Feminism video?). I agree Feminism is needed in some places however we had a movement here and the main rights have been given to women. After the main movement very small movements have gotten a few other things to push it along while the bar is moving at a pretty steady increase. Feminism has gotten a bad name in America because of Feminists like Anita Sarkessain and Valerie Solanas. If REAL Feminsim is toget anywhere in America without the steady increase then Femisnists need to stop supporting those liars, thieves, and radicals.
Some woman made a sarcastic tweet about a stupid shirt that a man wore to a professional interview, and somehow he's the victim for being told not to dress so poorly? The guy apologized, and that should have been it. It's the idiot anti-feminists on the internet who are blowing this out of proportion.
Feminists say that victims of, say, harassment or rape or something shouldn't be blamed for what they were wearing, and then turn around and… more harass Matt Taylor for wearing a shirt that his female friend made him, because their were some girls wearing revealing clothes on it.
"Harassment", lolwut?
Some woman made a sarcastic tweet about a stupid shirt that a man wore to a professional interview, and somehow he'… mores the victim for being told not to dress so poorly? The guy apologized, and that should have been it. It's the idiot anti-feminists on the internet who are blowing this out of proportion.
Anita is a liar and a thief. If you can't understand why then you can go on ahead thinking whatever dreams you want to where Anita is a "good person" because she isn't...It amazes me how people take her side just because she's a Feminist.
These Feminazis are wanting gender superiority and not the good old gender equality that we all want. It's a hyperbole for these radical Feminists.
Oh, the mess surrounding Anita's pretty funny. She's actually rather mild (and accurate) about her critiques of media, particularly about h… moreow lazily-written games can be with portraying gender, and it's quite depressing (yet oddly hilarious) that quite a lot of people are losing their shit over the rather innocuous things she's saying. She wouldn't have had so much media attention had the idiots who hated her not made such a huge tantrum and egged her on. I love games too, and it's disappointing that we have a really, really long way to go before they can be critiqued and improved on without people jumping down your throats.
It's almost like games are more than just a trivial distraction.
Honestly, citing people like her as "bad feminists" just shows how extremely out of touch the US is with social issues. It's fucking laughable to call people like her 'nazis'. Call me back once 12 million men are shoved into gas chambers and cremated.
I don't believe in feminism, but I do believe in equality. Specifically, equal rights, opportunities, responsibilities and treatment in all areas. There are far too many double standards feminists indulge in for men to support them. If they want women to be treated better fine, but when treating men like potential rapists or abusers is the norm I don't see them getting much support in the near future. The whole "with us or you're a sexist pig" mentality isn't doing them any favors either. I don't think its too late for feminism, but with all of the more male friendly equality groups popping up they'll definitely need to improve their attitude towards men to stay relevant. If they keep spewing out this "kill all men" and "men are never discriminated against as bad as women" BS I think the movement will slowly fade from the public eye. Blaming men for everything while doing nothing but praising women just alienates more men. Sexism happens to everyone and feminists need to understand that.
Ugh, sounds like propaganda. I ain't ever seen any of these straw feminists that Americans hate so damn much. I most definitely think the people overreacting to this woman haven't even looked at her videos.
Anita is a liar and a thief. If you can't understand why then you can go on ahead thinking whatever dreams you want to where Anita is a "goo… mored person" because she isn't...It amazes me how people take her side just because she's a Feminist.
These Feminazis are wanting gender superiority and not the good old gender equality that we all want. It's a hyperbole for these radical Feminists.
I don't get paid to argue with people and I don't give enough of a shit to argue. You don't know who you're talking about and have no place to say that it's propaganda, it's the truth believe it or not. Bye.
"Feminazi", "Liar"...
Ugh, sounds like propaganda. I ain't ever seen any of these straw feminists that Americans hate so damn much. I most definitely think the people overreacting to this woman haven't even looked at her videos.
Just curious, have you actually sat down and watched any of her videos? How she hasn't published many videos despite significant financial assistance is dubious to say the least, but regardless of how opportunistic or skuzzy she may be as a person, it doesn't mean everything she says is without merit.
For instance, I thought she had a point when it came to people beating up on women (using prostitutes in Red Dead Redemption as an example) as a means of establishing them as a bad guy, that same way villains 'kick the puppy,' is cliched writing.
Of course, the counter-argument is that it is an emphasis of the real abuse many prostitutes face from their johns, even nowadays.
Ugh, sounds like propaganda
I don't get paid to argue with people and I don't give enough of a shit to argue. You don't kno… morew who you're talking about and have no place to say that it's propaganda, it's the truth believe it or not. Bye.
i can't find a video of me with a banana up my asshole k bye
I agree completely, we need more characters like Clementine and less characters like stereotypical bikini babe Dead or Alive Girl. I'm a little old fashioned, and half the things some girls wear in these games are just... Why? I personally wouldn't want to play as a female character so i can understand how girls/women may feel.
I know its sad. One of the really crappy things about the internet. Wouldn't it be nice if people just followed the golden Rule.
I'm going to split this response up into two parts as I anticipate that the length of my response would be ridiculous otherwise. My response to your specific examples of "insane" feminists will follow in a separate comment.
Well I don't expect you to have to reply on some sort of schedule or even reply at all. It's just that when I have stuff to say, I can't help but say it. Take as long as you want or need reply and if you feel that this debate is taking up too much of your time, then feel free to stop.
The legal system (in this case, but not in many others) did it's due diligence in prosecuting the rapists. But as I pointed out (and you didn't seem to disagree), some of the behaviors of other students in that high school, the Steubenville community, and the media did not treat rape with the seriousness it deserves. And comments such as your "They didn't brutally rape the girl, they put their genitals in her mouth, and put their fingers in her vagina while she was unconscious" suggest that the rape of an unconscious woman is less of a crime than the rape of a conscious one. That's the kind of reasoning that enables a guy who sexually assaults a friend at a party to excuse his behavior as "not that bad."
Most people also cannot keep a straight story if they're asked multiple invasive (that's a pretty apt word) questions about a traumatic encounter they had. Here's a good article that explains why that's the case. Do you not see how trying to "trip up" a woman who's earnestly trying to recount a horrific act of violence inflicted on her might be insensitive or re-traumatizing? I understand that the police need to investigate the crime impartially, but that doesn't mean that they have to do so in ways that, time and time again, have been reported by victims and researchers of sexual abuse as damaging and harmful. And questions like "What were you wearing?" and "How much did you have to drink?" aren't asked of robbery or mugging victims, so why are they asked of rape victims? The fact that less than 8% of rape accusations are found to be false does not excuse treating the other 92% of rape reports as dubious. The statistics simply are that when a woman reports a rape (which is actually a problem as rape is under-reported) more than 9 times out of 10, she's telling the truth.
This guy seems to think it's pretty okay. And there are more people like him than you think, as evidenced by the fact that he is somehow a best-selling author. And ridiculous as he is, I do think people like him can be persuaded to think differently than they do. Or if not, then at least made out to be an example to young boys as someone who's views are rejected by society. Those are feminist goals.
Well it's not going to make things instantly better. But that's the nature of social change. Feminists believe that things can get better. That by educating people that pressuring family members and friends into fulfilling or prioritizing activities that correspond with their assigned gender role is annoying and not helpful, maybe the next generation of uncles won't be so pushy about their nieces popping out babies as soon as they can or mock their nephews for pursuing a career in nursing. Sure, it's not the most important thing in the world, but it's a good thing to try to make happen.
Well it might if the blaming is paired with things like pointing out that a lot of the "flawless" images seen in media are simply achieved though air-brushing and make-up, pushing companies to use more plus-sized women in their publications, or simply just communicating to people who feel this way that they're not alone and that body-image problems is something that lots of women face. Again, this is all feminist stuff and it's helpful.
Well, I didn't see anyone calling those people out aside from people who call themselves feminists. Perhaps you can point me to some instances I'm not aware of.
And not at all what feminists are saying. But maybe a more female-populated Congress would have different views or more insight into things like female reproductive health or sexual harassment law and maybe that would actually give women more rights and opportunities than they would have under the current heavily-male system.
My pointing out the skewed statistics was just to show that there are fewer women than men in control of our largest economic entities to refute your point that there aren't less women in power.
Well, I'm certainly not in denial about Saudi Arabia being a patriarchy. And I would certainly say that America is far, far less of a patriarchy than Saudi Arabia. I would characterize the US as a patriarchy in the sense that it's social systems are ruled by men and has aspects that favor men more than women in many instances (though not all). I differ from radical feminists in that I don't think the favoritism that exists is enough to constitute "oppression." I just think there's some wrinkles in gender equality that can and should to be ironed out.
I'm sure they do abortion, but the thing is I've also heard that they have designated areas where baby girls used to be taken too and left to die. Like, not just some random place, like centers where this stuff happened. I saw something about this on a TV show a long time ago, but I'd like someone to correct me if I'm wrong. But they problem remains, killing baby girls by any means.
It's a population limiter strategy, still pretty bad though...
Re: The Warren Farrell protest. Have you read some of his quotes about date rape? Here's one: "It is important that a woman’s “noes” be respected and her “yeses” be respected. And it is also important when her nonverbal “yeses” (tongues still touching) conflict with those verbal “noes” that the man not be put in jail for choosing the “yes” over the “no.” He might just be trying to become her fantasy." This is pretty dangerous rhetoric because it's suggesting that men be permitted to continue sexual advances after a woman has said "no" because she is still engaged in some form of romantic contact with him. So if woman who's making out with her boyfriend says "no" when tries to take off her pants, maybe it's okay that he continues to try and do so. Is it really "insane" for students (some of whom may have been personally harmed by that line of thinking) to protest against someone who holds these views to be speaking at their college?
Re: Feminists undermining domestic violence on males. "A whole solution means all the data counts; in other words, if we want to stop domestic abuse, we need to do it entirely, and not just for women." "In 1994, NOW was a leader in the fight to pass the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). Though the law includes women in its title, VAWA protects male victims of domestic violence." "Battered men deserve to be listened to and provided with services and protected from their abusers
Re: feminists mock murder of men. "Every feminist I know who has seen the video has been appalled by it. I’m appalled by it. It’s hateful, and it’s wrong."
Re: advocating for the closing of women's prisons. Yeah, the "Women's Justice Taskforce" isn't a feminist group. It's a branch of a prison reform oganization who's primary belief is that "Prison should be reserved for those whose offending is so serious that they cannot serve their sentence in the community." The fact that they specifically single out women as a group that should get less prison time has nothing to do with the feminist agenda.
Re: feminist support of paternity fraud. I'll concede this point as I can't find instances of major feminist groups decrying paternity fraud in particular (just a few stray comments here and there). Still, I do think that if you were to poll feminists on this issue, most of them would be very against paternity fraud, given their other instances of advocacy for the rights of fathers, as I list below.
Re: Feminists fight against Fathers equal rights. "Women can’t be equal outside the home until men are equal inside the home, until men are caring for babies and little children as much as women are.- Gloria Steinem" "the most revolutionary change we can make in the institution of motherhood is to include men in every aspect of childcare" "If feminism succeeds in its goal of breaking down traditional gender roles, then the legal system will have to consider each case on an individual level of what’s best for the children. Maybe it is best if the mother is the primary caregiver while the father pays. Maybe it’s the other way around. In this case, father’s rights advocates should actually team up with feminists to create a legal system that is free of gender stereotyping."
Re: feminists win, saying it's discrimination to support men. "Men have regained about a third of the jobs they shed in the recession. Women have only regained about one in five." And that's after the "feminists won." So tell me again how those proposals by feminist groups were "insane" to advocate for the inclusion of more jobs in professions women populated.
(FYI: I would caution you against citing AVoiceForMen when it's founded and run by someone who says stuff like this.)
That's fucking horrible. Do the parents even get a choice? Like giving up the baby or leaving the country? I know that China's extremely overpopulated, but there's better ways to do it than killing children.
I can see your point but putting it in caps isn't gonna incline anyone to take you seriously.
The problem with those links that try to refute the gender wage gap is that they state that there still is a gap, but when they try to explain it they oversimplify things. They state that men choose more dangerous jobs, but in many instances there's still not a choice for women, as they are only offered the safer jobs. There's still many fields in the US military that women just aren't allowed to join (although, women are supposed to be allowed in all fields of the US military by 2016, unless the military can give a good reason why they can't (and they shouldn't be able to, as genetics is more than male or female, as there are many females who are stronger than many males genetically) so hopefully that will change soon).
Even in the civilian field, there's often discrepancies for work offered between the sexes, and I've actually seen this first hand. Temp agencies (at least in my town) will give men and women different jobs just based on their gender. If you're a man, you're given work like working on a road construction site, whereas if you're a woman you'll find yourself working sorting papers at a law office. They do this without preferences either, just sight unseen based on gender. I know there's many women that would rather be working at a construction site, just as there's many men that would rather be working at a law office. That's the kind of stuff that needs to stop.
And we need to keep pressing for that (and not just feminism either, people need to speak up for the right for men to do things that society deems womanly too - insane rantings that painting a boy's toenails is going to make them transgender are just ridiculous).
The point still stands, the wage gap theory is a myth. I'm going to try to be brief here, because I really am done talking about this. It is not, and was not my intention to get into debates where I'm going to be repeating myself all the time, it's like beating a dead horse.
It's not because they aren't offered dangerous jobs, it's because most women don't want to do those jobs in the first place. There are a few, yes, but majority of men are more willing to do them than women. And what does being offered a job have to do with it? If they want the job they pursue it, they apply for it, they work for it. Are you implying that they should just be offered these jobs right off the bat without proving they're capable and willing? Because they're a woman, and breaking the social norm by doing a job that usually men do is the most important part, and not the actual job at hand, right? What I am gathering from your post is that you think it's "fair" for a man to work his hardest to prove he's worthy of a job, but that same job should just be handed to a woman simply because she's a woman? How exactly is that equality? (hint: it's not)
Generally, women are not as physically strong as men, and not only would it be dangerous for them to be in such positions, it would be dangerous for their fellow soldiers if they weren't able to keep up. It's also been proven that men are more likely to compromise the mission to protect a woman, something that they can't afford when so many lives are at risk, including their own. There may be a few women who are stronger than men, but overall, men are better suited for the job because they are physically stronger in general. That's just the way it is. The only way most women would be able to fill these positions are if the tests and physical requirements were altered, and the standards were lowered to make it possible for more women to pass them. That is undeniably irrational and dangerous. I hope you can understand why. It's similar to how the test to become a fireman has been altered to make it easier for women to pass the test (weight that the fireman is required to be able to carry/drag is lowered, number of pull ups required decreased, amount of time required to make it through a course in full gear is increased to accommodate women etc). To make it into a sexist/equality issue, when there are lives on the line in these extremely dangerous jobs is incredibly careless and thoughtless.There are jobs that are better suited for men, and there are jobs that are better suited for women. If the woman can pass the test for either of these occupations at the same level that some men can, then good for her, but the standard should not be lowered in order to accomplish those means just so there will be more women in that field of work to fulfill your ridiculous gender quota.
Maybe because the woman chose to sort papers at the office? And the man chose to become a construction worker? It's proven that the jobs that involve more physical labor tend to attract more men than women, not that women can't have these jobs if they don't want to. I have a couple female friends who are construction workers, but even they acknowledge that the job itself is very physically demanding, and that they often become fatigued quicker than their male colleagues, and can't always keep up. That's not stopping them from doing the job though, because they legitimately enjoy their work. But they aren't blind to the reality that men are better suited for the physical labor aspect. Nobody is forcing men and women into those career positions, if a man wants to work in a law office he can. Same goes for a woman who wants to be a construction worker. But regardless of your gender, you will definitely have to work for it, the job is not going to just get handed to you. It's irksome that you think it should be handed to you simply because you're female. If it is your dream, or whatever, to have a job that is predominately worked by men, then go for it. No one is stopping you. If one rejection is enough to make you throw in the towel and cry sexism, as though your being a woman/man is the only possible reason why they'd ever turn you down, then you probably weren't that passionate about the job to begin with. Once again, men and women are equal under law, and women aren't being oppressed in first world countries. With the amount of effort that feminists put into scrounging up proof of "oppression" against women in first world countries, I'm honestly starting to think you guys want to be oppressed. The issues that you say need to stop aren't huge issues to begin with. Evidently, all feminists do is make mountains out of molehills.
If you want to keep supporting a toxic ideology that is unnecessary in this day and age, that's up to you.
The problem is women aren't being offered the work, so they can't go for it even if they wanted to. And yes, I do think that women should be allowed to enter those fields, and I think it's ridiculous to say that women can't because on average women are weaker than men. An average is not the sum of the whole. There are many women who are stronger than many men, by genetics. If they want to serve on the front lines, and they can pass the physical standards required to do so, then yes, they should be able to do so. Right now, they're not even allowed to train for things like special ops and the like, and there are women who want to do so. It's absolutely ridiculous to stop them from even getting a chance to do it when they want to be given that chance. The women who do want those roles don't even want double standards like lower physical standards, since they don't want unqualified people serving. They just want the opportunity to try to meet those standards and serve those positions. There's really no reason to not let them do that.
As I said, that example I gave was the gender based discrimination I've seen first hand. I would rather work construction personally, as I'd rather be outside. I'm a woman so signing up at the temp agency would not give me that chance. They just make women go to the law office because you're not given a say on your assignments. I'm six feet tall and of large build. I could handle construction, but women are not given the chance, and not given the choice (and on the inverse, (able bodied) men who sign up for the temp agency aren't given the choice to not work the physical jobs). That kind of thing does still happen, and it really needs to stop.
I just want everyone to be able to do anything that they are qualified to do, and right now they aren't (and as I said, not just for women but for men too, as men are still barred from doing some things women traditionally do - for instance competing in the synchronized swimming competition at the olympics). We aren't yet at the point where professions are completely free from gender discrimination, so there is still a need to stand up until everyone is free to do whatever they want to do and are good at doing. That's not a toxic ideology at all.
...Don't online date...Problem solved.
You should check out the feminist on tumblr they attack any male for very stupid reasons and It's ridiculous.
What does that prove?
I strongly believe both men and women have equal rights but after what happened to Matt Taylor, I dunno about feminism.
You are 100% right. Fuck feminism nowadays.
"White, cis, straight male tears."
Feminists say that victims of, say, harassment or rape or something shouldn't be blamed for what they were wearing, and then turn around and harass Matt Taylor for wearing a shirt that his female friend made him, because their were some girls wearing revealing clothes on it.
Do you want to know why I think feminism is important?
This is why. This is the picture of an indian woman after she was beaten by her husband because her family did not provide a valuable enough dowry--at least in the values of her husband and his family. This picture might be hard for you to look at, but take a nice long look at it, because this kind of stuff is going on all over the world. People attacking feminism disgust me. Sure, some people may take it too far but what most people don't realize is that those who scream stuff like "Men are pigs, go women!" are not feminists, or at least not officially, whether they say they are or not is an entirely different matter. Feminism is the belief of men and women sharing equal status in all ways, and that is it. People go around parading as if women already have rights everywhere, yet even in the United States if you go back a SINGLE century women weren't able to vote. So honestly, don't go around parading feminism as if it is a nuisance. Feminism is important and needs to remain a part of our cultural identity if women ever truly want to be equal across the globe, because as of right now many countries belief it is a "foolish western belief".
But right now in America what good is it doing?
I agree in the rest of the world it's VERY needed, mostly in countries such as India, China, and most of the Middle East. However what you talk about in America is the past, we have equal rights in America.
I stand by that we should be equal but...In America these days it's being forced that Feminism is about gender superiority. That's why if you look at my posts on this thread I separate those two into Feminazism and Feminism. Yes we need to keep that idea in mind but we must stop pushing it so hard in America like women are still oppressed.
Feminism is the belief that women and men are equal. It is needed everywhere. I see what you're saying in the fact that we mustn't be so aggressive with it in the United States (and most of Europe for that matter,) though the basic idea must be maintained at ALL times.
Also, what good isn't TRUE feminism doing, other than slightly annoying random people on the internet?
We don't need it as much as people say.
It is doing good as I pointed out earlier that women will hopefully finally be able to train for the military positions by 2016 that they weren't allowed to before (and as I pointed out too, they don't want the double standards of lower standards, they just want to be able to try to get the positions, and they aren't even able to do that right now). This kind of stuff just doesn't happen on its own, as the women who want the jobs have had to speak up, as people keep fighting against it and they've had the stronger voice until recently when the internet gave voice to more people through influential petition websites like and through opinion articles on online news sites.
So, yeah, fighting for equal rights for everyone of either gender (transgender people withstanding, as their rights aren't even close to being equal) is not needed as much as it was in the past, but it is definitely still needed in America and everywhere else in the world, and it will continue to be needed until everyone can apply for the jobs that they are qualified to do (men and women included, as I pointed out before, men are still disallowed from doing things that only women traditionally do, such as competing in the synchronized swimming in the Olympics).
Modern western feminism is the worst; its so about female dominance and shaming men.
I consider myself a feminist, but think the whole "Feminism is the belief that men and women are equal" is really insufficient, and just bad marketing since people just role their eyes. Feminism is the belief that men and women are equal, but also that in the current social system woman are being treated in a status lower than that of men. It's that second part that a) makes feminism feminism, and b) is really the part that is being contested. There are pretty few people who would say women are unequal to men in the US (or Europe) - they exist, but it's the second part that really is the debate.
We seriously need it for teenage males in Australia. The way some guys at school talk about girls is disgusting.
Feminism is a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, cultural, and social rights for women. This includes seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment. A feminist advocates or supports the rights and equality of women.
Definition from Bing and Google.
I don't see it say anything about what you said.
What you gave is an inherently and intentionally loose definition; hence "collection of movements and ideologies." Plus if men and women were equal in the current political context there would be no need to 'establish' equal rights or opportunities, as they would already be there.
Also, if feminism is simply the idea that men and women are equal, does that mean that anybody who doesn't call themself a feminist believes the sexes aren't equal? I'm not saying you're suggesting that, but just as a mental exercise:
Feminism is the belief that men and women are equal - does that mean not-feminism then the belief that men and women are unequal? If not, that means there is not-feminism that believes men and women are equal; but if there is not-feminism that believes men and women are equal, what is the difference between that not-feminism and feminism?
Oh, the mess surrounding Anita's pretty funny. She's actually rather mild (and accurate) about her critiques of media, particularly about how lazily-written games can be with portraying gender, and it's quite depressing (yet oddly hilarious) that quite a lot of people are losing their shit over the rather innocuous things she's saying. She wouldn't have had so much media attention had the idiots who hated her not made such a huge tantrum and egged her on. I love games too, and it's disappointing that we have a really, really long way to go before they can be critiqued and improved on without people jumping down your throats.
It's almost like games are more than just a trivial distraction.
Honestly, citing people like her as "bad feminists" just shows how extremely out of touch the US is with social issues. It's fucking laughable to call people like her 'nazis'. Call me back once 12 million men are shoved into gas chambers and cremated.
"Harassment", lolwut?
Some woman made a sarcastic tweet about a stupid shirt that a man wore to a professional interview, and somehow he's the victim for being told not to dress so poorly? The guy apologized, and that should have been it. It's the idiot anti-feminists on the internet who are blowing this out of proportion.
Not the tweet, I meant people blowing it out of proportion.
Anita is a liar and a thief. If you can't understand why then you can go on ahead thinking whatever dreams you want to where Anita is a "good person" because she isn't...It amazes me how people take her side just because she's a Feminist.
These Feminazis are wanting gender superiority and not the good old gender equality that we all want. It's a hyperbole for these radical Feminists.
What I want is equality, like pretty much everyone else. But I guess this kinda conflicts with my belief that we are naturally inequal, you know?
I don't believe in feminism, but I do believe in equality. Specifically, equal rights, opportunities, responsibilities and treatment in all areas. There are far too many double standards feminists indulge in for men to support them. If they want women to be treated better fine, but when treating men like potential rapists or abusers is the norm I don't see them getting much support in the near future. The whole "with us or you're a sexist pig" mentality isn't doing them any favors either. I don't think its too late for feminism, but with all of the more male friendly equality groups popping up they'll definitely need to improve their attitude towards men to stay relevant. If they keep spewing out this "kill all men" and "men are never discriminated against as bad as women" BS I think the movement will slowly fade from the public eye. Blaming men for everything while doing nothing but praising women just alienates more men. Sexism happens to everyone and feminists need to understand that.
"Feminazi", "Liar"...
Ugh, sounds like propaganda. I ain't ever seen any of these straw feminists that Americans hate so damn much. I most definitely think the people overreacting to this woman haven't even looked at her videos.
I don't get paid to argue with people and I don't give enough of a shit to argue. You don't know who you're talking about and have no place to say that it's propaganda, it's the truth believe it or not. Bye.
Just curious, have you actually sat down and watched any of her videos? How she hasn't published many videos despite significant financial assistance is dubious to say the least, but regardless of how opportunistic or skuzzy she may be as a person, it doesn't mean everything she says is without merit.
For instance, I thought she had a point when it came to people beating up on women (using prostitutes in Red Dead Redemption as an example) as a means of establishing them as a bad guy, that same way villains 'kick the puppy,' is cliched writing.
Of course, the counter-argument is that it is an emphasis of the real abuse many prostitutes face from their johns, even nowadays.
I found this rather ridiculous.