Tales From The Borderlands- Welcome Back to Pandora (Again) Trailer Discussion
We may as well discuss and theorize what will happen based on the trailer.
Tales From The Borderlands trailer
Also, what were some of your favorite lines? Which characters look cool to you? Did you not like anyone from your initial impressions?
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You're uhh... You're really cool... phht... hahahehe... it is..........................
................... I wanted you to know that...
'This place is a garbage land of sand and sadness' - Possibly Nolan North's character
Maybe I'm mistaken. It sounded like him to me on the first five runs.
Nope that's Chris Hardwicks character vaughn. The guy in glasses
Ah, okay. Sounded familiar in a way. Maybe not from North, but from Hardwick.
Vasquez had me smilin' when he assigned the role of assistant vice janitor to poor Rhys. XD
Also, in the beginning and end of the video, it seems like Rhys and Fiona are in the Torgue Arena which played a major role in Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage for BL2. I could be wrong, though.
There's one thing I know for sure: Fiona is badass.
Such finesse!
Man, this game looks awesome. I wasn't much excited for it, but, when I watched this trailer, I was like "I so want this!" Thanks Telltale for changing my mind.
If she's gonna survive on Pandora, she's gonna need a bigger gun.
Fiona is born on Pandora. She knows her way around.
Got me at "assistant...vice...janitor."
Oh man the music. Those vibes are missing so badly from the presequel
Claptrap confirmed for episode one?! :P
Could someone tell me what they say at the minute (0:49-0:53) ? I don't understand nothing they say in that part
Vaughn: We can't let that prick get away with this.
Rhys: We steal his deal.
Thank you so much :')
Anyone know who she is? New character or someone from previous games?
Haven't seen her in any of the previous games, so yeah she's new.
This might be obvious, but I would like to know your thoughts on it.
Why would Rhys hit the bandit in the face with his flesh hand instead of the robotic hand?
That guy in the pic is the same one guy who messed up the deal right?
100% new for sure. You can bet T.K. Baha's prosthetic leg on it.
Never played a Borderlands game. That's about to change
Plus, Patrick Warburton...
"Because... REASONS!"
Who is T.K. Baha?
One of the characters you get to meet outside of the starting area (Fyrestone) in Borderlands 1.
That's what I was going for, thanks for noticing
He's kind of a sheltered fellow. He probably hasn't gotten in too many fist fights :P
Thanks for the information, Harrison! I can't wait to play the game!
(also he's left handed!)
Lefties unite!
I do not know why, but it is very suitable name Sasha
I hope this is it. Good for Erin Yvette
OMG! Devs are starting to appear more and more on these forums. I'm actually checking on here more now just to see what comments devs are leaving behind. Awesome!
Lands on bandit
Go Lefties!
I'm a Leftie too! That's definitely not why Rhys is though. Definitely Probably.
Where is the ambidextrous love? ;;
Now that I think about it, Fiona and Rhys resembles their voice actors in a way. Am I the only one thinking this way?
claptrap is ilumanity, knuckle dragger tried to steal his power by ripping his eye off