Dragon Age Fan Thread



  • edited November 2014

    Yep. Alistair or Loghain take Stroud's place if they're Wardens.

    My sister had to choose between a romanced Alistair and Hawke.

  • does this game have controller support for PC? I should of just bought it for PC, the only reason i bought it for PS4 is so my PS4 would get turned on.

    I like how their was absolutely no instruction booklet. Fuck you EA. 60 Dollars, get out of here.

    two things annoy me so far, let me know if you agree.

    The first thing is how you have to use the option button. The option button is the biggest POS button I've seen since dream cast controller. Every time i'm trying to figure out where to go , or to equip something, or read something i have to fumble with the option button.

    The second thing is , i can't figure out how to rebind my abilities to the buttons i want. Can you rebind your abilities, for some reason they have the super fissure attack as Square, and i want to rebind that to go on the L2 side.

    On the PS4 controller, yes. You can record and take pictures, it can automatically upload to Facebook but I rather just upload it to a flashdrive.

  • does this game have controller support for PC? I should of just bought it for PC, the only reason i bought it for PS4 is so my PS4 would get turned on.

    Yeah, it does. The game supports Xbox One controller on PC.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    does this game have controller support for PC? I should of just bought it for PC, the only reason i bought it for PS4 is so my PS4 would ge

  • Was the main bad guy i don't want to say his name in the Second game, I don't even remember him if he was.

    Lingvort posted: »

    does this game have controller support for PC? I should of just bought it for PC, the only reason i bought it for PS4 is so my PS4 would get turned on. Yeah, it does. The game supports Xbox One controller on PC.

  • Yup, that's Corypheus, he was the main villain of Dragon Age 2 story DLC "Legacy". I still haven't stumbled across him yet, but you can kind of see his silhouette during the prologue.

  • God no wonder i don't remember him, i never played the DLC. After Mass effect 3, i refuse to buy any DLC that company.

    I still angry about the Mass Effect 3 Ending. I was such a fan too, like i played the first game, then the second game, to perfection just to have my team ready for the third game. The third game was alright until the end...




    Lingvort posted: »

    Yup, that's Corypheus, he was the main villain of Dragon Age 2 story DLC "Legacy". I still haven't stumbled across him yet, but you can kind of see his silhouette during the prologue.

  • I'm with you, man. When I first finished ME3, I was so disappointed that I decided to take a short break from the franchise... Long story short, first time I replayed it was only 1.5 years later.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    God no wonder i don't remember him, i never played the DLC. After Mass effect 3, i refuse to buy any DLC that company. I still angry ab

  • Ehh won't be to hard of a choice for me then lol. I guess I will probably have to choose between Loghain and Hawke. Easy choice lol

    Yep. Alistair or Loghain take Stroud's place if they're Wardens. My sister had to choose between a romanced Alistair and Hawke.

  • I heard they remade the ending for Mass Effect 3.

    Lingvort posted: »

    I'm with you, man. When I first finished ME3, I was so disappointed that I decided to take a short break from the franchise... Long story short, first time I replayed it was only 1.5 years later.

  • Without spoilers, how far are into the game. I haven't really seen many choices that matter. I just hit level 12 and now i can finnaly beat those stupid monsters in the hinterlands.

  • edited November 2014

    Anyone know the recommended level I should be to face the hinterlands dragon? Also look at my sexy new avatar :P

  • edited November 2014

    I took it out at about level 12. I recommend taking Vivienne once she gets her Knight Enchanter specialization, if you spec into it enough she can actually solo dragons.

    Also, aww yiss Leliana.

    Anyone know the recommended level I should be to face the hinterlands dragon? Also look at my sexy new avatar :P

  • I'm about 40 hours in, but haven't been doing much stuff for the main quest.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Without spoilers, how far are into the game. I haven't really seen many choices that matter. I just hit level 12 and now i can finnaly beat those stupid monsters in the hinterlands.

  • Yeah for me it was Stroud and Hawke, so not too much of a choice. But for some people...Jesus.

    I went back and saw what happens if you leave Hawke and...my god, Varric's reaction is soul-crushing.

    Ehh won't be to hard of a choice for me then lol. I guess I will probably have to choose between Loghain and Hawke. Easy choice lol

  • Yeah, that freaking dragon almost killed me with one attack. I was like

    Alt text

    And nice avatar. :)

    Anyone know the recommended level I should be to face the hinterlands dragon? Also look at my sexy new avatar :P

  • Next playthrough I do I will make it to where I have to choose between Hawke and Alistair. I want to see how sad it is :p

    Yeah for me it was Stroud and Hawke, so not too much of a choice. But for some people...Jesus. I went back and saw what happens if you leave Hawke and...my god, Varric's reaction is soul-crushing.

  • There's to much stuff to do. I don't know whether to continue exploring the hinterlands or one of the other places. All I know is I need to get plenty of power to do the main missions and Cassandra missions.

    I'm about 40 hours in, but haven't been doing much stuff for the main quest.

  • I remember the first time I saw it I ran away like ahh sh*t lol. Those dragonlings didn't help matters ethier.

    Pipas posted: »

    Yeah, that freaking dragon almost killed me with one attack. I was like And nice avatar.

  • It took me half an hour to defeat this monster. I had level 11. Also I had Iron Bull, Sera and Vivienne with me.

    Anyone know the recommended level I should be to face the hinterlands dragon? Also look at my sexy new avatar :P

  • Okay so I just spent hours in the hinterlands exploring trying to get my power up so I can do the next main mission which you need a power of 20(I'm at 14 power right now DX) and I still haven't revealed the whole map yet lol.

  • edited November 2014

    Hah, you think the Hinterlands dragon is hard. Try the one in the Storm Coast, or the Exalted Plains. The latter in particular wiped the floor with me at level 13. :S

    Tewudin posted: »

    It took me half an hour to defeat this monster. I had level 11. Also I had Iron Bull, Sera and Vivienne with me.

  • Well, being as vague as possible, a seemingly completely trivial thing I did earlier has now bitten me in the arse. BioWare's stepped up their game a bit in the choices and consequences regard.

  • Alt text

    Now I'm afraid.

    Well, being as vague as possible, a seemingly completely trivial thing I did earlier has now bitten me in the arse. BioWare's stepped up their game a bit in the choices and consequences regard.

  • I actually really liked the ending and the extended cut made it even better. And the citadel dlc was perfect.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    God no wonder i don't remember him, i never played the DLC. After Mass effect 3, i refuse to buy any DLC that company. I still angry ab

  • edited November 2014

    I love Cullen's reaction the most xD

    Cass: "Do you see this?"

    Cullen: "No."


    Flog61 posted: »

    Love it. GOTY.

  • Yeah I like it lol. I was trying to find a good Morrigan avatar(my DAO romance:)), but I couldn't find a real good looking one.

    I took it out at about level 12. I recommend taking Vivienne once she gets her Knight Enchanter specialization, if you spec into it enough she can actually solo dragons. Also, aww yiss Leliana.

  • I miss my emo witch wifey. Now I'm stuck with this Josephine bitch who I can't even understand half the time.

    Yeah I like it lol. I was trying to find a good Morrigan avatar(my DAO romance:)), but I couldn't find a real good looking one.

  • edited November 2014

    I'm slowly working my way on Cassandra lol. Only thing I hate about DAI is the male protagonist romances suck in comparison to the females. To me anyways.

    I miss my emo witch wifey. Now I'm stuck with this Josephine bitch who I can't even understand half the time.

  • Yeah, but the distaste I feel from the original ones made me stop before the assault on Cerberus' headquarters. Even though I replayed the game almost till the end, I can't go through with it, despite the fact that the endings were remade.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I heard they remade the ending for Mass Effect 3.

  • edited November 2014

    I actually really liked the ending

    You're in minority, then, a big majority of fans disliked it. I felt it was incredibly lackluster, but that's IMO.

    I actually really liked the ending and the extended cut made it even better. And the citadel dlc was perfect.

  • I understand too, i feel the same way. That ending man, i'm laughing now, but when i beat it i wasn't.

    Lingvort posted: »

    I actually really liked the ending You're in minority, then, a big majority of fans disliked it. I felt it was incredibly lackluster, but that's IMO.

  • I never said it was hard. :P I just said what took me to put him down.

    Hah, you think the Hinterlands dragon is hard. Try the one in the Storm Coast, or the Exalted Plains. The latter in particular wiped the floor with me at level 13. :S

  • Random question: What difficulty are you playing on?

  • My Dalish Elf: Normal

    My Warrior Human: Hard.

    Might go for a Qunari Rouge on Nightmare after

    Pipas posted: »

    Random question: What difficulty are you playing on?

  • LOL normal, its hard enough. I hate the potion system in this game.

    Pipas posted: »

    Random question: What difficulty are you playing on?

  • Vivienne and Cassandra

    Followers series

  • I finally beat the f**king hinterlands dragon. It took about an hour, two mages, all 8 health potions, and alot of luck, but I did it. XD

  • With a final time of 85 something hours...I've completed the game.

  • edited November 2014

    Holy shit what the fasjfdldkhasf;ldskhf;asbd;fkjbsd;fkjbsd


    With a final time of 85 something hours...I've completed the game.

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