How many stars out of 5 would you give episode 1?
I was honestly really surprised how good this was. I'd give it a 4/5
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I was honestly really surprised how good this was. I'd give it a 4/5
It was THAT fucking good!
Definitely 100%, it had me laughing really hard at some parts.
4.5/5 Damn near perfect episode
(I should get that picture of Zer0 doing that face
Loader Bot approves.
It was absolutely brilliant!
4.5 out of 5 for me!
Great cast of characters, hilarious, awesome action sequence and a lengthy episode. The whole concept of having two characters telling a story is so clever as well!
If I had to nitpick, I'd say the beginning felt a little bit slow. Also it felt like the choice timer is faster than in past telltale games? Felt like I couldn't read all the options on quite a few occasions. But like I said, nitpicking.
You haven't even played it.
5, mainly because they mixed Atlas and Handsome Jack at the end. In all honestly it was well written, fun and I died laughing several times.
You haven't even played it.
I know this, you made a thread about it.
You haven't even played it.
I know this, you made a thread about it.
You haven't even played it.
I know this, you made a thread about it.
Are you trolling?
You haven't even played it.
I know this, you made a thread about it.
Are you trolling?
Damn this glitch!
why yes of course
You haven't even played it.
I know this, you made a thread about it.
Are you trolling?
...Worst troll ever...
You really got to try harder my friend...Also how long did this three hour episode take you?
...Worst troll ever...
You really got to try harder my friend...Also how long did this three hour episode take you?
Rosemary, I know this isn't an opinion.
that was an hour ago. I bought it as soon as my question got answered. Horrible cast, story, art, i almost died laughing to hard. I hope episode 2 is better because i bought the pass.
...Worst troll ever...
You really got to try harder my friend...Also how long did this three hour episode take you?
Rosemary, I know this isn't an opinion. You are trying to troll us all, I know this...I have intuition for this type of thing.
Yes...Where the hell is my cookie!
Why ruin your experience with a play through, do it blind Rosemary, I know you want to.
Yes...Where the hell is my cookie!
Why ruin your experience with a play through, do it blind Rosemary, I know you want to.
This glitch is very annoying, the fact that it always happens to the same people is also...VERY annoying.
Yes...Where the hell is my cookie!
Why ruin your experience with a play through, do it blind Rosemary, I know you want to.
This glitch is very annoying, the fact that it always happens to the same people is also...VERY annoying.
Woo whoo you caught me. You want a cookie? I'm no troll it was just a joke. I'm watching play through right now. That's how my journey to tell tale games started
Yes...Where the hell is my cookie!
Why ruin your experience with a play through, do it blind Rosemary, I know you want to.
This glitch is very annoying, the fact that it always happens to the same people is also...VERY annoying.
It just feels more real blind though, however it is your choice, next time please don't troll.
well when i brought the walking dead it's the game that lead me to buy episode 1. I also brought poker night 2. It doesn't actually ruin the experience because i get to see others choices before i play mine
4.5 seriously, the game has me rolling on the ground laughing.
I'd give it a 4. I thought it started pretty slow, and that's not good when you don't really know or care about the story when just starting out. I thought the writing for the intro wasn't the best. It took me awhile to get into it. I thought the Loader Bot fight was over the top and too drawn out. Everything after that (mainly starting when we first saw Fiona's side of the story) was a little brilliant though.
5/5. It perfectly balanced out comedy, a compelling story, and some of the best action scenes I've ever seen Telltale do.
4/5. It had a very weak start (despite the Brock Samson cameo). Felt very unnatural, the animations were stiff and unpolished, there were a lot of graphical errors... But strangely enough? The rest of it was freaking awesome. No complaints.
loader bot:(
I'd hate to give it a 5/5 because I want to leave some room just incase I like another episode even more. So I would give it a 4.9/5.
it was surprisingly well done and for someone who has never played borderlands I really loved it.
I know very little about the borderlands universe, but this was simply brilliant. It told me what I needed to know and from what I've heard, tells a far better way of doing it while telling us it's own story. I wasn't sure how this and Got would work, but now I'm looking forward to seeing more of both.
Just from watching it alone 5/5, it looks like a lot of fun and the humor is awesome _
I knew you would.
Minus one star for the mouse lagginess.
Minus another star for lack of proper keyboard support.
Minus another star for a story that tells you two tales and confuses you in the process.
Plus one star for the good length of the episode.